HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 216-E ORDINANCE N0.216-E AN ORpINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOp, SUPPLEMENTING THE ZONING ORDINANCE N0. 174; SETTING FORTH BUILDING REGULATIONS FOR COMMER- CIAL DISTRICT INCLUDING FOUNDATIONS, BUILQING EXTERIORS, PARKING AND SIDEWALKS, SETBACK, SIGNS, FENCES, TEMPORARY BUILDINGS: PROVIDING FORrvPERMITS AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. �DECLARTP�� RIV' E{�EI�GE?��€Y. � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF FRIENDSWQOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . Purpdse. These regu�ations are adopted by the City of Friendswood, Texas to assure the orderly growth of the C-1 District. They provide minimum building requirements for a structural design, parking, setback, signs, sanitation, and fencing. They have been designed to secure safety from fire, storm, panic and other dangers; and with a view of conserving the value Qf bui�dings and encouraging the most appropriate use of the land in the district. Section 2. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, all terms or words shall be defined to have that meaning customarily attributable thereto by the Associated General Contractors or by prudent builders. Section 3. Building Codes. The latest edition of the following codes in effect on the date that application is made for a building permit shall be used as the minimum code except where city ordinances impose more stringent req ui rements: A. Southern Standard Building Code B. National Fire Cades pub1ished by the National Fire Protection Association C. City of Friendswood Electrical Code D. City of Friendswood Plurr�ing Code A11 plans, drawings, and specifications sha71 be approved by and carry the seal of a registered professiona1 engineer, Section 4. Permit Application. A11 building permit applications for the C-1 pistrict sha71 be submitted to the City Manager or other designated city official with three copies of all drawings and specificatipns. prawings and specifications shall be reviewed by the City Fire Marshal and City Building Inspector to assure compliance with applicable codes. Drawings and specifica- tions shall be reviewed by the City Engineer to assure proper drainage and that required city services are available. Drawings and specifications shall then be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission to assure compliance with applicab1e city ordinances. Section 5. Inspection. The City �uilding Inspector shall have access to the property and bui1ding(s) under construction during normal working hours to insure that all applicable building and fire codes are being met. Section 6. Foundations. A11 buildings in the C-1 District shall be erected on a steel reinforced concrete slab. Post tensioned slabs are an approved alternate. Prior to p1acing concrete, the Building Inspector sha11 be provided sufficient time for an inspection to assure compliance with the bui1ding permit. Section 7. Building Exterior. All building exteriors shall be of a type consistent with good design, of good materials and workmanship. The total area of the building exterior shall not be less than fifty percent (50/) masonry (arick, stone, plaster, etc.). The City Planning Commission may approve an a1ternate material only on buildings incidental to the prime bui1ding, the prime building being that which faces or sides a city street. All buildings shall be capable of withstanding a wind ve1ocity of 75 m.p.h, or a wind load of 25 p.s.f. Section 8. Parking and Sidewalks. The number of parking spaces required sha11 be as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. The parking surface shall be aspha1t or concrete, properly maintained and drained as required by the City Engineer to provide a safe driving surface. Parking spaces sha11 be identified by striping or other approved means. These space markings are to be maintained to assure parking space identification. Sidewalks shall be installed as required by City ordinance. Section 9. Set-Back. Building setback shall be as required by the Zoning Ordinance. However, additional setback may be required to provide easily accessible parking and maneuvering area. SectiQn 10. Signs. Signs attached to and projecting above the roof line are to be designed to withstand a wind velocity of 100 m.p.h. (40 p.s.f. ). Identity signs not attached to the buildin� and not exceeding six feet in height above natura1 grade shall be designed to withstand a wind velocity of 75 m.p.h. (25 p.s.f. ) . Signs exceeding six feet in h�ight ta twenty-five feet in height above natura1 grade sha11 be designed to withstand a wind velocity of 100 m.p.h. (40 p,s.f. ) and the design sha1� include the supporting structure. Signs in excess of twenty-five feet in height above nat�ral grade shall be designed to wi�hstand a wind velocity of 150 m.p.h. (90 p.s.f.) and the design shall include the supporting structure. A11 design ca1cu1ations sha�1 be provided upon request, to the Planning Commission. Section 11 . C�eanliness and Sanitation. The premises sha11 be kept in a c1ean and sanitary condition satisfactory to the building inspector of the City. A permanent refuse storage area sha11 be provided, screened from the public view and maintained in such a way as to minimuze fire hazards. Section 12. Fences Required. Buildin� permits issued in a G-1 District bordering a Residentia1 District shall require a fence, solid in nature, minimum of six feet high above natural grade, sight p1easing, properly bui1t and maintained so as to separate the two districts. Section 13. Temporary Buildings. Temporary or portable buildings may be allowed on the site only during the construction af the permanent structure. These bui1dings sha11 only be used for canstruction purposes. Section 14. Severability• If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this or�inance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held to be unconstitutional , the inva�idity or the unconstitut��on- ality of such particular section, paragraph, phrase, subdivision or clause so declared shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. PASSEQ AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE THIS 20th day of May, 1974. � ,��z_��_. ayor a p . we ATT��T: � � � v � -�'-:� ,�- - Ci ty Secretary ,� � ;� APPROVED AS TO FORM: City ttorney RE-ENACTED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANG� THIS 15th day of Jtaly, 1974. ___� Attes�t; � ` L,;� ,,;�{�;,-- ,_--�t=�- - , r� - , � c M ypr a p L. l.owe ,` / , . j''`' P�l`-�tr F� '� �G. 1 /"'. i�`ty Secretary �� i