HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 220 OpDINANCE (d0. 220 Afd ORDT�dAPiCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR DISTRIBUTIOiU AND SALE OF NATURAL G,AS WITHIN THE CITY; AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORpIIYANCES OR PARTS THEP.EOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Sec�ion 1 . The folla�ing rates and charqes are hereby fixed as the maximum mot�thly net rates and charc�es, artd are hereb,y authorized for distribution and sale of natural gas in the City of Friendswood (the "City") t� be aonlied and used by H�uston Natural !;as Cornoration (the "Company") its successors or assigns. RESIDENTIAL AND COMh1ERGIAL RATES NET P�ONTNLY RATE: The net monthly bi11 sha11 be based upbn the following rates: First 400 cu. ft. or less $2.50 P�ext 2,600 cu. ft 14.0¢ per 100 eu. ft. �lext 3,000 cu. ft. �2.5� per 100 cu. ft. PJext 4,000 cu. ft, 10.5� per �O�J cu, ft. Next 10,000 cu. ft. 9.0� per 100 cu. ft. Over 20,0�0 cu, ft. 7.5¢ ner �00 cu. ft. The above rates are net rates and wi11 appl,y to all bills paid witllin 20 days of date of rendition. If 6ills are not paid within 20 days , gross rates shall apply, which rates shall be the above net rates plus one cent (1 ct.) per Ccf of gas consumed per month; however, in no case shall the gross rate increase exceed $3.00 for any one bil1ing period. Ccf as used herein means one hundred (1�0) cubic feet of natural gas. � Section 2. The foregoing rates are predicated upon the domestic City Gas Rate of 41 .8¢ per �-�cf permitted effective May 1 , 1973, pursuant to the order of the Railroad Commission of Texas dated October 13y 1972, in Gas Utilities Docket No. 483. If such City Gate Rate becames higher or lower from time to time as orders of the Rai1road Comm�ssion may permit, the rate herein fixed for residential and commercial use shall be likewise adjusted in an amount equivalent to the change in the City Gate Rate, minus or plus, as may be appropriate. t�henever an i�crease or decrease in the foregoing rates becomes appropriate under the foregoing adjustment provisions, the Company shall promptly file with the City Secretary a sworn statement setting forth the changes i n the Ci ty Gate Rate and the resul ti ng adjustment of the rates. Each such adjustment sha11 become :ffective for bi11s rendered on or after the first day of the billing month fol1owing the month in ��hich such statement is filed. Section 3. The Company shall establish and post in its office rate schedules providing monthly billing rates complying ��it'h Section 1 of this Ordinance and may, in addition, esta6lish special contract rate schedules for large volume commercial or industrial use providing other rates and charges. Section 4. All resolutions , ordinances, franchises, or. parts thereof in conflict here�Nith are hereby repealed insofar but on1y insofar as such conflict exists. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and 6e in force for bills rendered after its final passage and approval . APPROVED ON FIRST READING this ' 20 da,y of a�� , 1974. APPROVED ON SECOND READING this 3 day of June , 1974. �_ ��_ PASSED, AP?R011ED, AND FINAL�Y ADOPTEQ this 17 day of June , 1974. ,,,,,.��.<. � , �1€,� ` . ,>h'����r .::}��,�`��'K� ' CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS . �� .+ •.. �,,; ,�� ; '�+r :` . .rr : � �� • � : G� �t-L�-�-� � � "3 ' Ra ph L. Lowe, ayor G� .. ;�c; . w���`'• • ...����� "!�,�#,�.r `''+�. �.., . � � Z�� o bie C. Henry, i ty Secre ry APPROVEQ AS TO F:�RM: Ci ty Attorney