HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 161 . �- " + . . ' � �. . ' r . � • , ORDTi3�idCr NO. ��'� ANNEXATION LONGWOOD PARK AREA AN ORDTNANCE OF T�iE CITY Ot' FRIEN?i�SW00D, TEXAS MAKING CFRTAiN FII�iDINGS; SE1'TING FOR"_'H P..ESUT�TS OF � PUBLiC HEARING; EXTENDTNG 1'HE CITY LIi�IITS OF THr� CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS �G Ii3CL•LTD�:, ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN CERT�IN LIMITS AND BOLJNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FRIENDS- WOOL� ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AN�D BO'JLV'DARIES; PROVIDING THE PASSAGE Or THIS OR- DINAi�TrE SF:LALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINAi�TCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READ- ING; PROVIDING A SAVING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, VTHEREAS, in accordance with Article 970a, Section 6, pu�li- caticn of a Notice of Public Hearing was duly caused to be pub- lished in the Houston Post on Friday, October 29, 1971, the Houston Post being a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Friendswaod, Texas, and a copy of an Affic�avit of suc'n publication is attached hereto as folZows: Page _ 1 I971-Parcel # 2 f_._a.:-- �. � _��------ � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS � � COUNTY OF HARRIS � BEFOPtiE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared RAY CARTER of the Houston Post , who, being by me duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says : "The attached and foregoing public notice of hearing to be held November 8, 1971 at 7 : 30 P.M. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of Friendswood, Texas, concerning the matter of annexa- tion by the City of Friendswood of an 821.07 acre tract of land in the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League in Galveston County, identified in said notice as Parcel No. 1 and a 25.40 acre tract out of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision of the Northeast part of the Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Galveston County, Tex- as, identified in said notice as Parcel No. 2 , was published in the issue of The Houston Post, October 29 , 1971, and that the attached newspaper clipping is a true and correct copy of said published notice, " _ S/ Ray Carter ' SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this 29th day of October 1971. S/ Evelyn Hawkins Notary Public in and for � Harris County, Texas Page 2 1971- Parcel # 2 Clipping attached PUBLIC NOTlCE In ihe Cih/ Limit Ilne as establlshed� � � � � INOiICE i5 HthE3Y GIV�;; iiioi a bV Ordinance No.JD: _ 1. Public Hcer9ny shall be hcid on Na THE-NCE S 45 d?Arees W f50 iczt in• g � vernb?r II, 1?It,a; 7:30 o.m. in Yne pOint tor corner; Covndl Chnmber oP }ne Citv Hal! of THENCE N 45 degrecs W 990 fei7� 5, f ; . thc CitY ef Fricndswxd, Tex^.s, ps to ihe North Corner of Lo�30�. THENCE S 45 degrces W h47J4 Sectz � ? required bv Article 97JA, Section 6, more or IESS �O.(1 ooint In fiie Br'!�� VqTS�,as .nmcrdrd, prov(dins� an oo- :oria CountY-Galvcston CountV ilne: � i� portuni?v fur a�l in;�resYCd cersons ta THENCE 5 10 de7ree5 52' V✓ c;onci� - � �, be heard on ihe matter of whether the 6razoria rountvGaWesfon�Coun'Y' � ' proceedir�s sholl lic fnstituted bY the liae a distance of 1274.3 feet mae or� � � i � City o' Priends��voc:f to arncx ib the less to a Goint in the Northwest line� � � citv cll that certain Ierriforv. 6eina of�Lot 9,said D011l} also being in the � � w h e 1 1 v �vi',�hin Galv�;r;;n �ount�,I Cihi Limit line es established b�i O�-. � � Trxas,rons.isti;,q oF rhe followinn oc�r- Cinanr�No.102; ! . ccls, all o% whirh b:md is �,vithin ihe THENCE N �5 d_�recs E &23.ST' � { ezdusivic extraf=_�ritoriQl Iurisdiciion fttt more or less to 4he East��Cornef•� r � af tn^ Gtv aF F:I_n?s�,viced, Texas ot Lot 11; ' ' and co�tiguous a^.d r,dfacent ihereto THENCE 5 d5 de�rees E along t'a� � ead bc�i;�y de:,cr'b� by rnetss and Noriheosterly line of Let tt, a d:- boue;ts os fcilows: ' tance of 850 fee? to the piace of.6E-`� t� Parrnl P7o.7 GINNING. � - ( BcIPIG on 827.07 ocra!