HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 304 r yOG� DAi.�.AGL Pi'..�.VEN1'.iON O�wINAt�CE A2TTCLE I C���'�,� �� � ' STATUTGc2Y �U�fiORIZATiON, FINDINGS 0� FACT, �URPOSE AND METFiODS SECTION A. ST.4TUTORY AUTHORIZATION WHiREAS , the Legislature of the Sta�e of Texas has , in the iexas Water Code , delegated the responsibility to local governmenta� units to adop� ,:egulatior�s designed to minimize flood losses , Iv'OW, T:EREFOR� , BE IT 0:'2DAI�ED BY THE Ci^lY OI' FRIE\DSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS : S::C�ION B. rli�Jl�I��1GS 01% F�iCT (1) The iiood hazard areas of tize City of Friendswood 3r.? S:iUjE'CL" t0 j�L.ilOCi1.0 1IILIIG''a"`L�.6i1 Wf11Ci. "L2Si2�.1`.s Zi1 ZGSS Of liie a,� �ronerty, hcaltl�. arid safety nazai�J, d�srup�ion - of co:u.�c�ce aad �overr.�:en�a� SGLV1Cl1J i und ext�.-a.o��:inary pu�iic e�:;enditures io� ��ood protec;:ion a:.� :.eiie�, a�l o� wh�cY� adversely affect the public h�uith, sa�:e�� ar�d general we1=a-�e. (2) Th���: flood l�sses ura c-reste� by t?�e cu:�u.�a��ive eifect Of OvS'�"L'uCLAO�cS liZ ii00t'1 D1�i1RS GJ.aiC13 CSllSE 8:1 iI1C�C3SC' 1.II flood l�e���i:ts a:z� vela;.iries, and by the oc:.a;�ancy or rlooa hu•.:a-rd ar��us �y uses vulnerable to Lloods ar_:: i�azardous to other 14�::s because tY:�y are inadeqLa;:e�y elevated, flood- proofed, o� otheYwise �rofiected fron flood c14�a�e. SECTION C. ST���'�1��VT OF PJ''�l'GSE I� is t�1e pu�po5e ot tizis orcin.��ce to nromote �r:e publ.ic health, safety aizd ger,eial welf�-re and �o mir�i��ze �ubiic a��ci p�ivate losses due to =1ood condi�ions �n specific areas by provisions desigr,ed to: (1) To p-ro�ect i:w-�an i.if� and health; (2) To nLr.i;aize ez�en�iture of pub?ic money for cos�iy fiood con��ol p-rojects; (3} 10 �.�ni�ize �he need ia-r rescue and -rel�ei efforts 4ssociated with �looding uL.d ge�.erally uacier�adcen at tr,e e:cpense oi t:�e general puuiic; (4) To r.,��i�ize prolonged business i�.�er-rup�ions; (5) T� :;.i�:i�ze dam�:ge �o publzc �ac�lit�`s 4rL4 utilities suc7 as ::�.rer anG bas r;.a�.^.s, e'l�ctric, tei°phone �r.c� sewer lires, s�ree�s and bridges icc4�eci i:� 11ood �lains; t6) To l�e�p maintai.x a sta�le tax b.�se by acov�ding for the sound use and develo�:ner:. oi flood-prone are4s ir. sucn a naaner �s to r�ini�i�e �u�ure flood blibn� ar�.as; ar.d, (7) To ir.sure the potential buye-�s u�e noLi�ied that property is in a flooc area. �... '1C F _ . ; .. ' . . . . . . .1 . SECTION D. N�'THODS OF REDUCING �4LOOD LOSS�S In order to accomplish its purposes, this ordinance uses the following methods: (1) Res�rict or prohibit uses th�t are dangerous to health, ' safety or property in times oi flood, or cause excessive increases in flood 'neights or velocities; (2) Require that us2s wlr.erai�le to fioo�s, including facilities which serve sucn uses, be �rotected againsi flood damuge at the time of initial cor,struction; (3) Control the alterazior. of natural rlood plains, stream channeis, and nati:ral p�otective barrie�s, which are involved in the accomodation of flood wat�rs; (4) Cor.z•rol ril.linr, g,ading, dredgi:�g and ocher develop:,;ent which may increase iloon ua�«age; (5) Prevent or reguiate �:ze conszruc'�ion of �lood barriers whicn will unnaturally di�ert flood waters or which may increase flood hazards to othe� lands. ARTiCLi 2 DiFINiTIONS U:�less specific�lly defined belo��, words or phrases used in this ordinance shuil be interp•reted �o give the�n tne mea.