HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 121-F This authorization af issuance was acted upon ` ds an "order" on June 16, 1969. It was not � assigned an ordinance number and the heading was not recorded in the minutes. #121-F has been . assigned for reference purposes. � � � � Dec. 8, 1969 ORDINANCE N0. 121�F ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 196g ; $257, 000 ` THE STATE OF TEXAS § � COUNTY OF GALVESTON § � THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD § WHEREAS, Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District Noo 15 of Galveston County, Texas, has heretofore issued the following-described bonds, all of which are now outstanding, to-wit : Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No . 15 Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 1957, dated July 1, 1957 , num- bered consecutively from 19 through 250 , in th� denomination of $1, 000 each, aggregating $232, 000, bearing interest at the rate of , 5% per annum, and maturing serially in their numerical order on March 1 in each of the ` years 1970 through 1993, Comptroller' s ' Registration No . 32oog, and Galveston County Water Control and Improvement " District Noe 15 Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer : System Combination Revenue and Unlimited Tax , Bonds, Series 1958, dated July l, 1958, num- bered consecutively from 1 through 25, in the denomination of $1,000 each, aggregating $25, 000, bearing interest at the rate of 5% per annum, and maturing on March l, 1994 , Comptroller' s Registration No. 32, 657, and WHEREAS, the bonds described above constitute the only ou�standing indebtedness heretofore created by the said Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No . 15; and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood, Texas , has heretofore annexed all of the territory within said District and has assumed and become liable for the payment of all debts and obl.igations of said District, including particularly the above-described bonds, and the said outstanding bonds are now the valid and binding obligations of the said City of Friendswood, Texas, and the said District has been abolished, and the City of Friendswood, Texas, has taken over all of the assets and properties of the said District , and the waterworks and sanitary sewer system of said District has been absorbed into and it is now a portion of the waterworks and sanitary sewer system of said City; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Vernon' s Article 1182c-1, as amended, the City of Friendswood, Texas, is authorized to refund said bonds as obligations of the City of Friendswood, Texas, and to provide for the payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon by levying a tax for such purposes upon all taxable property within said City; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be to the best interest of said City to issue refunding bonds of said City for the purpose of refunding the bonds described above , as hereinafter in this ordinance provided; therefore , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS : SECTION l : NAME, AMOUNT, PURPOSE AND AUTHORIZATION: That the serial coupon bonds of the City of Friendswood, Texas , to be known and designated as "CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1g69," be issued in the principal amount of $257, 000, for the purpose of refunding, canceling, and in lieu of a like principal amount of bonds issued by Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No . 15 of -2- .._ ,�. Galveston County, Texas, which bonds have been assumed by, and are now the valid and binding obligations of said City of Friendswood, Texas, under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Vernon' s Articles 1182c-1 and 2368a, as amended , SECTION 2 : 2 . 01 - DATE, BOND NUMBERS, DENOMINATION AND MATURITIES : That said bonds shall be dated MARCH 1, 1969, shall be numbered from 1 through 137 , shall be in the denomination of $1, 000 each, except that Bond Nos . 73 through 102, maturing in each of the years 198o through 1991, shall be in the denomination of $5, 000 each, aggregating $257, 000, and shall become due and payable serially in their numerical order on March 1 in each of the years 1970 through 1993, in the respective amounts shown in the following schedule, to-wit : $5, 000 1970/71 $ 9, 000 1978 6, 000 1972 lo, 000 1979/85 7 , 000 1973/75 15 ,000 1g86/g2 8, 000 1976/77 20, 000 1993 2 ° 02 - OPTION OF PRIOR REDEMPTION: The City expressly re- serves the right to redeem those bonds of this issu� maturing in the years 1985 through Z993, in whole or in part , on March l, 1984 , or on any interest payment date thereafter, by paying to the owners or holders thereof a sum equal to the princi- pal amount of the bonds called for redemption plus unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If the City elects to redeem all or any part of said bonds on any such redemption date, notice of the exercise of the option to redeem shall be given in writing to the bank at -3- �., r.., which said bonds are payable, and said notice shall be pub- lished one (1) time in a financial journal or publication of general circulation in the United States of America, which notice shall be mailed to said bank and published in said journal or publication at least thirty (30 ) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. When said bonds , in whole or in part , have been called for redemption in the manner prescribed and due provision has been made to pay the prin- cipal of the bonds called for redemption and unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, the right of the owners or holders to collect interest which would other- wise accrue after the redemption date on the bonds called for redemption shall terminate on the date fixed for redemp- tion. SECTION 3 : 3001 - INTEREST RATE AND INTEREST PAYMENT DATES : That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum, interest payable September l, 196g, and semi-annually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 of each year until the principal sum is paid . 