HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 96 , • . , . . � , . • � SPE�D ZONE OADINA�iCE 9�O AN OFiDIl�'AI�TCE ALTEAIIQG THE PAIMA FACILE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOI3 VEI�ICLES UNDEA TYE PAOVISIONS OF AFiTICLE 6701D, VEANON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON TNE BASIS OF AN En'GIN- EEFiING Ar�1D TAAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CEA.TAI?�t STAEETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEFiEOF, WITHIN T�:E CORPOBATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT TN THIS OHDINANCE; AND PFiOVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXC EED w 200.00 FOA THE VI OLATI ON OF` ThIS UI3DINANCE. WHEFiEAS, ArticlP 6701D, of Vernonts Texas Civil Statutes, provides that whenever the �overning body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an en�ineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City, takin� into consideration the width and condition of the pave�ent and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highv,Tay, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonable and sa.fe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passa�e of an ordinance, which shal.l be effective when appronriate signs g3.ving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway, now therefore, BE I T ORDAI I�'ED BY THE C I TY C OUNC I L OF THE C I TY OF F8I ENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. Upon the basis of an engineerin� and traffic investigation heretofore made as authorized by the provisions of Article 6701D Vernon� s Texas Givil Statutes, the followin6 prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles travelin� upon the na?ned streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as follows: THIfiTY (30) MILES PER HOUA (a) A1ong Leisure Lane from FM 518 to Clear C reek Drive, a distance of approximately .3 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (b) A1on� Clear C reek Drive fron Leisure Lane to Windin� Way, a distance of approximately 1.15 miles, 30 miles per hour. {c) Alon� Winding Way from Leisure Lane to Briarmeadow Ave. , a distance of approxima�ely . 8 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (d) Along Briarmeadow Ave. fro� Winding Way to City Limits, a distance of approximately .5 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (e) A1c�ng Gastlewood Ave, from Briarmeadow Ave. to N:erriewood Dr. _ , a distance of approximately .4� of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (f) A1ong Castlewood Ave. from Coward Creek to FM �18, a distance of approximately .� of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (�;) Along Whispering Pines from FM 518 to City Limits, a distance of approximately .1� of a mile, 30 miles per hour. . , . , . . , . . - . • . � (h) Along Clearview Ave. from FM 518 to Quaker Dr. , a distance of approximately .25 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (i) A1on� Clearview Ave, from Quaker Dr. to Clear Creek, a d3.stance of approximately , 6 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. ( j) Along Quaker Dr. from Clearview Ave. to Heritage Dr. , a distance of approximately .65 of a mile. 30 miles per hour. (k) Alon� Heritage Dr. from �uaker Dr. to Woodlawn Dr. , a distance of approxir�ately .5 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (1) Alor� Woodlawn Dr. from Edgewood Ave. to Spreadin� Oaks Ave. , a distance of approximately .5 of a mile, 30 miles her hour. (m) Alon� Spreading Oaks Ave. from Woodlawn Ave. to Quaker Dr. , a distance of approximately .5 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (n) Alon�; Laurel Drive from Spreading Oaks Ave. to Shadow- bend Ave. , �. distance of approximately .35 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (o) Alon� Shadowbend Ave. from Woodlawn Ave. to Sunset Dr. , a distance of approximately .3 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (p) Along Garden Dr. fro� Ed�ewood Ave. to Shadowbend Ave. , a distance of approximately .25 of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (q) Along Stadiu.m Dr. fron Edgewood Ave, to P�Tary �nn Dr. , a distance of approximately .35 of a mi1e, 30 miles per hour. (r) Alon� Mary Ann Dr. from Stadium Dr. to Castlelake, a distance of approxima.tely .2S of a mi1e, 30 miles per hour. (s) Along l�Zelody Lane from Edgewood Ave. to �ity Limits, a distance of approximately .