�ir.g they have in co:�:aon usage and to give this ordinance its most �`asor�able applica- tion. AppeaZ--means a request for a review of ;,ne Frie:�dswood Flood Insur- ai�ce Admir��trator's 's inr.erpretatior. of any provisions o= tY�is ordinance or a request for a va-riance. Ar2a Of ShaZZo�v FZooding--means a ciesignated AO Zone on a communit1's �lood 1riSliiv.ce Rate �an (r IR.:) �vith base flood deptns irom one to three ieet. This condition occurs where a clearly deiined char.nel does not exist, where tize patn of flooding is unpredictable and indetermina-ce, and where velocity flow may be evident. Area Of SpeciaZ r"?ood Hazard--is tne lund in tne flood plain within a com-nur.ity sui�ject to a one percent o-r grea-ter cnance of flooding in any given year. Base r�Zood--means the flood having a or,e percent cnance of being equalled or exceeded in any given year. 2C .. ! �• ' � , , ' . ' - " � � DeveZoprnent--means any man-�ade change to imprcved or unia.proved real estate, including but r.ot limited to buildinos or other structures, mining, dred;ing, �illing, gr�d�ng, paving, excavation or driil�ag operaions. Existirg h1op2Ze Home Park Ot� ��IobiZe Home Subdivision--neans a parcel (or co:�tiguous parcels) or land divided into two or more mobiie home lots ior re;zt or sale for which tne construction or" iacilities �or servicing t:e iot on wnich the �obile home is to be afrixed (including, a� a minimum, tne installatioa of utiiiti�s, either finul si*e gradir.g or the pouri.n; o� concrete pads, and trie constrLCtion of streets) is compleLed before the effective date of �his ordinance. ��arsion To .Sn Exis�iny ��IobiZe Home Park Or MobiZe Home Subdivision--.r.eans the preparacion of �c�ditior�l sites by the constructioL: of fucilities Lor servicir.g t�z� iots on wi-iich the r�obiie iZO�`s are to be ai�ixed (ir�.cludir�� i..ze installa��c:: of utiiities, either final site ;raciing or pouring of co:.crete pads, or the constructior� oL streets) . FZoo� Or FZooding--means a gene-�al and temporary condition of- partial or co,�plete inundatio:t of no�-�aally dry land areas fro�a: (1) ii�e overflow of inl.and or tidal waters. (2) T..e ur.usuai �rld rupid accumulation or runoff of surface wa�ers from a:.y source. FZood Insu�~�ance Ra�e Map (FT?u1i--neans aa official map or a corsmun�ty, ori which the ied�.�al Insurunce Ada�inis�ration has delir.ea�ed both the areas of speciai iiooc hazards and the risk premium zones GpFlicable to the cor�.zu.Zi�y. FZood Insur�;nce Stud�--is the oificial �e�ort vrov�.ded by the Federal �r.surance �dm,�nis�cation. The report contains =1ood profiles, �;ze water surface elevation o:. the base flood, as well as the Flood Hazard Boundary-F�ooaza�y �.ap. Han2ta'ole FZoor--mea.�s uny Lloot usab�c for Iiv�r.�; purposes, �wnich ir.ciudes working, sieepin�, eating, coulc-�r.g or recreation, or a combination thereof. A tloo� used for storage pu��oses only is no� a "habitable iloar". . Mean Sea Leve?--means the average hei;ht or the se� for all stages of the tide. MoniZe Home--means a structure, trarspo-rtable in one or more sectiozs, which is buiit on a permancnt chussis and designed to be used wit: or witnout a permanent roundatioa whea connected to the required utilities. I� does not include recreational veh�cles or travel tr�ii�rs. Neu� MobiZe Hom,e Park Or MobiZe ��ome Stwd2v2sion--r�eans a parceZ (or contiguous purceis) of lana dividcd �nto two or �ore mobiye home lots iar �ent or sale fo-r w..ic� the co.zstruc�ion ot iacilit�es ior servicing the Iot on wnich the mobile ho�ae is ��o be aii:ixed (inciuci�n�, at a minimum, the �:.stalia�ion of utilities, eithe-r final si�e grading or the pou-rin; oT concrete pads, anci the construction oi streets) is completed on or after the efr"ective da�e of this ordinance. 3C Start Of Cons�ruction--r4ea�s the firs� placement of permanent construction of a structure (other �:zan a mobile home) on a site, such as the poulin� of siabs or Lootir.gs or any work oeyond the sca�e of excavation. Permanent construction does not iaclude land preparation, such as clearino, brading, and filling; nor does it iaclude the installatio� of streets and/or walkw�ys; no: does it include excavztion for a basement, �ootings, pie-rs or founda�ions or the erection of temporary iorms; nor does it include the installation on t:e property • of accessory buildings, sucn as garages or sn�ds not occupied as �welling units or aet as part of the main structure. For a structure (other than a mobil� nor,.e) wi�hout a basenent or poured footings, the "start of cons;.ructio:�" iacludes the first per:nar.er,� fra:ning or asse�:bly or the structu-re o� any