HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 99 � R
June 19, 1967
� � . .. _
I. TITLE OF ORDINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 1_
Furpose of Ordinance . Scope of Ordinance . Definitions
Creation and Membership of Board. Appointment of
Electrical Board . Ter�ms of Board Members . Removal
" and Vacancies . Compensation of Board Members ,
Secretary of Board .
Meetings of' the Board . When No Board Meeting is
� Required . Reports . Investigations . Authority to
Waive Requirements . Responsibility to Recommend
Improvements . Responsibility For Examinations .
Examination - Master Electrician. Examination -
^�� Journeyman Electrician. Examination - Restricted
Licenses . Passing Grades. Examination Dates And
Results . Authority To Ulaive Examination. �xamination
_. Fees . Applications For Examination. Re-Examination -
Generally. Re-E�amination - Fees . Certificate of
�ualification. Certificates Not Transferrable .
""� V. APPEALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
l�ppeals - Generally . Appeals - From Examination.
'" l�ppeals - From Decisions By Electrical Inspector .
Appeals By Board Members .
Qualifications And Creation Of Office . Appointment
� E',nd Examination Of Electrical Inspector. Oath And
Bond Of Electrical Tnspector.
Responsibility For Inspections And Fees . Records
Ta be Kept . Reports . Appointment Of Assistants .
� Outside Interests Prohibited . Removal . Liability
Of Inspector .
I�uthority To Inspect. Interference Unlawful. Right
To Remove Obstructions . Authority To Conderr►n
'" Conductors . Notice To Comply. Police Powers . Stop-
Work Notice . Authority To Disconnect . Change of
Occupancy, Compliance Required . Special Rulings .
,�. l�ppeals. Non-Compliance .
IX. INSPECTIONS AND NOTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
"� Inspector To Be Notified . Certificate Of Conformance .
Temporary Certification. Emergency Wiring . Concealed
Electrical Work. Uncovering Cancealed Equipment.
�- Inspection With Each Change Of Occupants . Partial
Inspections . �,'hen Supply Of Electrical Current
Unlawful . When Restoration Of Electric Service
-- Unlawful. Certificate Of Non-Conformance . Inspection
� And Re-Inspection Fees . Responsibility.
� , � _..�
� X. PERMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Permits Required - Generally. No Permit Required .
'r Permits - Who May Obtain. Application For Permits .
Schedule Of Fees For Permits . Hours For Submitting
Applications . Issuance Of' Permits . Unspecified
� Work Nat Authorized. Term Of Permit. Temporary
Work. Emergency Work. Permits For Part Jobs .
Separate Permit Rea,uired. Permit To Be Displayed .
... rermit Not Transferrable ,
kI. LIC�NSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
" Licenses Required . ti�1ho May Not Be Licensed . A
Business Requiredo Application For Licenses .
License Fees Term and Renewal of Licenses . Forfeiture
Of Licenses . Tnsurance Required - Master ' s License .
Bond Required . Reduction Of Coverage . Cancellation
Of Bond . Grades of Licenses . Classes Of ��]ork
� Permitted By Licenses . Restricted Licenses - Generally.
Restrictions On Work Beyond Scope Of License . Issuance
Of Licenses . Licenses - Contents . Licenses Not
Transferrable . Na�ice Of Change In Status . Duplicate
'' Licenses . Suspension Of Licenses - Generally.
Automatic Su�pension Of Licenses . Revocation of
Licenses . Surrender ynd Return Of Licenses .
— Licen�es Reci�rocal,
�II, STANDAR]�S FOR ELECTRICAL WORK . . . . . . . . . . . �l
Standards - Generally. Identification Marks Required .
�pproved Materials Required . Fire Fighting Hazards .
C�.rcuits . Grounding. Signs . Maximum Current -
'"� Generally. Fluorescent Fixtures And Lighting.
Main Lines - Minimum Sizes . Trailer Courts . Fans .
Transformers . Me�er Loop Equipment. Electric Motors
^- Over 10 H.P. Gasoline Pump Motor Wiring. Underground
Service . Dwelling Receptacles . High Tension Conductors .
Conductors - Size . Wiring - Based Upon Location
;� And Use of Building, Special Requirements .
XIII. PENALTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
`�` XIV. LIIIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
�V. SEP�RABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
_ XVII.EFFECTIVE DAT� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
� ` r ...... ...�.
nhDZr�ar�c�, No. 99
'�"' C OIv'FLIC T TF'EBEWI T�-1;
� This ��rdin�!nce shall be knoUm �.s the "Electrica.l Ordin�nce
of the Gity of Friendswood� Texas. "
� SECTIOIv 201, Purpose of Ordinance: The ob�ect of this Ordinance
is to reduce personal hazards nnd fire hazards from electrical
ca.uses. To accomplish this� the re�uirements set forth 1^ereln axe
intended to provide � minimum standard for electrical work in the
" City of Friendswood.
S�CTION 202. Scope of Ordinance: The provisions of this Ordinance
r- shall apply to a.11 installations, use or maintenance of or repair
to all electrical conductors, fittin�s, devlces, signs, fixtures,
motors, �enerators, sta.rters, controls, and raceways, hereafter
referred to as "electrical work." within or on pubZic and priva.te
^ build.in�s and premises, except that the provisions of this
Ordinance sh�,ll not apply to such electric�.l work as follows:
(a) Installations in boats or to automotive �quipment.
(b) Installations used by electricity supply agencies in
the generation, transmission, or distrfbution of electricity, a,nd
^, located �Tithin or on buildings or premises used exclusively for
that purpose by such an agency or on public thorou�hfares, nor
to the employees makin� said insta.11ations by or for such agencies.
but the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to installations
"� andjor equipment used for light, heat, power. decoration,
amusement and for all other purposes located v�rithin or on such
buildin�s or premises.
(c) Installations for or by communication agencies in
connection with the operation of signals or the transmission of
_ intelll�ence, nor to the employees makin�; said inst�llations by or
for said agencies; tnzt the provisions of �his Ord.inance shall
apply to inst�llations for heat� d.ecoration, amusement. elevators,
ventilatin� equipment, and general li�;hting not attached to and
� power not directly used in connection with installations for
communications, si�nals, and the transmission of intelligence;
�- (d) The provisions of this Ordinsnce shall apply to all
electrica.l equipment used for pou*er supply to ra.dio transmitting
equipment, but shall not apply to special radio equipment used
_ exclusively for radio transmission by persons or organizatlons
licensed to operate by the Federal C ommunications C ommission;
(e) The replacement of lamps, sockets, fuses, drop cords,
"" snap switches, or other similar items, or the connection of
portable electrical eauipment to suitable permanently installed
- (f) The inscallation, alteration, or r��air of electrical
equipment f or the operation of signals or �he transmission of
�,. intelligence, or to installations of communication facilities by
or for communications agencies;
(g) Any work involved in the manufacturing or testing of
"' electrical equipment or apparatus, except tha t this exemption
shall not include any permanent wiring;
r= (h) The replacement of a motor by another motor of the same
horsepower and rating, solenoid valves� lo�r-pressure controls, ox
other controls when the electrical supply to same has been
_ properly installed by a licensed electrician;
{i) kll electrical work under construction or formally
contracted for a� the time of passa.ge of this Ordinance.
SECTI�N 203. Definitions: The follotaing words and phrases when
used in this Ordinance shall, for the purposes of this Ordinance, �
— have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this sect�on.
(a) 1��artm.ent House - A building or portion thereof used or
_ intended to be used as the home of three or more families or
households livin� independently of each other, a�d equipped for
the preparation of food.
"" (b) t�pprov d - Inspected and accepted by the Electrical
Inspector as havin� met the requirements of this Ordinance.
— (c) Circuit - A final two-�Tire branch circuit rated a� fifteen
(1�) or twenty 20) amperes� one-hundred t�n (110) volts. unless
otherwise stated:
^ (d) Cit.y - Shall be construed to mean the P'iunicipal Corporation,
the City of Friendswood� Texas.
° (e) Conductor - A wire or cable or other form of ineta]. suita.ble
for carrying electrical current or potential.
(f) Conviction - !� final determination of guilt or the forfeit-
ure of bail, recognizance, or appeal bond. �
� (g) Dwellin� - The abiding place of one or more persons in
which the use and management of sleeping quarters, all appliances
for cooking� ventilating, heating or li�hting are under one control,
including attached or detached garages and accessory buildings for
" such use.
(h) Electrical Inspector - The City Electrical Inspector, or
his duly authori2ed deputies.
(i.) Electrical Work - All materials, devices , applianees,
machinery, and equipment used in connection with the production,
�- transmission, or consumption of electrical energy, together with
installing� maintainin�, or repairing same.
� ( j) Fire Limits - As referred to in the provisions of this
Ordinance, "fire limits" sha11 be taken to mean and include the
district contained within the fire limits or districts as they
exist at the time of the installation or performance of such
� electrical work.
(k) Journeyman �lectrician - A person licensed as a Journeyman
Electrician in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance,
employed by contractors , and working under the supervision of a
licensed Master Electrlcian to install, repair, alter and maintain
�, electrical appliances, wiring� apparatus� devices, fixtures or
equipment, for which a permit is required under the terms and
conditions of this Ordinance.
(1� Niaintenance Electriaian - A person who works for another
person in the keepin� in safe repair of any and all electrical
equipment, and keeping in safe repa.ir or moving and relocating of
— electrical equipment within a buildin� in or on the premises where
said Niaintenance Electrician is regularly employed on a permanent
basis, but a person who is not responsible for the installation of
,�, new and additional electrical work and equipment.
.nr � 1 �
(m) Naster r�lectrician - A person licei��ed as a Niaster
Electrician in compliance with the recjuirements of this Ordinance,
..� skilled and engaged in the planning, supervision, installing or
repairing, or contractin� to instalJ. or repair, wires, conductors
and equipment used within or on buildings for the transmission of
,,, e3ectrical current for electric light, heat, power, or signalling
purposes, together �r�ith the fittings for same necessary for the
protection of such equipment, and who has been licensed in the
manner pr.ovi3ed by this Ordinance.
(n) Nieter Loop - The service entrance condt�ctors, meter base�
service overcurrent units, service disconnect, �nd the system and
-- equipment �roundin�.
(o) Iv.B.F.U. - The National Board of Fire Underwriters.
^ (p) N.E.C . - The latest edition of the Na�ional Electrical
Code� as compiled by the �V.B.F.U. � a eopy of which is attached
hereto marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof the same as if it
"" were copied herein verbatim.3c
(q) Ou_,tlet - Any current-consuming opening or contact for
— lighting units, or a regular receptacle, or any opening or
connection for a switch.
�„ (r) Pe,rson - Shall be construed to mean any individual. firm,
association or corporation.
(s) Portablg„Fixture - One which can be moved from place to
"' place, and is not attached to ceil3ng or walls by chains, rods,
hooks, flanges, or any other means of attachment, and that does
not require any mechanical ability to install, or knowledge of
— electricity other than the insertion of the eap into a proper
� (t) Portable Si�n - 1� sign in which all wirin�, transformers�
and live parts are fully enclosed and only the attachment cord
extends to the out5ide. and does not exceed two hundred (200) watts.
' (u) Safe C ondition - "�afe C ondition" as applied to electrical
installations and equipment, means installations and/or equipment
which in the opinion of the Electrical Inspector, can be used in
— the service f or which the same is intended or likely to be used
with minimum hazard to life, limb� or property; thus being
installations and equipment reasonable safe to persons and property.
�ECTION 301. Creati.on and 1�'tenbership of Board: There 3.s hereby
�- created a Board for the regulation and examination of electricians
within the Cit3r of Friendswood� to be known as the "Electrical
Board. " Said Board shall consist of Five members. One member shall
�, be a City Councilman, one member shall be a master electrician� one
member shall be a tax payer, one member shall be from the local
Electrical �upply Agency, and the Electrical Inspector. The City
Attorney of the City of Friendswood shall be the Board' s legal
'"' consultant.
