HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 154 . . , . . . � . . ORDINANCE NO. 154 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEY�S MAKING CERTAIN FINDI'�7C,� ; SETTING FORTH A PETITION FOR ANNEX��'TION OF CER- TAIN VACANT TERRITORY; SETTII�G FORTH THE RESULTS OF A PUBLIC HEARING; RECEIVING AND ANNEXING AS A PART OF SAID CITY THE SAID TERRITORY LYING ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS . WHEREAS, on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1971, there was filed with the Mayor and City Council of the City of Friends- wood, Texas, the following instrument: � • �. . + � . �� - , � � a GALVESTON, TEXAS. AUGUST 2, 1971 At a S,pecial Called Session of the Commissioners' Court of Galveston County, Texas, held upon �his day, upon call of the County Judge and all Commissioners to consider any and all matters that may come before them; there being present County Jtiidqe Holbrook, presiding; Commissioners Llewellyn, Carmona, Hapkins, and Lawrence; County Clerk Gertrude McKenna; County Auditor Caro; County Engineer Gresham; and Attorney for the Court William D. Decker. �; _.. _ _ _ ' � ; �,... , , � � � . . RI:SOI;UTI.ON O]:�' 'I'III� COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS AUTHORIZING A PETITION TO BE SUBMITTED TO TIiE CITY COU�ICIL OF' �'RIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COiJNTY, TEXAS REQUESTING ANNEXATION U�� CFI2T11IN PI7UPER`.PY I�YING WTTF3IN TFiE COtJN'i'Y, CON�» a_I�'1"fNG OF DRTVES (STRFF'I'S) WHLC�I I�iZ.E ('��N'1' (GUC)�tJE> �Nl� �I);1'!�C<"t;Nr�C' ''f'C) �'�il? C�"`I;'1.'Y �F�� 3�'1t �Cf^,ND:�Wc)U(7 F�I�it) 7'H�: F`Tti'�;IVll,3W(�OC) �1�N�I�)1�.- I�IaJ��O1JN�I' SCHOOZ, L1I5'I'RIC`I' PRQP�;R'l'Y; �ET� T7NG �'ORTIt THE CONTENTS OF THE PETITION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY; ' AUTHORTZING THE COUNTY JUDGE TO EXECUTE THE PETITION AS THE ACT AND DEED OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER' S COURT OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS ; DIRECTING THAT THE PETI- TSON AND A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RE- SOLUTION BE DELIVERED TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS FOR ACTION THEREBY. WHEREAS the County Commissioner's Court of Galveston County, Texas met in Regular Session at its usual meeting pllace in Galveston, Texas and there came on to be considered, among other matters, the question of whether or not Galveston County should request by petition to the Mayor and City Council of the city of Friendswood, Texas an annexation by Friendswood of certain drives (streets) hereinafter described by metes and ti hounds; and, WHEREAS the annexation by Friendswood of these drives (streets) would facilitate the extension of Friendswood ' s police juris- diction and other city services to the drives (streets) which are also contiguous and adjacent to the property of the Friends- wood Independent School District ; now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, DULY ASSEMBLED: I. That a petition of the Honorable Galveston County Commis- sioner ' s Court be submitted to the Honorable Mayor and City Council af the cit:y of Friendswood, Texas as follows: , ,t ...' rs • � • � S ♦ `I't�ience N45°W ar�d �long t'l�a� So�aLhw��i_er, ]_y cit�y ��imi.t I.i.nc� c�st::al-�lisl�ed k�y Or.c�inance Numkjer F,6, �� d.7.� t �znc�c:� of� 5(). Oc) fcet� m�re or l.ess to a paint i.n ���e Nc�r. t.l-zeast_�rly �xtension o� �the Northwesterly linc o:f �'alling T_,eaf Drive; Thence S45 "W and along the Northwesterly line of Falling I,eaf Drive, based on �0. 00 feet, and a Northeasterly extension thereof, a distance of 2073. 05 feet more or less to a point for corner, said point being 6.88 feet Northwest of the North- westerly line of original 4q foot road and in the � Northwesterly line of the 50.00 foot road to the Northeast extended Southwesterly to the Southwesterly line of Greenbriar Drive, based on 60.00 feet in width; Thence S45°E and along the Southwesterly line of Greenbriar Drive a distance of 1817 .08 feet more or less to a point for corner, said point being in the Southeasterly line of Castlewood extended Southwesterly; Thence N45°E and along the Southeasterl.y line of Castlewood Drive, and a Northeasterly extension thereo�, a distance of 2080. 