HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 93 � ; , . . . � ' , , ', : �., : ,
T�XAS: that th� following personnel policy be applied to all
present and future city employe?s.
(A) G�neral S�atement:
A11 employment made for and by the City of FriAndswood
will be rnade in the best interest of thP City.
(B) Citizenship:
Al1 employees shall be United States citiz?ns and/or
hold permanent allegiance thereto.
(c) Equal �mploym�nt:
All qualified appl3.cants will rAceivP Pqual Pmployment
consideration without regard to national origin, racA, color,
religion, or sex.
(D) R?sidents of the Cornmunitys
Al1 things being Pqual, priority consideration in
employment shall be givPn City of Friendswood rPsidents over
non-city residents.
(E) M�mbers of Family RPstriction:
No more than onA membAr of a family shall b� Amployed
by the City. This restr3ction appl3.es to both permanPnt and
temporary employm.ent. Members of a family are d�fined as; fath?r,
wife, husband, mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, first cousins,
or in-laws of any of the af'ore mentioned relatives. CurrPnt
employees are exempt from this provision.
(F) Employ�r/Employ�e Relations :
For the best interPSt of individuals and the City,
discuss3ons of current employees or new applican�s will be hAld
in a closed session unless City Council and PIYL�JI.0�7'PP, or applicant
decide unanimously that a public hearing is for the best intPrest
of all concerned.
(G) Personnel Policy Guidanc?:
The City shall P,XjJP.C'� loyalty and dedication from its
employees and in return the City will endPavor to make all dAcisions
affecting applicants and em.ploye?s without political implieations.
Citizens guidance committees will be used to rPrnovP political
implications when and if' they arise, The outside use of PxpPrts to
assist in preparing job dutiPs, qualification requiremAnts, and
salary recommendations is encourag?d.
(A) Position Control
Authority to crea�e positions for pPrmanent or tPmporary
. employment requiring disbursem�nt of City funds for salary purposes
is vested in city council. RAquests for nPw positions may bA
submit'�ed by the mayor, councilman or d?partment heads.
(B) Position DPscriptions :
Eaeh r�quest for a new position sha11 be accompaniPd by
a clear and conc3se signed mernorandum that shall;
1. IncludA proposPd �ob dutiPs and rPcommendPd salary.
2. Exact location of position.
3. Responsible supervisor.
�. If for a temporary posi�ion, estimated number of
work hours required.
�. Sf for part time, the estimated numbe� of work
hours per week and expected duration.
The City will maintain a mastPr file for all council
approved positions.
To cover contingeneies Pach position description shall
con�ain the statement "and to perform other duties as requirPd, �r
(C) Wage and SalariPS:
Each n�w position �i11 be Pvaluated and approved. In
determining an approv?d salary, considPration wi11 be g�ven to
such factors as prevailing wage rates in this arPa and in cities
similiar in size and facil3ties for similiar work, availability
of qualified personnel, etc.
(A) Qualification R�quirements :
Once a position is established, a memorandum shall bP
prepared, outlining the PXpP.I'j.P.I1CP requirPmen�s needPd to satis-
factorily perform the duties of tl�e position. For clerical,
unskilled, temporary, and/or laborer type er�ployees, usually a
brief listing of the skills and physical abilities required to
adequately perform the duties of the position will suffice, For
Department heads or supervisory positions, more detailed speci-
fications must be developed. Department heads o� supPrvisory
posit3.ons should normally requi�e a minirnurn of four years practi-
cal experience in the line of work for which recruitment is being
made. For these latter positions, educatior� above the sPCOndary
school level may be substitutablP f'or a maxirnum of tWo years of
the required experience.
(B) Advertising of Vacancy:
Once a position is es�ablished and qual3.fication
requirements are determined, comprehensivP publ3.city in the local
a�ea wi11 be given. This ptzblicity sha11 include;
1 ATature of position
2 Experience requirements
3 Annual o� hourly salary rangP
tl- Opening and closing dates for acceptance
of applications
(5) Wher? application forms arP to bP obtain?d
When experienced applicants of thP type dPsired are no�
likely to be available in �he City of Fri?ndswood, city council
will determine the ar?a of publicity.
(C) Temporary Positions:
Formal advertising praeedur�s :may be waiv?d for temporary
posit3.ons not expectPd to P.XCPF?(�. 90 calPndar days. ThP city
secretary shall be required to maintain a ros�er of local citiz�ns
interested in temporary work, and �heir skills. �totic? to this eff'ect
sha11 be posted at a11 tirnes on thP city bulletin board.
