HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 94 � y , t.wM ► .�... -�9.�- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF �200,000 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1g67; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE INTEREST THEREON AND PRINCIPAL THEREOF; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS FINAL PASSAGE THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in regular session at the City Hall within said City on the 6th day of M�rch, 1967, with the following members, and the City Secretary, pr°esert, �omwit: Ralph L, Lowe Mayor Ma�vin Childers Alderman Harry Hatcher Alderman William E, Davidson Alderman Ralph W, Somers Alderman Wiley Murrell Alderman Mrse Artha Wright City Secretary and the following member( s) absent, to-wit: norle � when, among other business, the following was transacted: The Mayor introduced an ordinance authorizing the issuance of �200, 000 City of Friendswood, Texas, Sewer Improvement Bonds, b;,T c�ptioiz. Series 1967, which ordinance was read i���'x�„� Alderman �hi?c?�rs made a motion that the ordinance be passed on first reading, Alderman ,��rj;��s seconded the motion. The motion, carrying with it the passage of said ordinance on first reading, prevailed by tne following vote : AYES : Aldermen Childers, Hatcher, Davidson, Somers and Murrell9 and Mayor Lowe , NOES: None . The Mayor thereupon announced that the ordinance had duly and lawfully passed on first reading. The ordinance passed on first reading follows: AI� ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF �200, 000 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1967; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE INTEREST THEREON AND PRINCIPAL THEREOF; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS FTNAL PASSAGE THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in regular session at the City Hall within said City on the 20th day of March, 1967, with the following members, and the City Secretary, present, to-wit: Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Marvin Childers Alderman Harry Hatcher Alderman William E. Davidson Alderman Ralph W, Somers Alderman Wiley Murrell Alderman Mrs . Artha Wright City Secretary and the following member( s) absent, to-wit: T;�;�� � when9 among other business, the following was transacted: -2- ,I There came on for second reading an ordinance authorizing the issuance of �200, 000 City of Friendswood, Tex.as, Sewer Improvemerlt Bonds, Series 1967 ( passed on first reading by the City Council at its regular meeting held March 6, 1967) which b�� c<��;tior: was read ���;����, Alderman G�hilders made a motion that the ordinance be passed on second reading without amendment . Alderman D�.vic�:,�}�: seconded the motion. The motion, carrying with it the passage of said ordinance on second reading, without amendment, prevailed by the following vote: AYESo Aldermen Childers, Hatcher, Davidson, Somers and Murrell, and Mayor Lowe , NOES: None , The Mayor thereupon announced that the ordinance had duly and lawfully passed on second reading. The ordinance thus passed on second reading follows: AN ORDTNANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF �200,000 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWER IMPROV EMENT BONDS, SERIES 1.967; PRESCRIBING THE T ERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE INTEREST THEREON AND PRINCIPAL THEREOF; AWARDING THE SALE 'I'I�EREOF; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS FINAL PASSAGE THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in regular session at the City Hall within said City on the 3rd day of April, 1967, with the following members, and the City Secretary, presen.t, to-�wit . -3- Ralph Le Lowe Mayor Marvin Childers Alderman Harry Hatcher Alderman William E. Davidson Alderman Ralph W, Somers Alderman Wiley Murrell Alderman Mrs , Artha W right City Secretary and the following member( s) absent, to-wit: _ �.nne � when, among other business, the following was transacted: There came on for consideration f or third and f inal reading an ordinance authorizing �200,000 City of Friendswood, Texas, Sewer Improvement Bonds, Series 1967 ( passed on first reading by tf�e City Council at its regular meeting on March 6, 1967, and passed on second reading at its regular meeting on March 20, �.967) which was read in f ull, Alderman S�m�rG made a motion that the ordinance be passed on third and final reading without amendment, Alderman p;:�;rr�;_� seconded the motion. The motion, carrying with it the passage of said ordinance on third and final reading, without amendment, prevailed by the following vote: AYESo Aldermen Childers, Hatcher, Davidson, Somers and Murrell, and Mayor Lowe , NOES: None , The Mayor thereupon announced that the ordinanee had duly and finally passed, The ordinance thus finally passed follows: -�-- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUAN�E OF �200,000 �ITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1967; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE INTEREST THEREON AND PRINCIPAL THEREOF; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS FINAL PASSAGE WHEREAS, at an election held in and throughout the City of Friendswood, Tex.as, on the 28th day of January, 1967, more than a majority of the duly qualified resident electors of said City who owned taxable property within said City and who had duly rendered the same for tax,ation, voting in