� of a mile, 30 miles per hour. (t) Alon� Prairie Wilde from Edgezaood Ave. to Dead End, a distance of approxi�nately .4� of a mile, 30 miles per hour. TWENTY (20) MILES PEA hOUR CLEAR CAEEK WOODS �} Alon� Deept�ood Dr. from Whisperin� Fines to Sewer P1ant #2, a distance of approxim�tely .15 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (b) Along Timber Lane from �v'hispering Pines to k�Iinglewood, a distance of approximately .1 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (c) A1on� P�iin�lewood from Whispering Pines to Timberlane, a dista.nce of approximately .15 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (d) Along Sh�dy Circle from �ntrance �1 to Entrance ;�`2, a distance of approximately .l of a mile, 20 miles per hour. -2- � . IMPEAIAL GA�D�NS a Alan� Merriewoad Dr, from Castlewood Ave, to Sunset Dr. , a distar.ce of approximately .25 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (b) Alon� Linkv�Tood Ave, from Forest Vieva to Sunset Dr. , a distance of a�pro�imately .1 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (c) �.lon�• T�ii�ty Lavari fror� Pierrieti�wood Ave. to Sunset Dr. , �, distance of �.pproxi�ately . � of a �i.le, 20 nliles per hour. (d) �ilor�� Fairdale Ave. from Gastlewood Ave. to Sunset Dr. , 2. distance of appro�imately .� of a mile, 2.0 milES per hour. (e) Alon� Falling Leaf Ave. from C astlewood. Ave. to Sunset Dr. , a distance of a.ppro�imately .� af a mile. 20 miles per r�aur. (f) Alar_� Castlewood Ave. from I�lerriewood Dx. to Covaard Creek, a distance of approximately . 1,� of a mile, 2,0 miles per hour. (�� Alon� Forest View from rlerriev�laod Dr. to Fallin�; Leaf Ave. , z. distd.nce of approximately . 3 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. LG�BI WOODS (a) A1ong CedarVrood Dr. from Castle��7ood Ave. to Spread_ing Oaks Ave. , � distance of ?pprol�imately .5 of � mile, 20 miles �er hour. (b) Along Care�r Lane from Cedarwoad Dr. to Dead End, �. distance of a.ppro�imately . 2 of a mile, 20 miles per rlour. (c) Along 8on Circle from GedarUioo� Dr. to Garey Lar.e, a. dist2.r�ce of appro�ri�r_ately .l of a mil.e, 20 miles per hour. (d) Alon� Stephe.n Court fr.om Carey Lane to Dead End, a. distance of �pproximately .05 of a milE, 20 miles per hour. l�I SG ELLAl'��EOU S (e) Alon�; Ec ho Ave. f rom FI�; s1�3 to C edarwood Dr. , � distance of a.pproxi:nately ,1 cf a. mile, 20 miies per hour. (f) A1on� Stor.es Throw fro� FN: sl8 to Gedarwood Dr. , a. distance of approximatel�r .1J of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (�� Along Willotisick �ve. fro:� Laurel Dr. to N�orningside Dr. , a distance of approximately .25 .of �. mile, 20 miles per hour. (h) Along Sunnyview Ave. from FM 51� to �uaker Dr. , a. distance of approximately .25 of a mile, 20 �iles �er hour. (i) A?on� Skyview Ave. from FI�c �18 to �ivaker �r. , a dist�ncE of approximately . 25 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. ( j} A1on.g I�ia�nolia Ave. from FM j18 �o �ua.ker Dr. , �. distance af appro�imately . 2.5 of z mile , 20 miles per h�ur. -3- (k) Along Shado�lTbend Ave, from Woodl��m Dr. to �uaker Dr. , a distance of approximately .� of a mile, 20 miles per houx. (1) Along D��n Ave. from Woodlawn Dr. to Laurel Dr. , a distance of approximately .ls of 2 mile, 20 miles per hour. (m) Alor_� L�urel Dr. from ShadoVSbend �ve. to Heritage Dr. , �. dist�.nce of a.?