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(�} Application Forms:
The attachPd application format is hereby madP a part
of the ordinanee,
A supply of application forms shall be maintainPd a�
all �imes b� the city clerk. Employment applications receivPd
by the city shall be treated as a privileged doeurnent and will
not be made available under any circums�ances for general public
(A) T�mporary Employment
Selection for tPmporary employmPnt shall be madP from
the roster maintained by thP city cl?rk or from thos? who subr�it
applications as a result of for�.al advPrtising. SelPction shall
be by ma�ority council votP, if for more than 2� hours work and
shall be made from the followi.ng prioritiPs when practical:
(1) ThosP waiting induction into thP ArmPd
(2) Thos? who will bA aid?d in continuing �h?ir
formal education by thP tPmporary work and
school faculty.
(3) All other citi�ens of Friendswaod with
preference being given unemployed heads of
(B) Em�srgency Appoir�tments
The mayor and/or Department heads may, in the Pvent of
an emergency select and appoint employPes not to excAPd 2�+ working
hours. When possible, seleetion will be made frot� the rost?r
maintained by the city secretary. A brief w�itten report co��erning
these emergency appointmPnt� will be �ubmitted to the city secretary
for �etention and �eview'�by city council at �he next regular
(C) Permanent Employ�n�nt of Non Super�visory PersonnPl
Selection for permar�ent non-supervisory personnPl will
be recommended by thP mayor and/or dPpartmPnt head and be coi�fi 'rmPd
by �, ma�ority votP of city council. Selection will b? madA from
those submitting formal applications during the advertising p?riod.
(D) Permanent Employm�nt of Supervisor�r PersonnPl
SelPCtion shall be madP fror� thosP submit�ing formal
application during thA announced filing period as recommendPd by
the maqor and approvPd by Council majority vote.
(E) Qualific�.tion Inquiri�s on PermanPnt Emplo��es
QualiPication inquiries shall bP obtainPd prior to final
selection of any permanent employ?e. For positions considPred one of
trust {City SecrPtary, Tax As�essor, DPpartmPnt Heads, etc. ) the
qualification inquiries shall covPr at least a tPn year pAriod or
back to applieant�s 18th bi�thday. Such inquiries shall bP used to
veri�y aecuracy of claimed experience, arx�es� record, crPdit
standing, reliability patterns, etc. All qualification inquiries
shall be treated on a privileged basis (will not be discuss?d with
employee and will be maintained in a sPaled envelope insidP locked
cor�tainer when not in use by city council) . Applicant� for such
positions of trust are to be fingerprinted and such prints will bP
cleared through FBI, IdPntification Director.
(A) Lmploy�e Responsibilities
The following reasonable and proper requirements arP
asked of the employees :
(1) Put loyalty �o thP City and high moral principals
above loyalty to persons, party or departm?nt.
(2) Maintain an attitude of respPct bu� not of
s�.bservience toward those vested wi�h responsibility
for dirPction of their work.
Q3) GivP a full day�s work for a full days pay;
giving to thp p?rformanc? of' Yhis duties ?arnPst
effort and b?st thought.
(�+) Make no privatP promisP of any kind, binding
upon the duties of his position, sincP he has
no pr3.vate authority tha� is binding on thP city
or its governing body.
(5 ) Never make use of any information coming to him in
his official position as a means of making private
(6) Uphold the ordinances of the City and nevPr bP
a party to their evasion.
(7) Seek to find ways for more efficient and ?conomic
means of accomplishing tasks.
(8} Never use or a11ow to be used city property or
city working time to improve his privatP lot or
the private lot of othPrs.
(B) Off Duty Conduct
As employees of the City of FriAndswood, their conduet
must in many instances, be sub�ect to morA rPs�rictions and to
higher s�andards than may be the case in certain private employment.
Although the City is not interestPd in thA privatP lives of its
ernployees it does expPct them to bP honPst, rPliabl?, trustworthy,
and of good character and rPputation.
(C) Administrative Policy
While the City doPs not dAsirP to dPny the constitutional
rights of its employees, it is not considerAd to be in good taste
or the best interest of the city for its employ�?s to:
(1) Actively campaign for or against any candidatP
f'or city office. The�r are of course encouraged to
vote their convictions.
(2) Actively partic3patP in canvassing for signature
to petitions on any matter in regards to City policies.
(A) Voluntary R�signations :
A resigning P1Ilp1.O�P.P_ shall be P.XpP_C�PC� to act in good
faith and give the city sufficient time to secure a rpplac�m?nt.
A nor�-supervisory employee shall givP at least 2 weeks notice.
A supervisory employee should give at least � wPeks advancP notice.
Temporary employees need not give advanee notice unless Amployed
as a specialist for a specific job.
(B) Involutary S�aration:
Employ�es will be separated from city employmAnt when a
need no longer exists for th�ir service.
(C) Involutary Separation:For CausP :
Employ�es may bP separatPd for cause when their p?rformancP
of duties and/or conduct on or off duty is not consid�rAd in th?
best interest of the intPrPst of thP city. RPasons for involu�tary
separation under this paragraph may bA for:
1 Dishonesty
2 Misus? of city property or information.
3 Failure to satisfy �ust du�s and obligations.
� Insubordination to supervisors, ci�� officials,
and substantiatPd and continued disrPspect to
community residents.