said election, voted in f avor of issuing �200,000 bonds for the purpose of constructing improvements, additions and extensions to the City � s sanitary sewer system, said bonds to be payable fr�om ad valorem tax.ation and to mature serially over a period not exceeding forty ( �0) years f rom their date or dates and to bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed five per cent ( 5/) per annum; and WHEREAS, said election was called and held under and in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Tex.as, and the City Council of said City has heretofore officially declared the results of said election and has determined and declared the specific authority of said City to issue said bonds; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is advisable �o proceed with the authorization, issuance, and sale of said �200,000 bonds mentioned above; Therefore BE IT ORDAZNEI7 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD: _5_ Section l: NAME, AMOUNT, PURPOSE AND AUTHORIZATIONo That the serial coupon bonds of the City of Friendswood, Texas, to be known and designated as "CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES Zg67", be issued in the principal amount of �200,000 for the purpose o�' constructing improvements, additions and extensions to the City ' s sanitary sewer system, under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Chapters 1 and '7 of Title 22, Revised Civil Statutes of Tex.as, 1g25, as amended, and as authorized at the election held in and throughout said City on the 28th day of January, 1g67, Section 2 : 2,01 - DATE, BOND NUMBERS, DENOMINATION AND MATURITIES: That said bonds shall be dated March 1, Zg67, shall be numbered consecutively from 1 to �+0, both inclusive, shall be in the denomination of $5, 000 each, aggregating �200, 000, and shall become due and payable serially in their numerical order, on March 1 in each of the years 1971 to ig88, both inclusive, in the respective amounts shown in the following sch.edule, to-wit: Bond Numbers Year of Amount ( both incl, ) Maturity Maturing 1 1971 � 5, 000 2 1972 5, 000 3 1973 5, 000 �- 197�+ 5,o00 5 - 6 �-975 lo, o00 7 - 8 1976 l0, 000 9 - 10 1977 lo,o00 11 - 12 1978 10,000 13 - �� 1979 10,000 15 - 1.6 1980 lo,o00 i7 - 19 1g81 15, 000 -6- ( Continued) Bond Numbers Year of Amount ( both incl. ) Maturity Maturing 20 - 22 1g82 �15, 000 23 - 25 1983 15, 000 26 - 28 1g8� 15,000 29 - 31 1985 15,000 32 - 3�+ 1g86 15, o00 35 � 37 1g87 15,000 38 - 40 1g88 15,000 2 ,02 - OPTION OF PRIOR REDEMPTION: The City expressly reserves the right to redeem Bonds Nos . 23 to �0, both inclusive, of this issue ( being those bonds maturing in each of the years 1g83 to 1g88, both inclusive) , in whole or in part, on March l, Zg82, and on any inte.rest payment date thereafter, by paying to the owners or holders thereof a sum equal to the principal amount of the bonds called for redemption plus unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date fix.ed for redemption. If the City elects to redeem all or any part of said bonds on any such redemption date, notice of the ex.erc.ise of the option to redeem shall be given in writing to the bank at which said bonds are payable, and said notice shall be published one ( 1) �ime in a financial journal or publication of general circulation in the United States of America, which notice shall be mailed to said bank and published in said journal or publication at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for rec{emption, 4Jhen said bonds, in whole or in part, have been called for redemption in the manner prescribed and due provision has been made to pay the principal of the bonds called for redemp- tion and unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date fixed f or redemption, the right of the owners or holders to collect interest -7- • . ,. which would otherwise accrue after the redemption date on the bonds called for redemption shall terminate on the date fixed for redemption, Section 3 : 3001 - I�TTEREST RATES AND INTEREST PAYMENT DATES: That said bonds shall bear interest from date until paid at the following rates per anntim, respeetively, to-wit: Bond Nos , 1 to �. , both inclusive, rz_J, Bond Nos , ; to �F; , both inc lusive, � ,-�r� /, and Bond Nos , ,, {� to 1,�, , both inclusive, l� , �?� f, interest payable March 1, 1g68, and semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 of each year until the principal sum is paid , 3e02 �- MEDTUM AND PLACE OF PAYMENT: That both principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable, without ex,change or collection charges to the owners or holders of said bonds and/or the interest coupons appurtenant thereto, at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinson, Texas, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest, is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of Americae The principal of such bonds shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of said bonds as they respectively become due, and interest falling due on and prior to the �espective maturity dates of the bonds shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons attached to said bonds as such coupons severally become due , -8- Section �: EXECUTION OF BONDS AND INTEREST COUPONS : That each of said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary of said City by their facsimile signatures, and the official seal of said City shall be impressed, or placed in f