HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 192 ORDINANCE N0. 192
WHEREASp a review of the Zoning Ordinance No. 174 of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, has determined that certain provisions thereunder are not in the best
interest of the citizens� residents, and inhabitants of this City,
�Fr.rrnN � , Section 9, Paragraph 8, Subparagraoh b, is hereb� amended to
include the following:
As specified � Council Pi eline easements In an district
Under the same reference, the third entry which previously read as follows:
CNone Mining, including exp1oration for or In any district]
production of gas or oi1 ; extraction ]
[ of clay, gravel or sand; quarrying of ]
[ rock or stone. ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
�As s eci�fied� Oil wells and related structures In an district
Co- unci-T-�'" minin inc u in ex oration or or
roduction o as or oi ; extraction
of cla ravel or san ; uarr in of
roc or stone.
SECTION 2. Section 10, Board of Adjustment: Establishment and Procedure,
which previously read as follows:
[A Board of Adjustrr�nt is hereby established which shall consist of five ]
[members to be appointed by the City Counci1, each for a term of three ]
[years� provided that, when the first Board sha11 be appointed hereunder,]
[three members sha11 be appointed for one year and two members for two )
[years. Members of the Board of Adjustment may be removed from office by]
[the City Council for cause upon written charges and after public hearing�
[Vacancies shal� be filled by resolution of the City Council for the un- ]
[expired term of the member affected. ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
A Board of Ad 'ustment is hereb established which shall consist of five
re u ar members and four alternate members to be a ointed t e Cit
Counci each for a term of two ears rovided that when t e first oard
s a e a ointe ereun er t ree members s a e a ointe or one
ear and two mem ers for two ears. Mem ers of t e Boar o ustment
ma be removed from office b t e Cit Counci1 for cause u on written
c ar es an after ub1ic earin . Vacancies s a e i e reso ution
of t e Cit Counc� or t e unex ire term o t e mem er a ecte . e
a ternate mem ers s a serve in t e a sence o one or more re u ar mem ers
w en re uested to do so t e Ci� ana er.
A11 cases to be heard b the Board of Adjustment sha�l alwa s be heard b
a minimum of our mem ers.
SECTION 3. Schedule of District Regulations (R-1 Single Fami1y Residential)
District which previously read as follows:
Ord. No. 192
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C Purpose ]
[ This district consists mainly of areas containing single-family dwellings ]
[ and of open spaces where single-family development appears desirable. In ]
[ addition to the general purposes applying to all residentia1 districts, ]
[ the regulations of District R-1 are designed to encourage the provision of ]
[ single-family detached dwellings in low density residential areas with a ]
Cminimum l�ot area of 9,000 square feet. j
[ 1 . Minimum requirements for lot area� width� and set-back, ]
� �
[ � On Residential and Co lector Streets ]
� �
[ 11,000 SF 85' 25'a 25' 10' ]
� �
[ On Ma,Zor Thorouqhfares ]
� �
[ 11,000 SF 85' 35`a 25' 10' ]
C 7
[ On Streets or Thoroughfares with Open Ditches ]
[ 13,000 SF 100' 25'a (Streets) �25' 10' �
� �
[ 35'a (Thoroughfares) ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Purpose .
This district consists mainl of areas containin sin le-famil dwellin s
an of open spaces where single-family develapment a�pears desirable. In
addition to the general purposes app�ying to all residential districts�
the re ulations of District R-1 are desi ned to encoura e the rovision of
sin e-fami detac ed dwel in s in low densit residentia areas wit a
mim mum ot area as s�ecifie e ow:
1 . Minimum requirements for lot area, widthy and set-back,
On Residential and Collector Streets
11,600 SF 90' 25'a 25' 10'b,c
On Major Thorouc�hfares
11,600 SF 90' 35'a 25' 10'byc
On Streets or Thorou�hfares with Open Ditches
15,600 SF 120' 25'a (Streets) 25' 10'b,c
36'a (Thoroughfares)
SECTION 4. R-2 (P�ultiple-Family Residential ) District, Paragraph 4, Per-
mitted Uses and Parking Requirements which previously read as follows:
[ An apartment house, or housing project 1-1/2 /unit ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
An apartment house, or housing project 2 unit
Ord. No. 192
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SECTION 5. R-2 (Multiple-Family Residential ) District, Paragraph 5,
Sub-paragraph d. which previously read as follows:
[ d. Density. In the R-2 District, mu1tiple-family dwellings may be con- ]
C structed on any lot provided that: ]
[ The minimum 1and area per family unit is not 1ess than 1,500 ]
[ square feet. The maximum number of dwe�ling units allowab1e ]
[ on any lot where multiple-fami1y dwelling units are permitted ]
[ shall be determined by dividing the total number of square ]
[ feet in the lot by 1 ,500. ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
d. Density. No more than ei�hteen (18) apartments per acre.
SECTION 6. R-2 (Multiple-Family Residential ) Districtx Paragraph 5, and
immediately following Sub-paragraph f. , shall be added Sub-paragraphs g. and h.
as follows:
cL Vertical walls between each unit must have a fire-resistance rating
of two �ours or more.
h. If u er and lower floor is two se arate a artments, the ceilin must
_have� a min�mum fire resistance rating of one our.
