HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 155 ORDINANCE N0. 155 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS FOR TfiE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1971 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1972 WHEREAS the City of Friendswood, Texas requires a budget for financial operation of the City from October 1 , 1971 through September 30, 1972, and WHEREAS the Mayor has caused such a budget to be prepared as required by law, covering all proposed expenditures by the City for the 1971-72 tax year, and WHEREAS the said budget shall be filed hereby with the City Secretary of the City, and WHEREAS a public hearing has been held as requested by law and all changes have been made to the budget prior to adoption of this Ordinance, and WHEREAS all statutory requirements of Articles 78a-16, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes have been met, now therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1 . That the following budget is hereby adopted by the Ctiy Council for expenditures by the City from October 1 , 1971 through September 30, 1972: (As set forth in the next six pages of this document) ��__��___ __�_. _.___ -.__. __._ � �ITY GF FRIENDSWUOD - PROPGSED BUUGEI 1971-1972 Total Tax Receipts Estimated Oct. l , 1971 - Oct. 1 , 1972------ $2]8y185.00 Bond & Interest Commitments for 1972--------------- ----------- 83,302.50 (38%) Available for General & Administrative Account----- ----------- 134,882,50 (62%) GENERAL FUNU Receipts 1971 Budget 1972 Bud�et Taxes $123,147.50 134,882.50 Building Permits 3,000.00 10,000.00 � �' Dog Tags & Pound Fee� 185.00 200.00 Fines & Forfeitures 3,000.00 10,000.00 Franchises 19,000.00 20,000.00 � Interest 500.00 1Y000.00 Mobile Home Permits 2,000.00 2,600.00 Sales T.ax 8,000.00 20,000.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 1 ,000.00 Carry-over 48,000.00 40 000.00 237,332.50 $239x682.50 DISBURSE[�1ENTS _ General & Administrative 50,243.35 57Y301 .50 Pol-ice� Department 44,375.00 60,502.00 Street Department 69„060.00 67,671 .00 Fire Department 15,535.00 11 ,200.00 Engineering Department -0- 14�301 .00 Nealth, Welfare & Recreation 10,376.00 13,875.00 L�brary 13,000.00 13,248.00 Muni�cipa1 Court 100.00 2,514.00 P+liScellaneous 3,800.00 185.00 Transf. to Construction 30,843.15 -�- " 237,332.50 $239,682.� -----------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- � DEPARTMENTAL BREAK-DOWPd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL & ADf�IINIS7RATIVE Salaries $ 22,356.00 $ 30,540.00 Insurance & Bonds . 3,900.00 - 8,000.00 Telephone 900.00 2,000.00 Utilities: Parks 850.00 -�- Library 1 ,550,00 -�- Office SuppliesJPostage 2,300.00 4,955.00 *** Drafting/Engineering Supplies 75.00 -�- Printed Forms 75.00 -0- - Building Maintenance-City Hall 1 ,000.00 2,000.00 � Library 1 ,000.00 -�- Maintenance/Equipment 300.00 300.00 Payroll Taxes 150.00 1 ,556.50 Miscellaneous 150.00 200.00 Fuel 100.00 100.00 Dues/Subscriptions s 400.00 400.00 Election Expenses - 300.00 300.00 Printing/Legal Notices 300.00 3�0.00 Auditing Expense 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 Legal Expense 4,000.00 2,000.00 Mayor/Gouncil 500,00 500.OQ Travel 200.00 200.00 Group Insurance 1 ,800.00 $93.2$ Taxes to Pearland (Longwood) 225.00 225.00 Instruction - -0- 250.00 Capital Outlay 2,618.35 _ 1 ,082,00 50,243.35 $57,301 .50 (***Includes office supplies for all G&A Departments) .�. -- �,..,_�. - ,�� _. ___- ---- _ __ . _ . _ ___------ --_---__---- _- - --------_____- ---_. .