3 � 02 - MEDIUM AND PLACE OF PAYMENT: That both principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable, without exchange or collection charges to the owners or holders of the bonds and/or interest coupons , at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinson, Texas, in any coin or currency which, on the re- spective dates of payment of such principal and interest , is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States -4- of Ameriwa� The p�incipal of said bonds shall be payable only upon p�esentation and surrender of said bonds as they respecti�el� be�ame due, and interest falling due on and prior �o thP ��spe�t��e maturity dates of the bonds shall be pay- able on�y upo� prese�tation and surrender of the interest c��ap�ns a��ac�ed to said bonds as such coupons severally be- come due � SECTION 4 : EX�CU'TIO� OF BONDS AND INTEREST COUPONS : That each of said b��ds s�al1 b� s�g�ed by the Ma�or and countersigned by the Ci�� Se�r��a�,y, by their lithographed or printed facsimile sig�a�u�es � an� �he offi�ial seal of the City shall be im- pres�eda o� p���ed in facsimile, upon each of said bondso The i�te��s� c^upons a�tached to said bonds shall also be sig�ed by sa�d facsim�le sig�atures of the Mayor and City Sec�etary � Said fac�im�le signatures on the bonds and in- te�PSt �o��p��s a�d sa�d facsimile seal on the bonds shall haae t�e same e�f�ct as if each of said bonds and interest �oupo�s had bee� s�gned manually and in person by each of said ��fi�e�s ��d the official seal of said City had been ma�ual��y �mp�e�sed upon each such bond, The registration ce�t���cate qf the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State o� TP�as, w���h certificate is to be printed upon the back of e:�c°.h. ��T said bonds as hereinafter provided in Section 7 of �k�?.is �as�da.nan�e, shall be manually signed . -5- SECTION 5 : FORM OF BONDSo That said bonds shall be in substantially the following form: NOe $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON CTTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BOND SERIES 1969 FOR VALLJE RECEIVED, THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, in the County o� Galveston, State of Texas, hereby acknowledges it- sPlf indebted to and PROMISES TO PAY TO BEARER the sum of ( $ ) ON mHE 1ST DAY OF MARCH, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the da�e hereof at the rate of 5% per annum, interest payable September l, 1969, and semi-annually there- after on March 1 and September 1 of each year until the prin- cipal sum is paide Both principal of and interest on this bond shall be payable in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest , is legal �ender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinson, Te�as, w�thout exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, The principal hereof shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of this bond, and interest hereon falling due on and prior to the maturity of this bond shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of the in- terest coupons hereto attached as such coupons severally become dueo -6- THE DATE OF THIS BOND, in conformity with the ordi- nance hereinafter mentioned, IS MARCH 1, 1969 . THIS BOND IS ONE OF A SERIES OF 137 SERIAL COUPON BONDS of like tenor and effect , except as to serial number, amount, option of prior redemption, and maturity, being numbered con- secutively from 1 through 137, in the denomination of $1,000 each, except that Bond Nose 73 through 102, maturing in each of the years 1980 through 1991, are in the denomination of $5, 000 each, AGGREGATING $257, 000, and, together with the other bonds of said series, is issued for the purpose of refund- ing, canceling, and in lieu of a like principal amount of bonds issued by Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District Noo 15 of Galveston County, Texas, which bonds have been assumed by, and are now the valid and binding obligations of said City of Friendswood, Texas, under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Vernon' s Articles 1182c-1 and 2368a, as amended, and pursuant to an ordinance duly passed and adopted by the City Council of said City, which ordinance is of record in the minutes o� said City Councile THE CITY EXPRESSLY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REDEEM THOSE BONDS OF THIS ISSUE MATURING IN EACH OF THE YEARS 1985 THROUGH 1993, in whole or in part, on March l, 1g84, or on any in- terest payment date thereafter by paying to the owners or holders thereof a sum equal to the principal amount of the bonds called for