SECTION 7. R-2 (Multiple-Family Residential ) District, Paragraph 6,
which previously read as fol1ows:
[ 6. Minimum lot requirements for Townhouse Subdivision ]
� ]
C2,500 SF 25'f a,d a b,c,e j
[ Note a: Building set-back lines of 25 feet shall be required on all lots ]
[ fronting or backing on an access street. ]
� ]
[ Note b: Building set-back lines of 15 feet shall be required on all lots ]
[ siding on access streets or upon a plat boundary. ]
� ]
[ Note c: No building lines shall be required on the sides of lots abutting ]
[ interior streets, except where traffic safety or other factors ]
C necessitate the establishment of such set-back. ]
[ Note d: Where townhouse lots and dwelling units are designed to face upon ]
[ an open or common access court rather than upon a public street� ]
[ said open or corr�non court shall be at least forty (40) feet wide ]
[ and not more than two hundred (200) feet long, measured from the ]
[ public street upon which the court must open. Said court may ]
[ not include vehicular drives or parking area in front of dwelling ]
C units. ]
[ Note e: Dwelling units shall be constructed up to side lot lines without ]
[ side yards and windows shall not face a side lot line unless the ]
[ side wall of the dwel1ing unit is at least 10 feet from the side ]
Clot line. ]
[ Note f: Lot size may be reduced under the provision that open space, as J
[ defined herein, be dedicated according to the following schedule: ]
Ord. No. 192
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[ For every 100 feet of open space per 1ot provided, the minimum ]
[ lot area may be reduced by 200 square feet and width of the lot ]
[ by two feet. No 1ot sha11 , however, have a lot area of less than ]
[ 2,000 square feet or a width of less than 20 feet. j
� �
[ Open Space Minimum Minimum ]
[ Per Dwelling Unit Lot Area Lot Width j
[ 0 square feet 2,500 square feet 25 feet ]
[ 100 square feet 2,300 square feet 23 feet ]
[ 200 square feet Z,100 square feet 21 feet ]
[ 250 square feet 2,000 square feet 20 feet j
C The dedication, the location, and the use of open space shall ]
[ in all cases be subject to the approva1 of �he Friendswood ]
[ City Planning Commission. �
is hereby amended to read as fo1lows:
6, Minimum requirements for Townhouse Subdivision
R. Set-backs FRONT: Note a REAR: Nate a SIDE: Note b cs d.
Note a: Buildin set-back 1ines of 25 feet shall be re uired on all
ots front�n or backin on an access street.
Note b: Suilding set-back 1ines of 15 feet sha11 be re uired on
a ots sidin� an access streets or upon a plat boundary.
Note c: No buildin lines shall be re uired on the sides of lots
abutt�n interior streets exce t where traffic safet
or ot er factors necessitate �he estab ishment of such
s e - a c .
Note d: Dwellin units shall be constructed u to side 1ot lines
wit ou� side ards and windows shall not face a side lot
un ess t e si e wa of the dwe 1in unit is at least ten
feet from the side lot line.
Note e: The dedication, the location and the use of o en s ace
s a in a l cases be subject to the approval of the
Friendswood City Planninq Commission.
B. Townhouses er�it�ed onl under the followin conditions:
1 . No more than 8.9 units per acre.
2. Each unit and its lot must 6e sold to homeowners.
3. Common areas to be turned over to homeowners associa�ion after
75! of the units are sald. In case of condominium townhouses
each homeowner owns a common share of common areas. Example:
In a fifty unit projec�, each homeowner wou1d own 2% of a11
common areas.
4. Each townhouse must have se arate elevation roof 1ines
uti ities sidewalk and front entrance.
5. Each unit must be se arated b a fire wall havin a minimum
fire resistance ratinq of twa hours. Fire wall must continue
throu h the attic 'ust under the hi her roof l�ne.
6. Both u er and lower floor would be re uired to make one townhouse
except in the case of a sinqle-storv townhouse.
Ord. No. 192
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7. Two off-street arkin s aces er unit minimum lus one
off-street visitor par in� space per unit minimum.
SECTION 8. C-1 (Business) District, Paragraph 4. Permitted Uses - Parking
Ratio, which previously read as follows:
C Permitted Uses Parkin,� Ratio ]
[ Air conditioning and heating 1/400 square ft.]
C Any use permitted in an R-1 or R-2 District except apartments. d ]
[ Note d: Provided a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is issued for an ]
[ apartment prior to December 31 , 1972y such certificate shall ]
[ expire for purposes of obtaining a Bui1ding Permit one year ]
[ from date of issue. ]
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Permitted Uses Parkin� Ratio
Air conditionin� and heating 1/400 square ft.
Any use permi tted i n an R-1 Di stri ct. �-•--.—._,__._.._,..,_._._.,..__
(Note d is deleted in its entirety�
SECTION 9. Al1 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repea1ed to the extent of such conflict only.
SECTION 10. If any provision of this ordinance, or the app1ication thereof
to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance,
and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstancesa shall
not be affected tf�ereby.
SECTION 11 . This ordinance shall be and become effective immediately upon
passage of third reading by the City Council .
PASSED and APPROVED on first reading this the 20th day of August x 1973.
PASSED and APPROVED on second reading this the lst _day of ps�pp� , 1973.
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on third and final reading this the 15th day
of October , 1973.
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lp L. Lowe, Mayor
ATTEST: City of Friendswood, Texas
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Ci ty Secretary
Approved as to form:
City Attorney