HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 233-E ORDINANCE N0. 233-E A.N ORDINA.NCE ESTA.BLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; DESIGNA.TING THE POLLING PLA.CES IN EA.CH SUCH PRECINCT; A.ND DECLA.RING A.N EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDA.INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STA.TE OF TEXA.S: Section 1. There shall be two Election Precincts in the City of Friendswood for the conduct of municipal elections. Said City Election Precincts are hereby established and described as follows: (a) City Election Precinct No. 56-60 shall be comprised of that portion of Galveston County Eleation Precinct No. 56 which lies within the corporate limits of the City, and all of Galveston County Election Precinct No. 60. To the extent herein described, said County Election Precincts are hereby combined to create City Election Precinct No. 56-60. (b) City Election Precinct No. 57 shall be comprised of Galveston County Election Precinct No. 57. The Galveston County Election Precincts herein referred to are those Election Precincts created by and defined and described in an Order of the Commissioners' Court of Galveston County, Texas, adopted on the 8th day of July, 1974. A. copy of said Order is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. The description of County Election Precincts Nos. 56, 57, and 60 attached to said Order are specifically incorporated herein for the purpose of defining and describing the City Election Precincts created 3�ereby. . . Section 2. The polling place in each of the City Election Precincts created hereby shall be as follows: (a) The polling place for City Election Precincts No. 56-60 shall be the City of Friendswood City Hall, 109 Willowick A.venue, Friendswood, Texas. (b) The polling place for City Election Precinct No. 57 shall be Westwood Elementary School, 506 West Edgewood A.venue, Friendswood, Texas. Section 3. The fact that the regular municipal election of the City of Friendswood has been called for the 5th day of A.pril, 1975, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that this ordinance be adopted as an emergency measure. PA.SSED and A.PPROVED this 3rd day of March, 1975. -�G' � �./ ayor A.TTEST: � � r� L-z--e.- r —2 ,-'�,L City Secretary A.PPROVED A.S TO FORM: City A.ttorney �, � . . -. , . -��� � /'/�/' � . 6 . � . , . , /� , V OR:)ER CHANGZ2JG SOUt1DARY LINES OF ELECTION PRECI^dCTS THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF GALVESTON X The Commissioners' Court af Galveston County, Texas, convened in regular session at a regular term of said Co�rt, ar, j the 8t'� . day of July, 1974, with the following members thereof present: RAY HOLBROOK, County Judge, EARL LLEWELLYN, Commissioner Precinct No. 1; FRANK CARt10NA, Commissianer Precinct No. 2; � PAUL HOPKINS, Commissic,ner Preci�ct No. 3; JACK LAF7RENCE, Commissioner Precinct �do. 4 ���n�� � G�RTRL'D� ticKENNA, County Clerk, � when the following proce�dings, among others, were had, to-wit: ��iE�AS, in the opinian of thc Commissianers' Court it i j would be more canvenient to the voters of Voting Precincts Nas. � 3, 56, and 57 to change the boundaries of such precincts in order ; to make the polling places more convenient for such ve*_ers, and to add Voting Precincts Nos, 60 and 61 for the convenience of the voters. ' A description of said changes and additions is attached hereto fpr all purposes. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the aY�ove changes and additions in voting precinct lines shall not become operative in the holding , of elections until the beginning of the following voting year. IT IS FURTHER ORD�RED that a brief descri��tion in c�eneral term� of the election precinct changes and add�tians be published in tl�e Galveston Daily News, a newspaper of general circu�ation in � Galveston County, once each week for th. We consecutive weCks. 4 IT IS FURTHEF. ORDER�D that a certified copy of th.is Urder be furnished the County Tax Collector of Galvcston Cc�unty, Texas. � (,t � �i i � --- ^""� _ _ � _ • � ,...� . - _,,, . � . s:. . __....._..._.. . .. � � • •` . . • / • 'Y +� i1�C7N MOTIOt3 of Comr�issioner L1�wallyn � . t. and seconded by Commisaioner �oFkins , th� above � Ord�:r was adopted this the gth day of July, 1974. ' � ' � � r � � TfIE COUNTX GALV7�ST0 � • . � ' �y; � �---•.-�r"� 1� i , RAY H LE�RU 'ri,�', �� y 3udge � � '` � I � , EAItL L EWE I,YN, Com, ct. No. . . ' ,��,�'���'✓ � FRA ' R1�S0 A, om. Frct. NQ. 2 � � � �- PAUL lIOPKIN5, Com. 1� ct. No:��-' .,: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� � JACK LAH7RENCE, Com. Prct. No. � � � s ATirST: � � �C��l.t.�..� � � ° ,,,_.�•(,,. •� GERTRUDE McK�.NNA, County Cler ,� r . ► � �• �.. k. . ;. ; ; � ! . f. � ,, . ,. , � ; � , :, � �: d r�! . � � ��. . , . ..,....�,,... .,..�w,_.,..-. .. �..�._..,..._.. ..-,. _.... , -____._�' ,_.. � � � - Ju3,y, 1974 " VOTING PRECINCT N� BEG,�ING a� the intersectinn of the EaBt line of the � A« Van Nordatrand �urvey and the West line of the Jonas Shaw Survey and the Southerly shareline of Galveston Eaet Bay; � i TEIENCE Nor�hwesterly and along said Survey line crosaing GaZvestan East Bay to the intersection ot the Chambers-Galvestan � i County Iine; TtiENC� NortheasCerly and along the Chambers-Galveaton ! County line to a point for corner on the East line of the BuYw e1 1 F ranks Survey and the West line of the A. Dickinson 5urvey and M. Knowlton Survey; { i TEIENCE 5.43°09'E. , and along said Survey lines crossing ` � Galveston East Bay, Bolivar Peninsula and continuing along the � same course to the intersection of said Survey lin�s and the � Continental Shelf; TEIENCE in a Southweeterly course parallel to and Three ; � Leagues per�endicular distant Southeasterly fram the Northwest- i � erly Shore Line of said Gulf of Mexico a distance o£ 34,300 feet ' f (6.5 miles) more or less to a point for corner, which corner is ; i on Che projection �outheasterly of the East line o£ the said � I A. Van Nord�trar�d Survey, and West line of the Jonas Shaw Survey; THENCE N.31°0'W. , and along the Southeasterly pro�ectian � ' of said ,7onas Shaw, ar�d Van NorSatrand Survey line at Three Leaguee (54,722.34 feet) more or less pass the Gulf of Mexico Shore Line in all a distance of 67,522.34 feet more or less to the Place af Beginning. ! I ; . � _ _ `�� 4 � � � . � � .. � . .,.,. � . . ...... � � • ,..�,. . . .. � ( � � • . - .►u1y, 1974 • � .. � . , w n � , � � VOTING PRECINCT NC3. 56 BEGINNING at the intersecti.on of the centerlirie of F. M. 517 and the West boundary line of the Ira Lewis Survey; i THENCE Northerly along the West boundary line of the ; Ira Lewis Survey and Gontinuing Northerly along the extension ; of the Ira Lewis West boundary line to it's point of inter- � section with the Galveston-Harris County line, und also center- � I line of Clear Creek; � THENCE generally Narthwesterly along the Galveston-Harris � i • County l�.ne, also centerline o£ Clear Creek to it's inter- � � , � asction with the cenCerline of State F, M, Highway 2351; ° I � � � TNENCE Sauthwesterly and along Che centerline af said � , � � 5tate F. M. Highway Na. 235I to it's intersecti�n w�itY� the � ; ` centerline of State F. M, Highway No. 518; � THENCE Southeasterly and alang the