redemption plus unpaid accrued interest thereon to the d�te fixed for redemption. If the City elects to re- deem all or any part of said bonds on any such redemption -7- � � date, notice of the exercise oF the option to redeem sY�a7,1 be given in writing to the bank at which said bonds are pay- able, and said notice shall be published one (I.) t�.me in a financial journal or publication of general qirGUlation in the United States of America, which notice shall be mailed to said bank and published in said �ournal or� publication at least thirty (30) days prior to �he date fixed for �edemp- tion. When said bonds, in who�.e or in pSrt , have b�e� called for redemption in the manner prescrib�d and due provision has been made to pay the principal of the bonds called �'or redemption and unpaid accrued inter�st thereon to the date fixed for redemption, the right of the owr�e�rS or holders to collect interest which would otherwise aecrue after the re-- demption date on the bonds called for redemption sY��,ll te�- minate on the date fixed for redemption, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED that the issuance of this bond, and the series of which �.t �.s a part, is duly authorized by law; that all acts, GonditiQrls a�d things required to be done precedent to and in �he issuan�e of this bond and this series of bonds have been praperly done and performed, and have happened in regular and due time , fprm and manner as required by law; that due prov�.��.on has been made for the payment of the principal. of and interest on th3,s bond, and the series of which it is a, part , by the levy of a direct annual ad valorem �ax upon all taxable property within said City sufficient for said purposes; and that �Me �ota1 indebtedness of said Ci�y, inelud�.ng the entire �er3.�s o�' -8- bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any Const�tutional or statutory limitation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City Council of the C�ty of Friendswood, Texas, has caused the corporate seal of said City to be impressed, or placed in facsimile, hereon, this bond to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary by their lithographed or printed facsimile signa- tures, and the annexed coupons also to be signed by said fac- simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretar�, all as of the lst day of March, 1g69 . Mayor, City of Friendswood, Texas COUNTERSIGNED: City Secretary, City of Friendswood, Texas SECTION 60 FORM OF INTEREST COUPONS: That the interest coupons to be attached to said bonds shall be in substantially the follow, ing form: NOe $ ON THE 1ST DAY OF , 19 ,� THE CTTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, in the County of Galveston, State of Texas, PROMISES TO PAY TO BEARER, without exchange or collection charges, at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinson, Texas, the amount shown hereon in any coin or curr�ncy which on such date is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, being interest due that date on the City of Friendswood, Texas, General Obligation -9- Refu�d��g Bond, Series 1g69, bearing the number hereinafter spec����d, dated March l, 1g69 � Bond No . Mayor City Se���tary � (Coupons maturing after March l, 1g84, shall contain the following additional clausee unless the bond to which this cou- po� appertains has been called for �edemption and due provision made to redeem same, ) SECTION 7 : REGISTRATICN OF BONDS BY STATE COMPTROLLER AND FORM OF REGTSTRATION CERTIFI�ATEo That each of said bonds shall be registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, as pr�vided by law, and the registration certificate of said Co�pt�olle�, which is to be printed on the back of each of sa�d bQnds a�d is to be manually executed, shall be in sub- sta��ially ��e following form: OF�ICE 0� THE COMPTROLLER § REGISTER N0 . T�E STATE OF TEXAS § I HER�BY CERTIFY that there is on file and of record i� my of�zcP a certificate of the Attorney General of the St��� of �exas to the effect that this bond has been exam- �r�ec? by him as �equired by law; that he finds that it has bee� �ss�,�ed �� co�formity with the Constitution and laws of the S�a�� o� Texas; and that it is a valid and binding obli- gati�� upon �he City of Friendswood, Texas, and said bond has thi� day been registered by me . -10- WITN�SS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE at Austin, Texas, Comptroller of Public Accaunts of the State of Texas SECTION 8 : INTEREST AND SINKING FUND, TRANSFER OF FUNDS AND TAX LEVY : That there is he�?by created a special fund to be designated ''City �f �,�����swo�d, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bo�ds , Se�ies ��6g, Interest and Sinking Fund, " and the pro- ceed.s f�om a�� taxes assessed and collected for and on ac- co�nt of the bonds authorized by this ordinance shall, as colle�ted, be deposited into said Fund. That immediately after al1 0� the bonds which are being refunded hereby have bee� �an�eled, all taxes thereafter collected for and on account o� such bonds being refunded hereby shall be credited to said Fund, and all mQneys in the interest and sinking funds of the bo�ds being refu�ded hereby shall be transferred to said Fund. Tha.t wh�le said bonds or any part of the principal thereof o� i�t�rest �thereon remain outstanding and unpaid, there is hereb,y le�z�d and there shall be annually assessed and col- lected in due time, form and manner and at the same time other C�ty taxes are assessed, levied and collected in each year, beginning wi�h the current year, a continuing direct annual ad �ala��m �a� upon all taxable property within said City at a �ate each year sufficient to pay the current interest on said ��nds a�d �o create and provide a sinking fund of not less than ?