acsimile, thereon, The interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be executed by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary , The r�egistr�.tion cer�ificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, which certificate is to be printed on the back of each of said bonds as provided hereafter in Section 7 of this order9 shall be manually executed, Section 5: FORM OF BONDS : That said bonds shall be in substantially the follow- ing formm No, $5,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SEWEl� IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES 1967 FO�C VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Friendswood, in the County of Galveston, in the State of Tex.as, hereby acknowledges itself indebted �o and promises to pay to bearer on the First day of March, 19 , the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ( $5,000) , and to pay in�erest thereon f rom the date hereof at the rate �f / per annum ( NOTE TO PRINTERo For interest rates, see Seetion 3e01 of bond ordinance) , interest payable March 1, 1968, _9_ and semi�annually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 of each year until the p�incipal sum is paid. Both principal of and interest on this bond shall be payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment of such principal and interest is legal tender for the payment of debts due the United States of America, at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinsor�, Texas, without exchange or colleetion charges to the owner or holder, The principal hereof shal.l be p�yable only upon presentation and surrender of this bond, and inte�est h�reon falling due on and prior to the maturity of this bond shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as such coupons severally bec�me due , THE DATE OF THIS BOND, in conformity with the ordinance herein- after mentioned, is March l, 19670 THIS BOND IS ONE OF A SERIES OF �0 SERIAL COUPON BONDS of like ten.or and effect except as to serial number and maturity, being n�ambered consecutively f rom 1 to �0, both inclusive, in the denomina- �io� of $59000 each, aggregating �200, 000, and together with the other bonds of said seri.es, is issued for the purpose of constructing improvements, additions and extensions to the City ' s sanitary sewer system unde� and in striet conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Chapters 1 and 7 of Title 22, Revised Civil Statutes of Tex,as, 1925, as amended, and by authority of a vote of the duly qualified resident electors of said City who own�d taxable property within said City and who had dul� �endered the same for tax.ation at the election held within said -10- City on the 28th day of �anuary, 1g67, and pursuant to an ordinance duly passed and adopted by the �ity Council of said Ci.ty, which ordinance is of record in the minutes of said City Council, THE CITY EXPRESSLY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REDEEM BONDS NOS , 23 to �0, both inclusive, of this issue, in whole or in part, on March l, ig82, and on any interest payment date thereafter, by paying to the owners or holders thereof a sum equal to the principal amoun'c of the bonds called for redemption plus unpaid accrued in��rest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, If the City elects to redeem all or any part of said bonds on any such redemption date, notice of the exercise of the option to redeem shall be given in wr.iting to the bank at which said bonds are payable, and said notice sha11 be published one ( 1) time in a financial journal or publication of general circulation in the United States of America, which noti.ce shall be mailed to said bank and published in said journal or publication at least thirty ( 30) days prior to the date fixed for redemptiono When sa,id bonds, in whole or in part, have been called for redemption in the manner prescribed and due provision i�as been. made to pay the principal of the bonds cal7ed for redemption and unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, the right of the owners or holders to collect interest which would otherwise accr�ue aftEr the redemption date on the bonds called fo� r�demption sh�ll terminate on the date fixed for redemption, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED� RECITED, AND DECLARED tha'c the issuance of this bond9 �nd the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law; tha'c all acts, conditions, and things required -11- to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond and this series of bonds have been properly done and performed, and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that due provision has been made for the payment of the p�incipal of and inte.rest on this bond, and the series of which it is a part, by the levy of a direct annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within said City sufficient for said purposes; and that the total indebtedness of said City, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any Constitutional o� statutory limitation, �N TESTIMONY WHER.EOF, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, has caused the facsimile of the official seal of said City �o be impressed o� placed in f acsimile hereon, this bond to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Secretary by their� f aesimile signatures, and the annexed coupons also to be signed by said f acsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary, all as