�ad of land Ccntalnin9 25.40 acres of land more � in the Sarch,YtcKisstck cr J. R. VJiI• oY less. EDWARD F.STUAR7� tiams League sltua!ed in Gah�eston Mayor,CitY of Frie�cJswood, � Cou�ty, Texci, end bcln0 more parv Texcs � tic�larly described bv meic; and�_ . _ . - � � bounds as follows,Tswif: � � 9F_GINNING ct n ooini in the Bra-If zoria Coun�,r ond Gaiveston Covnfv ' lirte which Wini is in ihe C!tv L(mit r Iine of Frierdswood, Texcs,as estab- � lished bY Ordinance Plamber 102,also � being u point :vhere fhe Norih- � viesterly extenslcn of Th� Norih- � easterP�Iir�rf C�ntrai Park Subdivl- � slon and the Southwesteriv ez;ension oF the Frierdv.eood Subdivision inter- sects the soid Countv line; THENCE in a Southeasterlv direc- ticn end alon9 the Northtvesteriv ex•l tensfon of the Nartneasieriv line oi Centrai Park �utdhaisi:n, c!so ozing the Sc:�thwesterlv Citv L!mit iine cf ihe CiN cf Fr;e-tlswo:�, Texas, a . distance of 232d.a feef more or leis to ' c point;n the Sovthwesterlv exicnsion' oF ihe S:.utiiecs'erh� ;ine o` Siate -HiBnwa�,•2351,fcrmeriV known as the West Friends�riood and/or Choate Road; THENCE-N di de�rc-es E and aton9 the Sovthwesterly extension of ihe SouThwastarly line of above sc;d STnte Highwav 2351 a disTance of 40.00 feeT to a point fcr corner,said poi�t beirg in the NorThecsterlv Iinr af Sunsef Drive. also heing In}he So�f�hwesterly CiN Limtt 1(ne as estabiished bV Or- dinance Nurnber E6; � THENGE in a Soi�lhepsierlY �tircc- tien artc' porall?I with the �South- westerlv line of Friendswaod Subdivi- sion, ar.d at ali pcints <0.00 feet NortFeasterly oF said $ouYhwesteriV bovndary Ifne of the Friendswoo�Sub- dlvi�,lo�, said line continui�g ccross , Ccwards CreNC to a point fn ihe ' . Northwesterlv li�e of Lot 6, Block 5, Frie�ndswood Subdivision,�In9 a dis- tance oP 7Q37.72 feet,more or�es;; THE�ICE 5 4d deorees 59' 45" and p a r a t I e i v:ith tne Southwesteriv boundory lir.e of the Friendswood Subdivision a disiance of 183.E�8 feet fo the point of curve of a curve fo the 1aff; THENCE in a Sou'heasterly direo- tlon and w?th said curve to the !=ff having a rodius of 3&3.33 feefi, a cen- irdl angle of 26 dEqrees 34'S3",177.E4 feet to ihe coint of tangency• THENCE S 77 degrees 34' 38" E and with sald tangent, 40.56 feet to the ewint of curve ot a curve to fhe f19hY; THENCE wiTh said curve to tha �19ht having a ra�dius of 473.15 feet,.a ccntral angle of 26 dearees CO' 00", 214!71 feet to point of tarwencY of wid curve� THENCE 5 45 deare-^s 34' 39" E - ar,d with said tangent 7025 feet more or less to }he SoutheasterlV Ilne of Brlarmeadow Drive, formerlv known as the Friendswaod-Alvin Road; THENCE In o Southwesterly direc- tion ond along ihe Souiheasterlv li�e of Briarmeadow Drive and a Souih- wesTerly ex'ension thereof a distance of 2274.35 fezt more er fess To� the � Southwesterty line of Greenbriar Drfve,based on 50.Cb feet in wldth. THENCE 5 45 deorees� E along a SouTheasterly extension af the South- westerlV line o` Greenbrlar Drive a distance of SG0.00 feet more or Iess to a coint`or corner; �7HENCE 5 4i degrees W a dis- tance of 7959.50 ieet more or les5 To a point In the Scuthwesterly Iiae of the Sarch ,+ACKissick cnd/or J. R. Wil- !tams�e.^.cue; THE�CE (n a �lorthwesieriv direc- tton c�:d along the Southwzstzrlv Itne o` the Saroh McKlssick ond/or J.R. Williams Leocue, and a North- we;�terly extension th�reof a dfstance of 73.;A{eet more cr fess to o coint in the E,rozoria CounN-Gafvcsfon Coo�N Line: THE���CE N 10 dz4rees 52' E and alona the Bra�oria CounN-Gviveston Counfy line a distcnce of EE6520 feet , more ar lass to the oldce of BEGIN- rtiric. Cartainiog 821.07 Acres more o� less. Parcai No.2 � BEING Lct 29 and Pcrts M Lofs 10, 11,:q c�d 32 of the Hcidale and Coff- man Subdivision of Sne Noriheasi ipart cf the Per_rv and Rustln Lea9ue, . IAbstra_t:..7,;,:!ves':�z.,oenN�Trxac, a=ccrdia?t., ; . n,,a.;o •,, •��•'.i,:i- . si::-rt ^ it ,� _,,c„ .