HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 129 ,' . ' + o,• ��-�r�t.�x��' ��'� . �-'�i ;,� . . _ � . ORDINAI��CE N0. ].29 A�'V ORDIIJA►�iCE 0� THE CITY OF FRI�NDSi,100D, TEXAS, FOR TP!E PURPOS� OF R�GULATING THE CONSTRUCTIO�T, dPERATIbN AND MAIT'TEP1A'�TCE OF M03ILE HOt'fE PARKS Z'�T THE CITY OF FRZ�NDS- ��?OOD; REQUIRING A Ctl?dSTRUCTI�Iv PERM�T FOR 1'�iF CONSTttUCTIO�?, ALTERATION OR EXTENSI(�N 0� MOBILE �EIO?NE PARKS A?3D PROVI�ING FOR I:`)Sl'�CTION� AND FErS; Ti�(�UIRING A tICE?�SE It'OR THE �JPERATION OF' A Mt�BILE HO"�E PARK AND PROVIDIIVG FOR Ii�5PECTIONS AND FEES; REQUIRI?�iG �;3AT Al� ANNUAL, ;A SI.�1I-AN�tUAL OR A TL'�'PO??ARY PA.RKING PERMIT BE OBTAINED FOR ANY MOBILE I�ONL OR TRAVE,L TRAILER OCCUPYIlIG A STANb Iv A N!OEILE HOP1E PARF: AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; PROVxDING FOR AF1'EALS, FSTAl3L�SHING STA.I�IDARDS FOR THE Ct?NSTRtIC- TION, OPERATION AND I�9AINTENANC� OF MOBIL^ HO?'►E PAItK5; PROVIDING TI?AT 0�'•NN�RS OR OPERATORS 0�' EXI5TI:VG MOBIL£ �TOrtE PARKS SS'ALL B� PERMITTED A PERI�D OF TIr� AS HERFIN PROVIL?ED TO OPERATE A 1�OBILE HOME PARK �'IT?'_OUT O�TAINING A LICE?TSE; REGUT�A2I?�1G MOFILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS OUT5IDE �F MOSIL� HOME PARKS; CONTAINING A R�PEALING CLAUSE ANA A SEVL�RABILITY CLAtTSE; CONTAtNIA]G A PE'�ALTS' PROVISION AN3� P�'dVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. * * * * � * � � �r * BE IT ORDAINED BY TIiE CITY Cf1U?3CIL OF TIiE CITY fJF FRIENDSt?OOD, TEXAS, DULY ASSEII�!BLEn: M(7BILF �i0??E PAP�CS I. DEFINITIONS - The folloc�ing term.s, phrases anc! taords as used in this Ordinance shall have the fol3owing respective definitions: A. Annual partcin� permit means a permi.t required for any mohile home or travel trailer cahich is occupyin� a stand in a mah3le home park and which permit is valid for the period from January 1 throu�h December 31 of the yesr of issuance. B. Board means the Plannfng and Zoning Commission. C. Buildin� Official is the City Inspector or duZy auChorized representative. D. Cash means United States currency or coin or a cashier's or certified check or a pastal money order. E. City means the City of Friendswocsd, Texas. F. Construction Qermit �teans the pertnit required for the constru�tion, alteration or extension of any mobile home part� in the City. G. ConsCruction permittee neans the person Co wha� a constxuction permit has been issued. H. Current parkin�t�ernit means a valid, nnexnired, annual, semi-annual or tempor- ary parking permit. Z. Expandable room means an enclosed or a semi-enclosed xoom or roofed portion which expands outward from ttie basic mobile home by means of rollers, 1�inges or orher devices or arrangements but which is desi,gned as a strcictural poxtion of the mobile home and which is carried on, or wfthin, the mobi.le home while trave2ing. Also includes permanent addiCions to mobile hocRes. J. I:ealth Officer means the City or County Sanitarian. K. Label means a metal inspection label or plate which has been permanently affixed by the manufacCurer or by an approved testing agency to a mobile home or travel trailer or to equipment used in connection thexewith and which contains a serial number, if required, the specifications of Che vehic2e or the equipment to which it is attached and which refers to any standards that have been met in the construction of such vehicle or equinment. L. License means a raobile honae par�: operator's Iicense. M, Licensee means the person to whom a mobile home parl� aperator's Iicense has been issued. N. �Ianufacturer means the manufacturer of a mobile home or a travel trailer. 0. '�-iobile home means a portable vehicle constxucted on a chassis and which has heen designed so that it may be occuvied and used without a permanent founda- tion. For Che purpose of this (?rdinance, a mobile hotne shall mean a singl� ' . ' , � ' � Ordinance N'p. 12� Page 2 family dwelling unit suitable for ysat-�ound occupancy and wt�fch has provision for elecCrical and water connections �nd �ohich provides far c�aste disposal in compliance ��ith the Plur��ing Code requirements for dwelliaus. Such vehicle shall be eligible for registration and liceasin� by the State of Texas for operation on the public streets and hi�!�ways. P. *iobile home lot means a narcel or tract of land for the pla�ement of a single mobile home and t?�e exclusive use of its occupants and which is located in a mobile home subdivisioa approved by the Planning Commission of the City. This is to be distinguished from a mobiZe home stand and site located within a mohile home paxk. Q. Mobile horae �ark means a tract or parcel. of land used for lease or rental occupanc by two or more mobile homes. R. �tobile home surdivisioti means a parcel or tract of land in which the oecupant o£ the mobile home owcis the �nobile ho�e lot on which the mobile home is located. 5. Mobile home sales lot meaas a parcel or tract of land which is used by a mobile home dea�.er or agent fo� t�ie satle, Iease or rentin� of mobile homes or travel. trailers. T. �iobile home stand means that part oi a nobile home pa�k which has been improved for the placement of the mobile home including all req,uired appurtenant struc- tures and having provision fox availa�le utility connectians. U. OccupanC means the person or �Sersans who occupy a taobile home or travel trailer in a mobile home park. Qc��ner means the ac�rner or lessee, whether one or more, of the premises on which a mohile hor�e par� is ope�rated c•�hen such person is not a licensee. V. Overni�ht parking m�ans the use of a �abile hcsme partc £or a period not to exeeed sevea days by a travel traile� or mobi�e home� provided that if said uae exceeds seven da}ra, a valid anttual, �emi-gtlnual� or temporary parking permit is required and t�le beg3nlning d�te sha].1 be the initial date of accupancy of the mobile home park. No permit or fee shall be required by the City for the temporary use of a e�obile home park for a period of seven days or Iess. W. Parkin� pexmit means am annua.l, semi-annual or temparary parking permit. X. Persoa mesns a natural person, hie hefrs, executors, administrators or assigns, and ehall also inc3.ude a firm, partnershi� or corporation, its successors or ass#,gns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid. Ye Se�i-annual parkin� permit means a permit required for any mabile home or travel trailer a�hich has been placed upon a stand in a mobile home park and which is valid for the period from January 1 through June 3R or for the period from July 1 through December 31 of the yeaz of i.ssuance. Z. Service bui3din� means a structure housing toilet facilities, lavatories, bathing facilit�es, and such other facillties as �ay be required or permitted under the provisians of this Ordinance and which is used in connection with the operatfon � of a mobile home park. � AA. Sewer connect�.on means the connection consisting of the pipes, fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile home or travel trailer to the inlet of the carrespandin4 sewer ri3er pipe or the sewerage system serving the ' mobile home park. BB. Sewer riser means that portion of the nine of the sewex lateral which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at each �obile home stan.d. ; CC. Tenporary parking per�it TM�eans a permit E;rhich may be used in lieu of an annual or semi-annual �ar?tiaQ permit