50 feet more or less to a point in the Southwesterly city limit line as established by Ordinance Number 66, said point also being in the Northeasterly line of Sunset Drive; Thence N45 °W and along the Southwesterly city limit line, as established by Ordinance Number 66, a dis- tance of 60.00 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 7 ,64 acres of land more or less. WITNESS the hand of the County Judge of Galveston County, Texas , Ray Holbrook, this 2nd day of �u�st , 1971, and the seal of the County of Galveston. � r � � RAY HOLB O , County Judge (SEAL) (ACKNQWLEDGEMENT} zz , TkTA�' the Horiora�le County �Tudc�c is t�erc:r.ry �+u�t��r�xx.:re>c� t;o execute said petition as the act and deed oE �l��e Count,y Commissioner ' s Court. � � _. _ __. . ` . . . : ,. • . ,.,.,,' • ,• . , '- � ' ' . � 7 CI . TF3�3'.i' the p�titian and a certified copy of tl�lis resalu- ti_on be forthwi�h delivEred to the Mayor and Council of the city of Friendswood, Texas for action thereby. PASSED, APPROVL:D, AND ADOPTED BY TFiE COUNTY COMMISSIONER' S COURT OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, DULY ASSEMBLED THIS 2nd DAY OF Aug�st , 1971, upon motion of Commis sioner Lawrence, seconded by Cammissioner Hopkins, and ca ed. � ' , ' - -- RAY HOLBROO, , unty Judge � � SEA�.� �� �� ���, ��: �'� ' . F`� ,;z, ' , � y�:��-,�.��..�,�: J>i �� � � , ,..�v ATTEST: ` GERTRiJDE McKENN��, COUNTY CLERK GALVESTUN CUUNTY, TE.�iS ♦ � A r 5 ' • . THE STAT� OF TEXAS, � County of aalves�ton. � I, GERTFIUDE McKENNA, Coux�tp Clerk and Ex—ofiioio Clerk of the Com�issioners ' Court in and for aalveston County, �tate oi Texas, do herebp CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a t�ue and correc� copp of an ORDER of said Commissioners ' Court made and entered August 2, 1971, as the same app�ars of record in my o�fice, in the Minutes oY said Commissioners ' Court , Book N� . 40 , on Pages Nos . ----- . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, � have hereunto set my hand and affixed the impress of the official sea� of said Commissioners ' Court , at �ny office , in the City and County of (�alveston, State of Texas, on this the 3rd day o� �ugust A,D. � 1971. `''�i""''��y GEBTRUDE McKE1JNA, Clerk County Court , � `�,,1��t ���s �b, and Ex—o�ricio Cl�rk Comriissionexs ' Court �-' `e�:F'� '•;c��, ��, of aalveston County, Texas . . „�y �t, , _� �� � � � v: % � ei�utY• 4� '. �Jg ie♦"�r 1Ki endall 11�Cl.� . �. :+ `'��.� '\�R.�..�.��•``' 1M-S&J And, WHEREAS, the hearing was duly held, affording the opportur�ity for several interested persons to appear before � the City Council of Friendswood, Texas to present evidence in regard to the feasibility and practicability of the annexation of such territory to the city; and, WHEREAS, the hearing has been completed and every person who desired to be heard has been given a full opportunity to present evidence on the advantages or disadvantages of such annexation; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of such hearing, the following resolution was adopted: And, WHEREAS, on the day of such hearing, August 26, 1971, Edward F. Stuart, Mayor of the City of Friendswood, Texas, cer- tified to the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas the following: � �� AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS � � COUNTY OF GALVESTON � BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Galveston County, Texas„ personally appeared, EDWARD F. STUART, well known to me, and who, after being duly sworn, did upon his oath depose and say: "I, EDWARD F. STUART, being the duly elected and qualified Mayor of the City of Friendswood, Texas, do hereby certify that on the 6th day of August, 1971, there was filed with me as Mayor of said city, a certified copy of a petition for annexation which was duly executed pursuant to a resolution of the Galveston County