HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 217 OP.DINANCE N0. 2I7 Af� ORDINANCE CHANGIiJG THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROP-1 R-1 AND C-1 , COh1PRISING ROUTE OF AMOCO PIPELINE COMPANY'S PROPOSED PIPELINE, TO SPECIFIC USE; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE 174 OF TNE CITY OF FRIENUSirlOOQ KNOWti AS THE ZONING ORDI�lANCE� A��D SETTING FORTH CERTAIN CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO REZONIPdG. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Friendswood Zoning Commission conducted a pu�alic hearing on the 28th day of February, 1974 to conside� the question of granting a Specific L'se Permit on the existing AMQCO pipeline ri ght-of-way as shown on the attached dra��rinc�, on ��►hi ch ri ght-of-way AMOCO Pipeline Company proposes to construct an additional 15-incn pipeline; and WHEREAS, the hearing u�as du1y called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Ordinance No. 174 of the City of Friendswood, and at such hearing a11 persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of +�vhether or not the rezoni ng of the tract fror� R-1 and C-1 to Sr�eci fi c Use would affect the public health, safety, morals, convenience or general welfare and whether or not such rezoning would violate the rig�ts of any interested persons; and 4dHEREAS, as a result of the said pub1ic hearing and recommendation from the Friendswood Zoning Commission, the City Council finds that such rezoning is not detrimental to the community based on com�liance by the owner witl� certain conditions, to wit: 1 . Amoco Pipe1ine Com�an,y is to comply with all Cit,y of Friendswood ordinances while constructing the proposed pipeline and performing maintenance on the existing pipeline. 2. Amoco Pipeline Company is to secure approval from the Friendswood Drainage District as to depth of pipeline in present or proposed drainage ditches. 3. Amoco Pipeline Company is to install their pipeline at a depth of not less than four (4) feet of cover within the City and is to insta1l their �ineline to a der�th of not less than six (6) feet under Greenhri ar, Sunset, and F.�1. 51$ i nc1 udi ng the ri ght-of-aaay of those streets. 4. Amoco Pipeline is to immediately restore at their expense with a licensed contractor any City utility line which may become damaged as a result of their pipeline construction or maintenance operation. 5. Amoco Pipeline Company is to restore all surface improvements (trees, shrubs, hedges, 1a��ms, 000ls, entrance markers, sidewalks , driveways, etc. ) affected by the construction or maintenance of its pipelines to their original condition immediately upon completion of Amoco's construction or maintenance operation. T - 5 - �, 6. Lot 28, Ouaker's Landing Subdivision, will be used for access and construction purposes. However, the pipe�ine easement is not to be extended beyond the existing uti1ity �asement. Any valve insta1led within this easement is to be comp1etely buried. 7. All three pipelines crossing Clear Creek are to be installed and tied in during this construction p�ogram. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEp BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . That the zoning of the following described property be and the same is hereby changed from R-1 (Single-family Residential) and C-1 (Commercial ) to Specific Use (Pipeline) within the meaning of the Zoning Ordinance, and on compliance with conditions 1isted hereina6ove: Commencing at a 1-inch iron pipe at the Northwest Corner of the R. Hoppel Survey, A-83, Brazoria County, Texas; THENCE �outh 45° 15' East along the south�est line of said R. Hoppel S urvey, a di s tan ce of 109.3 fee t; THENCE North 55° 56' East a distance of 302.8 feet to the POINT OF BEGT_NNI�dG, said ooint �eing on the �3razoria-�a1veston County line, which is also the City Limits of