� of the original principal amount of said -11- � .�. ...... issue of° refunding bonds, or of not less than the amount re- quired to pay the principal payable out of said tax, which- ever� is greater, full allowance being made for delinquencies ax�d costs of collection, and said taxes when collected shall be applied to the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and to no other purpose . SECTION g : APPROTTAL A�1D REGISTRATION OF BONDS BY STATE OFFICERS : That it sha�_1 be the duty of the Mayor or someone acting under authority of said Mayor to submit the record of said bonds, ar�d the bonds, to the Attorney General of the State of Texas fcr examination and approval, and thereafter to have such bonds registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas , but the refunding bonds hereby authorized sha11 not be registered until and as a like principal amount of the bonds being refunded thereby, as hereinbefore provided, have been surrendered for exchange and cancellation; when and as said underl��ng bonds are surrendered to the said Comptroller of Public Ac�ouz�ts , whether in one or more installments , the said Comptroller is authorized and directed to deliver the said Refundi�g Bonds i� like principal amount to the holder or holders of the underlying bonds so surrendered, as hereinbefore provided, but �he said Comptroller is further authorized and d����ted to e�change certain of the bonds hereby authorized for certai� of' the boa�ds being refunded in accordance wi�h a further ordinance, or� ordinances, to be hereafter passed and adopted by this City Cou�n�il� -12- SECTION 10 : SUBROGATIONe That , except as provided herein, the holder or holders of the bonds hereby authorized are, and shall be , sub- rogated to all the rights and privileges had and possessed by the holder or holders of the bonds which are being refunded by the issuance of this series of refunding bonds . SECTION 11 : DUTIES OF CITY OFFICIALS : That the Mayor of said City and other appropriate officials of the City are directed to do any and al1 things necessary or convenient to carry out the provisions of thi� ordinance . SECTION 12 : ORDINANCE IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE: That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage , ------------------ -13- M , CERTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL GBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 196g; $257, 000 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD § We, the undersigned officers of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, hereby certify as follows : l. The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in REGULAR MEETING ON THE 16TH DAY OF JUNE, 1969, in the City Hall within said City, and the roll was called of the duly constituted offi- cers and members of said Council and the City Secretary, to-wit : Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward F . Stuart Alderman and Mayor Pro Tem James E. Mager Alderman George F . Prude Alderman Ronald G. Hamil Alderman Thomas F . Woods Alderman L. B. Cline City Secretary and all of said person� were present, except the following absentees : , thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon, among other business, the following was transacted at said meeting: a written ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1g69; $257, 000 was duly introduced for the consideration of said Council, and read in full, It was then duly moved and seconded that said ordinance be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said ordinance, prevailed and carried by the following vote : AYES : Al1 members of said Council shown present above voted "Aye . " NOES : None . 2 . That a true, full, and correct copy of the aforesaid ordinance adopted at the meeting described in the above and foregoing paragraph is attached to and follows this certificate; that said ordinance has been duly recorded in said Council ' s minutes of said meeting; that the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full, and correct excerpt from said Council' s minutes of said meeting pertaining to the adoption of said ordinance; that the persons named in the above and foregoing para- graph are the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers and members of said Council as indicated therein; that each of the officers and members of said Council was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the afore- said meeting, and that said ordinance would be introduced and consid- ered for adoption at said meeting, and each of said officers and mem- bers consented, in advance, to the holding of said meeting for such purpose; and that said meeting was open to the public as required by law. �-� � �......w. �'� GNED AND SEALED the 16th day of June, 1969 . �� OF F ��' . ,`'�► ''• , ;;' ,v . .= ` ity Secreta Mayor � tp , 4'z � • ��, i � .r'` t " . / ��` • . `�� !r'•^�..`•��`w�,�� ��4 �`.�_