HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 211-E ORDINANCE NO.� / -,E� AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACI� SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNpER TH� PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 67Q1D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, llPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE: ANQ PROVI�ING A P�NALTY QF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE: AND QECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, Artic1e 6701D, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein �ound to exist at any intersectian or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City, taking into consideration the width and condition of the pavement and traffic theron, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonab1e and safe prima facie speed 1imit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which sha11 be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thersof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway, now therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUN�I� OF TH� CITY OF FRIENQSWOOD, STATE OF T�XAS: Se�tion 1 . Upon the basis of an engine�ring and traffic investigation heretofore made as authprized by the provisions of Article 6701D� Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, the following prima facie speed 1imit hereafter indicated for vehic1es is hereby determined and dec1ared to be reasonable and safe; and such rate or speed is hereby fixed at forty-five (45) mi7es per hour for vehicles traveling along Sunset Drive between its intersection with FM 528 (parkwoQd Avenue) and Briarmeadow Avenue, a distan�e of approximately one-ha1f (1/2) mi7e; a speed of thirty- � five (35) mi7es per hour for vehic1es traveling on Sunset Drive between its intersection and Briarmeadow Avenue to its intersection with Fa1ling Leafs a distance of approximate7y three-quarters (3/4) of a mile; a speed of thirty-five mi7es (35) per hour for vehicles trave1ing a1ang Sunset prive between its intersection with Spreading Oaks Avenue and its intersection v�ith FM 2357 (West Edgewood Avenue); a distance of approximately one-half (1/2) mile. Section 2. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to erect appropriate signs at the above ment�oned intersections designating the speed 1 i mi t as set forth i n thi s ordi nance. Section 3. Any person vio1ating any of the provisions af any section of this ordinance sha1� be deem�d gui1ty of a misdemeanor and„ upon convictions sha71 be fined no� less than TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS nor more than TWO NUNARED ($200.00) DOLLARS. Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, c1ause, phrase, or portipn of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or un�onstitutiona1 by any court of comp�tent jurisdictiony such sections subsectian, sentencea c7ause� phrase or portion sha17 be deemed separate, distinct and an independent provision, and such ho7ding sha11 not affect the va1idity af the r�maining portion hereof. SeCtion 5. There is hereby dec1ared to exist a pub1ic emergency affecting the safety and we7fare of the citizens �f Friendswood and other persons using the street aforesaid, and in accordance therewith, this ordinance is passed as an emergency measure. PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE this�-t� day of , , 1974. CITY OF FRZ�NDSWOOA, TEXAS ��./ ,�i/l �y'l; r„� �r _ , `,� . -� .,- _ ( . .' (."'7 (�z.�(f"J�. Ra'�pfi L. Lowe, ayor ATTEST: � A . �" � , �� Ci ty Secretary