HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 122 ORDINANCE N0. 122 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO EXCHANGE CERTAIN OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSiiJOOi�, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1969 , D,ATED MARCH 1� 1969 , FOR CERTI�IN OF THE GALVE5TON COUN`I'Y WATER C�N- TROL AND SMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 WATERWORKS RND SANITARY SEWER 5YSTEM COMBINATION REVENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS? SER- IES 1957, DATED JULY 1, 1957 AND CERTAIN OF THE GALVESTON CO- UNTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 15 VJATERWORK5 AND SANITARY SEG,IER SYSTEM COMBTNATION REVENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS, SERIES 1958 , DATED JULY 1, 1958 THE STATE OF TEXAS � COL7NTY OF GALVESTON � THE CITY OF FRIEND5WOOD � WHEREA5, the City Council of the City o� Friendswood, Texas, has heretofore adopted an ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXA5, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS� SERIES 1969� dated March 1, 1969, for the purpose of refunding, cancelina, and in lieu of a like principal amount of bonds issued by Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 of Galveston County, Texas, which bonds have been assumed by, and are now the valid and bindinc� obligations of said City oi Friendswood, Texas, under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Vernon' s Articles 1182c-1 and 2368a, as amended; and 4�HEREAS, said CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS , SERIES 1969, dated March 1, 1969, are or will soon be ready for exchange; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF FRTENDS�n100D� TEXAS: SECTION 1: That CITY OF FRIENDS6�JOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SER- IES 1969, dated March 1, 1969, Nos. 1-5 inclusive, 1'�-21 inclusive, 26-39 inclusive, 58-67 inclusive, 73-102 inclusive and 114-137 inclusive be exchanqed for Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 4daterworks and 5anitary Sewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited T ax Bonds, Series 1957, dated July 1, 1957, Nas. 19-26 incl- usive, 32-46 inclusive, 54-60 inclusive, 73 , 78, and 90-250 inclusive and Galveston Cotznty Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 Waterworks and 5anitary 5ewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 1958, dated July 1, 1958, Nos. 251-260 inclusive and 271-275 inclusive. SECTION 2 : That CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUI�TDING BONDS� 5ERIES 1969, dated March 1, 1969� Nos. 103-112 be exchanged for Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 Waterworks and 5anitary 5ewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bonds� S�ries 1958� dated July 1, 1958, Nos. 261-270 inclusive. SECTION 3: That CITY OF FRIEND5G100D, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIE5 1969, dated March 1, 1969, Nos. 46-53 inclusive be exchanqed for Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 6Vaterworks and Sanitary Sewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 1957, clated July 1, 1957, Nos. 47, 61, 62 , 85, 86, 87, 88, and 89. 5ECTION 4: That CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, 5ERIES 1959, dated March 1, 1969, Nos. 40=44 inclusive be exchanc�d for Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 1957, dated July 1, 1957, Nos. 63-67 inclusive. SECTION 5 • That CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BOND5, SERIES 1969, dated March 1, 1969, No. 113 be exchanged for any Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15 Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bond, 5eries 1957� dated July 1, 1957, not heretofare specified for exchanae. SECTION 6: That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passa�e. ' � CLRTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING COMPTROLLER Qr ` ORD.' #122 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE 5TATE OF TEXAS TO EXCHANGE CER- TAIN OF THE CITY OF FRIEND5G�100D� TEXAS� GENERAL OBLI- GATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1969 � DATED MARCH 1� 1969 � FOR CERTAIN OF THE GALVESTON COUNTY U�ATER CONTROL .AND IMPROVEMENT DI5TRICT NO. 15 WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM COMBINATION Rr�VENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS� SERIES 1957, DATED JULY 1� 1957 AND CERTAIN OF THE GAL- VESTON COUNTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 15 T�rJATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM COMBINATION REV- ENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS� SERIE5 1958 , DATED JULY 1, 1958 THE STATE OF TEXA5 � COUNTY OF GALVESTON � THE CITY OF FRIENDSGVOOD � We, the undersigned officers of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, do hereby certify as follows: 1. The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in SPECIAL MEETING on the 14th day of July, 1969, in the City Hall within said City, and the roll was called of the duly constituted offi- cers and members of said Council and the City Secretary, to-wit: Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward F. Stuart Alderman and Mayor Pro Tem James E. Mager Alderman Georqe F. Prude Alderman Ronald G. Hamil Alderman Thomas F. Woods Alderman L. B. Cline City Secretary and all of said persons were present, except the following absentees: James E. Mager and Thomas F. VJoods, thus constitutinq a quorum. Whereupon, among other busizzess, the following was transacted at said meetina: a written ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT S OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO EXCHANGE CERTI�IN OF THE CITY OF FRIEND5WOOD� TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS� SERIES 1969 , DATED MARCH 1� 1969 , FOR CERTAIN OF THE GALVESTON COUNTY WATER CON- TROL AND IMPROVEMENT DI5TRICT N0. 15 WATERWORKS AND SANITARY SEWER SY5TEM COMBINATION REVENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS� SER- IES 1957, DATED JULY 1� 1957 AND CERTAIN OF THE GALVE5TON CO- UNTY WATER CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 15 WATERWORKS AND SANIT.ARY SEWER SYSTEM COMBINATION REVENUE AND UNLIMITED TAX BONDS, SERIES 1958 , DATED JULY 1� 1958 was duly introduced for the consideration of said Council, and read in full. It was then duly moved and seconded that said ordinance be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said ordinance, prevailed and carried by the followinq vote: t�YE5: All members of said Council shown present above voted "Aye." NOES: None. 2. That a true, full, and correct copy of the aforesaid ordi.nance adopted at the meetina described in the above and foregoina paragraph is attached to and follows this certificate; that said ordinance has been duly recorded in said Council ' s minutes of_ said meetinc�; that the above and foregoinc� paragraph is a true, full , and correct excerpt from said Council ' s minutes of said meetinc� pertaininq to the adoption of said ordinance; that the persons named in the above and foregoinq para- qraph are the duly chosen, qualified, and actinc officers and members of said Council as indicated therein; that each of the officers and members of said Council was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the afore- said meeting, and that said ordinance would be introduced and consid- ered for adoption at said meetinq, and each of said ofiicers and mem- bers consented, in advance, to the holdinq of said meeting �or such purpose; and that said meetinq was open to the public as required by law. `�������D AND SEALED the 14TH D�iY OF JULY, 1969. .�`' �'. 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