` r�:c..,:�J�ir. tr.,l-I ume 215 ar��Pac� 1��: - IF�e ^=d re:crCS of Galve,;;�an C���rtv, Te�<os, ond eina more ce;;icvlcrivi ce- scribed bv mete>cr?d bounds c> foi- IOWS,io-:Yii: BEGIN�7ING at the Sauih corne�of Lot 29 af the obove e�id Hoidcla ond Coffman Subdivision,said poini bein9 in the Cily Ltmit line as established bV Ordtnance No. 702; THENCE 1J 45 degrees E along the Southeasferlv Ifr�s of tots 29 and 32 o distence of 73°_0 f�rt more or less to ihe East corntr of Lot 3Y, � � � THENCE N 45 degrezs VI 390 feei to a poirtfor corner,said oci�t being AND WHEREAS, on the 8th day of November, 1971, at 7: 30 p.m. in the City Hall _of the City of Friendswood, Texas, a public hearing was duly held, according to the published notice, afford- ing the opportunity for several interested persons to appear be- fore the City Council of Friendswood, Texas to present evidence in regard to the feasibility and practicability of the annexation of such territory to the City; and, WHEREAS, the hearing was completed and every person who de- � sired to be heard was given a full opportunity to �resent evidence on the advantages or disadvantages of such annexation; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Friendswood, Texas, has been directed to prepare the necessary Ordinance or Ordinances to complete the annexation proceedings, now therefore: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS��TOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: � 5ection l. That the l�ouridaries and limits of the City of Friendswood are hereby extended so as to embrace and include tYie following described area of land, and the following described area of land is hereby annexed to and made a part of the City of Friendswood, to-wit: Page 3 1971-Parcel # 2 . .. ,,. PARCEL N0. 2 Being Lot 29 and parts of Lots 10, 11 , 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32 of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision of the Northeast part of the Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Galveston County, Texas, according to the map of said Subdivision as it appears of record in Volume 215 at page 394 of the deed records of Galveston County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to wit: Beginning at the South Corner of Lot 29 of the above said Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, said point being in the City limit line as established by ordinance No. 102; Thence S 45° E and along the Southwesterly line of Lots 27 and 28 and the Northeasterly line of Lots 14 and 15 in Hoidale and Coffman Sub- division and being along the City Limit line of the City of Friendswood, Texas as established by Ordinance No. 102, a distance of 1280.00 feet more or less to a point in the City of Friendswood City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 50; Thence N 45° E and along the City Limit Line as established by Ordinance No. 50 a distance of 40.00 feet to a point for corner; Thence S 45° E and along the City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 50 a distance of 1360.00 feet more or less to a point in the City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 50, said point being the Southeasterly line of Lot 25; Thence N 45° E along City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 50 a distance of 20.00 feet more or less to a point in the Northeasterly line of Melody Lane based on 60,00 feet in width, said point being 40.00 feet at right angles from the Southwesterly line of Lot 25; Thence N 45° W and along the Northeasterly line of Melody Lane and 40.00 feet at righ� angles and parallel to the Southwesterly line of Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 a distance of 2640.00 more or less to a point in the North- westerly line of Lot 28; Thence N 45° E along the Southeasterly lines of Lots 29 and 32 a distance of 1280.00 feet more or less to the East corner of Lot 32; Thence N 45° W 330 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 30; Thence S 45° W 660 feet to point for corner; Thence N 45° W 990 feet to the North corner of Lot 30; Thence S 45° W 447.14 feet more or less to a point in the Brazoria- Galveston County line; Thence S 10° 52' W a distance of 1214.3 feet more or less to a point in the Northwest line of Lot 9, said point also being in the City Limit line as established by Ordinance No. 102; Thence N 45° E 828.57 feet more or less to the East Corner of Lot 11; Thence S 45° E along Northeasterly line of Lot 12 a distance of 660 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 27.80 acres of land more or less. Page 4 1971 - Parcel #2 . .. ,.