�proximately .1 of a mile, 20 miles per r�our. (n) Alon� Pecan �r. from Shadowbend Ave. to Ed�ewood Ave. , � distance of approximately .2� of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (o) Along Nlorningside Dr. from Spreadin.g Oaks Ave, to Heritage Dr. , a distznce of approximately . 35 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (p) A1ong Shady N ook from Pl;orningside Dr. to Dead End, a distance of approxi_mately .OS, 20 mil.es per hour. II�;PEFiIAL ESTATt?.S �`1 1�T�tD �F2 (a) Alon� Sha.dowbend Ave, from �uaker Dr. Entrance ,�l to �uaker Dr. Entrance ,�2, a distance of approximately . 65 of a. mile, 20 miles per nour. (b) A1ong l�Iar�' s Crossin� from Sha�.owbend Ave. to Imperial Dr. , � distance of approximately .15 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (c) A1on�; Imperial Dr. from Edgewood Ave �ntr2.nce #1 to Ed�e�JOOd Dr. Entrance �#2, a distance of approximately . 6 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (d) Along Dianond Lane from Ed�e�nrood Ave. to Dead End, a distance of a.pproxinately .05 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (e) Alon� Aoyal Ct, from Ed�ez�?ood Ave. Entrance #1 to Edgewood Ave. Entrance �2, a dista.nce of approximately . 2 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. ANNALFA (�) Along l�iary Ann Dr. from F1�7-518 to Castle Lake Ave. , �. distance of appro�imately .35 of a mile, 20 miles pen c�ur. (b) A�ong �nnette Lane from FM-518 to Dead End , a dista.nce of approximately .l of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (c) Alonr Lottie Lane irom FP�-518 to Dead End, �. distance of a.pproxi�atel�j .1 of � mile, 2.0 miles per hour. (d) Alor� Aachael La.ne from Vir�in�a. Lane to Christina Lane, a distance of anproximately . 2 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (e) Along Vir�inia. Lane froni end to end, a dist�.nce of approximately .15 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (f) Alon� Lisa Ct. entire, z, distance of approximately .02 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. (g) Along Ella C t. from Mary Ann Dr. to Dead End, a distance of a.pproximatel� ,05 of a mi1e, 20 miles per hour. -4- � • , ` . , - . . ' - ' . . (h) Alan� Linda La.ne from f^ary Ann Dr. to Dead End, a distance of approximately .05 of a mile, 20 miles per hour. {i) A1ong Christina Lane from F?achael Lane to Dead End, a. distance of a.pproximately .15 of a mi1e, 20 miles per hour. MI SC E:LLANEUU5 ( j) Along Bonnie Doon from Castlewood Ave, to Dead End, � distance of approximately .05 of a mile, 20 miles per Y�our. (k} Along Emerald Lane from C astlewood Ave, to Dead End, a distance of approximately .1 of a mile , 20 miles per hour. (1) Alon� C of C Park I3d, from Briarm.eadow Ave. to Dead End_, a distance of approximately .1 of a mile , 20 miles per hour. HAFiW00D (a) Along Oak Vista Dr. from Spreading Oaks Ave. to Ma�nolia Ave. , a distance of approximately .2. of a mi1e, 20 miles per hour. (b) Along Glen Lea Dr. from Spreading O�.ks Ave. to Magnolia Ave. , a distance of approximately . l of a mile, 20 miles per hour. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions af this ordinance shall be d.eemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any su� not more than Two Hundred Dollars (�200.00) . Section 3, Any person violating the terms of this ord.ina.nce may be arrested by officers or auxiliary officers of the Police Depar'�ment of the City of Friendswood without issuance of a v�arrant of arrest from a magistrate. Section 4, SevarabilitMy. If any pravision of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. „ �.� ��;. PASSED AND APPH.OVED THIS day of ����t� , , 19�, on first reading. /� � PASSED AI��D APPFiOVED THIS `,� day of L��,�,� � 1.9�, on second reading. � PASSED, FINAI.�LY APPROVED A�.7D ADOPTED, this �f day of � .-� ���� �, 19�, on tr:ird reading. �/%-��L ✓J :%�l . ��1./J"�, FiALP�'�CWE, MAY OF� -���f.��_ -�� !;- .��_-_ ARTHA WRIGHT, CITY SEC�? AFiY -S-