HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 105A-E ORDINANCE NO. 105-A -E AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 105 , PARTICULARLY SECTION III, ENTITLED PRO- CEDURES AND SECTION IV, ENTITLED DISPOSI- TION; SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF WARNING NOTICES AND COURT SUMMONS; SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROCE- DURES FOR SEIZURE OF DOGS; SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES REGARDING DISPOSITION OF IM- POUNDED DOGS; DEFINING STRAY DOGS; USE OF TRANQUILIZER GUN. AND DECLARIf�lG AN E�IERGE^�CY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FR�NDSWOOD, TEXAS, DULY ASSEMBLED: SECTION l. Previously Section III of Ordinance No. 105 of the City of Friendswood, Texas (known as the Dog Ordinance) read as follows : [PROCEDURES] [" It shall be unlawful for any dog to be "at large" ] [or to permit any dog to be "at large" . Any dog ] ["at large" is in violation and shall be subject ] [to seizure by the Humane Officer. A licensed ] [dog on private property other than that of its ] [owner may be seized or considered in violation ] [only after written complaint from the owner or ] [resident of said property. The licensed dog need ] [not be in violation at the time of the written ] [complaint. Any dog which has been seized by the ] [Humane Officer shall be impounded in the "dog ] [pound" . Any dog so impounded shall be register- ] [ed as to sex, breed, color, and approximate ] [weight. It shall be the duty of the Humane Of- ] [ficer to notify the owner of any licensed dog ] [seized by him within twenty-four (24) hours after ] [seizure. A list must be maintained at the dog- ] [pound and at City Hall of all dogs impounded by ] [the Humane Officer or a ny other person and shall J [be current within one working day. " ] SECTION 2 . The said Section III of Ordinance No. 105 is hereby amended to read as follows: PROCEDURES It shall be unlawful for any dog to be "at large" or to permit any dog to be "at large" , Any doct "at larqe" is in vio- lation and shall be subiect to seizure by the Humane Officer. The Humane Officer or his de uties may further charqe the owners or keepers of "at large" dogs in the followinq manner. On a first offense, the Humane Officer or his deputies will prepare a written warnina in duplicate, one copy to be furnished to the offendinq doq owner or keeper, and the other copy to be main- tained in the files of the Humane Officer. Such warning no- tice shall notify the doq owner or keeper of the nature of the offense and the type of penaltv that could be imposed upon con- viction. The notice of warninq shall bear the signature of the officer issuinq same and shall bear the siqnature of the owner or keeper of the doq and shall bear the date of issue. Follow- inq a second or subseQUent offense, the Humane Officer or his deputies will issue a written summons to the owner or �keeper of the doq. Such summons shall notify the owner or keeper of the dog of the nature of violation, the place of violation and time of violation. The summons shall also inform the accused owner or keeper of the time, date and place for an appearance in muni- cipal court and shall bear the siqnature of the accused and the signature of the officer is'suinq the summons. The allowance for seizure of a do "at larqe" is in addition to and shall in no way affect or limit the authority of the Humane Officer or his deputies to issue a warninq or summons to a doq owner or keeper for allowinq a doq to run "at lar e" . A do need not be in vio- lation at the actual time the written warninq or summons is is- sued. A doq which has been seized by the Humane Officer shall be impounded in the doq pound. Any doq so impounded shall be registered as to sex, breed, color and approximate weiqht It shall be the duty of the Humane Officer or his deputies to no- tify the owner of any licensed do seized by him within twenty- four (24) hours after seizure. A record must be maintained by the Humane Officer of all do s impounded. A copy of the complete record of all dogs impounded shall be maintained a� the Cit� Hall and s�a11 be current within one (1� workin� day. SECTION 3. Previously Section IV of Ordinance No. 105 of the City of Friendswood, Texas (known as the Dog Ordinance) read as fol1ows: DISPOSITION ["Any impounded dog that is licensed shall be ] [held for ten (10) days before disposition by ] [sale or destruction. Any impounded do that ] [is unlicensed shall be held for three �3) days ] [before disposition by sale or destruction." ] SECTION 4. The said Section IV of Ordinance No. 105 is hereby amended to read as follows: IMPOUNDAGE; DISPOSITION A. Licensed dogs which have been impounded shall be he1d for a period of ten (10) days after capture before such dogs are disposed of by sa1e or destruction. B. Unlicensed dogs which have been impounded shall be held for a period of three (3) days after capture before such dogs are disPosed of by sale or � destruction. SECTION 5. Stray Dogs; Use of tranquilizer �un. A stray doq is defined as any dog "at large." In the event that a stra,y do,� cannot be captured using normal procedures, the Humane Officer or his deputies are hereby author- ized and empowered to use a tranquilizer gun in order to disable or immobi1ize the stray dog and facilitate its capture. SECTION 6. Except as hereinabove set forth3 all other provisions of Ordinance No. 105 shall remain in full force and effect. Penalty provisions, severability provisions and conflict provisions in Ordinance No. 105 shall remain in full force and effect. Penaltv provisions, severabilit,y provisions and conflict provisions in Ordinance No. 105 shall apply full�r to these amendments as though full� set forth herein. SECTION 7. The City Council, after due consideration to the matter effecting the public health and safet�, hereby declares that a public emergency exists requirin� that this ordinance amendment be adopted as an emergency measure on this 21st day of January, A.D. 1971 . (see fol1owing page for signatures) PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE THIS 21st DAY OF JANUARY, 1971 , BY A ��AJORITY VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ;:, �;,�; S ' � �-�� � ����-�-r---`� z; ��-� � ' Edwar F, Stuart, Mayor ATTEST: .-,. `�,,� \NMNN���y���i. � , i (,'/ r �� '�. `�. ��, , ;;;� . '$',�-1 i ne, Ci ty S cretary � • . .�: o • *� • . .� . . :r_ ! . . r ,m � •�>>. � �`. .�'�: �J'•'• • ... ••';*S�. , �00, ,`,�,�, � ••.�,,,,.• �' REENACTMENT - Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council March 18, 1971 PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE THIS 18th DAY OF MARCH,, 1971, by a majority vote of the City Council . �� '��'' ��.L_......Ytrr:__�'��+� r C'""��,,,�` Edward F. Stuart, Mayor � ATTEST: „_, y/,% ��;�� � L. B. C7ine, City Secreta y RE-REENACTMENT: Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council on July 1 , 1971 . PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE this lst day of July, 1971 , by unanimous vote of the City Council . , �. . ,, � �� _ . � �_r ��z_��-1 � ;,t �,, ���-�- �� _ -,_ Edward F. Stuart, Mayor ATTEST: (�,. -� ,;: r �: �' , � ��� L. B, Cline, C�ty Secretary !' _ REENACTMENT: At a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council on October 21 , 1971: MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Ord. No. 105-A-E be reenacted on an emergency basis Second: Mager Vote: YES (4) Magery Lowe, Patton, Gonzalez NO (1 ) Hamil PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE this the 21st day of October, 1971 . ;�'' ;' ��� �� -��-�.--r-.�.�� ______ _--� - �'..�-----�- Edward F. Stuart, Mayor ATTEST: ��,�� ��,��.-,_�' _ L. B. Cline, City Secretary REENACTMENT: February 3, 1972 PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE this 3rd day of February 1972, with the exception of references to the tranquilizer gun, which references have been deleted as of this reenactment. ,,-• � , ^._. ` G�� �1� i Edward F. Stuart, Mayor ATTEST: ��c��.�-e ���L u '. Bobbie C. Henry, City cretary •,'�,���N�HI���y��1r �i ��r �' ��.......,� �' �.. ,�(!;."', rti ��, I �4 CY �.... �•• P� '�� � \ . f• � .�'r. �y,�' ��(\•,'� ��',O\7 "''¢1�.4• .. `, . :, a,.� • r """��ENACTMENT: June 19, 1972 PASSED AS AN EMERGENCY OP,DINANCE this 19th day of June, 1972. � . ��, . ,,� ,,,�. Ralph L. Lowe, MayoY� ATTEST: .-� / �o� �`� � �? ° , , �-%--��_� �- �'�r.�-� Bobbie C. Henry, City Secretar __� �. ..�...__... __ ____.. �..,� REENACTMENT: December 18, 1972 Ordinance No. 105-A-E was reenacted on an emergency basis by the Friendswood City Council at a Regular Meeting on December 18, 1972. PASSEU AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE this the 18th day of December, 1972. i`�'� .. �-y� � ,/� Ralp . Lowe, Mayor ATTEST: % ; A , . , �__.• �-�-� � • -��;�c-�-�� City Secretary _.._.w.._�,.�,___.__.._ _ . ��...�e_e�...��__�.....,� _ ___.._._