5EC TION 302. A^,ppointment of Board: The members of the Electrical
-- Board shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent
of the C i ty C ouncil of the C i ty, said appointments to be made
within ten (10) days after this Ordinance takes effect.
.�ECTSON 303. Terms of Board I�iembers: Niembers of the Electrical
Board shall serve in the term of two (2) years. Two (2) members
of the board shall be appointed each year to serve terms beginning
' January 1 and terminatin� December 31 of each odd number year and
two (2) each even nu�ber year. The fifth member of the board shall
be the Chief City Electrica�. Inspector,
SECTION 30�. IiemovaZ and Vacancies: Any member of the �lectrical
Board may be removed by the City Council for gaod cause, ,t�nd, if
,�., for any reason any of the members of the Board shall be unable to
act, or shall resign from their respective positions, ar shall be
� � � �
removed from office for any good cause� then the I�iayor shall
appoint a successor or successors who shall fill out the unexpired
� term. or until respective successors shall be appointed.
5ECTIUN 305. Com ensation of Board riembers: I�embers of the
� � Electrical Board sha 1 receive no compensation for conducting
examinations for licenses or for performing such other duties as
are herein prescribed+ oth�r than fees and such other allowances
as may be advanc ed them by the C i ty C ounc il of the C i ty of
` SECTIUN 306. 5ecretar,y of the Board: The Electrical Tnspector
shall serve as Secretary to the Board and shall keep a complete
record of all proceedings of the Board, including a record of alI
examinations held and applicants examined, and the results thereof.
" together with any such other records as the Board may direct. A
record of the name of each applicant and the number, date and
result of the examinations taken by each applicant shall be kept
.- permanently; otherwise no records or examination papers need to be
kept for a period �reater than two (2) calendar years.
SECTIUN 401. Nt�eeting�s of the Board: The Electrlca7. Board shall
meet as soon as possible after appo�.ntment. The Board shall �a'�e
� and promulgate its own rules governing its meetings and praceedings,
including selection of a Chairman.
�ECTIUN �02. Wh.�,�,n__No Board Neetin� is Rectuiredi No meeting of the
Llectrical Board shall be requlred �o pass upon applications for
licenses or registration= however, special meetings shall be called
by the Nayor or any person duly designated by him, upon written
�` request of two members of the Electrical Board.
SECTION 403. A.eports: The Electrical Board shall prepare and cause
,_ to be submitted annual reports to the City Council of the City,
indicating therein the official actions of the Board. Said reports
are to be submitted to the council in January.
^ SECTION 40�. Investi,�ation: The Electrical Board shall make such
investigations regarding e3.ectrical work as are deemed necessary
by a ma�ority of Board members� or as directed by the City C ouncil
^ of the city.
SECTION �05. Buthorit.y to t�laive F�eguirements: The Electrical
,�. Board is hereby empovrered to modify or waive the requirements of
this Urdinance by a ma�ority vote of all members in particular
'"� (a) [�dherever any rules are shown to involve expense not
�ustified by the protection secured, or for any other reason
shown to be impractical; or
(b) Whenever it is shown that equivalent or safer construction
can be more readily accomplished in other ways.
� 5ECTION 4�06. Aesponsibilit,Y to Recommend Improvements: The
Electrical Board shall submit to the City Council of the City
written suggestions and recammendations for the improvement,
'� enforcement and administration of this Ordinance.
�ECTION �07. 8es onsibilit for Examinations: The Electrical
— Board shall examine every applica.nt for an E eetrician' s license,
except as otherwise provided in this Urdinance; and the Board shall
adopt such rules and regulations as are required for the examination
.- and re-examination of applicants for Electrician's licenses,
includin� the fixing of reasonable times and places f or examination
and re-examination of applicants; and shall prepare or cause to be
prepared unif orm and reasonable qualification examina.tions for
p applicants for Zicenses as Piaster Electricians and Journeymen
Electricians, except as otherwise provided in this Crdinance,
� , , --� .,w
SECTIOI�T 408. Examination - r7aster Electric�.an: An exam.ination for
a Aiaster Electrician' s license shall be of such a nature as to
" show the applicant's satisfactory knowledge of �he nsational
Electricai Code, this Ordinance, such State statutes as are
applicable� and other recognized requirements pertaining to
h�- electrical work, and his abili�y to correctly diagram and to
instruct other persons in the making of practical electrical
installations with correct sizes and values of requi�'ed materials
,�, and devices.
SEC TION 409. Examination - JourneYman Electric3.ani l�n examination
for a Journeyman Electrician's license shall be of such a nature
-' as to show the applicant's satisfactory ability to f dllow written
and verbal instructions and satisfactory and thorough knowledge of
the r�.E.C . , this Ordinance, such State statutes as are applicable,
-- and other recognized requirements pertainin� to electrical work.
SEC TSUAT 410. Exami�ation - Restricted Lieenses: If the applicant
desires to do electrical�work� only in a restricted field as
� provided for in this Ordinance, he shall only be required to pass
a special examination applicable to that restricted field.
"' SECTION 411. Pass�,in� Grades: A grade of seventy-five percent
(7��) sha11 be the lowest passing grade for any examination
provided for in this Ordinance.
S.ECTION 4�12. E�amination Da.tes and Aesults: The Electrical Board
shall set the examina.tion date� the place where the examina.tion sha].l
�, be held� and the examination shall be given within ten (10) days
after an application is filed; and the result of such examinatioM
sha11 be announced to the applicant wSthin five (5) days after
such examination.
SECTIUN 413. AuthoritV to .Waive Examination: The Electrlcal
Board shall have the authority �o waive the requirements of ar_
r- examination upon presentation to said Board of evidence of
experience and education vrhi.ch clearly indicates the applicant's
qualification for the type of license requested� and otherwise as
provided by this Urdinance. The Board shall have complete control
in establishing qualifications which wi11 exempt applicants from
taking examinations otherwise required for the type of l�.cense
SECTION 414. Examination Fees: Applications for examinations shall
be accompanied by an exami.nation fee as herein provided:
(a) The fee for examination as a Master Electrician shall
be Ten (;��10.00) Dollars.
� (b) The f ee for exam3nation as a Journeyman Electrician
shall be (;�10.00) Ten �ollars.
`` Al1 monies paid by applicants in connection with examina.tions
shall become the property of the City of Friendswood and shall not
be sub�ect to refund.
~ SECTIUN 415. Applications for Examination: Every application for
examination as a TYlaster or Journeyman Electrician shall be made
�, upon a form furnished by the Electrical Inspector. Every
application shall state the name, date of birth� race, sex,
residence and business address of the applicant� a statement of
his active and practical experience, and shall state whether the
"' applicant has previously been licensed as a Master or Journeyman
Electrici,an or other classification of Electrician, and if so,
when and by what state. county, or city� and whether any such
.- license has ever been suspended or revoked, and, if so, the date
of and the reason for such suspension� revocation or refusal.
� 5ECTIUN 416. Fie-Examination - GenerallY: A10 applicant who fails
to pass his first examination shall be examined again prior to
the expiration of one �1� calendar month from the date of said
first examination. No applicant who fails to pass his second
"' examination shall be examined again prior to the expiration of
seven �) calendar months from the date of said first examination.
,..' -�-
..,.. � .._.. ...
No applicant who fails to pass his third examination sr.all be
examined prior to the expiration of one 1) ear from the date of
`' said first examination. Any applicant who fails to pass three (3)
examinations for any license shall be entitled to an examination
for such license once each year as long as he shall so desire.
� SECTTQN 417. Re-�nation - Fees: Fees for re-examination sh�11
be the same as are provided for in Section 414 of this �rdinance.
~ SECTION 4�1$. Certificate of Qualification: The Electrical Board
sha11 issue to each successful ax�plicant a Certificate of
Qualification certifying that the applicant has been found competen�t
"'" as a Niaster or Journeyman Electrician, whi�h Certificate shall
entitle him to a license to carry on specified electrical work in
the C i ty of Fri endswood.
� SECTIO�i 419, Certificates Not Transferrab�.e: Certificates of
Qualificatfon are personal only to the examinee and are not in any
manner transferrable. A11 such Certificates are revokable for
� sufficient cause upon the filing of written charges by the
Electrical Inspector or Electrical Board.
�ECTION 501. Appeals - Generall,y: �lny person denied a license
or whose license has been suspended or revoked by the Board, except
� where such suspension or revocation is automatic under the
provi.sions of �ECTION 1122 of this QrdinanCe. or any person who is
otherwise �ggrieved by a decision of the E�ectrical Board may
appeal to the C i ty C ounc i 1 of the C i ty of Fr�.endswood and the
"' aggrieved shall have the right to file a petition within ten (10)
days thereaf ter f or a hearing bef ore the C i ty C ounc il. The C i ty
Council shall set the matter for hearing upon fourteen (7�4) days
— written notice to the aggrieved person. and thereupon take
testimony and examine into the facts of the case, and determine
whether the petitioner is entitled to a license or is sub3ect to
suspension or revocation of his license under the provisions af
this Ordinance.
SECTION 502. l�ppeals - From Examination: Tf an applicant for
�' 1lcensing feels that he has not been fairly dealt with by the
Electrical Board in the process of examination, he may appeal to
the City C ouncil from the Board' s decision. If and when he has
^ been able to establish to the satisfaction of the City Council
that he sha11 have a further re-examination testing his fitness as
Aiaster or Journeyman Electrician, the City Council shall request
that the Electrical Board re-examine the applicant, and the Board
'— sha11� within a reasonable time, comply with said request, not to
exceed thirty (30) days from the receipt of said request.
'"' SECTION 503. Appeals - From Decisions by Electrical Ins ector:
Any person aggrieved by a decision or ruling of the Electrical
Inspector sha,ll have the right of appeal to the Electrical Board
�.- for its review. Such appeal shall be perfected by a request in
writing to the Chairman of the Board for a hearing in which the
following information shall be cantained.
^ (a) Name and address of person making appeal;
(b) Facts surrounding the particular rulin� or refusal to
make ruling;
" (c) The ruling, if any, of the Electrical Inspector;
(d) Reasons why such rulin6 should be set aside; or if a
ruling was refused� why such rul.ing should be made.
� During the pendancy of any appeal to the Electrical Board, the
ruling of the Electrical Inspector shall be in full force and
^ effect.
SECTTUN ,�04. Appeals by Board Iyiembers: A member of the Electrical
Board sha11 have no vote on his o�,*n appeal before the Board.
,_ -6-
..�.. - i '"'"."`' .. .,
SECTION 601. �„ualifications and Creation of Office: There is
� ��� __._.-..
"' hereby created the Office of Electrical Inspector of the City of
Friendswood. The person chosen to fill the Office of Llectrical
Inspector shall be of good moral character, sha11 be competent and_
-- well versed in the rules and regulations of the N.E.C . � of such
statutes of the State of Texas as are applicable, and the terms of
this Ordinance; shall be possessed of such executive abiiity as is
requisite f or the performance of his duties; and shall have a
thorough knowled�e of the standard material and methods used in the
installation of electrical equipment; shall be well versed in
approved methods of construction for safety to persons and
" property; and shall have had at least five (�) years experience
as an Electrical Inspector or Assistant Electrical Inspector and/
or as a Journeyman or Naster Electrician in the installation of
-- electrical equipment; or in lieu of such experience, shall be a
graduate in electrical or mechanical engineering of a recognized
college or university and shall have had at least two (2) years
,_ practical experience.
SECTION 602. A ointment of Electrical Ins ector: The Office of
Electrical Inspector in an f or the C ity of Friendswood shall be
" appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council�
The salary of the Electrical Inspector shall be determined by the
.- City C ouncil. However, before assuming the authority conferred by
this Ordinance, the person so appointed shall. successfully pass an
examination submitted to him by the Electrical Board of the City
of Friendswood.
