HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 208 ORDINANCE NO.� AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-2 TO SPECIFIC USE (INSTITUTION FOR THE AGED); CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITN ORDINANCE 174 OF 7HE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONINC ORDINANCE; AND SETTING FORTH CERTAIN C�NDITIONS RE�ATI1(E TO REZONIN�, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Friendswood Zoning Commis- sion conducted a public hearing on the 8th day of November, 1973 to consider the question of granting a Specific Use Permit on the hereinafter described tract of land from R-2 to Specific Use (Institution for the Aged); and WHEREAS the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Ordinance No. 174 of the City of Friendswood, and at such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether or not the rezoning of the tract from R-2 to Specifle Use would affect the public health, safety, morals, convenience or genera1 welfare and whether or not such rezoning would violate the rights of any interested persons; and WHEREAS� as a result of the said public hearing and recommendation from the �riends�ood Zoning Commission, the City Council finds that such rezoning is not detrimental to the community based on compliance by the owner with certain conditions, to wit: 1 . There is to be no access from Shady Nook Street. 2. A sixty (60) foot right-of-�ay for Heritage Drive shall be deeded to the Ci ty. 3. A drainage culvert shall be installed, covered, and b1acktopped on Quaker Drive according to the City Engineer's specifications. The entire cost of the culvert and blacktop is ta be borne by the Autumn Hills Corporation. 4. A screening hedge is to be planted between the parking area and the Fred Camp property. 5. A landscaped greenery buffer approximately 45 feet b,y 108 feet is to be maintained abutting Shady Nook. 6. Drainage of the back yard area and parking area is to be approved by the City Engineer with the City to pay for the difference in culvert size required to take the drainage off Shady Nook. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C011NCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section l . That the zoning of the following described property be and the same is hereby changed from R-2 to Specific Use (Institution for the Aged) within the meaning of the Zoning Ordinance, and on compliance with conditions listed hereinabove: Being a 1 .815 acre tract of land out of Lot 12, B�ock 2, Friendswood Subdivision in the J. R. Williams or Sarah P�cKissick League, situated in Ga1veston County, Texas, according to a map or plat thereof recorded in Book 254-4� Page 4 in the map records in the office of the County C7erk of Galveston County, Texas„ and being more particu- larly described by metes and bounds as follow to wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Northwesterly line of Lot 12 in Block 2 of said Friendswood Subdivision and the Southwesterly line of Quaker Drive; THENCE S 45° E and along the Southwesterly line of �uaker Drive a distance of 363.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 45° W a distance of 378.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 45° W a distance of 108.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 45° E a distance of 228.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE PJ 45° W a distance of 255.00 feet to a point for Corner; THENCE N 45° E a distance of 150.00 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 1 .815 acres of land. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City be revised to show the tract rezoned from R-2 to Specific Use (Institution for the Aged) and the date of final passage of this ordinance. Section 3. That compliance with the abovernentioned conditions shall be a precident to issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance by the City of Friendswood. Section 4. This ordinance sha11 in no a�ise reduce, amend, supplement or change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood other than to accomplish the rezoning of the tract described in Section 1 . herein from R-2 to Specific Use and impose the findings and 1imitations ordained herein. PASSED FOR FIRST READING this �7thday of December � 1973 PASSED FOR SECOND READING this �th day of January � 1974 PASSED, APPROVED AND FINALLY ApOPTED this��day of ����a�r�� p 7974. � ������ ATTEST: � � ,, • i t Cj'�t/'.._.�_�,--- ,, .� �� I � Mayor � �- ��,�-� �- L:--.. � , , `. C�ty Secretary ��/ APPROVED AS TO FORM;. City Attorney ' �` / ' � ��� r.�.( Lt:f��-�"v, f��'� ��,�i'd e � �� �'�L4'ECt-zt bh ����f