HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 214 � ORDINANCE NO.��7'
WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Friendswood has determined that
it is in the best interest of the citizens of Friendswood to consider certain
revisions to the City Charter, and
WHEREAS a Charter Review Commit�ee has been appointed and has made .
recommendatian to the Council as to its findings, and
WHEREAS the City Council has given consideration to these recor�nendations,
revising and adding such revisions as it feels should be considered by the voting
citizens; and
WHEREAS Article 117Q Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes sets forth the
procedure for revision of a Home Rule Charter within the State of Texas:
Section 1 . That an election be held in the City of Friendswood on the
6th day of April, 1974, at which election the following propositions shall
be submitted to the resident qua�ified voters of said city for their vote
"for" or "against":
Section 2.03 - Eminent Domain (page 4-Line 7) present1y reading "property
. of rai1roads" to be changed to read �roper�y by railroads.
Section 2.05 - Street Development and Improvements to be amended as follows:
First Paragraph to end following the words "The cost of such development
and im rovement ma be aid artl b assessments levied as 'a lien a ainst
t e ro ert a uttin thereon and a ainst the owners thereo .
Second Paragrap to e delete entire y. Third paragraph to end with
the words: Vernon's Annotated Civil Statues of Texas.
Section 2.05 - An additional paragraph sha11 be added to Section 2.05
as fol7ows:
The rocedure for the ado tion of ordinance for street develo ment
an improvement sha 7 be:
A. A co of the ro osed ordinance shall be furnished to �
each mem er o t e it Counci1 �he Cit ttmrne and
an citizen o the it u on re uest to t e Cit Secretar ,
at east three days before the date of the meeting at which
the ordinance is to be considered.
B. A street development and improvement ordinance may be adopted
and finally passed at the meeting at which it is introduced.
Section 3.05 - Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem (page 8 - Para. 2 - Line 3) presently
reading "The Mayor Pro-Tem shall act as Mayor during the disability of
the Mayor, and in this capacity sha11 have the rights conferred upon the
Mayor. " changed to read The Ma or ro-tem sha�� act as ma or durin the
disability or absence of the mayor, an in this capacity s a ave t e
rights and duties conferred upon the mayor.
Section 3.06 - Vacancies, Forfeiture, Filling of Vacancies - (Page 8-9
Para. C - Delete in its entirety the first paragraph of this
section. Second paragraph revised to read "When a vacanc shall
deve10 a s ecia7 election sha11 be ca1led b t e Counci w�'thin
thirt 30 da s fo1lowin the occurrence of the vacanc to fi the
vacanc in t e same manner as escri e erein for re u ar e ections.
However if suc vacanc occurs within one undre twent 0
days rior to a regular e ection, then no specia� e ection sha
be ca� e .
Section 3.11 - The last paragraph of Section 3.11, Subsection B sha11
read as fo7lows:
A proposed ordinance, ,�except emerqencv ordinances; budqet�
tax ordinances� ordinances relative to street deve1opment
and im rovement• and ordinances relative to borrowin for ca ital
im rovements sha11 be read on three re ular Counci1 meetin s,
wit at 1east two weeks elapsinq between eac reading. A propesed
ordinance ma be amended at an readin but an amended ordinance
s a automatica 1 be aced a ain on first re�di�g at a sub-
sequent meeting. T e procedure for the adoption of an emergency
ordinance sha11 be in accordance with Section 3.12 hereof the ro-
cedure for t e adoption o bu cet tax ordinances s a e in accor ance
wit�ion $.b��er`eof; t e roce ure for t e a o tion o
ordinances re ative to street development and improVement shall
be adopted in accordance with Section 2.05 hereof; and the
rocedure for the ado tion of ordinances relatiVe to borrowin
or captta improvements shal� be adopted in accordance wit
Section 8,05 hereof. `—
Section 3.11 - Ordinances in Genera1 - (Page 12 - Para. C - presently reading
"or forfiture shall become effective after having been pub1ished in its
entirety once in the official City newspaper" to be changed to read
or forfeiture sha11 become effective after the ca tion, the offense and
pena ty c auses o t e or inance ave een pu ishe in t e officia City
newspaper. ' "
Section 3.17 - Ordinances in General - Page 12 - Para. D - Reading: Delete
first two lines and entire �ast sentence so that the paragraph reads The
reading a1oud of the tit1e of the ordinance sha�1 suffice as a reading,
provided printed copies of the ordinance, in the form reguired for
ado tion are in front, of a11 members of Counci1 and a reasonable number
of additiona co ies are avai a e to citizens resent at t e meetin .
If two Counci men request that t e or inance be rea �n it5 entirety, it
must be so read..
Section 3.17 - (Page 14) New Section to read: "Dul elected Cit Officia1s
actin in their official ca acit sha7� be rotecte t e it
from persona7 financia oss resu1ting from Council decisions made
while in officia7 sessions as a result of �aw suits fi1ed ertainin
to suc decisions.