part t�ereor on its piling or foundatio.z. Fcr mobiie homes r.ot wit;ir� a ;o�ile nome park or r�obile hou.e subdivision, "start o� construction" m�ans the sffixing of the robile hone to i.ts pe•rmanen� sit�. For ' mobiie ho�e� within mobile houe parics or mobiie nome subdivisions, "start oi construc�ion" is rhe date o� which �iie mobiie nome is t0 be afil��� �includin;, 3'� n iIl11Z141'4IRy thZ COIlSi.T'llC�lOR Gf streets, eiti:er tinai site orading o-r the pourir.g of concrete �aas, and i�st�llation of utilities) is completed. St��ucture--reans a wal�ed and roofed buildino tna� is principaily above ground, as well as a mobile ho::ie. SttastantiaZ Im�rovement--a:eans ar.y repair, reconstruction, or inproves,ent oi 4 structure, the cost o� whi�h equals or e:�ceeds 50 percent oi the market value oi �he structure eitY�,e�, (i) before the in,�Love��lent or repair i.s started, or (2) if �h� structure has i�eea d�na6ed and is being restored, before �he cia.nu;e occurred. ror �he nu-rposes of this defir.ition "substa.3tial is.prove�ent" is corisidered to occur wne.-� the first altetation ot ar.y o�ail, ceiling, floor, OT O��Er Si.illCtllY'�i.l part Of ��'i�.' �lillCil:lo COtiuuu'1C�S� whether OT 110t not tha� al�e�ation ariECts tne external dzmensions of the structure. The �e�-m does r.ot, however, inclu�e ei�her (1) any pro;;ec�s for i�provement of a structure to comply WZt17 ZXZ$�Zrib �JtGl.e. �i 10�.'Gal Zt�c3lt.l�i� JGi11�c�.ry� �r safety code speci�ications w:�iciz are solely necessary to assure �safe living conditions, or (2) any �.lteratior,s of a str�cture list2d on the Nation�l Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory ot Historic Places. Variance--is a gran� of reliet to a peLson �-ro:a t:ze requirements of this o�dirance when specific enforce�ent would result in unnecess4ry hardship. A variance, therefore, per�►its construction or deve�opment in a manner otherwise pronibited by this ordinance. ARTICLE 3 GE:tERAL PROVISIONS SECTION A. LANDS TO ;+�HICH Tc1IS ORDINANCE APPLIES This ordinance shall apply to a11 areas of spec�al flood hazard wit;in the jurisdiction of the City of Friendswood SECTION B. BASIS r^OR ESTABLISHING THE AREAS OF SPECIAL FLDOD HAZ�iRD. 4C The are�s of special floou hazard identified �y the Federal Insura:3ce Admiaistration in a scientizic and , engineering �eport entitled "The Flood Ir.surance Study for the City of Friendswood ," dated Ju1y, i974 � with accompar.ying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood fiazard Boundary-Floodway Maps and any revisioa thereto are hereby adopted by refere:zce and declared to be a part of tnis ordinance. SECTION C. GSTABLISHidENT OF D�✓ELOPMENT PEP,I�IIT A Developnen� Permit shall be required to ensure coaformance with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION D. COMPLIANCE \o structure or land shall hereafte-r be Iocated, altered, o-r have its use changed without fuil compliance wi�h the �erms oL this ordir.ance and other applicable regulations. SECTION E. �.BROGATION AND GREATER RESIRICTIOPJS iizis ordinance is not intended to repeal, auroQate, or - impair any e:listing 2SS0ICiER�S� covenar.ts, or deed res�rictior.s. However, where �his ordinancc and another conflict or overlap, whicheve-r inposes the more stringent resLrictioas sha11 prevail. SiCTION F. INTERPRETATION • In the i,zterpre�ation and application af this orainance, a11 provisior.s snall be: (1) considered as minis�um requ�rements; (2) liberally constructed in favor of the gover�ing body; an3 (3) deemed neither to li��t nor repeal any other powers granted under State statutes. S�CTION G. GJARNING AND DISCLAII�IER OF LIABILITY The de�ree o� flood protection requiren by tr:is oruinance is considered reasonabie for regulatory purposes and is basecl on scientific and engineer�n; considera�ions. Ori �are occasions greater floods can and wili occur and fiood hei�nts may be increased by man-made or natural causes. 