and e�i;ich i.s valid for thirt_y days from the daCe of issuance. ; ' DD. Travel trail.er means a portable vehicle �uilt on a chassis and designed as a ; ; temporarq de�elling for travel, recreation and vacation use and which has besn j permanently identified by the manu#acturer. [�cen such a vehicle has been equip- ped by the manufacturer for use on nublic streets and hi�hways, the body of such vehicle shall not exceed eight feQt in wieth �ut may be of any length, i t ;' . . - . • Ordinance �ATo. 129 - Page 3 provided its gross weight does not exceed 4,500 pounds, or a travel trailer may be of any height, prov3.ded its length does not exceed 29 feet, exclusive of the tongue. The Cerm trave3 traiZer shall also be deemed to include all other portable contrivances other than mobile hames used or intended Co be used genera2ly for living and sleeping quarters and which may be moved under its oc�ra power, towed, or transported by another vehicle. EE. Utilities means the telephone, water, sewage, gas or electrical distribution system, which are availab�.e for connection to mobile homes or travel trailers in mobile home parks. FF. IIt�lity connection means the connection of avail�ble utilities in a mobile home par�C to a mobile home or travel trailer placed on a moUile horae stand iri a mobile honte park. GG. Vehicle means a mobile home or a travel trailer unless the context in which the word is used indicates that another meanin� is intended. HH. GJater connection means the connection of the pipes, fittings and appurtenances frrna the water riser pipe to the caater inlet pine far the water dietribution systen of a mo�ile home or travel Crailer. II. CONSTRUCTIQN PE�,I?IT REQUIRED FOR PiOBIL� iiONy PARI:S A. It shall be unlawful for any persan to �onst'ruct, alter or extend any mobile home park within the corporate limits o� tt�e City of Friendswood unless he shall first have obtained a mobile #tome p��k ct�nstxucCion permit therefor from the City. �. Appl�cat�.dt� fr�r suct� per�it shall �e teade to the Platyning Commission in triplicate and the follcir�sinQ irifotiaation atld iteuts sha11 be fu�rn3.shed: 1. Name and address of anpltcan�. 2. Interest of the applicant in tre mobfle home park. 3. Location and legal descriptian of the mobile home pa.rlc. 4. Camplete engineerino plana and specifications in triplicate for the proposed park shacring: a. The area and dimensions of the tract of land. b. A plat or map of the proposed mobile home park showing the number, locetion and size of alI mobile home sites, stands, locations, and widths of roadways and walkways, service builc�ings and other proposed structures. c. The 1ocaCion of water and sewex lines and riser piges. d. Plans and specifications for the c��ater supply including fire plugs, and refuse and sewage df.sposal faciliCies. e. Plans and specifications for all buildings to be constructed within the mobile hom�e park. f. The location and details of lighting and electrical systems. g. Surface drainage plan. C. A separate permit shall be rec}uired for ehe buildinQ, elecCrical, plumbing and driveway-sidecaalk and other permita when required. D. Any person who has been denied a mobile home park permit may appeal such denial 6y following the same procedure provided for an appeal from a license denial, revocatian or suspension by the �uilding Official. III. MOBILE HOA� PARY OPERI�TOR'S LICF.L3SF RE^UZRED A. It shall be unlawful to estahlish, maintain or oqerate a mobile home parT: without first securing a mobile home nark. iicense therefor. B. As an exception to the zequirement for a license, and as limited hereinafter, the owner or operator of an existing mobile home park will be permiCted to continue operation of suctt park. for a period of six sonths from the effective date of this Ordinance c�ithout obtaining a license therefor upon the followin� conditions: ' Ordinance :70. 129 Page 4 � . l. �.e eha11 make application �or a license, paying the required fee therefor within 90 days from the effective date of Chis Ordina•:ice. 2. Upon receipt of his application, an investi�ation ane inspecti�n ca����:� be made of the existjn� mobile home park. 3, The applicant caill not be required to make any modi=ication or change� in his exist�ng mobile home park if the variance from the require�ents o� this prdinance is not dangerous to ].ife, health and safety of the �►s?��.ic_, 4. The Building Jfficial. sha�l furnish to the aopliC�.��?.�: �.�_ ��7�`'-�-�°-�£• � �_�!::;�: of any necessaxy chan�es or modif icatio.is in the exj.��:�zi�; m�'.aij.�: �io-.n�. , ��:lc and i� sha11 be the duty of the anplicant to co�mex�ce makinp such chan�es in good faith. C. For good cause, the Build�.ng �fficial may exr.e:L3 th� period for comple:+.;�n of auch necessazy changes or mudifications £or one additional period of si<� months, but in no event will an existing mobile hoine p�.rk be permiCted to contimse operations, if, at the end of one year from thp effective date of this Urdinance, Che oc�►er thereof h�zs not obtained a mobile l�ome pa-��. license. The owner or operator of sn existing mobile home park shall be er•�_itled to appeal any required changes or modifications and any denial of an ex�:����ion of time for S�1GY! chanUes or modifications to the P2a�inin� Commission by follo���iug the proces3:src t��at is provided for appea].s for 2lcense denia�.s, revocations or suspensions by the Building Official, �ut the Planning Cocm�ission shxi� have no authoritg to extenc? the period for completion beyond one year from the effective date of this �Ja�sina•�:L� D. It shall be unlawfu]. for any mobile home park owner or operator to continue operating .any nobile home partc unless he shall have �ade application for a mohi�L home park operator's license as provided herein �iicrin 40 days from the effectiv�� date hereof. E. �t shall be unlawful fox ariy mobile home par!r. occupant to continue occugying a mobile home ox a travel trailer locaCed in a ma�ile hdme park which has not been� duly li�ei�sed by the City c�r the owner dr opeiatax or w$ich has not, within 90 da�s ftom the effe�titre c1a�e of this OYi�in�nce, made application for a mobile hon�e park o¢e�ato�r's ficense. A ten�dap vtritten notice af such fai2ure of the o�uaner or operatox� of an existinQ mobile home park sha21 �e givea to the occupants of such nobiZe home park and the �ailure, refusal or neglect of such occupant or occupants to remove their mobile home ox travel trailex Cherefrom, or to cease occupyin� such mobi7.e home or travel eraiZer cri.thin said 1Q-day period shall constitute an offense. F. Licenses shall be valid for a per3od of one year beginning on July 1 of each year and shall be renewable annually durinp the month of June. A non-refundable license application investiQation fee of $25.00 sha11 a�company each application for a licease, provided, such investigatioa fee will be all�•�ed as a eredit upon t:�e 13cense if it is grnnted. The license fee and annual license renewal fee � shall be determined by the follwoing fee schedule: 2 throu�h 15 mobile horie sCands ........ .. ..... .$ 25.0(1 • 16 through 40 mobile home stands .. ... . . ... . ... .z 50.00 ; 41 through b0 mobile home stands . ......... .... .. 75.q0 61 through $0 mobile home stands . ... ..... . ..... . 100.OQ � Each stand in excess of 80..... ... ....... .. .. ... . 