SECTION 603. Qath and Bond of Electrical Ins�pector: Before
assuming tY�e authority conferred by this Ordina.nce, the Electrical
"' 7nspector shall take an oath usually administered to other city
officials and shall give a bond to the City of Friendswood. Tex�,s,
in the penal sum of 5�1, 000.00 conditional upon the faithful
-- performance of his duties. Assistants to the Electrical. Inspec�or
shall execute a similar bond in the sum of $�1,000.00.
Said bonds are to be issued by a reputable bonding company licensed
to do business in the �ta�e of Texas. The City of Friendstaood
shall pay for said bonds.
SECTION 701. Res onsibilit for Ins ectian and Fees: It shall be
the duty of the Electrica Inspector to enforce the provisions of
this ordinance. He shall, upon application by any electrician
'� licensed by the City of Friends�r�ood� collect and account for the
fees and deposits herein fixed and provided for, and shall make
inspections of eleetrical installations and perform such other
— acts and duties as are provided for in this Ordina.nce.
SEC TIUN 702. Aecords to be Kept. The Electrical Inspector shall
.- keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections and re-
inspections made, and other official work perf ormed in accordance
with the provisions of this Ordinance; and shall keep a record
of all condemnations of electrical installations. The Electrical
� Inspector shall file every application for a license received by
him, and shall maint�.in suitable indices containing, in alphabetical
or numerical order:
(a) All applications denied and on each thereof note the
reason for such denial;
(b) All applications granted;
_, (c) The name of every licensee whose license has been
suspended or revoked� and after each name note the
reason for such action.
_. _7_
,.... - r ,.._.... ..�.
The Electrical Inspector shall also file the abstracts of court
,..� records of convictions and in connection therewith maintain
convenient records or make suitable notations in order that an
individual record of such licensee, showing the convictions or
other records of such licensee, shall be readily ascertainable
� and available for the consideration of the Electrical Board upon
any application for renewal of license and at other suitable times.
The Electrical Inspector shall, furthermore, keep on file a list
°' of electrical equipment inspected and certified by Underwriters'
Laboratories, Ine. . which list shall be accessib].e for public
reference during office hours.
� SECTION 703. Re,ports: The Electrical Inspector shall submit a
written quarterly report of the activities of his office to the
City Council.
SECTION '�04. A�p0lntment af Assistants: The Electrical Inspector
is empowered to appoint such assistants as are necessary for the
-- proper conduct of his office and the inspection of electrical work
as provided for in this Ordinance. �alaries of any such assistants
shall be determined by the Mayor and approved by the City C ouncil.
� SECTIUN 705. Uutside Interests Frohibited: It shall. be unlawful
for the Electrical Inspector or for any of his assistants to
engage in the business of the sale, installation or maintenance of
�` electrical equipment. either directly or indirectly, and they shall
have no financial interest in any concern en6aged in such business
in the City of Friendswood at any time while holding such office
�- as herein provided.
SECTION 706. A�moval: The Cit� Council may remove from office
� the Electrical Inspector or any of his assistants f or incompetency�
neglect of duty or other due cause.
�ECTION '�07. Liabilit;� of Inspector: Neither the Electrical
'� Inspector nor any of his assistants shall, when acting in �ood
faith and without malice, be liable for da.mages arising by reason
of duties perf ormed under the provisions of this Qrdinance.
�EC TION 801. AuthoritV to Inspect. The Electrical Inspector shall
have the ri�ht during reasonable hours to enter any buildin� or
premises in the discharge of his official duties, or for the
purpose of making any inspection, re-inspection, or test of
electrical equipment contained therein, or its installation.
SECTIOT? 802. Interference Unlawful: It shall be unlawful for any
person to interfere with the Electrical Inspector in the discharge
,_ of his duties, or ta prevent or in any manner attempt to prevent
him from carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance.
SECTION 803. 81�ht to Remove Obstructions: The Electrical
'"� Inspector sha11 have the right to remove or compel the removal of
any obstruction such as lath. plastering� ceiling or flooring
which may hinder a f'ull and complete investigation of such wires
-- or apparatus as the Inspector may deem it necessary to inspect.
SECTION 8p�. Authorit�r to Condemn Conductors: The Electrical
,,,,. Inspector may remove or compeZ the removal of any conductors
which are enclosed in conduit or are atherwise inaccessible for
complete inspection. 1�rhen said conductors are not in accordance
with the requirements of this Ordinance or are f ound to be other-
'� wise unsafe to life or property, the Electrical Inspector shall
have the r3.ght to candemn, disconnect and cause the owner of such
conductor or material to immediately correct same or have it
— removed.
�ECTION 805, Notice to Compl�r. Where any electrical work is
�, found by the Electrical Ynspector to be dangerous to persons or
property, the person owning, using, or operating such electrical
work shall be notified in writing to make any changes or repairs
which are required to make such electrical work in safe condition;
lun � r. ....
and if such required work is not completed within twenty-four (2�)
�' hours, or within any such longer per�od as may be specified by the
Electrical Inspector in said notice, the Electrical Inspector shall
have the authority to disconnect or cause to be disconnected all
electrical service to said electrical equipment or installation
and/or �he premises in or upon which the same is located. Any
persan failin� or refusing to repair or remove the same within
._ twenty-four (24) hours or within such further time as the
Electrical Inspector shall determine is necessary, af ter the
receipt of such notice, shall be sub�ect to the penalty hereinaf ter
SECTION 806. Police Powers: The Electrical Inspector shall have
full police powers. including the power to arrest or cause the
�- arrest of any person violating any of the provisions of this
,_ SECTION 807. Stop-t�Jork Notice: The Electrical Inspector shall
cause the cessation of any electrical work being done in a manner
which violates the provisions of this Ordinance, and he shall cause
the discontinuance of maintenance or operations, or the use of
`- materials which violate the provisions of this Ordinance; and
upon determining that particular work should cease, �he Inspector
shall post a notice to that effect on the premises and thereafter
-- no person shall proceed with electrical work until the Inspector
has cancelled the stop-work notice. The Electrical Inspector may
attach to electrical work or electrical meters any notice or seal
�, to prevent the use of electricity; and it shall be unlawful for
any person to use any such seal or break� change. destroy, tear.
mutilate� cover, or otherwlse deface or in�ure any such official
notice or seal posted by the Electrical Inspector.
�ECTION 808. Authorit�r to Disconnect: In case of emergency, where
necessary for safety to persons or property, or where electrical
►- equipment may interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the
Electrical Inspector sha11 have the authority to immediately
disconnect or cause the immediate disconnectlon of any electrical
„� equipment, and without notice to anyone,
SECTIUN 809. Change of Occupancy. Compliance Hequired: The
Electrical Inspector shall be empowered to order complianee with
'" the provisions of this Ordina.nce where a change of occupancy occurs
within a building which requires chan�es or alterations to existing
SECTION 810. Special Aulin�s: The Electrical Inspector shall
decide a11 disputed questions pertaining to the installation,
,,,� repair or other alteration of all electrical wiring, devices and
equipment hereinafter provided for in this Ordinance, such
decisions to be made after taking into consideration the N.E.C . ,
such statutes of the 5tate of Texas as are applicable to such
'" questions. the provisions of this Vrdinance, and in the light of
the standards generally recognized by the electrical trade
concerning the safe and proper installation of ele�trical work.
.- All special rulings shall be reduced to writing and kept on file
in the office of the Electrical Inspector.
,,,, �EC TION 811. Appeals: Any person aggrieved by the Electrical
Inspector shall have such right of appeal as is provided in Article
V of this Qrdinance.
"' SEC TION 812.Noncompliance: Any person failing, neglectin� or
refusing with twenty-four (24�) hours or such other period as is
prescribed by the Electrical Inspector, to make required repairs
— or changes, and have the necessary repairs or changes completed
within the prescribed time after the receipt of such notice as
hereinabove provided� shall be considered a violator of this
_, Urdinance� and each day that said electrical work shall remain not
repaired, removed or changed as required by the Electrical
Inspector, shall be considered a separate offense within the
intent and meaning of this Ordinance.
� SECTIUN 901. Inspector to, Be Notified: Upon completion of any
installation of electrical equipment which has been made under a
permit, it shall be the duty of the licensed Niaster Electrician
makin� the installation to notify the Electrical Inspector, who
" shall inspec� the installation within forty-e�ght (�8) hours.
exclusive of Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and holidays of the
time such notice is �iven or as soon thereafter as practicable.
^ SECTION 902. Certificate of Conformance: Where the Electrical
Inspector finds the installation s to be in conformity with the
^ provisions of this Ordinance, he sha11 issue to the licensed Naster
Electrician makin� the installation a notice of conformance, which
shall be placed on the equipment or p�emises. authorizing the use
of the installation and shall send written notice of such
authorization for connection to the supply of electricity to the
agency supplying �he electric service. This certificate shall not
relieve the Master Electrician of his responsibility for any
•- defective work that may have been concealed or escaped the notice
of the Inspector.
r, �ECTIOA? 903. Tempora� Certification: The Electrical Inspector
may give temporary permission to connect and furnish electricity
to any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) da�s if, in hi.s opinion. such wiring, apparatus or
" fixtures are in such condition that current may be safely connected.
therewith and there exists an urgent necessity for such use� when
written application is filed with him requesting such permission.
— When a certif icate of approval is issued authorizing the connection
and use of a temporary installation, such certificate shall be
issued to expire at a time to be stated therein and shall be
,_ revocable by the Electrical Inspector for good cause.
SEGTIUN 944. Lmer�ency ti�Jirin�: Emer�ency wiring may be permitted
by the Electrical Inspector for a period not to exceed thirty (3a)
"`' days, at which time said emergency wiring or service must be
removed. If service is required f or a longer period on large
construction �obs only� said service or emergency wiring shall be
r- re-inspected and a �5.00 fee shall be charged for re-inspection
each ninety (90) days thereafter. Emergency wiring permit
applications must be accompanied by a letter to the Electrical
^ Inspector signed both by the I�iaster Electrician contracting to
perform the eZectrical work and by the owner or occupant of the
buildin� or premises on which they are installed� stating the
period for which emergency wiring is desired and si�nifying that
" emergency work will be promptly removed after expiration of the
emergency permit issued.
.- SECTION g05. Concealed Electrical i-Jork: t�Jhen any electrical
equipment is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of
parts of the buildin� and/or equipment, the licensed Master
Electrician installin� the equipment shall notify the Electrical
Ynspector. and such equipment shall not be concealed until it has
been inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspector or until
forty-eight (�8) hours� exclusive of Saturday afternoons, Sundays
"' and holidays, shall have elapsed from the time of such notification;
provided, howevex, that on large ins�allations where the concealment
of equipment proceeds continuously, the licensed Master Electrician
.- installing the electrical equipment shall give the Electrical
Inspector due notice. and inspection shall be made periodically
during the progress of the work. It shall be unlawful for any
„_ person to conceal or place in operation any electrical equipment
which has been disapproved or condemned by the Eleetrical Inspector
unless and until the same has been so repaired or altered that it
complies with all provisions of this Ordinance and has thereafter
"` been approved by the Electrieal Inspector.
�ECTION 906. Uncoverin€� Concealed Equipment: The Electrical
.- Inspector shall have the authority to require any person to uncover
any wiring or electrical equipment which has been concealed without
his knowledge or permission.
SECTION 90'�. In�nPr�-i�u,j t,b Q��„ r,h,,,_ a�,P nf g�cu,�ants: The
_. electrical supply a ency shall disconnect the e].ect ical ser ice
to anY building and�or premises except private resic�ences anc�
duplex apartments each time such building or premises changes
occupants, and it sha21 not again supply electricity to such
"- building(s) or premises until authorized to do so by the Electrical
Inspector. The owner and/or the new occupants of such buildin�s
and/or premises shall make appl.ication to the Electrical Inspectoy
-- for an inspection.
SECTIOn� 908. Partial Inspections: When a Naster Electrician does
_, not have the contract for finishing of electrical work covered by
his permit, he shall deliver his final inspection request in writin�
when his part of the electrical work is completed and must state in
wri�ing the part of the electrical work installed by him.