2his ordinance does aot imply that land outside the areas of special flood 'nazards or uses perriitted within such areas will be iree from fiood�ngs or ilood damages. Tnis ordi:ance shail not create liability aa the part of the City of I'rieadstiaood or any officer o� er�ployee tnereoi Eor ar.y flood damabes tha�c �esult from reliance on th�s ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully �aade thereunder. �TICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION SECTION A. DESIGNATIOPI OF FLOOD INSliR!�NCE ADi1i.11ST12ATOR The City Manager or his �ent is hereby appointed to administer and implement the provisions of this ordinance: 5C SEC�ION B. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE AD'��ZI�TISTF�ATOR. (ZocaZ administ-rator> Duties and responsibilities of the Administrator shall . include, but not be limited to: (1) Main�ain and hold open fo•r pubZic inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this ordir�ance; (2) Review, �pprove or deny a11 applications for development � permits required by Article 3, Section C of ��is ordinance; (3) Review �ermits for proposed deveiopnent �o assure that aIl necessary penaits have been obtained from those Federal, State or local goverr.men�al agencies from whicr� prior approval is required; (4) Where in�erpretation is needed as to the axact location of the bou:�daries of the areas of specia� fload hazards (for example, wnere there appears to be a conflic� Ue�wecn a map�ed bou:�dary and actual field conditions) the Administr_ator shall make tr.e necessary interprei.ation. The person co�Ltes�ing the loca�ion of the boundary snall be given a reasonabie opportunity to appeal the �ntarpretation as provided in Sec�ion D (2) of this Article. (S) Notify adjacent communi�ies and t�e lexas Department of �,�ater Resources prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, ana suomit evidence of such notificatian to the Federal Insurance Admir.istration; (6) Assure that nainten�.nce is provided witi:i.-! the altered or relocated portion o= said watercourse so that th�: flood carrying capacity is no� diminisheci; (7) Whea oase flood elevation data has no� be`n p-rovided in accordance wi�h Article 3, Section B, t'r.e �dministrato-r shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize �.ny base flood •elevation data available from a Federul, State, or other source, in order to ad�,inister the provisio�7 of Article 5. (8) Require until a regulatory floodwuy is designated, that no new coast�uction, substantiai i�provements, c� oth�r develop�ent (inc.luding f�ll) shall be per�i��ed within Zor.es A1-30 on the community's FI�i, unless it is demonstrated t:za� the cumuiative effect of the proposed development, w�en conbined w�th all. other existing and ancicipated development, wiil nct increase the water surface elevation of the base fiood more than one foot at any point within t'r.e comraunity. SECTION C. PERl1IT PROCEDURES (1) Applicatifln for .a �Development Permit shal� Le presented to tne Adminis�rator on forn��s turnis�.e� by him und may include, but not be limi�ed to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions, and elevation or proposed landscape al�erations, eYistir�g and proposed st-ructures, and the location of the foregoino in relation to areas oi special f�ood hazard. Additionally, the tollawing information is required: nC r . a. Elevation in relation to �ean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement) of all proposed structures; . b. Elevation in relatio:z to mean sea level to which any non-residential structure shall be floodproofed; c. � certificate from a registered professional engineer or architect that the non-residential tloodproofed structure shall meet the floodproofing criteria of Article S, Section B (2) ; d. Description o� the extent to which any watercourse or.r.atural dra�nage will be altered or relocated as a � resu�t of proposed development. (2) Approval or denial oi a Developmen� Permit by the Administrator shaZl be b4sed on all of the provisions of t'r��s or�inance a�Ld the following relevar.t factors: � a. T:.e danger to lile and property due to flooding or erosion damage; b. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the efiect of such damage on the individual owner; c. The danger that materials muy be swept onto other iands to tt-.e �njury of others; d. The compatibility of the proposed use witlz existing and aaticipated develop�ent; e. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary ar�d er�ergency vehicles; f. �;�e costs of providing goverr.mental services durin; and after tlood conditicas includin� maintenance . and repair of streets ar.d briddes, and puuiic utilities . and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems. g. The expected heignts, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sedi�ent transport of the x"lood wat�rs and tne effects of wave action, if appiicable, expected at the site; h. The necessity to �he facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; i. 1he availability of alternative loc�tions, not subject to flooding or erosion da�age, for the proposed use; j. Tne relationship of the pcoposed use to the comprehensive �lan for that area. SECTION D. VARIANCES PROCEDURES (1) The Board of Adiustment as established by 7C the Ci�,v o� Frlendswood shali hear and render judgement on requests ior v�riunces f-rom the requiremeats of this ordinance. (2} The Boa-rd of Adjustment shall hear ar�d render judgement on an appeal only wnen it is alleeed there is an error in any requiremer.t, decision, or c:etermination �ade by the Actmi_nistrator in t:�e enforcement or administr�tion of tnis ordinance. (3) Any person or perscns aggrieved by tne decision of the � ,� d o� Ada_us}?�Pnt may appeai sncr� decision in t,ze coLrts of competent jurisdictioa. (4) The Admir�istra.tor s:�all maintain a record of al.l ac��ions involving an a�A281 and shall report variances to the Federal Insurance �,�cministration upon request. (5) Va-:-iar.ces rsay be i5sued for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restotatioa of s�ructures i�.s�ed on t�7e Natior.al Register o� I:istor�c Places or the State Inven�ory of Historic Places, without re�ard to the procedures set forth in the remainder ot this section. (6) Ge:�erally, variances may be �ssued for rYew construc�ion and subs�antial iraprovemenL-s to be erected on a lat oi cne-hal� acre or less in size con�iguous to ar.d su�rounded by �ots wi�.� existinG s�ructures constructed below t'r�e base �lood level, proviaing tna relevant factors in Section C (2) of this Art�cle h4ve bee:� fully considered. As i.he lot size izcreases beyond the one-rialf acre, the technical justiiication required for issuir.g the variance increases. � , (7) Upor, consideration of the factors a�tec� above and the intent oi �nis ordiaance, the Board of Ad-iustnent may attach sucn conditions �o �he grantin; of variances as it deems necessary to furtl�er the purpose and objectives of this ordinance (Article i, Sections C ar.d t�) . �5) Variances shall not be issued within �zy designated floodway ir any increase in flood ievels dliring the base flood dischar�e would result. (9) Prerequisites for granting variances: a. Variances shaZl only be issued upon a detei�nination that the variance is t;e minimun necessary, considering the flood 'nazard, to aiford relief. b. Variances sh�.il only be issued upon (i) a snowing o� good and sufiic�eizt cause, (ii) a determination that �ailu�e to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant, ar.d (iii) a deternination that the granting of a variar�ce will not $C • . � • . result in �ncre�sed flood heights, ac:ditionul threats to public safe�y, ex�traordi..ary public exlense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimizatior. of the public, or conilict with exis�ir�g locai laws or orciinances. c. Any applicant to w'nom a variance is granted shall be given wri'�ten notice that the st-ructuLe wili be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation no more than two feet below the :�ase �1ood eleva�ion, and that the cost of flood ir,surance will be conmensurate with the � increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor elevation. ARTZCi.E 5 PROVISIOiVS FOR FLOOD HAZAt� P..:D'JCT10N Sc.CTION A. GEIVGRAL STANDARD5 Ia all areas os special flood 'r.Gzards the fol.lowin� provisions are required: (Z} All new conszruction and substantial im�rovertents s:all be anchored to prevent flotation, colla�se or lateral movenent of trie structure; (2) All new constructio:� or sl:UUstar:tial improvemen�s shall be constructed by methods and practices �i:at minimize flood damage; (3) Al1 naw construction or substantial im�rovem�nts shall be constructea witn r�a�erials and utiiity equipment resistan� �o flood da�nage; (4) All :.ew and replacement water supply systems sna11 be designed to mini:nize or eliminate infili�ration of fload waters into the system; (5) New and replacement sani`ary sewage sys�ems shall be , designed to rnznimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into tne system and discharqes from ti.e systems into flood waters; and, (6) On sii:e waste disposal systems shail be iacated to avoid impairment to the�r� or contamination frcm them during f�ooding. SECTION B. 5PECIFIC STANDARDS In all areas o� special flood 'nazards where base fiood elevation data ;as been provided as set forth in (i) Article 3, Section B, (ii) Article 4, Section B, (7} , or (iii) Article 5, Section D, (2) the following provisions are required: (�) Residential Construction - New Construction or s�- stan-cial improvement of any residential structure sha11 have the lowest floor, :.ncluding base:nen�, elevated to or ai�ove the bGse ilood elevation. A registere� prof2ssional engineer, archiLect, or land surveyor shall submi�t a 9C ' • . � . , � , , certi�ication to t;�e Administrator that t:�e standard of t�11S SllbS�Ctl011� as proposed in Article 4, Section C (i) (a) , is satis�ied. (2) No.-rasider�tial Cor�structior. - New Construction or substantial i�provement o= any co�lercial, iadustrial or othe'r no:.-residential structure shail either nave the lowest floor, includirLg basement, elevated to the Ievei of the base flood eievation o., together with attenden� utility and saaitary facilities, be �loodproofed so thut beiow the oase flood ievel tize str;�c�ure is wa�er tigt-.t witt�i walls sub- s�antiaLly impermeabie to the passage o� �aac�� and with structur•41 compo:zents having the capabillcy of res�sting hydrosta�ic a.�d hydredynaaic louds and 2i��c�s ot buoyancy. A registered proress�onal er.gir.eer or arc:itect shai 1 submit a certi�ica�ioa to �he �dministrutor t.�at the s�andards of this subsec�ion as proposed in Article 4, Section C (1) (c) , are satisiied. (3) N`io�iie Hores - a. No mobile home sha�l be placed in a flood;aay, or if upp:iica�Ie, a coastal riigh hazard area, .except in an exis�ing mobiie ho�ae park or existing mob�le home suUdivision. b. A�� r�obile ho;;�es snall be ar.c:.ored to resist flotatior., collapse, or lateral �ovement. Specific require��ents shall be: (i) over-tne-top ties at each oi t:�e �ou.: co�r.�rs of t'r.a �obile home, �aith two additional ties per side �t ir�termediate IOCatlOI1S' and r,�o�i�'�' i10i��::S iE.'SS than 50 reet loag requiring o:.e additionai tie pe-r side; (ii) frai:e ties at each corner o� the home with five ' additional ties per side at intermediuce points anct mobile homes less :.han 50 feet loizg requiring four adnitional ties per side; (iii) all componen�s of the aizchoring system be capable of carryino a force oi 4,300 pounds; (iv) any additior.s to the mob�le hocae ba si�ilarly anchored. c. ror ne�-� mobile home parks and subdivisions; for e:�pansions to e.�isti�g mobile ho�e pa�ks ar�d subdivisions �or existin� robile hoTe parks ard suudivisions where tne repair, recoastruction or i�provemer�t ot tne s�reets, utilities and pa�s ecuals or excceds 50 pe-rcer.� of value of the streets, utllities and pads befo�e tne repair, reconstruction or irsprovement has co� �er.ced; ar�d for mobile hou-�es not placed in a mobiie home nar� or subciivision require: (i) star.ds or lots are eleva�eu on co::i�zcted fill or or. pilings so that tne lowest iloor oz �he raobile home will be at or above the �ase flood levei. A registered professional er�giaeer, arcnitect, or laad su-rveyor lOC � .