Section 6.02 - Filing for Office (Page 28-29 Para. A - Item 5) presently
reading "An incumbent seeking ree1ection must file for the same position
number present7y serving. " changed to read An incumbent seekin election
must file for the same office or osition num er resent servin .
If incum ent see s another office or position num er, e must first
Section 6.02 - Filing for Office (Page 29 - Para. B - Last sentence) present1y
reading "The signed petitions sha11 be filed with the City Secretary not
ear1ier than 90 days or 7ater than 3�J days before the election"` to be
changed to read The signed etition shall be fi1ed with the Cit Secretar
not ear1ier than � ays or ater than t e norma poste c ose o
business 30 days before the e1ection.
Section 6.02 - Fi7ing for Office (Page 29) Add Para. D. - Public Disclosure.
Candidates shall fi7e with the Cit Secretar 21 da s rior to da of
e ect�on a financia isc osure statement containin the fo owin infor-
mation. This shou d include information pertainin,cLto the candidatey is or
her spouse, and dependent minor chi1dr�n.
1 . List of a17 ro ert owned or he1d in trust within the cit
imits an extraterr�toria ur�sdictivn o t e cit . is
ist shou �nc ude ocation address Y size genera imensions�
an current use.
2. List of all fees, salaries or if�s of va1ue exceedin $10.00
received from com anies or indiVidua1s under contract with t e
city during the twe ve mont �r�or to fi ing or pu �c bffice.
3. Ownership of any stock in comp.anies under contract to the ci�
when such stock com rises reater than 2% of the com an 's
tota outstandin,c,�stoc .
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Section 8.05 - Subsection E sha1� be added to Section 8.05 to read
as follows:
E. The rocedure for the ado tion o
0 orrowing for capital improvements sha�l be:
1 . A copy of the ro osed ordinance sha71 be furnished to
eac me er o t e i t ounci , t e i t
orney, an any citizen o t e it u on re uest
o e �t ecretary, at east t ree a s be ore the
ate o t e meetin at w ic t e or inance is to be
consi ere .
`2. An ordinance relative to borrowin for ca i-tal im -
rovements ma e a o ted an final assed at the
meeting at whic it is intro uced.
Section 2. That said election sha11 be held in conjunction with the
City Officials Election, and that polling places sha11 be as fol1ows:
Precinct 56 Friendswood Junior High School, 402 Laurel
Precinct 57 Friendswood City Hall , 109 Willowick Street
The officia1 po7ling p1aces shall be open from 7:00 a.m, unti1 7:00 p.m.
All pers4ns who are within the pol1ing place and a11 persons who are waiting
to enter the polling place at 7:00 p,m. shall be allowed an opportunity to
present themselves for voting in the same manner as if they had appeared and
offered themselves for voting during regular voting hours. The presiding
judge shal� take necessary precautions to prevent voting by any person not
present and waiting to vote at the time for official closing of the polls.
That the e7ection sha17 in a7- other respects be conduted in the manner
prescribed in Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, Texas E1ection Code and
Statutes governing Municipa� E7ections.
Section 3, That the presiding offic�rs for said polling places shall
be as fo7lows: '
Precinct 56 Mrs. Glenda Warreny Presiding Judge
Precinct 57 James B. Shore, Presiding Judge
There shall be not less than two (2) clerks for each polling p1ace, to
be appointed by the respective Presiding Judge,
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Seetibn 4. Bobbie C. Henry is hereby appointed C1erk for absentee
voting and L. B. C7ine is hereby appointed as Deputy Clerk for absentee voting.
The absentee voting for the above designated election sha�1 be he�d at 109
Willowick Drive, Friendswood City Ha11, within said city and said p1ace of
absentee voting sha71 remain open far voting for at least eight (8) hours
on each day for absentee voting except Saturday, Sunday or any official
State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing thru the 4th day
preceding the date of said election. The absentee voting place shal� remain
open from 8:00 a.m, until 5:00 p.m. on each day for absentee voting.
Section 5. A17 residents of the City of Friendswood who are qualified
ta vote under the Texas Election Code and State Statutes shall be qua�ified
to vote in this election.
Section 6. That the ballots of said election sha17 bear no party
designation, and provision shall be made thereon for the voter to clearly
state whether he or she is "for" or "against" the proposition.
Section 7. That, should a majority of the qualified voters voting
at said election vote "for" to the proposition as stated, then the City
Council shall issue an official order dec7aring the proposed Charter amend-
ment adopted.
Section 8. It is hereby ordered and directed that the City Secretary
shall perform a17 procedura7 requirements set forth under the Texas Election
Laws pertaining to notices and publication.
PASSED ANA APPROVEA for first reading this 4th day of Feb. , 1974.
PASS�D AND APPR011Ep for second reading this 18thday of Feb. � �g74,
PASS�D, APPR011ED ANA ADOPTEQ on third and fina1 reading this 4th day
Qf March , 7974.
� �
Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor
Ci ty Secretary
City Attorney