HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 242 ORDINANCE NO.=� '�� AN ORDINFlNCE (1F THF CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS(�IOOD, TF;�A�, PRFSGRiBiNr- RFSIDENTIAL I'ND CQMMERCIAL RATES TO BE CHARr.,ED BY C�M!�UNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FOR S.ALE QF ELECTRI- CITY WITHIN TNE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AN� REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWQOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . The rates set forth in the attached schedules marked Exhibit "A" for the residential and commercial service, which said Exhibit is made a part of this ordinance for all purposes, are hereby established as the rates to be charged h,y Community Public Service Company for the sale of electric service for residential and commercial service within the City of Friendswood, Texas. Said rates shall be effective on all billing made for meter readings after the passage and approval of this ordinance. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are herebv repealed. PASSED �N FIRST READING this 7th day of April , 1975. PASSED ON SECOND READING this 21st day of April , 1975. PASSED, APPROVED AND FINALLY ADOPTED 0�! THIRD READING this the 16th dav of June , 1975, '•� •��,'+''T���°A'� ,�' �► ... ,' // f, " � ��[, {��1� � � � � j � a � ,� z Mayor � ' ~ '�.� ' �- . ; x � ` . ,fl�'TES7Ly' : � _ }. , • ` y �, ; , -. � � . ^,�... ' 4��t.-�. �f ,;r�,�,.c'-. ���a ty Secretary APPROVED AS TQ FORM: City Attorney . " RATE SCHEDULE COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. EFFECTIVE SOUTHEAST DIVISION RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Available for Residential customers in single family dwellings and in flats and apart- ments separately metered by the company for single or three phase (where three phase facilities are adjacent to property served), 60 hertz, 120J240 volt alternating current. Not applicable to resale in whole or in part, temporary, breakdown, stand-by or seasonal service, nor to hotels, or apartment houses where more than one apartment is measured through one meter or any location where business is regularly conducted, nor to single phase motors in excess of 7%z horsepower individual capacity. m Monthly Rate e < � � � Bi11in�Months of May through October Billin�; Months of Novernber throu�!h April �2.00 net which includes 20 KWH $2.00 net which includes 20 KWH 3.8� net per KWH for next 80 KWH 3.8� net per KWH for next g� KWH 2.7� net per KVJH for next 100 KWH 2.7e� net per KWH for next 100 KWH 2.2� net .per KWH for all additional 2.2� net per KWH for next 500 KWH KWH 1.65�net per KVJH for all additional KWH Ad�ustments � PLUS the proportionate part of any present and/or new tax, or increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and federal and/or state tax on net income, levied or assessed against the company or for increases upon its electric business, a� the result of any present and/or new or amended laws after January 1, 1975, and/or the application of tax adjust- ment clauses in company's purchase power agreements in Brazoria and Galveston Counties. Plus or mimis an amount calculated on the KWH used at the rate of 0.0116 mill per KWH for each 0.1¢ change in the average cost of fuel burned to the company ana/or company's power supplier during the second month preceding the billing montti, at�ove or below 49.8e� per million }3TU and/or the application of any increase in the base cost of purchase power after July 1, 1.975. Minimum Bill �2.00 net per month. Special Terms Subjeet to the company's terms and conditions for the sale of electric and Conditions service. ,�... ' • ItATE SCHEDULE � COlVIiVII1NITY PUBLIC SEKVICE CU. EFFEC�rIV� SOtiTHEAST DI�'ISION GFNERAL SERVICE A�licable to All alternating current electrie service when all service is taken through one meter at a single point af delivery. Flourescent lighting, Neon signs, or othe,r equipment with similar load characteristics shall have installed, by the customer in connectior� there�vith, auxiliaries or other means to correct the power factor of such equipment to not less than 90% lagginn. Not a��plicable to resale, in whole or in part, temporary, break- dowr7, or stand-Ly serviee. ; ��e of Servicc; Single or three pha�<�, 60 hert.L, 120/240 vol�t or any available primary � voltage. Service rna�r also be furnishecl at 208, 4II0, or 2400 volt �chen � � spe�.cial arran�;ements are made in advanre with company. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilizatiori voltage wit4i one standard type meter, it will be measured at � primarv voltage. Montl�ly Rate �2.00 net which i►iclude5 20 KWH 3.$� net per K�VH for next $0 KWH 3.6� net �er KWH for next 500 KVJH � �3.1� net per KWH for next 400 KWH � 2.0� net per K1U�-I for next 3,000 KWH 1.6� net per I�1�rH for next 3,000 KWH L3� n��t ��er Tt��%H for all a��ditional KWH � �For loads in eXCess of 5 K�r estalylished durin the current month, add 200 KWH `" � per IL� for the first I5 K�' (6 to 20 KI�V) an� 100 KtiVH per K�' of load for all ad��itional KW (21 KW an�� over). Atljustinents PLUS the proportionate part of any present and/or ne.w tax, or � increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and federal andlor stat� tax on net income) levied or assessed agairist the company or for increases upon its eleetric business, as the � result of any present and/or ne�v or amended laws after ,January l, 1975, and/or the ap�lication of tax adjiistnient clauses in company's purchase power agreements iin I3razoria ar�d Galveston Counties. � Plus or minus a❑ amount calculated on the KWH used at the rate of , 0.0116 mill per KWH for each O.l� change in the average cost of fuel }.�urned to the � compariy and/or compatiy's power supplier durin� the second month precedirig the 4 I l,illing month, aUove or below 49.8� per million BTU and/or the application of any increase i�i the 1�ase cost of p�ircliase power after .July l, 1975. 1 ; Load The, KW supplied duririn the 15-minute period of maximum use during ; the month. i � Nlinimum I�ill �2.00 net per month plus �12.00 per KVA, in e.xcess of 10 KVA, Irequired to satisfy customer's service requirements for the next 24 consecutive m�>nthly billing periods. � Special Terms Subject to the company's terms and conditions for the sale of electric �� and Conditi�ns service. i �I l