�ECTIUN 909. j�lhen Sup�lv of Electric Current Unlawful: It sha11
be unlawful for any eZectrical supply a�ency operating in the City
-- of Friendswood to furnish current to any new building, tent,
structure or outdoor wiring vf any kind� nature. or description
without first obtaining a clearance from the Electrical Inspector
^, statin� that such wiring is approved and a permit has been issued
for the use of current. Whenever any service is discontinued to
any building or structure f or any cause whatever (exeepting nonpay-
ment of bills) , a clearance will be necessary before such buildin�
or structure can be reconnected. Any time a building is vacated,
the Eleetrical Inspector must ma.ke ce.rtain that there has not been
any unauthorized addition made to wirin� of such building that
�- might create a fire hazard, or that wirin$ has not become in such
a condition as to be hazardous.
^ SECTION g10. Irlhen 8estoration of Elect�ric 5ervice Unl�,wful:
Whenever any electrical service has been dlsconnected by orders of
the Electrical Inspector for reasons of being unsafe to persons
or property, said service shall not be restored until a certificate
"' of approval from the Electrical Tnspector has been received by the
electrical supply agency.
.- SEC TIUN 911. Certificate of Non-C onf ormance: If. upon inspection�
an electrical installation is not found to be fuliy in conformity
with the provisions of this Ordinance� the Electrical Inspector
shall issue a notice of non-conformance and shall notify the
� licensed I�iaster Electrician makin� the installation of the defects
which have been f ound to exist. All defec�lve work shall be
corrected and brought in conformity with the provisions of this
"' Ordinance before any further electrical work will be permitted
within or on the buildin$ or premises and before the licensed
Naster Electrician making the installation shall be issued any
.- other permits to perform any other electrical work.
SECTION 912. Inspection and Ae-Inspection Fees: No fee shall be
,_ charged against F�iaster Electricians for initial inspections;
however, when work is found to be incomplete or unsatisfactory
after the final inspection is requested, a charge of �;-5.00 shall
be made for the first re-inspection� ��.00 for the second re-
'� inspection, and .�5.00 for each of three or more required re-
— SECTIUN 913. AesEonsibilit�: Every person licensed in conformance
with this Ordinance sha11 be responsible for any defect in
electrical work, insofar as correction thereof is concerned�
installed by him until such time as a certificate of conformance
and approval has been issusd by the E].ectrical Inspector, and any
and all defects that may have been concealed by such person and
discovered by the Electrical Inspector af ter a Certificate of
" Conf ormance has been issued approving such work. After the
issuance of the Certificate of Conformance, the person in whose
na.m.e the electrical work is contracted shall be responsible for
— all defects caused by such person.
SECTION 1001. Permi�s Fiequired - Generall : No person shall
" undertake or complete any electrical installation or install,
,_ erect or alter any electrical work in or on any building or premises
in the City of Friendswood without first securing a permit therefor
from the office of the Electrica2 Inspector; also any person desirin�
to place any pipe, sheet metal or other material within s3x (6}
�' inches of any electric wire or wires installed for use in connectio.�.
with elect�ic light, heat or power shall, before proceeding with tile
execution �f the work, obtain from the Electrical Inspector a per;nit
- therefor�
SECTION 1002. No Permit_R__e_��ui�red: No permit shall be required for
_, such elect�ical'woT�a s�escr�bed in Sec�ion 202 of this
Ord.inance; but in cases where no licenses, permits, fees and bonds
are required for the ins�allation or repair of electrical work for
any purpose, said electrlcal work shall be installed or repaired in
�" conformity with such provisions of this Ordinance as are applicable ,
SECTION ].003. Permits - t�7ho T�Za Obtain: Except as otherwise
r- specifically prov e n is r inance, no permit shall be issued
to any person who is not the holder of a valid, unexpired �Zaster
Elec�rician' s license; and 3.f the T�faster Electrician holds a
� restricted license, no perm3.t shall be issued for electrical work
except that which is authorized under such license.
(a) i�Iasterts Agent. Each Master Electrician may appoint not
�~ more than five (5� of his full�time employees to act as his agents
in obta3.ning permits by filing with the Electrical Inspector an
affidavit sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths,
� stating the name and address of each such agent, that each agent is a
regular and fu11-time employee under the personal supervision of such
Master E1.ectrician, and that such T�Iaster Electrician assumes a11. and
full responsibility for any permit taken out or applied for by any
"� such agent. Such affidav3t sha11 be permanently filed by the
Electrical Inspector, but thf.s provision is intended only as a
convenience to T�taster Electricians in handling ord3.nary electri.cal
�- work and shall never be construed as making the delivery of a
permit to any agen� mandatory upon the Electr3cal Inspector.
,� (b ) Homestead Owners. A person performing electrical work
with his own hands in a dwelling owned by him and registered in the
State tax rol].s as his homestead may be 3.ssued a permi� to do
electrical work on his homestead.
SECTION 1004. A. plica�ions for Permits : Applications for permits
required by this rd�.nance mus e made in writing by the person
-- employed to do the work, or his authorized agent as provided in
Section 1003 of this Ordinance, and wi11 be submitted upon forms
provided by the Electrical Inspector for that purpose. Such
„� application shall contain:
(a) Date application is submitted.
"' (b ) Name of the owner and name of person employed to do
the work.
.- (c ) Name of person actually present3.ng application to the
Electrical Inspector.
� (d) Exact location of the property where work is to be done.
(e) A fee, appropriate to the number and kinds of instal].ations
to be made in the amount specified in the schedule
" contained in Section 1005.
(f) A description oF the work to be pexformed. Where deemed
- necessary by the Electrical Inspector to accomplish the
ob�ectives of this Ordinance, applications shall be
accompanied by as many copies of specifications, plans,
and a comp2ete feeler layout drawn to scale and in detail
to show the nature and charac�er of the work to be perform-
ed as the Inspector may deem necessary. The pian or
diagram shall show the manner in which the electrical
"' installa�ion is to be made or the character of any of the
repairs to existing electrical installations. And, when
such plans, speciFications and layout are demanded, it
� shall be a violation of this Ordinance for any person �o
install any part of the electrical work concerned until
�he Electrical Inspector approves said installations,
�. , , �_
(g ) S�gna�ure of the person in the Electrical Department
�- receiving the application.
(h) Time and date that such application is actually received
� by the Electrical Department.
{ �,) Other such pertinent information as may be required by
the Electrical Inspector.
SECTTON 1005. Schedu].e of Fees for Permits : Befvre any permit will
be granted for �e� ns a a on or al era 3.on of electrical work,
- the licensed electrician making application for such permit shall
pay to the Electrical Inspector the fees in such amount as specified
Meter Loop & Ser. (� outlets )--------------------- �2.00
Outlets (5 to 20)---------------------------------- .25
Outlets (over 20)---------------------------------- .15
"' Lighting Fixtures-----------------------.----------- .15
Range receptacle------�------------�-�-------------- 1.00
Clothes drier-------------------------------------- 1.00
,-. Water heater--------------------------------------- 1.00
CookingTops--------------------------------------- .54
Ovens------------------------�--------------------- .50
^ Garbage Disposals------,-.-----_�___________________ .50
Dishwashers--------------------�------------------- .50
Electric heaters-----�----------------------------- .�5
Glindow Air Conditioner receptacle------------------ .50
" TemForary Saw Pole----------------------------- 2 00
TemporaryCut In----------------------------------- 2.00
Motors: Up to but not including 2 HP-----------�-- ,50
,� T�Iotors : � HP and less than 2 HP-�------------------ 2.00
" 2 HP and less than 10 HP------------------ 3.00
" 10 HP and less than 25 HP_________________ �..00
,_ " 25 HP and less than 100 HP---------------- 8.00
" 100 HP and over -------------------------- .08/HP
X-Ray I�Iachines------------------------------------- 2.00
Signs: Shop Inspection, per KVA------------------- 2.00
^ Tncandescent & Vacuum tube signs per KVA----------- 2.00
Sign Installation Inspection, per KVA-------------- 1.50
Festoon lighting & Streamers, per circuit---------- ,50
_. Permit -------------------------------------------- 1.00
Reinspection--------------------------------------- 5.00
"� SECTION 1006. Hours for Submitting Applications : Applications
for permits will only e accep ed w en presen ed during normal
working hours of the Electrical Department, and then they must be
-- pxesented in person.
SECTION 1007. Issuance of Permits : When the Electrical Inspector
_, finds the applica ion to be correct, and the plans and diagram or
� specifications are approved, and when the required fees have been
paid, he shall cause the permit to be issued. Upon r�ceipt of such
permit, the electrician may star� the proposed �ob and make the
"' installation described in his application, requesting inspection by
the Inspector in the proper sequence as the work progresses .
-- SECTION 1008. Unspecified Work Not Authorized: No permit shall be
deemed to author ze any hing nat s a e in he applica'�ion, and for
any misrepresentation in such application the permit shall be
_ suspended; and if such m3.srepresentation appears to be willful,
the permit shall be revoked.
SECTION 1009. Term of Pexmit: If the work authorized by a permit
" is not begun wi� n t ir�y�30) days from the date thereof, such
permit shall thereupon and thereafter be null and void; and before
doing any further work at the location designated in such permit,
.- a new permit must be obtained in like manner as the first, and only
upon payment of such fees and deposits as are specified in this
Ordinance; however, the Electrical Inspector may extend the
expiration date where he finds that extraordinary circumstances
^ beyond the control of the permit holder have made it ir;ipossible to
complete the work before the original da�e of expiration.
SECTION 1010. Te�m orary G�ork: When a permit to install work of
"� a temporary character for a ime to be specified in such permit,
and not in any case to exceed sixty (60) days, sha11 have been iss�zed
by the Electrical Inspector, a strict compliance with the foregoinm
�- rules of permanent work will not be exacted, provided the charac�ex�
of the work is entirel;* safe for the period designated in the pex°an:it.,
No temporary work or alterations sha11 be allowed in live circuits
_ unless protected by proper switch and fuse.
SECTION 1011. Emergency �^Jork: In case of emergency necessitat�.n�
the immediate new w r ng or repairs to electrical wiri.ng at a time
""' when the office of the Electrical Inspector is cZosed so that a
permit cannot be obtained, such permit shall thereafter be issued
by the Inspector if written application shall be made therefor
— dur3.ng iche next succeeding day that said office sha].1 be open.
SECTSON 1012. Permits for Part Jobs : When one electrician
� completes the roug wor , n w o e or in part, on any electrical
wiring or instal�.ation of fixtures or equipment and a second
electrician is caZled upon to complete the work in whole or in par�t,
�hen, in that event, a separate permit 3.s required, for which
"'° regular fees shall be pa3.d for the work to be done. Each
electrician shall be held responsible only for the work installed
by him. Before the second electrician is issued a permit for the
.- completion of electr�.ca� work on the ,job, the Electr�cal Inspector
sha11 first give three (3) days notice �o the electrician holding
the original or first perm�.t, if he can be found to show good
,_ cause within three (3) days why the second permit sha31 not be
SECTION 1013. Separate Permit Required: A separate permit shall
^ be required for eac separate uilding, store space or apartment,
whether such unit is metered separately or con,�unetively, and a
service permit shall be taken on all such units whether supplied from
�' a central metering station or directly from the electrical supply
agency; except that in trailer courts, the individual trailer
d3.sconnect switches sha13 not be deemed services. And, if the
�. permittee does not complete electrical work for which the permit
has been 3.ssued, then the contractor who finishes such work sha11
apply for a new permit on such work, provided, however, that there
shall be only one permit issued or outstanding at the same time
'� for any one installation of electrical equipment.
SECTION 1014. Permit to be Dis�lay�ed: On all new installations,
�- the permit for e�ec�Er�cal work s�a1�-be displayed in a readily
accessible location, as directed by the Electrical Inspector,
throughout the time that such installation, as is covered by the
permit, is being installed.