of the lst day of March, 1967. �%�C � yor, Ci y of Friendswood, Texas COUNTERSIGI�E"b� ' � �.r��'`�iG --C ! c� �I`i Ci'ry Secretary, City of F�ier�dswood9 Texas � SEAL) Section 6: FOR�� �G� INTERES'� COUPONS: That the interest coupon to be attached to said bon.ds shall be in substantially the following form: -12- No , � ON THE FIRST DAY OF , 19 ,� the CITY OF FRTENDSWOOD in the County of Galveston, State of Texas, PROMISES TO PAY TO BEARER, without exchange or collection charges, at the Citizens State Bank of Dickinson, Dickinson, Texas, the sum of � , iri any coin or currency of the United States of America which on such date is legal tender f or the payment of debts due the United States of America, being interest due that date on the City of Friendswood, Texas, Sewer Improvement Bond, Series 1g67, bearing the number hereinafter specified, dated March l, 1g67, Bond No, '� o�i' � � ayor, C' y of Friendswood, Texas / � � � ���=� : �i'J , , ,���� ��-" City Secretary, City ,r� Friendswood, Texas (SEAL) �( Cuupons maturing after March 1, 1982, shall �:ontain the following additional clause : unless the bond to which this coupon appertains has been called for previous redemption and due provision made to redeem same, ) Section 7: REGISTRATION OF BONDS BY STATE COMPTROLLER AND FORM OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE: That each of said bonds shall be registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, as provided by law, and the registration certificate of the said Comptroller, which certificate is t� be printed upon the back of each of said bonds and is to be manually executed, shall be in substantially -13- the following form: OFF�CE OF THE COMPTROLLER REGISTER N0 , I"HE STATE OF TEXAS T HEREBY CERTIFY that there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law; that he finds that it has been issued in conformity, with the Cor�stitution and laws of the State of Texas; and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon the City of Friendswood, of Gal�reston Cou�ty, Tex,as; and said bond has this day been registered by me o WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE at Austin, Texas, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas Section 8: INTEREST AND SINKING FUND - TAX LEVY: That there is hereby created a special f und to be designated "City of Friendswood, �exas, Sewer Impr��rement Bonds, Series ig67, Interest and Sinking Fund", and all taxes levied, assessed, and collected for and on account of the bonds authorized by this order shall, as collected, be deposited into said fund, That while said bonds or any part of the principal thereof o� interest thereon remain outstanding and unpaid, there is hereby leviecl and there shall be annually assessed and collected in due time� f orm and manner and at the same time other City taxes are as�essed, levied, and collected, in eaci� year, beginning with the current; year, a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax upon all -1�+- taxable property in said City sufficient to pay the current interest thereon and to create a sinking fund of not less than two per cent ( 2�) of the principal amount of said bonds, or of not less than the amount required to pay the principal payable out of said tax, whichever is greater, f ull allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection, and said taxes when collected shall be applied to the principal of and interest on said bonds and for no other purpose , Section g: APPROVAL AND REGISTRATION OF BONDS BY STATE OFFI�ERS: That it shall be the duty of the Mayor �f said City, or someone acting under authority of said Mayor, to submit the record of said bonds, and the bonds, to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for examina- tion and approval, and thereafter to have such bonds registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas . Section 10: SALE OF BONDSo That the sale of said bonds to i'.:is`rL"'� 'vJIidaTCT' 1`.�:J ti OPiPIir:", IP,;' at a price equal to the principal amount of such bonds, plus accrued i.nterest there�n f rom the date of the bonds to the date of actual delivery, plus a cash premium of� LLF;�` , subject to the unqualified approving opinion, as to the legality of said bonds, of the Attorney Gene.r�al of the State of Texas and Vinson, Elkins, Weems R� Searl.s, Houston9 Texas, market attorneys, is hereby authorized9 approved9 ratified and confirmed , When said bonds have been app�oved by the said Attorney General and registered by the -15- Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, they shall be delivered to the named purchaser upon receipt of the full purchase price . Section 11: DUTIES OF CITY OFFICIALS: That the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City and other appropriate officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to do any and al1 things necessary and/or convenient to carry out the provisions of this ordinance , Section 12: EFFECTNE DATE OF ORDIN.ANCE: That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force upon and after its adoption, and it is so ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading the 6th day of March, 1967. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading the 20th day of March, 1967. PASSED AND APPROVED on third and final reading the 3rd day of April, 1967. ,�� �, �� - 2� Mayor, ity of Friendswood, Texas ; �/�-,��. -f �. 2�� ;C;7 City Secretary, City of F riendswood, Texas (SEAL) -16- k