�.. ` . _ . ' _ - � , . • �. . � - shall submit a certilication to t:�e Administrator that the standard of this . paragraph complies with Sectior. B(i) af �his Article. (ii) adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler are provided; and, (iii} in the instance of elevation orL pilings: (1) lots a�e laroe en�ugn to percnit steps, (2) piling foundations are placed in stnJl.2 soil no rr.ore than ten feet apart, and (3} reinforcement is provided for pi�ings more tha;z six feet above the oround level. SECTiON C. ST.�IJDARDS FOR AREAS OF SHALLOW FLOODING (AO ZONES) Loca�ed �aithin the a-reas of s�ecial flood hazarc: extablished in Article 3, Sectioa B are areas desi;nat`d as s.��ilow flood�.ng. t;�xese areas have s�ecial ilood hazards 4s�ocia;:ed wit:� base flood d�pths o� i to 3 fec�� whe-re a clearly defined cnannel does not exist an� wnere the pa�;. of floodir.� is unp-redictabie and indeterminate; thereFore, the following provisions apply: (1) All new cozstruc�ion and substa..tial irr.�roveraents oi resider.iial structures shall Ytave t:�e lowest floo::, includir.b basement, eTevate� above the croc�rn oi t'r.e nearest stLeet to or a�ove the depth nc�-nber specified on the co�un�.ty`s r I&�i. (2} All r.ew construction srad substantial yrr�provements of nonresi�ential structures shall: (i) Have the low,�s� iloor, includir.� basemeni., elevated 18" above ihe crown of the nearest street or above the depth number specified cr� the r IR:2, or; (1i) 1ogethe� wi�h acteadant utili�y ar�d sanit�.ry �acilities be comple�eiy floodprooied �o or above that Ievel so thut any space below ti-.at ievei is watertight with wal.ls substantially impermeable �o the passage of ' � water and wit1: structural components having the capsbi�i�y of r�sisting hydros�atic and i:ydrodynanic loads aad effects of buoyancy. (3) A re;istered professional engineer or architect shall submit a certification to the Adm:�nistrator that the standards of this Sectior., as proposed in Article 4, Section C (1) (a) , are sati.sfied. SECTION D. STAl1DARDS FOR SUBDIT/ISION PROPOSALS (I) Al1 subdivision proposals shall be consistent with Article 1, Sectiozs B, C, and D of �nis ordinance. (2) bL.l proposals for t:�e develo�rseat o� subd:visions snall meet Development Pe-rmit requirements or Article 3, Section C, Article 4, Section C, and the provisions of Article S of this ordinance. 11C • , t (3) Base rlood elevation data sh�Il be provided for subdivision proposals and other proposed development which is greater than the iesser ot 50 �ots or S acres, if not otherwise provided pursuant to Article 3, Section B or A�ticle 4, Section B(7) of this ordinance. (4) All subdivision proposals shail have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flo�d hazards. (5) AI1 subdivision proposals shall have public utilities aad facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. " ARTICLE 6. REPEALING CLAUSE All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict, hereby repealed. ARTICLE 7. SEVER[�BILITY CLAUSE If any word, pnrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, subsection, part, or portion of this ordinance shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction upon finul judgement to be invalid or uncon- s�i�utional, it shall not afiect, impair, or invalidate this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part so declared to be invalid or unconstitu�ional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passeci each and every part of the same notwiLhstanding the omission or any such part so declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this the �day' of_11 l/ , 1978. PASSED AND APPROVED on secor.d reading this the�day of � , 1978. , �-� PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on third reading tnis the� day of _� , 1978. `��� ���� Ralph . Lowe, Mayor ATTEST: � � � { ��-t CiLy Secretary � APPROVED AS TO FO t.�-� ��►-._----i ity Attorney 12C