Commissioners ' Court concerning the territory proposed to be annexed. That an examination of the said instruments reveal that the County Commissioners ' Court of Galveston County, Texas, at a meeting held on August 2, 1971, by resolution duly passed and adopted, authorized County Judge Ray Holbrook to execute a Peti- tion for Annexation concerning the territory described in the petition to the City of Friendswood, and that said petition, resolution and certification were properly filed with me as Mayor of the City of Friendswood, Texas. That the aforementioned territory adjoining the City of Friendswood, Texas, is now legally susceptible of annexation to the City of Friendswood, upon the passage and approval of a proper ordinance. I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct and with this affidavit file the certified copy of the petition and resolution with the City Secretary of the City of Friendswood, ..�>..� S. „ ,�� ��.� �- j' ,,ti��NIIINIry� � � / y.'_ �'�,l �,••'h..Q� C��'crt.!—'�---/`l �. 'L�-�—�" � p '�;�� ` EDWARD F, STUART,Mayor � % .�; . � * �° �ORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 26th day of August, 1971. .'��`,' .�yi��! �-, � � • `� /� � ,L�ii ' L���.�:,� �i � 4 ��� - ',�����irF�G�k��N�� �_ r� N �tary Public in nd for Galveston County, Texas , , � � � • , � , And, WHEREAS, the City Council. of the City of Friends- wood, 'I'exas deems it desirable and to the best interest of this city to annex said territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, now therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS- WOOD, TEXAS DULY ASSEMBLED. Section l . The City Council finds that all of the above mentioned instruments were properly filed and presented to the Mayor and Council and that said instruments, having been filed � with the City Secretary of the City of Friendswood, Texas, by Edward F. Stuart, the Mayor thereof, together with his Affidavit of filing on the 26th day of August, A.D. 1971, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, having examined the same and having inquired into the facts and circumstances surrounding all of said proceedings and being fully advised of the premises, here- by finds that all of the statements contained in said resolution, petition for annexation and certification are true and correct and that the procedure initiated, prosecuted and concluded by the County Commissioners ' Court of Galveston County, Texas, was, in all respects proper in keeping with the laws of the State of Texas prescribing this procedure and that there has been per- formed and consumated every legal prerequisite necessary to a valid and effectual petition for annexation of said territory as a part of the City of Friendswood, Texas. Section 2 . That the City Council finds that the Notice of Hearing and Public Hearing have been accomplished, according to all iegal prerequisites and that al1 interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to be heard concerning the annexa- tion of such territory. Section 3. That said territory described in said proceed- ings lies adjacent and contiguot�s to the City of Friendswood and ! � � � . ,�. .�� . ` . ' ' ' .. , , does not in any place extend beyond the extraterritorial juris- diction of the City of Fri�ndswood and does not lie within the extraterritor.ial jurisdiction of any other municipal corpora- tion of the State of Texas, and is less than one-half mile in width. Section 4. There is hereby received and annexed as a part of the City of Friendswood, Texas, the following territory, being the same territory described in the petition for annexa- tion hereinabove set forth and being more particularly describe� as follows : � � ` l � ' � • Being the �llowing dri��es, Falling i �f Drive � � , • , ' ` from Sunset Drive �o Greenbriar Drive, Greenbriar � � '' � � Drive from Falling Leaf Drive to Castlewood Drive . and Castlewood Drive froni Sunset Drive to Green- briar Drive, being wholly within Galveston County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to wit: � Beginning at a point in the Southwesterly city limit line of Friendswood, Texas, as established , by Ordinance Number 66, said point being N45°E 60.00 feet, and N45 °W 10. 