centerline of said •' State F. M, Hi$hway No, 518 to it's intersection with the j centerline of 5tate F. M. Highway No. 528; ' � �THENCE Sauthwesterly and along the centerline of State � f F. M. Highway No. 528 to a point on the Galveston-Brazoria � ` � County line; � ' THENCE SouCheasterly along the Galveston-Brazoria County line to it's interaection wiCh the centerline of State F. M. � , HighWay No. 517; � , 1 ` THENCE Easterly and Northeasterly along the centerline � i af State Highway F. M. No. 517 ta it's intersection with � � � the WesC boundary line of the Ira Lewis Survey and Place of � Beginning. � � � E} 4 � � �. . ,. . . . '� � • ,,.. .. . � ita� � �� � .�u�y, 1974 VOTING PRECINCT N0, 57 BEGINNING aC a point on the Galve�ton-Brazaria County i line aC intersection wiCh the Centerline of State F. M. Highway ' No. 2351; 1 ; I THENCE Northerly and along the G�lveston-Brazoria County ' line to the intersection of the centerline of Clear Cre�k, and ' � al�o b�ing the Galv�gtan-Harris County Line; � 'T'HENC� in a Northeasterly and Southeasterly direction with ttie c�nterline of Clear Cresk and Galveston-Harris Line to the intersection of the centerline of State F. M. Highway No. � 2351, TH�NG� Southwesterly and ��.ang the cen�erline of State F'. M. Highway No. 2351 Co the Br��aria Caunty line and the P1ace af �e�i.nning. f I � � I i f 1 1 j i ; � � � ,.-. �,,. r� �� � � � . • Jul 1974 � y, VOTING l?RECINCT I3Q. 64 the eenterline of BEGINNING at the intersection o�tate F. M. Highway No. 2351 and the Galveston-Brazaria County line; THENCE Northeasterly alang Che centerline of 5tate Highway F. M. Na, 2351 Co it's interaection with the centerline of State Highway F. M. No. 518; THENCE Southeasterly and along the centerline of SCate F. M. i � Highway No. S18 to it's intersection with the �enterline of State F. M, Highway No. 528; THENCE SouthweRterly and along the centerline of said State F. M. Highway No. 528 to a point on the Galveston-Brazaria ; County line; I THEIICE in a Northwesterly and Northeasterly direction along � � said Galveston-Brazoria County line to the centerlin� of State � F. M. Highway No. 2351 and the Place of Begianing. � � ' � . . . � ��� . , ,..-- _ . . f ,, ' 3uly, 1974 � _ ,, �OT,�NG PRECI, I,�CT N4._61 � ; BEGINNZNG at th.e intersectian of tha EaeC 1.ine of A. " r d Surve and the West line of the Janas Shaw � Van Nardst an y � Survey and the Gulf of Mexiaa Shoreline; � i i THENCE Northwesterly and alc�ng the East line of the A. Van ' � Nordatrand Survey and the Wes� line of the Janas Shaw Survey � � , projected erossing Bolivar Peninaula to the intereectian of the � Chambers-G�lveston County line; �'HENCE W�sCerly and along the Chambere-Ge�lvesCon County line end atong the ehoreline of the East Bay o£ Galveeton Bay to the intersection af the HousCon 5hip Ghannel, Eaet of Red Fieh Bar; � THE1`TCE Southeasterly and alang the centerline of �he Rauston Ship Channel to the intersectiu n o� line thaC lies mid- way be[ween the North and South 3etties; THENCE Easterly and along said line that is always mid- way beCween the North and South Jetty to the EasCerly end of the JeCties; THENCE SoutheasCerly to the Continental Shelf; THENCE Northeasterly and along the Continental Shel! ta the intersectiari of the East line of the A. Van Nordstrand Survey and the West line of the Jonas Shaw 5urvey projected SouthegsC- erly; , THENCE Northwe�terly and along the East line of the A. Van Nordstrand Survey and the West line of the Janas Shaw Survey pro�jected Southeasterly to the Place af Beginnia�g. i I { _ _ �, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �, _ _ _ _ _ _