HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 249 ORDINANCE NO. 249 A.N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE A.SSESSMENT, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A,D VA.LOR.EM TAxES FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXA,S, FOR THE YEA,R. 1975 A,ND FOR EA,CH YEA.R THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVIDED; A.ND RE- PEA,LING A.LL ORDINA.NCES A.ND PA.R.TS OF OR.DINA,NCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH �;: �: ,: .,, WHEREA.S, the Budget of the City of Friendswood for the fiscal year 1975-1976 has been adopted; and WHEREA.S, certain revenues from sources other than ad valorem taxes will be available for a portion of the expenditures in such Budget; and WHEREA.S, ad valorem taxes sha11 be levied and collected to provide the additional revenues necessary to meet the remaini.ng portion of such expenditures; now, therefore, in accordance with such Budget and pursuant thereto, BE IT ORDA.INED BY THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STA,TE OF TEXA.S: Section 1. A,11 property subject to ad valorem taxation by the City of Friendswood shall be equally and uniformally assessed for such purposes at sixty (60) percent of the full cash market value of such property. The action of the Tax A.ssessor establishing such assessment ratio is hereby in all things adopted, ratified, and confirmed. Section 2. There is hereby levied for general purposes for use by the City of Friendswood for the year 1975, and for each year thereafter until otherwise provided, an ad valorem tax at the rate of eighty-seven cents ($. 87) on each One Hundred Dollaxs ($100. 00) of assessed evaluation on all property, real, personal, and mixed, within the corporate limits upon which an ad valorem tax is authorized by law to be levied by the City of Friendswood, and upon all franchises of all individua].s and corporations holding franchises from the City. The proceeds from such tax shall be applied to the payment of the general and current expenses of the governxnent of the City, including payment of any obligations for which taxes are not levied by another section hereof and for the payment for which provision is not otherwise made. A.11 such taxes shall be asses�ed and collected in current money of the United States of A,merica. Section 3. For the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payxnent of the bonded indebtedness and the cer- tificates of obligation of the City of Friendswood, including the various installments of pri.ncipal due on the serial bonds a,nd the certi.ficates of obligation issued by the City of Friendswood as such installments shall be respectively mature, and for the purpose of repaying any sums borrowed in anticipation of current revenues for use in the payment of bonds and certificates of obligation and interest thereon maturing in the fiscal year 1975-1976, and for the purpose of paying interest and making provisions for the sinking fund on such other bond issues and certificates of obligation as may be authorized, and is hereby ].evied for the year 1975, and for each year thereafter until otherwise provided, to be assessed and collected upon a11 property and franchise described in Section 1 of this ordinance, an annual ad valorem tax at the rate of thirty-three cents ($. 33) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) of assessed eva].uation. --2- Section 4. A,11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith axe hereby repealed. PA,SSED A.ND A.PPROVED on first reading this 15th day of September, 1975. PASSED A.ND A.PPROVED on second reading this 29th day of September, 1975. PA.SSED A.ND A,PPROVED on third and fi.nal reading this 13th day of October, 1975. � �� —, �` v�-z..t!�-e-- MA.YOR A,TTEST: ���� .� City Secretary A,PPR.OVED A.S TO FOR.M: City A.ttorney �3