SECTION 1015. Permit Not Transferrab].e : Each permit issued under
the terms of this r� nance s a be personal to the permittee and
'"" shall not be assigned or transferred to any other person; and,
except as otherwise specifically provided in th3.s Ordinance, it
sha11 be unlawful :
(a) For one person to obtain a permit in the name of another
person; or
(b) For one person to suffer, allow or permit another person
to obtain a permit �.n such other person' s name; or
"� (c ) For one person to do or perform any electrical work
under the permit issued to another person; or
•- (d) For one person to suffer, allow or permit another person
to do or perform any electrical work under the permit
under such other person� s name.
SECTTON 1101. Licenses Required: Except as otherwise provided in
� this Ordinance, no person s a 1 engage in the business of contract-
ing for, instalZing, altering or repairing any electrical work
within the City of Friendswood which is regulated by this Ordinance
"' unless said person shall hold a valid, unexpired Master Electricianjs
license as herein specified.
�- SECTION 1102. ��Jho T�tay Not Be Licensed: The Electrical Inspector
shall not issue a cense o any person:
� (a) As a Journeyman Electrician who is under the age of
eighteen (18) years.
(b) �s a Master Electrician who is under �he age of twenty-
�- one (21} years.
(c ) xs an Electrical Contractor who is under the age of
� twenty-one (21) years.
(d) As a Sign Contractor who is under the age of twenty-one
(21) years.
(e ) xs a Journeyman or Master Electrician who does not file
w3.th the Electrical Inspector the proper application
°- for such license,
(f) As a Journeyman or Master Elec�rician, Electrical
,_ Contractor or Sign Contractor whose license has been
suspended during the period of such suspension.
SECTION 1103. A Business Required: An Electrica3 Contractor� s
""� license, a Sign on rac or� s license, and a Master Electrician� s
license shall not be effective unless the holder maintains a
place of bus3.ness with a mailing address, a telephone with a
�- competent attendant during business hours, and complies with a11
other provisions of this Ordinance.
,_ SECTION 110�. Appl3.cat3.on for Licenses : Applications for licenses
shall be made upon a form furnished by the Electrical Inspector.
�pplications shall contain such information as is specified 3.n
Section 4�15 of this Ordinance and sha11 be accompanied by the
"'� license fee preseribed by this Ordinance.
SECTION 1105. License Fees : Before applicants for licenses as
�- Electrical Contrac �ors, �'ign Contractors, or Master or Journeyman
Electricians in the City of Friendswood shall be issued a 13.cense
by the Electrical Inspector, said applicants sha11 pay to �he City
_ of Friendswood a license fee in the sums specified below:
(a) Electrical Contrac�or------------------------�30.00
" (b) Electrical Sign Contractor------------------- 20.00
(c � Master Electrician-------------------------- 25.00
(d) Journeyman Electrician---------------------- 5.00
,� SECTION 7.106. Term and Renewal of Licenses : No license shall be
issued for more an one 1 year, an such license may be renewed
from year to year upon application by the holder of such license.
All licenses sha11 expire on the thirt�-F3.rst day of December of
" each year unless sooner revoked. Licenses shall be renewed before
January first each year thereafter, upon payment of such fees as
are herein specified, to the Electrical Inspectox�, along with
-- evidence that such required bond and insurance so filed are still
in force and effect; provided, of course, that such license has not
been canCelled prior thereto, in the manner here3.n set forth.
�a Electrical Gontractor --------------------�20.00
b� Sign Contractor--------------------------- 10.00
�, �c Master Electrician -$15.00
d� Journeyman Electrician -------------- 3.00
If the holder of an electrician� s license shall fail to make
application for renewal of same before its expiration, he shall be
required to pay the full initial license fee specified in Section
1015 of this Ordinance and take sueh examination as is provided
for persons originally deciding to do electrical work in the CitST
�- of Friendswood.
SECTION 1107. Forfeiture of Licenses: Any holder of any renewable
_. license of any grade w o s a ai o renew such license within
one (1) year, that license shall become null and void.
SECTION 1108, Insurance Requirements For License : No Master
"� Electrician� s license, no lec rica Con rae or s 13.cense or Sign
Contractor' s license shall. be issued until the applicant for same
shall have arranged to carry the following insurance.
(a) Workmen' s Compensation Insurance on each and every one
of his employees, and this insurance shall be in
^, accordance with the provisions of the ddorkmen' s
Compensat3.on Act of the State of Texas.
(b) Public Liability Insurance to the extent of �50,000 for
°` any one accident, and �25,000 for any one pexson.
(c ) Property Damage Insurance to the extent of $10, 000 for
f- any one accident, and $1,000 for any one piece af
,_ Such hereinabove named i.nsurance shall be written by an accredited
company under the supervision of the Board of Insurance Commissian-
ers of the State of Texas. Evidence of the compliance with the abave
insurance required shall be eonsidered as hav3.ng been met when the
"" policy, a copy thereof, or a certificate of insurance has bezn filed
with the Electrical Inspector. Such policy shalZ include an
endorsement thereon that the Inspec�or will be notified at least
-- ten (10) days in advance in the event the policy or policies are
cancelled or expire before the expiration date of the electrician' s
license involved.
SECTION 1109. Bond Required: No person shall be issued an
Electrical Contractor s license, Sign Contractor� s license, or Master
Electrician� s license under this Ordinance until such person shall
have made, executed and delivered to the Electrical Inspector such
surety in the amount of �1,000 payable to the City of Friendswood.
Said surety bond shall be with a recognized and reliable surety
�-- company authorized to do business �.n the State of Texas and shall
cover compliance with all provisions and requirements oF this
Ordinance and the applicab7.e laws of the State of Texas and the
City of Friendswood. Said bond sha1Z hold the City of Friendswood
� free of damage or loss of every nature for acts or neglect of the
principal of said bond, its agents or employees; and said bond
shall be held for the benefit and use of the C3.ty of Friendswood,
�' or any person in�ured or damaged by any act or neglect of the
principal or his agents or employees, or by reason or failure to
repair any defective work, device or installation, or for failure
.- to repair any defective work, device or instal.lation, or for failure
to pay any and all fees or other charges due the City of Friendswood
or for failure to remedy any faults or defect�.ve workmanship or
material without additional cost to the person for whom the work was
'"� done within the t3.me prescribed by the Electrical Inspector for
the comp�etion of such remedial work, and guaranteeing compliance
with the requirements of this Ordinance of all work installed by
�- the principal, his agents or employees. All bonds shall be for a
per3od ending the next ensuing December 31st. Suit upo n such
bond may be maintained by any person in�ured or dama�ed by reason
„_ of the principal� s failure to perform his obligations under said
bond. Suspension or revocation of the 13.cense of the principal
sha1.1 not by itself affect the liability of either the principal
or the surety on such bond.
SECTION 1110. Reduction o#' Coverage : Should the coverage of the
bond required by ec ion 110 - e reduced by recovery or for any
� other reason� the surety on such bond shall im�ediately notify the
Electrical Inspector. and the principal shall be suspended from �11
— rights and privileaes under this Ordinance until the full amount
and coverage are restored.
SECTION 1111, Cancellation of Bond: Upon five (5) days written
notice to the princip�l af said bond and to the Electrical Inspect���
the surety on said bond shall have the privilege of cancelling a.ny
such bond� �ancellation of any such bond shall not cancel or reduce
"' the surety's liability on any transaction begun before 12:00 o'clock
noon on the effective date of a caneellation.
-- SECTIOAT 1112. Grades of Licenses: There shall be issued licenses
of the follouTing classes:
^„ (a) "Llectrical Contractor" Licenses t�?hich shall entltle the
holder thereof to contract for� and engage in the business
of installin�, erecting or repairin� electrical wires�
conductors, molding duc,ts, race-ways or conduit.
"' electrical machinery, apparatus, devices� systems or
instrumentation and construction under the requirements
of the Nationa.l �lectrical C ode and provisions of this
s Ordinance.
(b) "Electrical Signs C ontractor" license shall entitle the
holder thereof to engage in the business of installing�
� repairin6 and maintenance of all kinds of electrical
signs, including gas tube signs, gas tube decorative or
gas tube illuminatin� systems under the requirements
� of the Natlonal Electrical C:ode and the provisions of
this Ordinance.
,_ (c) t� "i�iaster Electrician" license which shall entitle the
holder thereof to superintend all electrical installations
under �he holder of an "Electrical Contractor" or
� Electrical Sign C ontractor" license accordin� to the
provisions of this Urdinance.
(d) A "Journeyman El.ectrician" license shall entitle the
^ holder to do work as an electrician for and under the
holder of an "Electrical Contractors" or "Electrlcal 51�n
Contractors" license and under the direct Supervisivn
_. of the holder of a I�iaster Electricians license. according
to the provisions of this Qrdinance.
� SECTION 1113. Classes of �•,ork Pexm_it_ted b,y License_s:
(a) Each holder of an Electrical G ontractor License shall
qualify as a T�laster Electrician� or employ at all times
— a holder of a T�iaster Electrician License who shall be in
direct charge of all electrical wiring or construction.
�. (b) Each holder of an "Electric �i�n Contractor" license
shall qua].ify as a T�iaster Electrician or employ at all
times a holder of a TYiaster Electricians license, t��ho
sha11 be in direct charge of all electrical sign wiring
� and installations,
(c) The holding of a "i�iaster E,lectrician" license shall
"° entitle the holder thereof to be in general charge and
supervision of the business of installing, erecting or
repairing electrical machinery, apparatus, devices.
� systems or instrumentations, as the manager or superintend-
ent of a ].icensed contractor.
„� (1) he shall be a person of not less than twenty-
one years of age, and a person of good moral
(2) He must be a Journeyman Electrical t�:arker with
'- at least five years actual experience directly
preceding date of application� such experience
to be practical experience in installin� tiaires.
_, conductors and electrical equipr�ent used inside
of buildings for the transmission of electrical
current for li�ht, heat or power purposes, and must
,� satisfy the Board of Electrical Code as to r.is
qualifications for a Master Electrician' s 1lcense,
� (3) He must be a graduate electrical engineer of a
recognized university or college wSth at least two � � >-
years actual experience directly preceding date of
application, such experience to be practical experi�r.�ce
� i�� i���ta•11ing wires� conductors and electrical
equipment used inside of buildings for the transmissior�
of electrical current for light� heat or power pur�os�s,
a: or,
(4) Be licensed by another city as a Iyiaster Electrician,
and approved by investigation by the Board of
Electrical C ode.
(d� The holder of a "Journeyman Electrician" license shall be
entitled to engage himself in the employ of any holder of
^� an Electrical C ontractor, or Electric Si�n C ontractor
License; undersupervision of a Master Electrician and be
required to register and receive his license from the
� City Inspector's office. Such license may be issued to
holder of a Journeyman Electricians from any other City
upon investigation and approval by the board of
Electrical Code. Any holder of a license of any class
'� shall furnish the Electrical �nspector with his permanent
post office address.
�d (e) A temporary working permit shall entitle an unl�.censed
electrical worker with at least one (1) year's experience
in the installation of electrical equipment to �erform
�.. work in the capacity of a Journeyman Electrician until
the next regular examination date, at which time such
worker must appear before the Electrical Board and be
examined in the manner required herein for a Journeyman
"�' Electrician's license. If such worker fails to pass the
Journeyman Electrician's examination, he shall not be
permitted to work in the capacity of a Journeyman
� Electrician until such later time as he is able to pass
such examination. No temporary workin� permits shall be
SECTION 111�. Restricted Licenses - Generallv: The Electrical
Board. upon issuing certificates for Master or Journeyman
Electriclan's licenses, shall have the authority, wherever good cause
'"� appears, to impose restrictions suitable to the licensee's electrical
working ability with respect to the type of examination passed or
type of experience listed when applying for a license, and the
--� Board may set forth such restrictions on the usual license form.
SECTIUN 1115. Restrictions on 'Work Beyond 5cope of License: Zt
,,� shall be unlawful for the holder of any license or temporar3� working
permit issued under the provisions of this Ordinance to en�age
in any phase of the electrical business or perform any work at the
electrical trade other than such business or work authorized by the
"`"� class of license or permit held by him� except that a helper or a
Journeyman Electrician ma.y perform wark laid ou t for him by a holder
of a license enabling said holder to do such work, and then only
�� while he is in the presence of and being supervised by the holder
of a license.