-. - Page 2 G&N Capital Outlay File cabinet $ 75,00 ] Desk 250.00 ] Supply Cabinet 66.00 ] (for G�neral Office) Posture Chair 55.00 ] Typewriter (balance) 446.00 ) Cassette Recorder 60.00 (for Fir � h1arshal ) Slide Proj./Screen 130.00 (for F�r � Marshal ) $1 ,082.00 POIICE DEPARTMENT Salaries $34,650.00 $46,564.00 Payroll Taxes -0- 2,252.00 , Group Insur�nce -0- 1 ,260.84 ` Insurance & Bonds -0- 400.00 Telephone 600.00 1 ,100.00 Uffice Supplies 800.00 -u- *** ' Maintenance/Cars 800.00 1 ,496.00 Maintenance/R&R 800.00 1 ,200.00 Other Maintenance -0- 100.00 Fuel 1 ,800.00 1 ,800.00 Dues/Subscriptions -0- 20.00 Training � 200.00 200.00 Travel -0- 100.00 , Expense Account 150.00 50.00 Officer Equipment 800.00 1 %265.00 Dog Pound Operation 200.00 230.00 Capital Outlay 7,000.00 1 ,640.00 44,3 5.00 ,60,5U2.U0 Police Dept. Capital Outlay Desk $250.00 Typewriter 485.00 Chair 80.00 File Cabinets Legal 90.00 . 3/5 cards 35.00 � Complaints 50.00 R&R Receivers 400.00 � Base Sta. Console 250.00 $1 ,640.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STREET DEPARTf�1ENT Salaries $ 26,760.00 $ 31 ,756.00 Payroll Taxes -0- 1y600.00 Group Insurance -0- 815.04 Contract Labor 500.00 500,00 � S�ree,t Lights 6,500.00 7,100.00 Maintenance/Equipment 2,500.00 4,000.00 Street Signs 700.00 1 �100.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1 ,000.00 � 500.00 Uniforms -0- 1 ,000.00 Fuel 1 ,600.00 2,000,00 Rental of Equipment ° 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 Weed Spraying 500.00 500.00 Material & Supplies (St. Program) 20,000.00 7,000.00 Pecan $1 ,950.00 � f�eritage 1 ,875.U0 Patching 3,175.00 Draindge -0- 6,500.00 General 3,000.00 Whitehall 3,500,.00 Cdpitdl Outldy 7 000.00 2,300.00 69,060.00 67, .0�� � � ...� _ __----- __ �- , _ . Page 3, _ Street Ueat. Capital Outla,y Overhat�l tractor $1 ,000.00 Level (for drainage) 425.00 Leveliny Rod 48.0�1 Shop Tools 376.00 Tripod 51 .OU Air compressor 400.0� $2,300.00 --------------------------------------------------------- •--------------------- MUNICIPAL COURT $100.00 t Salaries ' -0- $2,250.00 • ` Payroll taxes -0- 10.00 Office Supplies -0- -0- *** Miscellaneous -0- 24.00 ' �2,�2� �3�4.0� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE DEPARTMENT $15,535.00 $11 ,200.00 ' .1971 list 1972 list Deluge Nozzle 600.00 Equip. Maintenance $1 ,000.00 Gas Indicator 150.00 Plectron Converter 300.00 Pressure Tester 100.00 10 Plectrons 900.00 -3 Radio Monitors 300.00 Truck Tires 800.00 1500' hose (3-1/2") 5,625.00 500' hose (3-1/2") 1 ,000.00 , 1000' hose (1-1/2") 1 ,260.00 Rescue Equip. 450.00 Insurance 3,500.00 Insurance 1 ,800,00 Fire Truck Payment 3,600.00 Fire Truck Payment . 3y600.00 A&M Training 200.00 A&M Training 400.00 Fuel 200.00 Fuel 250.00 15,535.00 Oxygen Equipment 260.00 , Telephone 240.00 Dues 200.00 �11 ,200.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH, WELFARE & RECREATION Galveston County Mental Health $ 268.00 $ 285.00 Galveston County Health Dept. 1 ,520.00 1 ,765.00 Fire Marshal 809,00 875.00 (Cap. Outlay under G&A) Mosquito Control 500.00 300.00 Safety Committee 250.00 150.00 - Civil, Defense 1y000.00 500.00 Parks & Recreation 8,000.00 10 000.00___�_also *) 12„34 .00 13,875.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY s Operation 12,500.00 10,873.00 Phone ] 275.00 . Utilities ] 1 ,550.00** 900.00 Maintenance 1 ,000.00** 700.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Recreational Programs 300.00* , �12,500.00 13,248.00 (** Carried under G&A in 1971 ) �_ ____- -. _ . . __.___ y�, _ _. - . _-------__ .--- . . , .. Page 4, EfJGINEERING DEPARTPIEIVT 1972 Budget Al1 Engineering carried in G&A in 1971 Salary $12,420.00 Payroll Taxes 64.87 Group Insurance 16.88 Tools 75.00 Part-time help 400.00 Office Supplies -0- Repro. & Blueprints 200.00 Wood stakes 65.00 Transportation 1 ,000,00 14, •�� , , + -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N $100.00 35.00 ' , DRAINAGE BOARD 100.00 150.00 200.00 185,00 L �_.-,_.... , _ ___ -------------___ ____ _ - - —------ - _ ,�-- . . . . � _. _ EJTILITY DEPARTMENT - MAINTENANCE & OFERATION RECEIPTS 1971 Budget 1972 Budqet Water & Sewer Revenue $150,000.00 $160,000.00 Water & Sewer Tap Fees 6y000.00 169000.00 Reconnect Fees -0- 200.00 Carry-over 26,000.00 9s600.00 182,000.00 �185,800.00 DISBURSEP�iENTS Salaries , $ 46„834.00 $ 40,386.OQ � � Payroll Taxes 2,247.50 2,040.00 Group Insurance 1 ,000.00 1 ,301 .00 -Office/Gen.Adm. Expenses 3,000.00 3,000,00 ' , Utilities Office 1 ,300.00 1 ,300.00 Lab 250.00 250.00 Water 3,200.00 4,200.00 Sewer 5,250.00 7,800.00 Plant Operation _ - Water 2,000.00 2y000.00 � Sewer 5y500.00 5,500.00 Plant Maintenance , Water 3,000.00 3,000.00 Sewer 4,000.00 4,000.00 tine Maintenance Water 700.00 2,000.00 ' Sewer 2,300.00 2,300.00 Taps ` Water 4,500.00 10,000.00 Sewer 19500.00 5„000.00 Truck Expense Fuel 125.00 700,00 ' Maintenance 600.00 600.00 Equipment Maintenan�e 750.00 � 750.00 Laboratory Expenses 1 ,000.00 500.00 Engineerin� Fees -0- 1y200.00 Audit Expense 1 ,000.00 2,000.00 Legal Expense 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 200.00 Capital Outlay 30,256.00 23,873.40 ' $125,100.40 � Water pump drive $1 ,000.00 WW Control System 4,500.00 Fire Hydrants 6,700.00 8" Main 11 ,673.40 (2351 to Sp'reading Oaks) �23,873,40 Interest & Sinking F 48,987.50 53,500,00 Bond Reserve 6,000.00 6,000.00 $182,000.00 $185,800.40 w�. ,.�- .- .i -- �°-- ' , + .. B0�'�D & INTEREST REQUIREMENTS FOR 1972 PRINCIPLE INTEREST INTIREST TOTAL WC&IU #15 Due 3-1 72 Due 3-1-72 Due 9-1-72 ''Series 1957 6175.00 61;'5.00 Series 1962 3375.00 33; 5,00 - Series 1963 5000.00 3045.00 29' 7.50 Ci•ty - Seri es 1967 5000.00 4125.00 40( 0.00 , TOTAL 10,000.00 16,720.00 16,5('7.50 43,227.50 Due 2-1-72 Due 2-1-72 Due � -1-72 WC&ID #21 Series 1964 10,000.00 15,037.50 15,0:: 7.50 40,075.00 , 1 )TAL 83,302.50 City - 1969 Revenue Bonds 10,000.00 21 ,912.86 21y58 �.14 53,500.00 TOTAL 80ND & INTEREST-----------=---------- --$136s802.50 Source of Funds for Bond & Interest Requirements Current Tax Receipts $83y302.50 � _ Water & Sewer Revenue 53,500.00 TOTAL $136,802.50 �........r,.r..M_.._ _ _.._.�.__ _... _- Section 2. That one true copy of this Ordinance be filed in the City Secretary's permanent Ordinance File and one true copy filed with the State Comptroller at Austin, Texas. Section 3. That the estimated tax rate necessary to meet the budget shall be ONE DOLLAR ($1 .00) on each ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) DOLLARS valuation of property; said property valuation shall be SIXTY (60%) PERCENT of actual market value based on the present tax roll . PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this the 16th day of September , 1971 PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this the 7th day of October , 1971 PASSED, APPROVED AND FINALLY ADOPTED on third reading this the 21st day of October , 1971 . " �►►11`„.. APPROVED;.�. ,�;��� ,,,,,`� ��r ,�� . > ��, .. ...., r �� � � �-=-_ .. �- �i�� "� �" ••�•► -�,~',.�-,��/ L.t� ���� .�°' ,� ,•.� �� Edward F. Stuart, Mayor �.; .� ��fij� :� S� .��� • � ti � �� • �� I ' �+••����• •��••��\\,� � ���,/I + ��`��1� w � ��� k���i����1�N��•�� � " ���"�;;qA.�'y i /�`' � , � '..»����P�� �' f, � �� %� t� L. B. Cline, City Se etary