00 feet from the East .Corner of Lot 2, Block "C" Central Park Subdivision � according to a map of Central Park Subdivision re- • corded in plat book 231, page 601 in the offices of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas; Thence S45°W and along the Northwesterly line of Castlewood Drive and the Northeasterly extension thereof a distance of 2020. 50 feet more or less . to a point in the Northeasterly line of Greenbriar Drive, based on 60.00 feet in width; Thence N45 °W and along the Northeasterly line of Greenbriar Drive a distance of 1709.83 feet more or less to a point in the Northeasterly line of Falling Leaf Drive, based on 50. 00 feet in width; Thence N47°09 'E and along the Southeasterly line of Falling Leaf Drive, and a Northeasterly extension thereof based on 50.00 feet in width, a distance of 2013. 10 feet more or less to a point in the South- westerly city limit line as established by Ordinance Number 66, said point also being in the Northeasterly line of Sunset Drive; �^ Thence N45°W and along the Southwesterly city _ limit line established by Ordinance Number 66, a distance of 50.00 feet more or less to a point � in the Northeasterly extension of the Northwesterly � line of Falling Leaf Drive; Thence S45°W and along the Northwesterly line of � Falling Leaf Drive, based on 50. 00 feet, and a Northeasterly extension thereo£, a distance of 2073.05 feet more or less to a point for corner, said point being 6.88 feet Northwest of the North- _ westerly line of original 40 foot road and in the Northwesterly line of the 50.00 foot road to the � � � Northeast extended Southwesterly to the Southwesterly line of Greenbriar Drive, based on 60.00 feet in width; Thence S45 °E and along the Southwesterly line of Greenbriar Drive a distance of 1817.08 feet more ' or less to a point for corner, said point being in the Southeasterly line of Castlewood extended Southwesterly; � " Thence N45 °E and along the Southeasterly line of " Castlewood Drive, and a Northeasterly extension thereof, a distance of 2080. 50 feet more or less to a point in the Soi�thwesterly city limit line as established by Ordinance Number .66, said point also being in the Northeasterly line of Sunset Drive; � Thence N45 °W and along the Southwesterly city limit line, as established by Ordinance Number 66, a dis- tance of 60.00 feet more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. ' Containing 7.64 acres of land more or less. �� . . � • � . , • • � �. �, - , Section 5 . That said territory and any future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Friendswood, Texas and said ter- ritory and any future inhabitants thereof shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, ac- cording to the requirements set. forth in Article 974g of Vernon ' s Annotated Texas Statutes. Section 6. The corporate limits of the City af Friends- wood, Texas are hereby extended so as to include and there is hereby included within said corporate limits, the above described territory. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately � upon its final passage by the Mayor and thenceforth said terri- tory shall be and remain a part of the City of Friendswood, Texas, as fully and to all extent and purposes as if said terri- tory were included within the corporate limits of the said city of Friendswood, Texas, as originally incorporated. PASSED FOR FIRST READING THZS 2nd day of September, 1971. PASSED FOR SECOND READING THIS 16th day of September, 1971 . PASSED, APPROVED AND FINALLY ADOPTED THIS 7th day of October, 1971. �,��,,,,,,��.,�,,,,, � � , , .,�'' �► c�Ty`'-�, , '�` ,� � .�.•..•.... p'•� �"',! G - � . '_ �..l�_� _ ' ~ '`�• �~' '� `' EDWARD F. STUART, Mayor J E ? .y r � .A j' _ • � ��z City of Friendswood, Texas - �, . � � 4 : n : �. _ ,n • � ' • • _�. : � S N,.�•: :f�.f �'�,�i j'�,T.���`�`y'�. .,, � 0 .�� ,,, ��y, , `.,4. 'y...�, , - �;.� � _._./v�.�� City �ecretary Frie:�dswood, Texas ��