1.00 each � � IV. PI;RMITS . A. It shall be un2awful for any person to occupy a mobile home oz travel Lrailer ; in a mobile hame park without first securing a par�cfng permit therefor except that no permit wi11 be required fox the use of a mobile hame park for a period ± of seven days or less. � B. It shall be unlawful £or any person to occnpy a mobile hame or travel trailer � in a mobile home park unless such ve�icle has first been connected to the approvec . utilities exclusive of teZephone available in such nar'.c. � C. IC shall be unlawful for the occupant of a mobile home or travel trailer to � connect or rermit such vehicle to be connected to the avail.abl.e utilities in + a mobile honse park or for such vehicle ta remain so connected, without firat � securing a parking permit except that no permit wi3.1 be required for the �se � of a mobile horse par!� f or a perioc! of seven days or less. i � � i 4rdinance No. 129 Page S D. It shall be the responsihilit� of a mohile ho�!e narlr licensee, his agents or employees, to notify Che City of Friendscaood in writing when any nobile home or travel trailer is to be connected to the available utilities in the mobile home park operated by the Iicensee. Fai.Zuxe to perform such notification shall constituCe a misdemeanor un@er the ter�s of this Ordinance. E. An annual parl:.ing permit shall be valid for the period froM January 1 through December 31 of the year of issuance. A semi-annual psrlcin� permit shall be valid for the period from Jaauary 1 through Sune 9!?, or July 1 thraugh December 31 of the qear of issuance. An annual or a semi�annual parkin� permit may be issued only by the City and such per�i.ts may not be issued �iy licensees or mobile home dealers. Auplication for an annusi part�ing permit or a se�i-annual parlc3ng permit shall be made to t'�e Builc�inp Official. A. cash £ee of $25.Q0 shall be paid for an annual p�rmit astd no proration shall be al�o�aed for an elapsed period of time in the year of issuance, A cash fee of $15.00 shall be paid for a semi- annual parkin� permit. Applicat3.ons nay be made by mail to the Building Official. If the nobile home stays within the City af FrienclsU�ood less than one month, a refund may be made for all but $5.00 of the sem�.-annual or annual fees paid. If the period of time is more than one r�onth but less than six, the Cfty shall, upon reauest, refund $l.Q.OQ of any annual fee paid. F. A temporary parking pern?it may be used in lieu of an annual or a semi-annual parking pexmit and it shall be valid for a period of 3C� days from the date of issuance. A Lempora�y parking permit may be obtained from the Building Official in the same r�anner as an annual or semi-annual parkin� permiC upan paym.ent of a $S.QO cash fee. G. A par2cinp permit r�ay be assigned in connectian with the sa1e, lease, or rentin¢ of a mobile home or travel trailer ar a permit holder may transfer a parlcing permit from one vehic�e to another. Application for such assignment or transfer shall be snade to the Building Official who shall furnish the necessary forms. A service ch�rge of $2.00 will be made for each transfer or assignment. This provision is not to be construed as requirinn an assignment o� a parking permit from the seller in,whose name the nar�-ing pPrmit has 'been i'ssued to ttie purchaser provided the seller h�,s delivered �o the purchaser his receipt for such parkirig permit. R. If the 3uilding� �fficial is furni5hed satisfactory proof that a parking permit which has been issued has been lost, destroyed or defaced, he may issue a replacement permit for the unexpired term of such permit upan payment of a service charge af $2.OQ. The buildinn official may prescribe such forms and requirernents as he may fxor.z time to time find necessary to insure that no replace- ment parking permit is improperlv issued. I. The Building Official is hereby authorized to prescribe the form of parkir►p permi.ts and to require thaC additional relevant information be furnished either in the application for parking pPrmits, upon the face or hack of the par�cing permit or upon the receipt thereof. The Building �fficia2 is further hereby authorized to designate the place on or within a mobile home oz travel trailer that a parking permit sha]_1 be a£fixed or replaced and the fai�.ure, refusal or neglect of a parking permit holder to corsply with this requirement shall constitute an offense an3 the Building Official is hereby authorized Co dis- connect or cause to be disconnected the available utilities in a mobile hame park from such vehicle. V. INSPECTIOPi OF ri0$IL� ??0?''!F; PARK A. The inapecting authority ahall mal�e such inspection as necesaary to insure conmlianee �aith the provi�ions of this Ordinance. B. By the acceptance of the Iicense, the licensee sha21 be deec�ed tv authori.ze the inspection of a mobile home p�rk at a11. reasanable hours. Such haurs shall usually be durin� normal wortcing hours and failure to permit such inspection shall be a ground for suspension or revocation of the licenae. t•ltiere there is reason to be2leve a vialation may exist �e£ore or after the houxs of normal inspection, the SulldinQ �£ficial r.tay authorize special inspectiona at any time; provided, however, nothinp herein shall nrohibit inspection for valid parking permits at any tin�. C. Failure or refusal of a mobile home park occu�ant to nermit inspection by the insp�ctin� authority, or to permit the licensee to make necessary repairs or alterations in compliance with the xequirements of the inspectin� authozity shall consCitute a groumd for discoanection of the utiiities serving such Ordinance PTo.. 129 Page 6 mobile home. The mobile home bccupant shall have the right to appeal any decision, ordex or action of th� Building Official or the inspectinQ authority by follow3na the sat�e procedure provided for appeals from license deaials, suspensions or revo�ations by the Building Official. VI. WRITTEN NOTZCES OF VIOLATZONS TO �3E CU:rULATZVF OF PF*�?.AI. PROVISIODTS A. The inspectfn�; authdrity maq issue written notice of violatfons to the licensee or his agent, or to any r��arter or operator of a mobile home park aperating without a license during �he f3rst year from the effective date of this Ordinance, or to any mobile home paYV, occupantf s�tting out the particular violation and setting out a ti�.ne fdr making the necessary correction or xepair. B. The person re�eiving such a notice' shall have the rieht of appeal from license denials, suspensions or �evocations by the Bui2dino �Jfficial. C. The provision fox written notices sha11. be cumulati.•��: af the penaX provisions hereinafter provided and t'r�� issuance of a writter, :�..�s..�e shall not pxevent the filin� of a crfminal charge for vialation of the prc����ions of this Orcdina:�ce. tTII. APPEALS FRUM DECI�I0�1S 0�'. RUI�nIrIG QFFICI�.L, ETC. A. Any person whose app�.icatiot� for a license has been d�r1f ed #�y tif�e Bu�ldiag Official shall h�ve the right to appeal suc� decisiort ta tihe Plannit�g Commission by mailing postpaid az c�eltveririg to the C3ty Secret�f�y, City Hal�, Friend�wood, Texas, c�ritten notice of appeal. with�.n tet� d�y� �fter he has been not�.fied of such denial. B. The Building Official sha�.l have su�haxitq to siispend or revoke licenses or tr� order utility disconnections for the f+�11bc1*ing violations of the provisians of this Ordinance: 1. A license may be suspended for �ny period of time up to six months for a violation affecting the health, safety or welfare of occupants of a mobile home or oi other peraons or prrperty. 