(5) Unsatisfactory performance of job duties and
(D) ProcPdure for Involuntary Separation for CausP :
The employee recommended for separation for causP will be
advi�ed in writing of tha nature of thP complaint against him.
This written notice shall bP signed by the mayor, with concurrence
of city council. The employee will be afforded thP opportunity of
making a written reply in his behalf. If employee ?1?C�S to make a
written reply, due consideration will be givpn his reply by council,
and upon employee � s request he will bA granted a closed h?aring.
The mayor or department head may suspend employees without pay until
a decision is made upon his case.
(A) �arned Vacation
Permanent full time employPAs shall earn vacation as
follows. Temporary or part time PmployPPs do not earn vacation.
One through g years continuous employm?nt with th? City -
10 work days pPr yPar.
Ten through nineteen yPars continuous pmploymPnt with
the City - 15 work days pPr yAar.
Twe�ty or mor? years continuous PmploymAnt with thP
City - 20 work days per year.
Although employPes begin accruing leave on their first
work day it is not ava�lable for their use until the complPtion of
one fu11 year of City Pmployrnent.
(B) Continuous Service DPfined:
Continuous servic? is defined as continuous employment
unbroken by more than one 30-day period from start to point in time
that vacation is being figured. A break of more than 30 calPndar
days wi11 cause employPes to begin a new servicP period.
(C) Vacation Year:
The first vacation year will be the employee � s annivPrsary
year. Al1 other vacations will be computed from the calendar yPar.
(D) ForfPiture of Vacation:
Earned vacation not taken by the end of the calPndar
year is irrevocabally forfeited.
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(E) Vaeation Record Card:
A vacation record card shall b? prepared and maintainPd
for each permanent employee. This card will be kPpt currPnt and
will reeord the amount of vacation taken and the amount of vaeation
sti11 due. Employ�es will initial the card verifying vacation
(F) Termination of Employment:
Employ�es will be paid for any ParnPd vacation in th?
current calendar year and not taken prior to termination of
(G) Usage of Vacation:
Vacation belongs to the PmployeA and its j�dicious use is
encouraged. Employ�es ar? rAsponsiblP for planning vacations
sufficiently in advancP for approval by department heads to allow
proper planning to cover for thP employeets absence, Employeps
on vacation status will not be requirPd o� allowed to pPrform
regular duties except in cases of emergency or requested by thP
(H) I�ave of Absence:
A leave of absence may be allowed by approval of city
council in cases of emergency. T�ere will be no pay for this type
of leave of absence.
(A) Policy:
Sick leave is a privilege and not a right of th? Amployee.
Emplayees that abuse sick leave privileges shall be tPrminatPd from
emplo�rment. No s3.ck leave will be allowed part-time or temporary
employees. A permanent employee is one that is er�ployed in a
continuing position and normally works a 1�0-hour week or more.
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(B) Amount of Sick LPav? Allowed:
A permanPnt PIIIIJZOyP,fP earns up to (10) working days sick leavP
per calendar ; year at full pay and can acru? up to a ma.ximu� of 100
days. Each day of sick l�ave taken by QmployPA w�Il b? dPducted from
the accumulated sick leavP to�al.
(C) Medical CPrtificatPs :
Employees shall be required to sub�n3.� a sta�Ament from an
attending physician f�r any sick leave in excPSS of two working days.
Med3.ea1 certificates will not be r?quired for absence du? to illness
of less than two working days. However, if there is abusP of sick
leave privileges, medical certificatPS will be requirPd for all
periods of sick leave taken. l�edical certificatPs are acceptablP
only from licensed medical doctors or doctors of osteopath�r.
(D) In�ur a�c�rrix� on Job:
Earp��yees::3:t��ured,.on the �ob will be covered �under thP
provisions of' the Workmens Compensation Program.
(E) Sick Leave Record:
A record card on each PITip1.03TP.P authorized sick leav? shall
be mainta3ned and regularly reviewed by DApartment Heads to dPtermine
whether there is any apparent abusP of sick leave. Employees shall
be required to initial their sick leav? ca�d for any sick 1PavP �aken.
(A) Holiday Leave :
In the ?vent the holidays listPd below fall on a regular
work da�, permanent full-time employees shall bP granted leavP
for that day with full pay without chargP to �heir normal vacation
leave. In the event Christmas and NP� Years Day fall on a �aturday
or Sunday, employees shall be granted PithQr Friday or Monday
off with full pay without charge to their normal vacation leave.
Authorized paid holidays ar? as follows : New Y�ars Day, MPmorial
Day, �u1y �th, La.bor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day,
(B) Funeral LPave :
Employees may be granted up to a maximum of thr?P days
leave with pay for a dPath in his or her immed3.ate family. