HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 97 OADINADiCE N0. __..!L_._..� AN C8DI1'?Al�G�: ADOFTIr�?G RULu'S GF PROC EDUFiE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL P:EETIP�7GS OF THE CITY OF FFIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, PUASUAI�T TO AUTHOBITY GGI�TAIPJED II� AF�TICLE 100� OF TH�. I�EVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS� EEPEALING OADIA?AT�C ES IN C ONFLIC T AND PBOVIDING A SEVERABILITY GLAUSE. WHEFi�AS, Article 1008 of the Eevised Civil Statutes of the State of TeXas empoti�ers the City Council of the City of Friendswood to detern��inE the rules of its proceedings, and auth.orizes such Council to com�el the attendance of absent members and punish them for disorderly conduct; and Article 1011 authorizes the Council to determine the rules for the goad �overnment, peace and order of the City that ma.y be necessa.ry to carry into effect the powers vested in this City C our_cil, and empowers Council to enforce the observance of all such rules; Now, Therefore, BE IT OF�DAINED BY T�.E CITY CCUNCIL GF TH� CITY OF FRIEI�DSWOOD: Section 1. The follouTing rules of procedure shall gov�rn all meetings and proceedir_gs of the City Council, and. the conduct of all members a.nd other persons in a.ttenc�ance a�t such meetin�s. (Wherever a rule embodies a provision of a statute of tre State of Texas, identically or ir� substance, notatian has been made of that fact. ) Au1e l. DZeetin�s, Fie�ular an.d Special. (a) The City Council sha11 meet in the Council Chambers of the C ity Hall (or sucr. other place as C ounc il may dec ide ar.d publicly announce) on the first and third N!onda.ys of each month, commencing at 7: 30 o'clock P.T�;. In the event Monday falls on a Holiday the �eetin�r for that day shall be at 7: 30 P.Nt. the r.ext d�y. Any such re�ular meetin� may be recessed from hour to hour or adjourned from da� to day by a ma.�ority vote of the members of Council present at such meeting, and such recessed or ad�ourned meetin� sha.11 be held taithout further notice to ar.y ruember, as provided in the �otion ordering tre specific time a.nd place. Frovided, however, that no recess to a time longer tha.n twenty-four hours from the hour v�rrien trie 'recessed' meEting commenced sha.11 be valid, and provided further that, while any meetin� ma.y be a.d�ourned from d�y to da�-, any suc� neeting sMa11 be a.utomatica.11;� -1- finally ad�ourned upon the commencexnen� oi �;r:f� �:�e;�t regular meeting or upon the commencement of any duly called special meetin� prior to the next regular meetin$. (b) The l�7ayor, of his own motion, or on the application of three Councilmen, may call special meetings, by notice to each member of said Council, the Secretary and City Attorney, served personally or 1ef t at their usual place of abode. (Article 1008, A.S. 1925. ) (c) The Mayor and three C ouncilmen shall constitute a quorum enabling the C ouncil to transact business. Au�e 2. Chairman and Call to Order. The Mayor shall preside at all meetin�s of the City Council, and shall have a casting vote, exeept in elections. If he and the president pro tem are absent, any councilman may be appointed to preside. (Article 1007, Fi.S. 1925. ) At the hour of the meeting the Mayor sha11 assume the chair, call the Council to order and the Secretary shall call the roll. A quorum being present, the Secretary, at each regular meeting� shall present to the C ouncil the minutes of all proce�din�s since the beginning of the last regular meeting and read same, if so required by any C ouncil member, and after their correction, if any, and approved, the minutes will be signed by the Mayor and Secret�ry. Aule . Handlin� of Non-Agenda Sub�ects: The City C ouncil is the sole �udge of its own procedure and in full control of the business before it, Neither the Mayor, the Mayor Pro tem, nor any C ouncilman appointed to preside shall have any power to either recess a meeting or ad�ourn a meeting, or prevent the City C ouncil from taking any action upon any matter it deems properly before it. Neither the Nayor, the Mayor pro tem, nor any Councilman appointed to preside shall bring any matter before the City Council or lay the same out for consideration except in strict accordance with the rules of the City Council as enacted herein. If, notwithstandin� the positive provisions of this rule, the presiding officer, whether Mayor, Mayor pro tem or C ouncilman presiding, shall attempt to prevent City C ouncil from takin� any action on any sub�ect brou�ht before it, any C ouncilman present may call for a vote of the City Council to -2- consider the matter. If the Mayor, Mayor pro tem or C ouncilman presiding shall attempt to introduce any matter not on the agenda as provided in Ru1e 7 or permit any Councilman to do so, and an ob�ection to discussing that particular sub�ect is raised by either the Mayor or any Councilman present, then a vote of Council shall be taken and the result of such vote shall decide whether or not that sub�ect can be discussed and/or acted upon during that meeting. Aule �. C onduct of Mayor and C ouncilmen+ Any member of the City C ouncil including the Mayor, who fails to observe decorous and orderly behavior during a meeting and who disturbs sueh meeting of C ouncil by such disorderly conduct is sub�ect to bein� expelled from such meeting upon motion passed by 2/3 vote of the Council present at this meeting. The expelled member may be fined by motion not to exceed �$100.00. No m.ember so fined shall be permitted to participate in any further meetings of Council until such fine be paid. Any member reprimanded by motion, expelled from a meeting by motion, or fined by motion for such prohibited behavior who thereafter commits another breach of decorous and orderly behavior during a subsequent meeting and again disturbs any meeting of the Council by such disorderly conduct shall be sub�ect to the same power of C ouncil to reprimand him, expel him from the meeting or fine him and, in addition, shall be sub�ect to having C ouncil declare a forfeiture of his office and his expulsion from the Council by resolution adopted by a unanimous vote of the remainder of the entiremembership of the C i ty C ounc i 1. Rule 5. Non-inter�ion Each member of the City Council shall be permitted to address the chair while either seated or standing, and after recognition shall not be interrupted while speakin� without his consent, except by a call or order of the chair. F?ule 6. Handling of Questions of Order. A11 questions of order sha11 be decided by the presiding officer with the right of appeal of his decision by the City Council, and a ma�ority of the Councilmen present may overrule the decision of the chair. When the chair makes a ruling on a point of order and one of the Councilmen states "I appeal the rulin� of the chair" , or words to such effect, no other business shall be transacted -3- until the question "Shall the ruling of the chair be sustained?!' be voted on. The presiding officer shall immediately put such question to vote without debate, and, if he fails to do so, immediately, any member of the City Council may put the question to a vote. Rule 7. Procedure for Sutenitting A�enda Items. Any and a11 ordinances, resolu�ions, motions or other matters to be brought before the City Council for its consideration by the Mayor or by any member of the C ouncil shall be submitted by the Mayor or by such member of the C ouncil to the City Secretary not later than 3:00 P.M. of the Friday preceding the regular meeting at which the same is to be considered. The Ci�y Secretary shall then prepare a written a�enda. for the meeting, settin� out the matters so sul�nitted to her, and shall send a copy of such agend�„� by mail or other delivery in sufficient time to be delivered to and received by each member of the City Council not later than 12: 00 otclock noon of the day preceding that upon which the re�ular meetin� is to be held. If the Mayor or any member of the C ouncil desires to bring any ordinance, resolution, motion or other matter before the C ouncil not listed upon the a�enda in the manner stated, the Mayor or C ounci].man so proposing shall first ask consent of the C ouncil to bring the matter before the C ouncil, without arguing the merits of the matter, and the presiding officer shall sub�it the question "Shall the requested matter not on the agenda be considered?" to a vote, without debate. If a ma�ority of the C ouncil does not vote in favor of its being taken up, it will not be further discussed durin� tha.t meeting. Aule 8. Motion to TabZe. Since the City Council of the City of Friendswood will always have meetin�s, the motion to table, when carried, does not permanently defeat an ordina,nce, resolution or other measure. If an ordinance, resolution, motior� or otY��x° �rie�sure i s tabled by a majority vote of the City Cou.ncil, such ordina.neP, resolution, mo�ion or other measLtre sha11 be considered always to be lyin� upon the table and may be c�lled fron� the table at any time by a ma.�ority vote of tre Councilmen present, and again considered. F?ule �. Procedure to Debate. Upon any ordira.nce, resolution or other measure bein� laid out, -�- or any motion bein� made, any Councilman gresent, before there is any debate opened on the sub�ect, may make a. parliamentary objectian to the consideration of the subject which need not be seconded. A'o debate shall then be permitted, and the presiding officer shall immedia.tel�� put tYle quEStion "Sha.11 the ob,jection be sustained?" If the ob,jec�ior� is sustained by a vote of two-thirds of the Councilmen present (four out of five Councilmen or three out of four Councilmen, or two out of three Councilmen) , the ordinance, resolution, motian or other measur� is permanently defeated for that meetin� �nd shGll not be debated (except in accordance with Fiule 11� . Aule 10. Closin� of Debate. If, durin� debate upon any ordinance, resolution, motion or other matter before the C ourcil, any member moves that the sub�ect under discussion be put to � vote without further debate (and such motion need not be seconded) , the presiding officer shall immediately a.sk the C ouncil "Is there objection to proceeding to a vote on the ordinance, resolution, �otion or ather measure before the Council shall be taker. immediately. If any member ob�ects, the presiding officer shall immediately and without deba�.e put the question "Shall the subject being discussed be put to a vote without further dEbate?" to a vote of the Cou.ncil, a.nd if two-thirds of the Councilmen present (four out of five Councilmen, three out of four Councilnen, or two out of three Councilmen) vote in favor of ordering the vote, debate on the question shall be closed and a vote on tr.e ordinance, resolution, motion or other measure taken immediately. Aule 11. Aeconsideration of a Subiect. When an ordinance, resolution, motion or other measure of any sort has been placed before the City C ouncil and defeated, the same question shall not a�ain be considered by the City C ouncil until a lapse of ninety (90) days. Fule 12. C onduct of Audience. The City C ouncil by a 2/3 vote (4: 1, �: 1, 2:1) shall have the power to ad�udge any person in attendance at a Council meetin� in contempt of City C ouncil for a breach of order disturbing such -S- C ouncil meetin�, may order such person so offending removed from the Council Chamber, �nd upon notice and hearing, may impose a fine of not to exceed �100.00 upon the person for such eontempt and order such person committed to �ail in defa.ult of the payment of such fine, such person to remain in jaiZ until such fine be paid or until the lapse of trree full days from the hour of confinement, whichever shall first occur. A copy of any resolution of the City C ouncil duly ad.judging any such person to be in contempt of the C ouncil and reciting the circumstances of the conduct and thefine imposed, when duly certified by the City Secretary under the seal of the City, shall serve as an order of conmitment. Rule 1 . 8educin� Motion to Writing. All oral motions must be seconded before being put to vote by the chair (except where otherwise provided in these rules) . and upon request of any other member of the C ouncil, or Mayor, the party makin� any such oral motion (except a motion to order a vote on a subject being considered per Rule 10, to table, or other such procedural matter) shall reduce the sazne to writing. or request the City Secretary to do the same. If a motion be made by any member of the C ouncil in writin� and filed with the presiding officer, it shall still require a second. Rule 14. Secretarial Procedure. The City Secretary shall be the Secretary of the G ouncil and shall act a�� reading and recordin� clerk to the C ouncil. By his or her signature the Secretary shall certify the correctness of the minutes and the journals, shall record all actions taken by the Council, shall record the vote upon each measure when taken by the ayes and nos, and shall perform such other duties as may be required of the C ity Secretary by the Mayor and C ity C ounc il. In the absence of the City Secretary, any suitable person may be appointed by a ma�ority of the C ouncilmen to serve as Secretary pro tem of any meeting. The Secretary shall keep a copy of these rules in the Council C hamber, available for reference. Fiule 1 . Voting. Unless otherwise specified i�i VATS or. in this ordinance. a 11 confirmations or approvals required of the City C ouncil shall -6- be made by a ma�ority vote of the members of the C ouncil present � € at such C ouncil meeting Unless a conflict of interest has been ' established per or�linance No. 89, all councilmen present at each � � meeting must vote on each sub�ect presented for council vote. If � a tie vote occurs on any subject the Mayor must decide the issue by his casting vote unless he also has a conflict of interest per ordinance No. 89. Rule 16. Citizenst Ai�ht to be Heard. Any citizen shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at any and a11 regular and speci�l meetings of the City C ouncil in regard to any and all matters to be considered at any such meeting; but a time shall be set aside for the C ouncil to hear the public , and no member of the public shall be heard (unless recognized by the presiding officer) or shall interrupt the proceedings of the City Council by demanding to be heard. Any citizen sha11 be entitled to visit City Hall and inspect a11 past C ouncil meeting minutes, city audits, and the agenda to be considered by the Council in advance of the meeting and inform himself or herself as to the matters to be considered. Fiule 1 . Order of Business. Unless a�reed to otherwise by ma�ority vote of C ouneil, the normal order of business before the City Council in any Re�ular meetin� shall be as f ollows: (1) The presiding officer shall call the roll and the City Secretary shall mark the absence of the Mayor or any member of the Council. (2) The City Secretary shall test, and attest to the satisfactory operation of the tape recorder, and maintain proper functioning and tape changes as needed throughout each meeting. (3) The C ouncil shall correct and adopt or table the minutes of the previous meeting(s) . (4) Communications from the Mayor shall be presented. (j) Any bids called for at such meeting shall be opened and read. (6) The Council shall receive petitions and hear any member of the public as provided in Rule 16; and any appeal or other matter specially set for public hearin� shall then be heard by the C i ty C ounc i 1. -?- (7) The C ouncil shall then receive reports of special committees. (8) The C ouncil shall then receive reports of standing committees; and reports of the various city departments. (9) Unfinished business shall then be considered. (10) Then the C ouncil shall consider any ordinances and/or resolutions that are currently before them as per ordina.nce (11) New business shall then be considered. (12) The C ouncil shall consider, for approval, warrants autr.orizing monies for disbursement. 1���1.�18. Order of Business for Special or Executive Meetin�. Unless agreed to otherwise by ma�ority vote of C ouncil, the normal order of business before the City C ouncil in any Special or Executive meetin� shall be as follows: (1) The presiding officer shall call the roll and the City Secretary or dele$ated Secretary shall mark the absence of the �ayor or any member of the Council. (2) The City Secretary shall test, and attest to the satisfactory operation of the tape recorder, and maintain proper functioning and tape chan�es as needed throughout sach meetin�, if so required by C ouncil. (3) The presidin� officer shall state the purpose(s) of the meeting. (4) There shall be no business, other than that stated above, discussed or aeted upon at such meetir_� unless specifically voted on and a�reed to by a majority of the C ouncil, at such meeting. The foregoing order of business shall not be suspended except upon a ma�ority vote of the C ouncilmen present. Rule 1 . Suspension of 8u1es of Procedure. Any one or all of these rule:; o�' l�r•ocedure (except Hule 4 and. 8ule 12) may Ye suspended in. order to a.11o�n7 a par�ic;ular consideration of a. matter, provided that not less than four of the five Councilmen vote in favor of such suspension. Where any rule embodies a provision of State I�.t�r, identica.11y or in substance, such rule may not be suspended. The reau3.rement of two-thirds to suspend a rule shall not apply to Rule 17, but the order of business may be suspended by �. ma�ority vote. -8- � Hule ' 20. Bules of Procedure. � � Section 1. Except where in conflict with any State law, city ordinance or the rules of procedure adopted by this ordinance, the rules of procedure laid down in Robertts Rules of Order, 75th Anniversary Edition, �hall �overn the proceed_in.�s of the C i ty C ounc i 1. Sectior_ 2. All orciinances and parts of ordinances in conflict hereT�rith are hereb� e�pressly repealed to the extent of such conflict only. Section 3. If a.ny provision, sectiorl, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to a,ny persan or set of circumstances, is for any reason held to be ur�constitutional, void, or inva.lid (or for any reason unenforceable} , the validity of the rema.ining portion.s of this ordinance or its application to other persons or sets of circumstances shall rsot be affected thereby, it being trie intent of the City Counci2 in adopt- in� this ordinance th�.t no portion thereof or provision or regula.tion contained therein shall become inoperative or fail by reasan of any unconstitu�ionality or invalidity of any other portion, provisions, or re�ulation, and to triis end, all provisions of tr:is ordinance are declared to be severable. ADOPTED by th e C i t�r C ounc i 1 of the C i ty of Fri endswood and . placed in the office of the City Secretary of such city on the day of , 19 . PASSED AI�iD APFROVED CN F'IRST k�ADIATG �rd day of A,pril , 19 67 P �SSED AIVD AF'�FiC�lED ON SECCND AEADING /1� day of ; � w�. �;r Eic.L'�, 1 g (�-, FASSED AP1D FIP3�ALLY A�%PROVED OIv' THII3D RE;ADING, J�� d�y of L � � _______�, �9�!�_,__. APPAOVED: ;�r���--��-- -=�<-�'-'�--��-^'� �a1ph�AL. Lowe - Mayor '.._. ATTEST: . . � � "�.�'�".1� �L'�f=�2�� ,�:C,�.�.� Artha Wri�ht - C ity ,�!�cretary —9—