2. A license may be revptced for a violation which is dangerous to life. 3. For a violation of the pravisions of this Ordinance not deetaed to requixe a license suspension or revocation, the utility connection servicing any atand or stands, or any structure in a mobile home park, may be disconnected or caused to be disconnected, pxovided, a utility disconnection may be ordered in connection cvith a license suspension or revocatian as to all or any part of a mobile homF park if necessary to protect life or property. C. After the period of suspension, a suspended license will be reinstated by the Building Official upon a showing of ability and willingness by Che licensee to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, D. A person *.ahose license has been revoked may apply for a new license six months after such revocation by making a new application and payin� the reQuired fee therefor. Before granting such ne�a license, the Buildir►g Official shall require the applicant to shcr.� ability and willin�ess to comply wiCh the provisions o£ this Ordinance. E. No saie, Cransfer or assignnnent of a revoked lfcense or of a license duriag the period of suspension wi21 be reco�nized by the CiCy, provided a person whose license has been suspended or revoked may seZ1, transfer or assign his intereat in the prenises, if any, to another person who may then r�ake application fvr a license to operate the mobile ho� park. If it is shown by the applicant that he has had no responsible connection �oith the ntobiie home park, he wi11 be eligible for the grantina of a ne�,� license and if a ne�a license is granted, the aew iicensee �ay coc��ence to operate the mobile home parl: upon issuanCe of the licenae. F. 6��here a person whose license has been suspended or revoked has no interest in the premises other than by agree�ent with the oc�mer or owners of the premises, such person may advise the City in writin� of his withdrawal from any further connecti4n with the mobile home park. In this event, and if it be shawn that the awx�er ox owners had no resnonsibZe connection with the actual operation and maintenance of the r�obile home park, a new application may be made by any person othes than the person whose license was suspended ar revo�Qd and if the � ' brdinance IJo. 129 Page 7 new license is �ra�ted, the new ].ic�nsee may conmence to operate the mobile home park upon issuance of the Iicense. G. APPeals: 1. Any license revo�ation or suspension, or aay order for a utility discqnnec- tion, or any dec�.sidn, order or actiot� taken by the Building Official may be appealed by any person affected by �he decision, order or action to the Board by fili�ig c�ritten i�otice of apge�l within ten daqs from tl:e date of notice of suct� ac�fon by mailing postpaid or delivering such notice to the Ciey Secretat�y, C�ty �ia�.l, Friendswodd, Texas. 2. ���hen such a written app�al as describ�d in VII. G. �.. has been made wiChin ten daqs, a license suepension or revvc�tfon, or any decision or actioa by the Bailding Official wi].1 be held �a abeyance and such persan wi11 be givan a hearin� before tHe ?�oard, prov#,ded any utility disconnection shall not be reconnecCed nnless �ut'�ori2ed by the �3u�.rd aftex hearing. VZII. *iOBILE FIOME REVIEW BOARD A. The Plannin� and 2oning Commission is hereby desfgnated to be the rtobite Ho�roes Review Board. B. The Fire Marsha2 and the Chief Building Inspector are designated as exofficio members. C. Appeals to the Baard sha11 be set for hearing coithin fifteen days from the date notice of appeal was re�eived bq the Chairsuan whenever possible. Such hearings may be cvatinued from time to ti�ne until completed, but a final decision shall be made c�ithin thirty days fram the date n�tice csf appeal wa9 receiV'�d 't�y�;the Chairman unless by consertt or requ+est of the persnn appealirig, a he�icirig is set for or continued beyotid such thirt�j daq pe�rf.od. D. The Board shall �ave authority to affirm, modify or reverse the decision or action of the Buildin� Official. The !?uilding Official, a licensee, or any person who appeals a decision or action of the �3uilding Offieial may appeal a decision or action of the Board to the City Couneil by mailing postpaid or delivering to the City Secretazy ���xitten notice of appeal addressed to the Mayor and the City Counci2, City �all, Friendswood, Texas, within ten days after he has been notified of the decision of the Board. E. A license susnension, revocation, utiility disconnecti.on order, or other decision or acCion of the �3uildin� Offictal w�ic?� has !�een upheld by ttte Board shall be immediately effective, sub,�ect, ho�,�ever, to the ri�ht of the perso� affected thereby to appeal to the City Council as provided above. The decision of Che Cfty Council on any appea2s frrnn the Board to the City Council shall be final. IX. ENVIRON;�EI3TAL� OP�N SPACE A�3Z� ACCESS REQUT�.F..MENTS A. General Requiremenes: Con�ition of soil, ground water level, dxainage and topagraphy shall not create hazards to the properCy or the health or safety of the occupants. The site shall not be exposed to ob�ectianable adverse infiuences, and no poxtion sub,ject to unpredictable and/or sudden f].00ding, subsidence or erosian shall be used for any parpose which would expose persons or propertq to hazards. Further, all dreinage must be approved by the Drainage Board. B. Soil and Grounc� Cover Requirem�ents: Exposed Qround surfaces in all parts of every mobile hor.ie park sha21 be gaved, or covered with stone screenings, or other solid materfal, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capab3e of prevent- ing soil erosian and of eliminating ob�ectionable dust. C. SiCe Drainag�e Requirements: The �round surface in all parts of every mobile home paxk shall be graded and equi.pped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner, and must meet any requi,rements established hy the Drainage Board. D. Park Aress for ?3on-resident Uses 1. r10 part of any park sha11 be used for non-residential purposea, except such uses that axe required £or the direct servicine, and T�-e11 bein� of parlc residents and for the management and maintenance of t�:e par!c. � �rdinance rto. 129 Page 8 2. Nothing contained in this sectian shall be deemed to prohibit the sale of a mobil.e home located on a �,obile home stand and connected to the utilities. E. Reguired Separation Between ?iobile Homes in Mob�le Hame Parks 1. Mobile homes s1�a11 be se�arated from each other and fxom other buiidings and structures by at least ten feet on the sldes and end-to-end clearance of ten feet. 2. An accessory structuxe �ahich has a horizontal area exceeding 25 square feet, 3s attached to a mobile howe or iocated within ten feet of its window, and has an opaque top or roaf that is higher than the rieaxest windo�a, shall, for purposes of a11 separation requirements, be consic.ered to be part of the mobile home. F. Required Recreatio�n Areas 1. In all parks accommodating or desi��ned to accori-���ate 25 or more mobile homes, there shall be nat less than one recreation are�. c•Thich shall be easily accessible to all par�c x�esidents. 2. The size of such recreation areas shall be based upon a rninimum of 200 square feet for each mobiZe home stand. No outdoor recreation area shall contain less than 2,504 square feet. 3. Recreatioa areas shall be so loeated as tn be free of traffic hazards and should, where the topography permits, be centra].ly located. G. Re uired Lo Size Setb�cks Buffer Stri s and 3creeninb in I�lobile x?ome Parks 1. Q7.1 mobile homes shall be located at least 2S feet £rom any property boundary line abuCting upon a public street or highway and at least five feet from interior property bout�dary lines. 2. 1'here shall be a minimum distaace of ten feet between inaividusl mobile homes and four feet from ad�oining pavement of a park street, or common parl:ing area, or other co�on areas. 3. A21 mobile home parks shall provide acreenin� such as fences or naturai growth along the praperty boundary line separating the park and adjacent land. 4. The minimum lot size shall be 40 feet by 75 feet. H. Park 5treeC Systen 1. Genera�_Re.�uirements: All mobile home parks shall be provided with safe and convenlent vehicular access from abuttinp public streeta or roads to the interna2 parking area or mobile home stand. Alignment and gradient sha11 be properly adapted to topography. 2. Access: Access to mobile home parks shall be designed to mtnimize eongestion and hazards at the entrance or exit and a11ow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets. The entrance road connecting the park streets with the public street or road shall have a m.tnimum road pavement width of 34 feet where parking is permitted on both sides, or a minfmum road pavement width af 27 feet where parking is li.mited ta one side. �,Jhere the pr3.tnaxg entrance road is more than 100 feet long and does not pxovide access to abutting mobiZe home lots within such distance, the minimum road pavement width may be 24 feet, provided parking is prohibited at both sides. 3. Internal Streets: Surfaced roadways shall be of adequate width 'to accommodate ant�.cipated tra€fic, and in any case shall meet the following miaimum requirements: a. AZ1 streets, except minor streets, shall be not less than 24 feet in width. b. tlinor streets, ��hen parkin; is prohibiCed, shall not be less than 20 feet in width, Such a street will be acceptable only if it is less than 500 feet lon� and serves fe�,�er than 25 mohile homes, provided, such street may exceed 500 feet if it is a one-way street and provides access to abutting mobile home aites on one sid� only. c. Dead-end. streets shall not �xceed 1,OOQ feet in 1eng,th. Such street shall be provided v�ith a turn-around at the cloaed end and h3ving an outside roadway diameter of at least 75 feet. 4. Re,�uired Y1lumination of Park Street Syster�s: AI1 mobiie home garks shall be furn3.shed iaith lightinQ units so spaced and equipped caith Iuminaires placed at such mountinQ hei�hts as urEZl provide the follaaia� average maintained levels of illumination fox the safe movement of pedestrians anc� vehicles at night: Ordinance *10. 129 Page 9 a. A11 parts af the park gtreet system shall average 0.6 foot-candl.es and no part shall have less: than 0.1 £oot�candles. b. Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or sCepped ramps shall be individually illu�inated and sha11 have a minimum of 0.3 foot-candles. 5. S_treet Construction and Des� Standards a. Fave�nent: All gtreets �ha11 be paved and we�l drained under norma3. use and weather conditions. Pavement edges shall be protecCed to prev�nt raveling of tHe wearing`surface and shifting of the pavement base. Street surfaces shall be maintained free of dusC, cracl:s, holes, and other hazards. b. Grades: Grades nf a11 sCreets shall be sufficient to insure adec�uate surface drainage, but sha11 be not more than ei�ht percent. Short runs with a maximum grade of 12 percent may, be u�rmitted, provided traffic safety is assured by appropriate paving, a�=.��sate leveling areas and avoidance of lateral curves. c. Intersections: Witl�.in 100 feet of an inter���.�i-ion, streets shall be appro�cimate�.y right angles. A distance of ai l�ast 150 feet shall be mait�tained between center lines of offset intersectinry streets. Inter- sections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided. d. �+13nimum standards for pavin� streets is six-inch cement, limestone or stabliized she�l sealed and topped c�ith one-and-one-half inch asphalt. I. Required Off-Street Parking Areas _ _....,.__..._ 1. Off-street parlcin� areas shall. be provided ia a21 mobile hom� parks for the use of park occupants and guests. Such areas shall be furnished at the rate of not less than two spaces for each mobile home stand, each space to be accessible w#.thout moving aaother car. 2. Required car parking sp�ces sha].1 be so located as to provide convenient acceas to the mobile home, bue shall �ot exceed a dfstance of 40 feet from the mobile home that it is intended to serve. 3. ;�alks l. General Requirements: A11 parks sha11 be provided with safe, convenient all- season pedestrian access �valks of adequate wi�th for the intended use, constructed of durable material (asphalt, concrete, or other masonary construc- tion approved by the 3uilding Official), and coavenient to maintain, and such walk shall be placed hetc,�een individual. �nobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents. Sudden changes in alignment and gradient shal.l be avoided. Shell walks are unacceptable. 2. Common t�a1k System: A comman wall: system sha21 be provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated. Such common walks shall have a minimum width of three £eet, and meet the requiremeats of 3. 1. above. 3. Indivi�ual �7alks: Ail mobile home stands shall be connected by fadividual walks to a con.meon walk, or paved street, or to a paved driveway or parking space which is connected to a paved street. Such individual walks sha12 have a mi.nimum width of two feet and otherwise meet t�:e requirements of J. 1. above. R. Mobile Home Stands 1. The area of the mobf.le hame stand shall be impxoved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement and tie-down of the snobile hone, thereby securing the sup�rstructure against uplift, slidin�, rotation and overturning. 2. The �to3ile home stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly nnder the weight of the mobile home aue to inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the superstructure. 3. tiobile home stands shall be constxucted of reinforced conerete and plan sha12 be su?��ect to approval of the City En$ineer. X. WATER SUPPLY A. General RequirPments 1. An accessible, adequate, safe, and potab2e supply of orater shall be provided in each mobiie home park. !;here a public sunply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality, and pressure is availab�.e, connection shall be made thereto and its $upply used exclusively. Ordinance No. 129 Pag,e 10 2. When a satisfactory public water supply is not available, a private water supply system may be developed and used as approved by the City. B. Source of Supply 1. The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 150 gallons per day per a obile home. 2. Every well or suction line of the water supply s stem sha11 be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface coneaiei.na- tion wi7.1 reach the water supply from any source. Z'he followinp miaimum distances between aells and various sources of contamination shall be reqaired: Contamination Soarce dQll or Suction Line Building Sewer 54 feet Septic Tank 50 `' Disposal Field 1flQ " Seepage Pit 100 S' Dry Well SO Pi Cesspool 150 ` ' 3. No well casings, pumping machinery or suction pipes shall be placed in any pit, room or space extending beloc• ground level nor in any room or space above ground which is walled in or otherwise enclosed, unless such rooms, whether above or bel.os, ground, have free drainage by gravity to the surface o the ground. 4. The treatment of a private water supply shall. be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. C. Water Storage Facilities 1. All water storage reservoirs shall be covered, watertight and constructed of impervious material. Overfiows and vents of such reservoirs shall be effectively screened. Manholes shall be canstructed with overZappin covers, so as to prevent the entrance of contami.nated material. 2. Reservoir overfla a a pes shall discharge through an acceptable air gap. D. Water Distribution System 1. The water supply system of the mobile home park shall be connected by pipes or other approved ma.terial to all mobile homes, buildings, and other facili- ties requirinQ water. 2. Ail water pipin , fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Bui2din Code and shall be of a type and in a location approved by the inspectin au hority. 3. The water pipin syste shaZ3 not be connected e ith non-potable or question- abie water supplies and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow, back siphan ge, or cross coanection. 4. The system sha11 be so desi ;nned and maintained as Co provide a pressure of not less than 20 paunds per square inch, under normal operating condiCions at service buildings and other locations requiring otable water supply. 5. The system shall be a looped system in order to better mai.ntain water pressure. E. Iadividual t ater-Riser Pipes and Connections 1. Indivtdual water riser pipes shall be located within the confined area of the mobile home stand at a oint where the water connection will approximate a vertical position. 2. Water riser pipes shal extend at leasC four inches above ground elevatioa. The pipe shail be not less than three quarter inch in dia aeter. The water outlet sha11 be capped ti +en a Mobile hame does not occupy the stand. 3. Adequate provision s all he made to nxPVent fl't? 2 iTe service lines. Valves and riser Pipes shall be protected fzom heaving and/or thawin actions of the ground. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe. 4. A shut-off valve shall be provided near the water riser on each mobile hotne stand. 5. Underground stop aste valves shall not be installec on any ater service. F. Fire Ylu s - F1re plugs s all be placed on at Ieast six inch lines and all mobile home stands must be c ithin 400 feet of the nearest plu . t " Ordinance 2►0. 129 - Pa�e 11 XI. SEt�1�lG� DISPOSAL A. General �'�n adequate and safe sewerage svster� shal]. he provi�?ed in mobile home partrs. Such system sha12 �e designe�l, constructed, r�aintaine�' in accordanc� with City ordin- ances and the City of Friendsc�oo� building code. B. Sewer Lines All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient deptt� to be free of breakage from traffic oY other maveinents and shall be separated from Che part: water supply system at a safe distan.ce as provided by State law and ord.inance of the CiCy. Sewe�s sha12 be at a grade ���hich will insure adeQUate flo�a as provided ia the Building Code. A11 secaex lines shall be constructed of apnroved mater3als, shall be adequately vented, and shall have watertight �o3nts. C. Individual Sewer Connections 1. Each mobile home stand shall be provide�. �Jith at l.easC one four-inch diameter sewer riser pipe. The se�•�er riser pipe sha11 be so located on each stand that the sewer connection to the mobile home drain outlet will approximate a vertical gosition. �ach �obile home stand s�a21 be provided with a �our inch P-trap for the r�obile home sewe�` connectian �nd be properly vented. 2. The secaer connection sha.11 have an inside dig�ceCer not less than three inches, and the slvpe of any �ortian th+ereof shall be at least one-fourCh inch per foot. Ttie sewer connection shall consist of o�ae pipe line only without any hrancn fiCtings. A11 3o�.�iCs sha11 be waterti�ht. 3. Ali materials used far sewer ccsnnectic�ns shall be semf.-rigid, corrosive resist- ant, non-absorbent and durable: 'I'he inner surfa�e shal2 be smooth. 4. Provision aha11 be made for capping the seiaer ri�e� pipe when a mobile home does aot occupy the lat. Surface drai�naQe shaZl be diverted aaaay from the riser. The rim of the riser nipe sha1l extend at least four inct�es above �round eleaation. 5. Sewer lines laid on City easements or right-of-way shall conform to all City codes and ordinances. D. Sewerage Treatment and/or �JischarRe 1. ?ahere tiie sewer lines of a mobile home park are not connected to a public sewer, all propased sewaee disuosal facflities shall be approved by tre insgecting authority prior to construction. 2. Effluents from secaa�e treaCment faciYities shail not be discharged into any waters of the State except in cot�piiamce with the applicable la�a. XII. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBVtION SYSTE"? A. General Requirements Each part: shall contain an electrical wirin� system consisting of ��irin�, fixtures, equipment and appurtenanees which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Building Code and the Natianal '�lectrical Code governin¢ su�h systems. Ii. Individual Electrical Cannectiuns 1. Each mobile home stand shall �e provided w�th aa approved disconnecting device and overcurrent protective equipment. The �ninimum service per outlet shall be 120/Z40 vo2ts AC, SO amperes. A miaim�n 50 amperes per mobile hor� stand shall be used for calculating the r�ain service. 2. OutZet receotacles at eac?� r_±ohile hor�e stan� shall be ?ocated not more than 25 £eet from the overcurrent protective devices in the mobile home and a three- pole four-wire groundin� type shall be used. Receptacles shall be of weather- proof construction and confi�urations shal3. be in accordance with American Standard Outlet RecepCac2e C-73. 3. T!:e mobile ho*ne sha1l he connected to Che outlet xeceptacle by an approved tqpe of flexible cable wj.t�! connectors and a male attachment plu�*. 4. F�fiere the connected Ioad of the mobile hame is more than 5� am�eres either a second ouClet receptaele sha1Z be installed or electrical service shall be provided by !neans of aeraianently installed conductors. Fxcept that a sing�e providin� more ehan SO amneres �ay be used sub�ect to the express app�oval of the electr3cal 3nspector c�ho •aill ascertain the safety and capability of the receptacle. ' Ordinance T7o. l29 Page 12 5. All exposed noncurrent carrying metal parts of mohile homes and all other equipment sha11 be grounded by r.�eans of an approved grounding conductor with braach circuit conductors or other approved method of grounded metallic �-�iring. The neutral conductor sha13. not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipr�ent. C. Structural Reauire�ents for Buildint�s 1. A permanent type management office shal� be constructed at each licensed mobile home park. Construction star!dards for this office shall comply �vith the Citq of Friends«ood Building Code. All other permar.ent type structures, except building housin� sanitary facilities, shall t�e at the option of the lieensee. 2. All portions of a aeructure shall be properly protecteci from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, �orrosion, termites, and other destructive e3ements. Exterioz exposed portiotis of such materials shall be constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture and weather. 3. All roams containing sanitary or laundry facilities shall have: a. Sound resistant �aalls extending to t!:e ceilinp: between male and female saaitary facilities. T.'alls and partitions around sho�•�ers, bathttibs, lavatories and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense, non- absorbent, waterproof material or covered F�ith moisture resisCant material. b. At least one taindo'a or skyli�ht facing direcCly to the outdoors. The minimum aggrepate gross area of c��indocas for each required room shall he t�at Iess than ten per cent of ttze Ploor area served by them. c. At least one window which cat� be �asily opened, or a mechanical device which wiZl adequately ventilate the room. 4. Toile�s s�►all be located in separate co�artmsnts equipped �aith self-closing doors. Showe�r sta�.ls shall �e b� the indii�idt�al type. The rooms shali t�e screened to preVent direct v�eca of �he i�teridr when the exteri.or doors are open. XIII. SERVICE IiUILDING Ar1D OTHER COP-4�'It3?�TITY SERVICE FACII,ITIES A. The requirements of this section shall appZy to service buildings, recreation buildinQs and other community service facilities when constructed. 1. Management offices, repair shops and storag;e areas 2. Sanitary facilities 3. Laundry facilities 4. Indoor recreation areas 5. Commercial uses supply goods or services for the exclusive use of park occupants B. Mobile home parks shall have not less than one flush toil.et and one lavatory for men and one flush toilet and one lavatory for women. The building or buildings cnntainin� such coaununiey sanitary facilities shall be accessible to all mobile homes. 1. Illumination levels shall be �naintained as follows: a. General seeiae tasks - five footcandles b. Laundry room �aork area - 40 footcandles c. Toilet room, in front of mirrors - 40 footcandles 2. Not and col@ water shall �e furnished to every Iavatory, sink, bathtub, shawer and laundry fixture, and cold water shall be furnished to every water closet and urinal C. Barbecue Pits, Fireplaces, Stoves and Incinerators 1. Cookinry shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, wood-hurnlnQ stoves and incinera- tors shall be so located, constructed, r�aintained and used as Co minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on �ahich used and on neighboring property. 2. '30 open fire shaZl bP permitted except in facilities provided. �70 open fire sha11 be left unatten@ed. '�o fuel s?�all be used and no material burned cahich emits dense smo�e oz o�3ectionable odors. XIV. itEFUSE HANDLING The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in tre mobile bome partc shall be so con- dueted as to create no ?�ealth hazards, rodent harborage, insect breedin� areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution (see City Ordinance� for specific requirements). . � , , . Ordinance �o. 129 Page 13 XV. FUEL SUPPLY AI�ID STORAGE A. Natural Gas Sqstem 1. Natural gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Building Code and other regulations governing such syste�s. 2. Each mobile home stand provi8ed with piped gas shall have an approved manual shut-off valve installed upstream of the g,as outlet. The outlet shall be equipped T�ith an approved cap to prevent accidental discharge af gas when the outlet is not ia use. B. Liquefied Petroleum Gas SysCems 1. L�quefied petrol.eum gas syste�s shall be in�talled and maintained in accardance with applicable laws, ordinances and regulations governing sucl� syster�s. 2. Bultc storage and distribution system nlans shall be submitted to the Fire Azarshal for approval. C. Fuel Oi3. Supply �stems 1. All fuel oil sunpZy systems shall be instalZed and maintained in accordance with applicat�le laws, ordinances and regulations governing such systems. 2. Sto�age Canks located in areas subject to traffic sha31 be protected against physical damage. XVI. FIRE PROTECTIOF� A. t•!obile hame parks shall be l:ept free of litter, rubbish and Other flammable materials. B. Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the Fire '�iarshal shall be kept in service buildin�s and all other locations deai�nated by the fire marshal or fire inspectors and such extinguisher shall be maintained in �oad operating condition. C. Fires shall be made only in stoves, incinerators and other equipment intended for such purposes. D. Fire hydrants shall be located within 40fl feet of any mabiie home service building ar other structure in the park, on lfne nat less than six inches. Fire hydrant locations shall be determined by the Fire A:arshal. XVII. *�SISCELLA"�EQUS PARK RE�UIRE'`��!1TS A. Responsibilities of the �?obile Home Par'c Licensee l. The persan to whom a license for a mobile home park has been issued sha11 be responsi.ble for operation of such par� in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and he shall provide adequate supervision to maintain such park, its facilities and equinment in good repair and in a clean and sanitarp condition. 2. The licensee shall be responsible for notifying park occupants of the applicable pravisions of this Ordinance. 3. 1'he Zicensee sha11 be responsible for supervising the placement of mobile hames on mobile hone stands within the mobile home park. The Iicensee sha11 be resoonsible for maintaining a re�ister containinP the names of all park occupants. Such register shall be available to any authorized person inspect- ing the park for the enfoxcement o€ this Ordinance, or any other Ordinances of the City of Friendswood. B. Responsibilities of Park nccupants 1. Mobile home park occupants shall comnly with a11 applicable provisions of thls Ordinance and such occupant shall maintai.n his mobile home, mobile home stand, mohile '-�ome site and apnurtenances and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. 2. The mobi2e home park occupant sha12 be responsible for the proper placement of his mobile home on the mobile home stand and for praper installaCion of all utility connections. C. A mobile ho�ee shall not be occupied for dweZling purposes unless it is properlq placed on a ma�ile horse stand and connected to water, se�aerage, and electrical utilities, and other services c��here required for health and safety of th� occupants. Ordinance rro. 129 Page 14 XVIII. PARKIPIG OF MOBILE I�0?'�S OUTSIDL OF LICEDISEP MORILE HOr� PAR.� A. vo mobile home sha1Z be parked in violation of any enforcesble deed restxiction or covenant. B. A mobile home may be paxkec� on a vacant lot, or plot, outside a mobile home subdi- vision as defined in "DEFI'�?ITIONS'' (and no other), provided the lot, or plot has 9,000 square feet of land. The mobile home shall set bac�� a minimum of 25 feet from anq purlic street ri�ht-of-way line and seven-and�ane-half feet from any side or bac!r lot line. C. Not more than one mobile 'home shall be parked on a vacant Iot ox plot wit�±out first obtaining a mobile home park license. Such lot ar plot shall cantain a miniwum of 9,000 square feet. Any mobile home placed on such a lvt, or plot, sha11 meet the �inimum sta�dards for olumhin�, heating, and electrical systems outlined or xeferred to in this Ordinance. D. A mohile home may be parked ad3acent to a residence, or �lace of business, pro- vided a sp�cih� of ten feet from the nearest building, on the same pro�erty, is maintained and seven-and-one-half feet from any interior property lines, or not lesa than twenty-five feet set-back from a street. �1ot more than one mabile honte shall be parked on the san�e 1ot, ox plot, ioith a residence, or co�mercial building, ��ithout first �btainin� a mobile home park license. No mobile hoc�e shall be parked adjacent to a resideace, or place of be�sii�ess, where such nlace- ment c�rould create a hazard to life, safety or health. E. All occupied mobile homes locatec� outside a mobile home oar� ox mobile homes salas park for more than 48 hours shall be connected to al�. required utilities, and permits obtained from the Euildin� official for a foundation, driveway, plumbing and electricity. F. t�obile homes located outside mobile home parks will be connected by separate and individual c�ater ax�d sewer tans to city services where such services are avaflable. G. Parking permit fees for single mobile homes located outside mobile home parks shall be the same as €ees for mobi.Ze hocees insfde mobile home parks, except that a license fee i�Ti.11 not re requirec�. H. The Building Official may permit the temporary garlcin� of a mobile hofie in a location outside an approved and licensed mobile home park for a period in excess of forty- eight hours, provided such location shall not czeate a health, traffic, or other hazard, and provided such mohile home shall not be occupied. I. All mobile homes, both existing and new, aad all pazts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices, or safe�uards, c�hich are required by this Ordinance and other Y�gulations, pamphlets, or data made a part hereof when installed, repaired, or a3tered, shall be maintained 1n good workina order. The o6aner, ox occupant, st�aZl be responsible for the maintenance of the mobile home. XIX. It shall be unlawful to occupy a mob3le home as any type occupancy other than as a private dewlling, provic3ed, hawever, a moSile home may be parked at a constructing site for use as a field office for a geriod not exceedin� the period of construction and not more than one mobile home may he used for demonstraCion and office at a mobile ho�e sales park. XX. MEANS OF EGRESS A. Every mobile home shall be nrovided �,�3th at least twd exit doors. Such doors shall be located remote from each other. Sereen doors shall be on the hin�ed type, opening outwardly fxor� the inside. �scape dovr suitably des�.gned as an emer�ency exit-way, and releasing to the outside, may be nrovided as a substitute for one exit door when length of tlie mobile home �rill not permit use of a regular exit door. B. Locking mechanism, �•�hen nrovided on doors anc� screen doors, shall bp of a type which permits openin� from the inside by the sirnple operation of a knob, or lever, or 6y pressure aga�.nst the door or screen door. XXI. Each mobile home must have a minimum space of 200 s4uare feet floor area, and qualify under Section I. O. herein (DFFI*1ITIONS). XXII. No travel trailer shall be used as nor occupied as a permanent type residence except in a �aobile home par�-.. Travel trailers so occupied shal.l comply ���ith Ameriean Standard - _-- •- - - •• �lydinance T'a.�. 129 . . � � � Page 15 ' Association Pamphlet A 119.2-1963 PluinbinQ, fleating and Electrical Systems in Travel Trailers. XXIII. Light and VenCilation A. No mobile home shall be used or occupied without proper lighC and ventilation. Al1 habitable rootas (includi.ng rooms with combined functions) shall be provided with natural light openinQS by �eans of fixe8, or openable, windows, glazed doors, or openabie roof, er fixed roof naneZs. The light opening size require� in each such room shall not be less than ten per cent of the floor area of the room, combined rooms, or apace. Exception: In Iieu of naCural light, artificial light may be provided in kitchens, laundry rqoms, and other roams approved by the Huilding Official. B. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, and kitchens may use n�echanical ventilation syseems in lieu of natural ventilation. The system shall have a capacity to provide a minimum o£ tw�lve air chan�es per hour in the area occupied by such rooms. The mechanical ventilat3oa syster� snall discharge to the outside air. All rooms used for sleeping gurposes shall be provided naeural ventilation by means of openings in the interior walls, or roof. The natural ventilator shall have no less than four per cent of the floor area of the room, co�bined room or space, or three square feet, whichever is greater. XXIV. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTI�S A. Any person violatin� any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a tnisdemeanor, and each such person srall be deemed guflCy of a separate offense for each and every day, or portian theteof, duxi�� which �ny vicil� ion of any of the provisions of this Ordinance is cotm�itted, continued, or ple�mi�ted, and t�pon conviction of any such violation such nerson shall he punished by a fine of not more than two hundred do�lars ($200.Q0). B. AI1 Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here��ith are hereby repeaZed to the extent of such conflict only. C. If any pravision, section, suhsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or the ap�licatfon of same to any person or set of circunstances is for any reason held to be unconatitutional, void or invalid, the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or their app�.ication to other gersons or sets of cir- cumstances shall not be af£ected hereby, it being the intent of the City Council in adopting this Ordinance tliat no portion thereof or provision or reg,ulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitution- ality and all provisions of this �rdinance are declared to be reasonable. D. The provisions of this Ordinance requirina par�-fntr pexmits for mobile homes in mobile home parks sha12 become effective on the date last shovm belota. E. The City Council of the City of Friendstti•oad hereby finds and detexm.ines that for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the City of Friendswood, and particularly the neople who reside in and oceupy mobile home travel trailers in mohile home parks, and for the purpose of provi�inp the inspec- tion necessary to accomplish this, this Ordinance and the regulations, standards, and sanctions herein established, and the construction permits, mobile home park ].icenses, parking permits, an@ the fees provided therefor, are aecessaty ta accomplish such purnoses. X�• This Ordi�ance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Secretary is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causin� the caption of this Ordinance to he puhZished in the official newspaper of the City of Friendswood, at least twice within ten days after the passage of this Ordinance. PASSED AND APPROV�D this 3rd day of Atove±�her, Y�?b9 on first readinp�. PASSED A1�1D APPR�VEA this 17th day of "lovem'�er, 1969 on second reading. PASSED ArtD APPROVED this 15th day of �ecer�her, 1969 on t!�ird readine. ATTEST: l �� �� Ralnh ' . Somers, Mayor � . L ` �,,,�...«..".;,,, � �� F F�.t o'�'� L. B. line, City Secreta '�yO ,.•►•• •..,, t J, '`. •� ��';"�;., t ; F o ._��,; ' : . ti � �:'; �'` >�.,, :.� �,� .�.. i♦!�r ��.���