HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 222-E ORDIP�AMCE "d�. 222-E AN ORDINA:"dCE MAKI�dG IT U,VLA��lFUL TO CARRY �LASS BEVFRAGE BOTTLES INTO PUQLIC PARKS OF THE CITY OF FRIE(VDS!��OOD OR HAVE SAME If� ONE`S POSSESION �dHILE VJITHIi'd Tf{E PARKS; PROVID�i�G A PEFdAI.TY; AND DECLARICdC AN EMERGEPiCY '���{EF:EAS, Pxneri.enc� has nr�ven that glass bQverane hott�es and c�ntainers prliferate the public narks of the City of Friendswood; and tdF{EREAS, em�ty g1ass beverage bottles are frequently deiscarded on the grounds and n1ay areas of such narks, and !�dHERE/�S, such bottles are often (�rolcen and in such state constitute a menace to the health, safetv, and ��elfare of nersons visitinn, usinc� and maintaining said narks; and ��lHEREAS, the Ci t�� Counci 1 deems i t neccessarv tn take i mmedi ate acti on to at�ate such menace; no!�r therefore BE IT ORDAI��ED 3Y THE CITY COUNCTL OF THF CITY 0� FRIENDSl�I�OD, STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1 . Tl�e city council finds a.nd declares that thP �resence of empty and broken g1ass beverage bottles in the pub1ic parlcs in t4�e �ity of Friendswood endangers the heal th, safety and ��re1 fare of nersons ���i thi n such parks. �ECTT�pI �. It s�all be unla.�,r�ul for a.nv nerson to c�rrlr into an�� nuhlic �ark of the City of Friends��rood or have in nis nossession wf�ile withir� any sucn park any glass �everaqe bottle or container�. SECTIO^d 3. Anv r�erson vi o1 ating the provi si ons of thi s ordinance shal l be deemed guiltv of a misdemeanor and, unon cc�nviction, s�all bP fined not more than T!JO HU�`�DRED DCILLARS ($200.00) . SECTTOPd 4. For the reasons set forth in the nrearr�lP and in Section 1 of this ordinance, the Citv Council finds that there exists an err�rgencv affecting life, health and oublic t�relfare and an urgent public necessity r�e�uires that this ordinance be �assed on the date of its introduction this 1st da�� of �u�Y ,1974. PASSEQ AND APP��VED AS A�d EP�1ERGENCY THIS lst dayof July ,1974. .� ��� �; ��- � �_-z:���_ � � avor ATTEST:� r / / . _- , �-t�-�I�1Cr�.: l �, � Ci t�� . ecre arv j f AP�ROV�� �s ro �oRr� �ity ttorney