�„ �ECTION 1116. Issuance of Licenses: Upon notification by the
Electrical Board that an applicant has successfully completed the
examination as a Naster or Journeyman Electrician as provided in
ArticZe IV of this Ordinance, the Electrical Inspector shall issue
'"` to each applicant the class of license which such person is qualified
to receive under the provisions of this Ordinance, upon payment of
such fees and upon fulfillment of such other requirements as are
-- specified in this Qrdinance.
SECTION 1117. Licenses - Contents: A certificate and identity card
� will be carried in person by the licensed electrician while
performing electrical work, and the person shall display same upon
demand by any peace officer, the Electrica.l Inspector, or by the
" -18-
owner of the premises or property upon which the licensee is workin�.
�ach license shall bear a distinguishing number assigned to the
— licensee, the full name, sex� date of birth. residence address,
business address, and a space upon which the licensee shall write
his usual signature with pen and ink immediately upon receipt of the
_ license. No l.icense shall be valid until it has been so signed by
the licensee.
SECTION 1118. Licens�s Not Transferrable: It shall be unlawful for
� any person holdin� a �license as an electrician to transfer same or
allow the use of same directly or indirectly by any other person for
the purpose of obtaining a permit to do electrical work as herein
°" specified.
SECTION 1119. Notice of Chan�e in �tatus: 4Jhenever any person after
. applying for and or rece�.ving an electrician's license shall move
from the address named in such application ar in the license issued
to him, or when the name of the licensee is changed, or when the
employment of such person is changed� he shall immediately notify
�{ the Electrical Inspector in writing of his former name, address and
employment, his present name, address, and employment, and shall �;ive
his license number.
SECTION 1120. Du licate Licenses: In the event that an electrician' s
license issued under the provisions of this Ordinance is lost or
� destroyed, the person to whom the same was issued may obtain a
duplicate or substitu�e thereof upon furnishing satisfactory proof
to the Electrical Inspector tha� such license was lost or destroyed
and upon payment of a fee of ��''1. 00.
SECTION 1121. �us�,ension of Licenses - Generall.y: The Electrical
Board may suspend the license of any licensed contractor or
� electrician within the City of Friendswood for a period not to exceed
one (1) year after determinin� at a proper hearing as hereafter set
out that the 1.icensee:
~ (a} Has committed an offense of which he has not been
convicted, but for which automatic suspension of licensee.
�, upon conviction, would follow under the provisions of
Section 1122 af this Ordinance; or
(b) Has permitted an unlawful or fraudulent use of such
'� license; or
(c) Has committed an offense in another state, county, or city,
��. which if committed in this City would be grounds for
suspension or revocation; or
(d) Is an habitual violator of this Ordinance; or
(e) Has performed electrical work that is in violation of this
Urdinance and then failed or refused to make corrections
� necessary f or the work to conf orm to this �rdina.nce; or
(f) Has performed any electrical work that is in violation of
� this Ordinance or the Iv'.E.C . , and such work is found to be
the cause or the contributing cause of a fire� whether or
not there is any actual damage or loss; or
"° (g) Is a habitual drunkard or narcotics addict; or
(h) Has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude;
°' or
{i) Has defrauded any person for whom he has rendered or
_ contracted to render service; or
( �) Has failed to use good materials.
"' SECTIUN 1122. Automatic Sus�ension of Lieenses: The license of any
person sha11 be automatically suspended upon final convS.ction of any
of the following offenses:
� (a) Takir� out a permit in the name of a person authorized
to do the electrical work and thereaf ter permitting
� -19-
a person not authorized by this Ordinance to do the
� electrical work;
(b) Tampering with. diverting from, or in any way interfering
with the proper action or registration of any electric
� meter, as that offense is defined in Article 10�6 of the
Penal C ode of the State of Texas;
— (c) Employir� as a Naster, Journeyman or other electrician
any person not then licensed as provided by this Ordinance;
� (d) Lending or knowin�ly permittin� the use of any license
for the doing of any electrical work to any person not
entitled thereto under the provlsions of this Ordina.nce;
— (e) Displaying or representin� as one's own any license for
the doing of any electrical work when said license has
nat been lawfully issued to the person so displaying same;
r (f) Failing or refusing to surrender to the �lectrical Inspecto.r
on demand any license which has been suspended, cancelled
^ or revoked as provided by law;
(g) Applying for or havin� in one's possession more than one
current license of the same type provided for in this
'! Urdinance;
(h) Displaying or causing or permitting to be displayed or
� havin� in one's possession a�y iristrument purporting to
be any license for the doing of any electrical work,
knowin� said 3nstrument to be fictitious or to have been
� cancelled� revoked, suspended or altered;
(i) Using a false or fictitious name, or giving a false or
fictitious address in any applica�ion for any license
� provided for in this Ordinance or any renewal or duplicate
therefor� or knowin�ly makin� a false statement or
knowingly concealin� a material fact, or otherwise
� committin� fraud in making such application;
( 3) Performing any character of electrical work, for which a
� license is required, without the license required by this
Ordinance or while such license is suspended, cancelled�
or revoked.
� The suspension hereinabove provided shall ln the first instance be
for a period of six (6) months. In the event any license shall be
suspended under the provisions of this Urdinance for a second time�
� such second suspension shall be for a period of one (1) year. The
suspension or any license shall be automatically extended upon
licensee's being convicted of performin� electrical work while the
� license of such person is suspended, with such extended period of
suspension being f or a like period as the original suspension� and
in addition to any other penalty as provided in this Ordinance.
� SECTION 1123. Hevocation of Licenses: If, within any three (3)
year period, the holder of any license issued under the terms of
this Ordinance shall have been finally convicted three (3) times
� or more for a violation of any provisions of this Ordinance� the
Electrical Board of the City of Friendswood may revoke and cancel
such license, and upon such revocation and cancellation, said license
shall be and become null and void and cannot be renewed thereafter.
�ECTION 1I2�. Surrender and 8eturn of Licenses; �ny license which
has been suspended or revoked shall be surrendered to and retained
*- by the Electrical Inspector� except that at the end of the period
of suspension of such license, the license so surrendered shall be
returned to the licensee.
SECTION 1125. Licenses Reciprocal: An electrician holding a
currently valid license in another city may apply for and receive
a similar license in the City of Friendswood without taking an
'- examination under the following conditions:
�' -20-
(a) He shall submit satlsfactory evidence to a majority of the
Electrical Board that his license was issued under
� conditions not less restrictin� than required by this
Ordinance for such a license, and that an electrician
holding a license issued by the City of Friendswood would
"" be permitted to apply f or and receive a similar license
in such other city under reciprocal conditions;
- (b) He shall furnish a bond. pay the license fee, and comply
with all other requirements af this Urdinance.
'- SEC TION 1201. �tandards-Generall,y: All electrical work as covered
by this Ordinance shall be instaZled in �, safe and secure manner�
with materials of such kind, quality and capacity as will maintain
satisfactory and economical service to both the serving and consuming
parties. Any and a11 electrical work for light, heat, power or other
purpose placed in or on any building or structure in the city limits
of the City of Friendswood shall be installed in conformity with the
� rules and re�ulations as laid down in the National Electric Code
as approved by the American En�ineering Standards C ommittee and in
conformity with the additional rules and re�ulations as set forth
"' in this Urdinance, the Statutes of the State of Texas, and the rules
and regulations issued under the au�hority of the �tate 5tatutes.
Where local rules and regulations are set forth in this Ordinance,
a- they shall take pre�'erence over any rules conflicting therewith.
�ECTION 1202. Identification Nark,s,� Fiequired: fihe maker's name,
trademark or other identification symbols shall be placed on all
electrical materials , devices, equipment and appliances used or
installed under this Urdinance.
" SECTION 1203. Approved Naterials Required: No electrical apparatus�
fittings � or material shall be used or placed on sale unless said
apparatus, fittings or material is approved by the Electrical
•- Inspector as complying with the safety requirements of th3.s Urdinance;
provided, however, that all such apparatus, fittings� or material
which bears the label of the Underwriters Laboratory, Inc „ shall be
,,.,_ deemed prima facie evidence to satisfy the rEquirements of this
Ordlnance. The Electrical Inspector is authorized to approve such
apparatus, fittings � or material without requiring further tests
thereof to be made.
SECTIUN 12Q�F. Fire-FiFhtin� Hazards: No wire or other electrical
apparatus shall be installed, operated or maintained over any street,
==P alley, sidewalk or buildin� which may be reasonably calculated to
interfere seriously with the work of the Fire Department in the use
of ladders or other apparatus, or which shall obstruct or render
, hazardous the use of fire escapes. On complaint of the City Fire
Chief� the inter�'ering obstruction or hazardous wires shall be
removed or properly rearranged.
" SECTION 1205. Circuits:
(a) Frotection - Circuit protection shall consist of non-
- tamperable S-fuses or circuit breakers. The amperage
rating shall correspond with the amperage rating of the
circuit on which it is used. The Electrical Inspector
^ shall require the installation of non-tamperable S-type
over-current devices on existing circuits which are
protected with plug fuses wherever the actual connected
load on the circuit exceeds the maximum ampere rating of
" the circuit of wherever there exists evidence of wilful
over-fusing or fuse tampering.
�- (b) Dwellings
(1) Kitchens in each dwelling unit� including each
,_ kitchen of a multiple family apartment, shall
have one or more 3-wire 115 volt, twenty (20)
ampere circuits, each 3-wire circuit supplying
� � aot more than three (3) dur .ex receptacles.
These circuits shall be installed in every
new or remodeled kitchen. These circuits
shall not extend beyond the kitchen, dining
area. or be used for any fixed appliance.
- (2) Al1 remainin� receptacles and lights must
be equally divided on fif teen (15) and twenty
(20) ampere circuits. Not more than eight
� ($� current consuming outlets or fifteen (15)
ampere circuits or ten (10) current consuming
outlets on twenty (20) ampere circuits shall
� be connected to any circuit and no single
circuit shall sup ly an area of more than
five hundred (�00� square feet.
- (3) Single phase air-conditioning units operating
at less than 230 volts and rated fif teen (15)
amperes or less shall be wired on a separate
.,_ circuit with No. 10 conductors. &11 such
units rated larger than fifteen (15) a.mperes
shall be 230 volts and on a singZe circuit.
No such units shall be added to a service or
"- feeder that does not have correct capacity
required by this Ordinance.
- (c) Buildings ather Than Dwellings - In buildings other than
dwellings. one circuit shall not supply more than the
following number of current-consuming outlets, except
^ where detailed wiring and lighting plans, which meet the
requirements of the N.E.� . and this Qrdinance, are
approved by the Electrical Inspector:
"- (Y) In retail space, offices, schoolrooms, study
halls. churches� and similar loads� maximum
f our (4) ceilin� outlets,
(2) Show windows, cafes, rooming houses, tourist
courts, motels, nurseries and rest homes,
,_ maximum eight ceiling outlets.
(3) 4fall outlets and receptacles not supplied
� by (1) of this SEC TION� maximum ei�ht outlets.
The word "circuit" as used in this Section shall apply to a two-
wire circuit rated at tv�renty (20) amperes, 115 volts. No circuit
- shall be loaded beyond eighty per cent (80�) of its capacity and
where other circuits are used, such circuits shall meet the
requirements of the N,E.C . and this Ordinance.
~ SECTION 1206. Groundin�:
(a) Al1 service equipment must be wired with the neutral
"" running continuous from service through meter cabinet
to disconnect switch-neutral bar. The neutral and
disconnect enclosure must be grounded to a three-fourths
-, inch (3/4") galvanized conduit or pipe closed on driven
end, or �" copperweld rod driven not less than eight feet
(8' ) into the ground, Top of pipe shall be left open
_. for inspection purposes. Painted or rusted pipe is not
(b) The N,E,C, shall be used to calculate �round conduc�or
µ` sizes.
(c) Ground conductor must be enclosed in armor cover or
-- c ondu i t.
(d) A11 kitchen and bathroom outlets shall be grounded
_ directly to the neutral ba,r at the circuit breaker.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this SECTIUN, a system
grounding and grounding methods shall be provided as
"'""' required by the N.E.C .
i ,..-
SEC TI ON 120 7. S it�.aa:
�, (a) Al1 lightin� classified as signs� and which is installed
outside the main walls of any buildin�, shall be on
approved circuits supplying no load within the building.
�- (b) No neon or similar tubing and no electrical work regulate�.
by this Ordinance shall be fastened to any sign structure
which does not comply with the N.E.C .
� (c) �igns may extend to within 14' from the curb line to
all.ow clearance f or city street signs, providing the
sign is a saf e distance from utility wires. I�10 sign
'� shall at its lowest point be less than ei�ht (8' ) above
the sidewalk.
-- (d) It shall be unlawful f or any person to attach any sign,
device or representation used in the nature of advertise-
ments, or direction on any electrical sign which would
� bring the bottom below the minimum set forth in this
(e) Lighting reflec�ors for the illumina.tion of a building
'r or sign board shall not project more than eight (8' )
f eet beyond the building line.
- (f) Unless a complete sign circuit is installed at the time
of roughing in wiring, each store shall be provided with
a raceway run from the panel baard through the front
,_ wall of the building. There shall be provided one
spare circuit in panel baard for each sign raceway.
(g) �11 signs erected before an inspection is called for
"- must be open, and means of access shall be supplied
by the person erecting the sign.
- �ECTIOPJ 1208. Maximum Current-Generall.y:
(a) Not more than eight (8) current outlets shall be
�.. connected to a 15 ampere, general use branch circuit.
(b) Not more than ten (10) current outlets shall be
connected to a twenty (20) ampere general use branch
"- circuit.
(c) Not more than three (3) heavy duty lamp holders shall
- be connected to a fif teen (ls) ampere branch lighting
(d) Not more than four (�) heavy duty lamp holders shall
- be connected to a twenty (20) ampere lighting circuit.
(e) The unit values and the demand factors herein are based
r- on 100� power factor and may not provide sufficient
capacity for the installation contemplated. Tn view of
the trend toward higher intensity lighting systems and
_, increased loads due to more general use of fixed and
portable appliances � each installation should be
considered as to the load likely to be imposed and the
capacity increased to insure safe operations.
(f) Kitchens shall be wired with a minimum of �10 AWG wire.
.- (g) There must be a means of disconnecting all fixed
appliances within sight of the appliance.
^ �ECTIUN 1209. Fluorescent Fixtures and L�htin�:
r (a) Ceilin�, wa11 or case fixtures. or strip lighting, must
be safely and permanently instalZed, and shall be wired
" without the use of attachment co"rds.
(b) Wires from fluorescent fixtures to the outlet box shall
- be laced in chain of sufficient strength, ar shall be
carried to the outlet box through the supporting pipes
or through a separate piece of inetal raceway. The wires
^ shall not hang free in air from outlet box to the fixture.
(c) All �oints shall be properly made and insulated, both
in the fixture and in the outlet box. There shall be
� no exposed �oints outside of fixture or outlet box.
(d) Primary wiring f or fluorescent shall be the same as
— for incandescent lighting. Surface extensions may be
made to fluorescent fixture outlets for a connected load
of not more than ei�hty per cent (80�) of fif teen (ls)
.- amperes.
(e) Wiring methods shall be the same. as to type, in regard
to conduit as for incandescent lighting for a given type
� of occupance� hazard, etc,
(f) The auxiliaries of fluorescent fixtures dissipate heat�
� and are sub�ect to burn-outs, ignition or destruction as
�n any similar transformer, reactor� resistor or
capacitor; and care must be taken so that in the event
,_ of fault in the fixture, surrounding mater3al will not
be ignited.
(g) No fluorescent fixture shall be supported from the shade
" holders or fitting ring of any chain fixture, electric fan
or similar fixture by use of the screws provided for
holding the glass shade or bowl. �s in all other cases,
— the fixtures must be supported by a permanent mechanical
method, both as to fitter, chain and ceiling attachment
and shall be permanently wired to the outlet bax. and
� attachment cords plugged in to a fixture will not be
(h) Fluorescent fixtures are not to be supported by means of
"^ adaptor, designed to be screwed into any light socket or
— (i) In a11 cases, the wall or ceiling attachment� the support-
ing chain and the attachment to the fixture must be of
sufficient strength and permanence to properly support
_ the weight of the fixture under all circumstances. Strong
steel chains, rods or conduit shall be used.
(�) Stems of pipe supports. which house wirin�, shall be
�' approved conduit. The use of common iron pipe is hereby
-- (k) Aecessed fluorescent fixtures shall be wired in aecordance
with sections �10-63 to �10-70 inclusive of the N.E.C, *
and all current N.E.C . rules shall be observed.
~ (1) Transformers (auxiliaries) shall not be placed in attics,
unless in approved metal cabinets accessible fram the
undersiding of ceilin�.
(m) Flood lights must be separate circuits from sign circuits.
The goose necks of not over one hundred fifty (1�0) watts
— each may be connected in circuit with neon sign, provided
that total wattage does not exceed thirteen hundred twenty
(1320) watts or eighty per cent (80�) of circuit rating.
�ECTION 1210. �1ain Lines - Minimum 5izes:
(a) The f ollowing table will be the minimum service and feeder
conductor sizes that will be permitted in a three (3)
wire 110-220 volts lighting panel.
-- Number of 20 amp. riiinimum Size Line Disconnect 51ze
Branch Circuits Copper Wire Fused T r e Breaker T,y.pe
,_ 2 to 8 circuits 3 No. 6AWG 60 Amp SOAmp
9 to 12 circuits 3 No. 4�ACJG 70 Amp 70Amp
13 to 20 circuits 3 r�o. lAWG 100 Amp 100Amp
20 to 2� circuits 3 No, 1/OAtrJG 12� Amp 12�Amp
""� 2,� to 40 circuits 3 No. 4/OAWG 200 Amp 200Amp
— -24-
(b) All buildings must have one and not �ore than six (6)
main line disconnect(s) located not more than thirty-six
— inches (36" ) from the meter and placed not more than
seven (�) feet or less than f our and one-half(4?) feet
above the first floor or grouild elevation.
� (c) The main line disconnect must not be smaller than fifty
(�0) ampere if of the breaker type or sixty (60) if of
the fused type.
(d) The service conduit and wires leading from the outside of
the customer's buildin�; to the meter cabinet and main
�-- line switch are to be supplied, owned and controlled by
the property owner� but the ins�allation of service clrops
and the connection of these Urires to the supply lines is
_, to be made by the electric service agency owning and
operating the supply lines. The owner must provide a
location for brackets or other attaehments to the
building to which the service wires are to be connected.
"' �uch a location must be above and not more than 18
inches from the service conduit outlet. On residences
o�' two or more stories, the location shall be as is
-- practical on the building, but in no event shall it be
more than twenty-five (25' ) feet or less than ten (10' )
feet from the ground, and it must be located so as not
to be within reach from any porch or stairs landing.
(e) Service conduit extending through the roof and used for
a service support sra11 be sealed at the roof with a
" lead or aluminum flashing and extend a minimum of thirty
inches (30") �.bove the roof. �uch service conduit shall
be anchored jtzst bef ore entering the roof, Two inch
.- (?") conduit shall extend a maximum of f ort�r inches
(1�0") above rriof support.
,_ (f) Al1 entrance service conductors shall be enclosed in
galvanized rigid steel conduit unless specific
authorization is granted otherwise.
` (g) C opper wire of a size not smaller than P�o. 6AWG guage will
be allowed between the point where the service drops of
the electrical supply agency terminate on the oUmer' s
— premises and the main line entrance switch, and such wire
must be enclosed in rigid galvanized metal conduit, not
smaller than one and one-f ourth (14") inches - 2" when
,_ installed through the roof. Iv'ot less thar. eighteen inches
(18") of each conductor shall be left at the service head
for connection to service wire from the electrical supply
a�ency's service drap.
(h) All service entrance conductors and main service over-
current units supplying dwellings with demand load in
— excess of 10 Kt�l shall have a minimum current-carrying
capacity of one hundred (100) amperes including the one
hundred (100) ampere panel.
(i) Four-wire delta meter loops shall be allowed where three
phase primary is available and where some other type three
phase service is not already available, provided the
" following requirements are met:
(1) I�iinimum loop conductor capacity for the
-- conductors serving residential lighting shall
be one hundred (100) amperes plus three-phase
load. Ninimum loop conductor capacity for tr,e
,_ three-phase leg shall be �6 stranded copper or
(2) All residential, commercial, and industrial
'� three-phase installations must be approved by
the Electrical Inspector before installation.
"� ( �) Each piece of entrance equipment used on a grounded system
shall be equipped with an approved neutral bar.
~ -z5-
(k) Service entrance main disconnect and over-current units
sha11 be located as specified in the N.E.C , and sha11
'� terminate in a sixty (60) ampere main line disconnect
within thirty-six inches (36" ) of the meter and outside
of the building except in underground networks where
-- the disconnect shall be within twenty-five (25' ) feet
of the service entrance.
,.� (1) Service heads shall terminate above and withi.n eighteen
inches (18") of the service spot on the buildirlg where
the structure will permit, or if service is underground
service heads shall terminate six inches (6" ) above
" secondary rack on city pole for overhead services.
Service conduits shall terminate at service junction box
for underground network services. Not less than three
— feet (3 ' ) of each conductor shall be left at the service
head for connection to the service drop. The electrical
supply agency shall desi�nate by suitable marker the point
�. of contact at a position on the building convenient to
the service pole, which point of contact shall be a
minimum of ten feet (10 ' ) and a maximum of eighteen f eet
(18� ) clearance from the grvund.
SECTIQN 1211. Trailer C ourts: Trailer courts sha11 be wired in
accordance with such standards as are set out in American Standards
^ Association� I�lobile Homes (ASA-&119-1-1963) .
SECTION 1212. Fans: Temperature-sensitive cutout switches shall
�- be mounted near the blower in all ventilating and air-conditioning
ducts and in the air stream in attic fan installations. The switch
shall be so designa�ed that it will open the power circuit to the
� blower when the actuating air �'eaches a temperature of 19� degrees
Fahrenhei.t (or g0 degrees Centigrade) and remain in the open-circuit
position until manually reset.
� S�CTION 1213. Transformers: C ontrol transformers f or heating or
cooling units or other equipment shall not be installed in attics
or underneath structures or buildings unless such transformers are
�- enclosed inside the metal enclosure of the unit and protected by
the proper size primary fuses with such fuses and associated
disconnecting switch or switches in sight of such transf ormers.
� SECTION 1214. Nieter Loap Equipment;
(a) All meter loops for the installation of electric meters
'- to measure service rendered by the electrical supply
agency shall be in meter cabinets furnished b3r the
electrical supply agency, and installed by the owner or
� his agent. �aid meter loops must be ahead of or on the
line side of the main line switch.
,_ (b) No meter loop shall be placed in a washroom, toilet room�
storage closet, or carport, garage or any similar location,
nor over plumbing fixtures � maehinery, or other interfering
(c) Where two or more meter outlets are grouped or are on the
same building, each meter outlet sha11 be neatly and
-- permanently marked to show the location it serves. �ihere
one or more meter outlets are added to a group or on a
building, the person making the addition shall identify
_ the old and the added outlets.
(d) All multiple occupancy buildings shall have meter loops
� �rouped at an outside location whlch sha11 be readily
accessible to meter readers and testers at all times.
(e) Where one service drop supplies more than one building�
~- all meter loops and entrance equipment shall be grouped
on the first building contacted by such service.
,.. (f) Neters shall be set on the outside of buildings at a
point not more than six feet (6' ) nor less than five
feet (S� ) from the ground to the dial of the meter.
Closed-in rear or front porches are not considered as
'- outdoor locations.
(g) FJhere changes or additions are being made to existing
electric�l installations, necessitating changes or
" additions to the service entrance to the service switch
or the meter loop, the service entrance conduit and
main line switch and meter loop shall be changed to
� conform to the provisions of this ordinance.
(h) �ny electrical supply agency furnishing electric current
to the public for heating, lighting� or power, shall have
"� the right to install and connect or disconnect and remove
their meters and their protective devices at their
option without permit.
SECTION 1215, Electric P�iotors Over 10�. : �lI electric motors
larger than 10 horsepower sha 1 be installed with reduced voltage
� starting. �pecial applications of motors larger than 10 H.P, sriall
be installed with across-the-line starting by v�?ritten approval of
the Eleetrical Inspector.
'� SECTIUN 1216. Gasoline Pump I�iotor Ulir3.n�: Each �asoline pump
motor shall be supplied through a single r1�1d conduit from pump
to an approved pull box or to panel. Section 514-6 (a) � N.E.C; .
— (1962) , shall furthermore apply.
SECTION 1217. Under�round Service: In buildin�s in an underground
,�, district where a number of ineters are located at one point to
supply a number of consumers, an independent feed shall be run in
separate conduit from each meter direct to dist�ibuting cabinet
located in each store or portion of buildin� or dwelling served
'"� by such meter. Such independent feed must be run in conduit and
shall consist of not less than three (3) {#6 wires. 4Jhere two (?_)
or more neters supply tenants in a building; meters must be
°° grounded in one place. Al1 services in undergrbund districts shall
be at least four (4) f�4-OOQO kT�.Y'@S terminating in polyphase meter
r 5ECTION 1218. Dwellin� Receptacles: The location of receptacles
and the number required in each type of room shall conform to the
� provisions of the nT.E.C . � except insofar as the same may be
modified by the followings
(a) Each wa11 space over thirty-six inches (36") in length
^ between door casings and which is unbroken by a door or
passa�e shall be provided with one (1) or more wall
receptacles so placed that no part of said wall space
_ is over six feet (6' ) from a receptacle.
(b) Passages to doors or windows shall not be counted as
wall spaces for receptacles unless they exceed ei�ht
"� feet (8' ) in width, t-da11 space covered by open doors
shaZl not be counted.
^ (c) Receptacle locations falling at a sink or at a gas
outlet may be moved one or two feet without penalty or
credit, the relocation of a receptacle at a sink shall
.. be towards ad�oining drainboard or table.
(d) A receptacle shall be provided not further than two fe�t
(2 ' } from each permanently installed ironing board.
SECTION 1219. Hi�h Tension Conductors:
�- (a) All hi�h-tension conductors installed within a building
shall be enclosed in approved metal raceways. and shall
be equipped with insulation approved for the voltage of
p, the circuit� except:
(1) �hort connections between tube terminals,
which are enclosed in glass in an approved
manner, may be bare conductors; and
(2) As set forth in the N.E.C .
(b) Outside the main buildin.� walls, the conductor for high
tension current shall be equipped with insulation
approved for the voltage of the ci�cuit and shall be
enclosed in ri�id conduit, except that when conductors
" are not readily accessible from a standin� surface,
they may be installed exposed if supported on approved
insulators at intervals not exceeding two feet (2 � ) and
�- so arranged that all required clearance will be maintair�E;d
permanently. Straight connections between tube termina7.�
may be enclosed in gl.ass and supported in an approved
SECTION 1220. C onductors-Size:
°' (a) A minimum of three (3) #6 conductors shall be used f or
all service installations having more than two (2) two-
wire circuits or more than one (1) three-wire circuits.
(b� No conductor smaller than No. 12 American Wire Guage
size shall be used in any commercial and industrial
^ electrical work as covered by this Qrdinance except the
following as approved by the I�T.E.C . :
(1) Fendant and portable cords; .
" (2) Fixture wire;
(3) No. 14� for individual fixture loads from
outlet box;
.- (4) No. 1� for control circuits operating
contactors, relays and the like;
(5) Wiring within display cases.
� (c) �1 minimum of three (3) /�6 conductors shall be used for
services on private single family residences.
" (d) All �12 wire must be �12/2 with ground, and a11 �10
wire must be ,�,�-10/2 with �;round.
.- (e) Conductors shall be spliced or �oined by soldering or
by use of an approved solderless connector of the
positive measure type and not of the "screw on" type.
� All joints must be twisted.
(f) For the purpose of this Crdinance the term conductor
shall be taken to mean of copper or aluminum but the
�" use of aluminum shall be restricted to lightin� circuits,
control and signal circuits only. C onnectors for
aluminum conductors shall be in accordance with the
.- National Electrical Code. The pressure type (Buchanan)
shall not be used on aluminwn conductors.
SECTION 1221. Gdirin� - Ba�ed upon Location and Use of Buildin�:
.- -___�_._.�
(a) All wiring used exclusively for, and which is within a
building or �hat part of the building used exclusively
^'- as a dwellin�, and whicn is located in the City of
Friendswood, shall be wired with the equivalent of one
of the following types of u�iring, all as regulated by
.. this Ordinance:
Thin wall conduit
5tandard rigid steel or aluminwn conduit
5urface metal raceway
Nonmetallic cable
Service entrance cab�e as limited by the N.E.C .
(b) Apartment houses of three (3) stories or less in height�
and rooming houses, baardin� houses not over one (1)
� story in height, may be wired as required in Faragraph
(a) of this section; otherwise they shall be wired as
required in Para�raph (c) of this section.
� (c) All electrical work in the City of Friendswood not
included in the two preceeding Paragraphs , shall be
installed uTith the equivalent of one of the following
" methods, except as shown in the subsequent Paragraph,
or as otherwise specifically covered by this Ordinance:
A- -28-
� � St�.��dard rigid steel or alumii, ,� conduit
Thin wall conduit
Surface metal raceway
� Flexible metallic conduit - six feet (6' ) maximum
(d) Tourist courts, motels, rest homes and nurseries shall
°° be wired as required in Faragraph (c) of this �ection.
(e) The followin� exceptions to the above wiring methods
shall be recognized:
(1) Equipment wired with other methods which IT1EE't
the standards, and which bear the Underwriters '
� Laboratory, Inc, label of approval by the
Electrical Inspector;
— (2) t•liring methods especially approved elsewhere
in this Ordinance;
� (3) The Electrical Inspectar may approve other
equivalent methods af wiring to meet unusual
conditions where the methods nam.ed in this
Section are not suitable for the use intended,
� or where the N.E.C . requires a certain method:
(f) Unly approved raceways, except enameled steel conduit
�" and electrical metallic tubing shall be used underground,
within concrete construction, and where required under
the N.E.C.non-weatherproof electrical materials will be
.� considered as not exposed to weather �.f rizn on the ceilirig
twelve inChes �I2") or mo�e from the outside edge of
roofs or awnings o� on side walls more th�.n �'orty-five
degrees (4�5°) inside from a vertical line at the outside
"� edge of the roof.
SECTION 1222. S�pecial Re�uirements:
(a) A11 lighting outlets in kitchens, baths and toilet rooms
shall be controlled by a wall switch;
� (b) Lamp holders in closets � where inflammable materials are
likely to be stored� shall be equipped with open-
bottomed lamp guards. Lamp guards for this use shall
'� require tools for removal from the lamp holder. Outlets
3.n such closets shall be on the wall over the door� or
within ten inches (10" ) of the door in the ceiling. No
^ drop lamp cords shall be approved in clothes closets.
(c) Control wiring for heating units installed in buildings
,... other than dwellings, regardless of voltage, shall be in
metal raceway. and conductors approved for the conditions
shall be installed. In dwellin�s, such wiring need not
be in metal raceway, provided the same is protected from
`"� mechanical damage;
(d) No telephone, telegraph, bell wire or other signal wire
^- shall be run so as to come into contact with, or nearer
than five inches (5") to any light or power wire, unless
such li�ht or power wires are protected by porcelain
� tubes, romax, metal armor, or conduit. Thermostat or
other low voltage control wiring shall be well strapped
or supported with insulated staples, supports not to
� exceed four feet (4' ) ;
(e) Wherever new wiring is replacing old wirin,�, the old
wiring must be completely removed where possible, and
�' where sa�d old wiring cannot be remo��ed, it must be
rendered impossible of future use before final approval
shall be given to the new wiring;
� (f) t�here additions are being made, and part of the ol.d
wiring remains in use� and defects exist in same, the
old wiring must be corrected to meet standards under
which it was originally authorized. Tv'o additions shall
be made which load circuits or feeders bey�nd the
� standards established by this Ordinance. No load shall
be added to any conductor smaller than No. 12;
(g} Fuse panels. circuit breakers, etc. . shall not be
"' placed in hot water closets� bathrooms,clothes closets,
or any simi:�ar place where articles may be stored, to
hinder acces�ib�lity. They shall be Iocated where they
�- are readily accessible to tenants.
(h) Aigid steel corlduit only shall be installed in concrete
�, slabs. Rigid steel conduit emergin� from concrete slab�
shall be equipped with an approved sleeve at point of
emergence. Rigid steel conduit shall not be buried in
stabilized shell.
(i) All receptacles shall be of the �rounding type.
.� ( �) "Pancake" type outlet boxes may be used only by special
�, (k) Aeceptacle and s�ritch boxes sha11 not be used for
fixture outlet boxes.
(1) To��le switches used f or cantrol of lighting shall be
" "T" rated and all toggle switches for control of small
appliance motors shall be rated not less than twenty
(20) amperes.
Any person who violates any part of this Urdinance shall,
upon conviction� be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined
" in any sum of not less than one dollar (�1.00) , nor more than .
;�200.00. Each and every day' s continuance of any violation of
this Ordinance shall constitute and be deemed a separate offense.
This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or
lessen the responsibility of any person installing� operating or
... controlling any electric wiring or electrical apparatus for
damages to anyone thereby, or for full and faithful performance
of the contract, nor shall the City of Friendswood be held as
assuming any Iiability by reason of the inspection or re-inspection
" authorized herein or certificate or permit issued pursuant to the
provisions of this Ordinance, nor shall either the Electrical
Inspector of the City of Friendswood be held as assuming any
-- liability by reason of the inspection or re-inspection authorized
herein or the certificates of conformance or nonconf ormance issued
as herein provided or by reason of the approval or disapproval
,_ of any equipment authorized herein.
If any section, subsection, sentence� clause� phrase, or
-- portion of this G�rdinance is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
portion shall be deemed a separa�e. distinct and independent
,., provision, and such hold3ng shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions thereof.
�- This Ordinance shall be and is hereby declared to be
cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Friendswood,
and shall not operate to repeal or affect any such ordinance or
"' ordinances except as insofar as the provisions of such ordinance
or ordinances are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions
of this Ordinance� in tahich instance or instances such conflictin�
-- provlsions in said other ordinance or ordinances shall be and are
hereby repealed.
_, PASSED, APPAOVED AND ADOPTED on First Aeadin� this „�
day of i�a�_ , 1967, ,
.--''�"'� � ' '
_ .
- .� .� .� ��_.�.,�r-�._ -
-.��`�!,-� �:
"' 8alph L. Lowe - Nayor
T ` / `
,'� ,� n��
� Artha Wright - City �ecre� y
„_ PASSED, APPFiOVED AND ADUPTED on Second 8eading this �_ -„r,lt:�.,,,.
day of J�,ne , 1967.
i.�...-l! .:�=',,, ';� �,�,�._,_
~ Fialph L. owe - N�ayor
,_, Artha tidri�ht - Cit ecretary
PASSED, �PPHOVED AND ADOPTED on Third and Final Readin�
'�' this �gth day of _ T �ne , 1967.
.-� ,: �
/',,r. 7 -`� �
..., � :;;' .%y%�• :�� ;+�"�,, ,,r�,�
'--' , t.
8alph L, owe - Nayor
�,�`L���_..C� � !�''-C�"�
°" Art a Wright - City Se�etary