� .�_ . , , . � Section 2 . This ordinance shall not repeal, impair, modify or in anywise affect any other ordinance annexing territory to the City of Friendswood, or any other ordinance heretofore pas- sed on one t�r more readings and not yet passed on final reading annexing any �territory to the City of Friendswood, but such other ordinance or ordinances shall remain and continue to be effect- tive to their intent and purpose as therein stated wholly unaf- fected in any way or manner by the passage of this ordinance. This ordinance shall not in anywise be impaired or affected by any other ordinance heretofore introduced or passed on any read- ing, whether final or not; nor shall it be affected by any other ordinance which may thereafter be introduced or passed on one � or more readings, pending the final passage of this ordinance; and this ordinance shall be effective to its intent and purpose as hereinabove stated, wholly unaffected by any other annexa- tion ordinance introduced and passed or hereafter introduced and passed on any reading, whether final or not final, annexing ter- � , . ritory to the City of Friendswood, and wholly unaffected by any ordinance heretofore or hereafter passed calling a hearing and giving notice relative to the institution of any anr.exation proceeding. The procedure initiated hereby and the annexation proceedings instituted hereunder shall be independent of any other proposed and pending annexation of such territory and such other proceedings shall not be affected hereby. Section 3. If any section, or part of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, or the application thereof ineffective or inapplicable as to any territory, such unconstitutionality, illegality, invalidity or ineffectiveness of such section or part shall in no wise affect, impair or Page 5 1971-Parcel # 2 . AR , � ' �� , � _ . invalidate the remaining portion or portions thereof, but as to such remaining portion or gortions, the same shall be and remain in full force and effect; and should this ordinance for any rea- son be ineffective as to any part of the area hereby annexed to the City of Friendswood, such ineffectiveness of this ordinance as to any such part or parts, of any such area shall not affect the effectiveness of this ordinance as to all of the remainder of such area, and the City Council hereby declares it to be its pur- pose to annex to the City of Friendswood every part of the area described in Section 1 of this ordinance, regardless of whether any other part of such described area is hereby effectively an- nexed to the City. Provided further, that if there is included in the general description of territory set out in Section 1 of this ordinance to be hereby annexed to the City of Friendswood any lands or area which are already a part of and included with- _ in the general limits of the City of Friendswood, or which are _ " presently part of and included in the limits of any other city, town or village, or which are not within the City of Friendswood jurisdiction to annex, the same is hereby excluded and excepted from the territory to be annexed hereby as fully as if such ex- cluded and excepted area were especially described herein. - PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS �g�h DAY OF November , 1971. PASSED ON SECOND READING THIS 2nd DAY OF December 1971. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF December � 1971. EDWARD F. STUART, Mayor, City of Friendswood, Texas �� � Attest: City Secretary Page 6 1971-Parcel # 2