HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 221 ORDINANCE N0. 221 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO SPECIFIC USE (SCHOOL) ; CHANGING TH� ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE N0. 174 OF THE CITY OF FRIENQSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING QRpINANC�N WHEREAS the City Council finds that the Friendswood Zoning Commission conducted a pub1ic hearing on the 22nd day of February, 1973 to consider the question of rezoning of the hereinafter described tract of land from R-1 to SPECIFIC USE (Schoo1); and WHEREAS the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Ordinance No. 174 of the City of Friendswood, and at such hearing a11 persans attending were al1owed to be heard on the question of whether or not the rezoning of the tract from R-1 to Specific Use would affect the public health, safety, mora1s, convenience pr genera1 welfare and whether or not such rezoning would violate the righ�s of any interested persons: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOQ, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . That the zoning of the fa�1owing described property be and the same i s hereby changed from R-1 to Speci fi c l!se (School ) wi thi n the meaning of the Zoning Ordinance, beinq generally described as the Friendswood High School site, and being more specifica11y described as follows: A part of Lots 1 , 2, 3 and 4 in Block "H" Central Park, a Sub- division in the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League, Galveston County, Texas, according to map thereof recorded in Vo� . 105, Page 151 � in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas and based on a survey by C. C. Washinqton, former Ga�veston County Surveyor, in 1937 of said B1ock "H", and being more ftally described by metes and bounds as fol�ows: CpMMENCING at the East corner of Lot 2, Slock "N" of Centra1 Park, a Subdivision in the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Wil1iams l.eague, Galveston County, Texas, said commencing point, for the purposes of this description being the intersection point of the Southwest right-of-way 1ine of a Northwest-Southeast 40 foot road with the Northwest right-of-way line of a Northeast-Southwest 4�J foot road, said roads being shcnNn on the plat of said Central Park, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, in Volume 105, Page 151 . THENCE, South 45° 00 min. West, along the Northwest right�of-way line of said NE-SW 40 foot road and a1onq the Southeast 1ine of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet to a 1-1/2 inch iron pipe for the beginning point of the tract herein described; THENCE, from said beginning point, �ontinuing South 45° 00 min. West along the Northwest right-of-way 1ine of said NE-SW 40 foot road and a1ong the Southeast 1ine of said Lot 2 and of Lot 4 of the same Block "N", at 965.25 feet, passing the South corner of said Lot 2 which is the East corner of said Lot 4, and continuing for a total distance af 1684.9 feet to a one inch pipe set at a fence corner; THENCE North 44° 54 min. 12 sec. t�est, a�ong a fence line, at 862.6 feet crossing the common line of Lots 4 and 3 of said Block "H" , said line being the Northwest line of said Lot 4 and the Southeast line of said Lot 3, and continuing for a total distance of 1067.5 feet to a one inch pipe for corner. THENGE North 45° 00 min. East, parallel to the Southeast line of Lots 3 and 1 of said Block "H", at 721 .45 feet, crossing the common line of said l,ots 3 and 1 , said 1ine being the Northeast line of said Lot 3 and thP Soiathwest line of said l.ot 1 and continuing for a total distance of 1686.7 feet to a one inch pipe for corner; THENCE South 45° 00 min. East, 10 feet perpendicularly distant South- west from and para11e1 ta the Northeast line of said Lots 1 and 2, and along the Southtivest line of what is now a 60 foot road, at 204,9 feet, crossing the southeast line of said Lot 1 and the Northwest line of said Lot 2, and continuing for a total distance of 1067.5 feet to the place of beginning and containing 41 .558 acres, more or less, and being a11 out of Block "H" of said Central Park. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City be revised to show the tract rezoned from R-1 to Specific Use (School) and the date of final passage of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall in no wise reduce, amend, supplement or change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood other than to accomplish the rezoning of the tract described in Section 1 herein from R-1 to Specific Use and impose the findinqs and limitations ordained therein. PASSED FOR FIRST READI�iG this 20 day of �°�aY , 1974. PASSED FOR SECOND READIN� this 3 day af June , 1974. PASSEp, APPROVED, AND FINALLY ADOPTED this a.7 day of June , 1g74. CITY OF FRIENQSWOOD, TEXAS �Y � r � �RaTp�L. Lowe, ayor ATT T: �� `--- Bo bi e C. Henry, i ty Se retary APPROV�D AS TO FORM: � City ttorney