the City of Friendswoody Galveston County, Texas; THENCE continuing North 55° 56' East a distance of 1 ,866.2 feet; THENCE North 55° 47' East a distance of 1y919.5 fe�t; THENCE North 59° 15' East a distance of 485.1 feet; THENCE North 51° 41 ' East a distance of 193.8 feet; THENCE North 53° 49' East a distance of 212.9 feet; THENCE North 56° 09 ' East a distance of 3,405.0 feet; THENCE North 56° 10' East a distance of 1 ,985.0 feet; THENCE continuing North 56° 10' East a distance of 652.8 feet; THENCE North 47° O8' East a distance of 727.7 feet; THENCE North 42° 26' East a distance of 401 .1 feet; THENCE North 46° 05' East a distance of 259.0 feet; THENCE North 44° 42' East a distance of 45.0 feet; THENCE North 0° 18' �Jest a distance of 11 .3 feet; THENCE North 44° 42' East a distance of 557.0 feet; THENCE North 45° 00' East along the South line of Echo Avenue, a distance of 652.55 feet; THENCE North 65° 35' East a distance of 866.13 feet along the South 10-foot building 1ine at Echo Avenue in Quaker's Landing Subdivision to a point for a corner, said point being on the South right-of-way line of said Echo Avenue; THENCE North 54° 00' East a distance of 497 feet to the center1ine of Clear Creek, said centerline also being the City Limits of Friendswood, Texas, and the Harris-Galveston County line; THENCE North��ester1y along said centerline of Clear Creek, a distance of 56 fee t; THENCE South 54° 00' West' a distance of 254.0 feet; THENCE South 46° 00' West a distance of 127.2 feet; THENCE South 54° 00' West a distance of 64.61 feet; THENC� South 65° 35' West a distance of 733.64 feet; THENCE South 71° l� ' 36" West a distance of 198.15 feet; Page 2 THENCE South 45° 00' West along the North line of Echa Avenue, a distance of 606.82 feet; THENCE South 44° 42' West a dlstance of 43.8 feet; ?HENCE South 0° 18' East a distance of 40.9 feet; THENCE South 44° 42' West a distance of 538.0 feet; THENCE South 46° 05' West a distance of 259.6 feet; THENCE South 42° 26' West a distance of 400.9 feet; THENCE South 47° 08' West a distance of 721 .6 feet; THENCE South 56° 10' West a distance of 657.5 feet; THENCE continuing South 56° 10' �est a distance of 1 ,985.0 feet; THENCE South 56° 09 ' West a distance of 3,363.0 feet; THENCE South 53° 13' ��est a distance of 279.6 feet; THENCE South 56° 09' West a distance of 170.� feet; THENCE South 45° 00` East a distance of 9.5 feet; THENCE South 59° 15' West a dis tance of 485.0 feet; THENCE South 55° 47' �rdest a di stance of 1 ,920.8 feet; THENCE South 55° 56' �r�est a distance of 1 ,828.4 feet to the Brazoria Ga1veston County 1ine, whi ch is also the Ci ty Limi ts of the City of Friendswood, Galveston Count,y, Texas; TH�NCE South 09° 20' East along said City Limits and Brazoria County line, a distance of 55. 1 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Section 2. That the official zoning ma� of the City be revised to show the pipeline rezoned from R-1 and C-1 to Specific Use (Pipeline) and the date of fina1 aassaqe of this ordinance. Secti on 3. That compl i ance wi th the abovementi oned condi ti ons shal l be a precident to issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance by the City of Friendswood. Section 4. This ordinance shall in no wise reduce, amendy supplement ar change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood other than to accomplish the rezoning of the tract described in Section 1 . herein from R-1 and C-1 to Specific Use and impose the findings and limitations ordained herein. PASSED FOR FIRST READIIVG this 6 day of P1a.y , 1974. PASSED FQR SECOND READING this 24 da,y of �1ay , 1974. PASSEQ, APPROVEQ and FINALLY ADOPTEQ this 3 day of �lune , 1974. `� � ,.�'_''��.�''` ,,=;.;;%'�' �` � /Z-��v''` y c �'�J ATT�Si: Mayor �� �`LY-�� � � �.. ,,.��,�, Ci ty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City ttorney bh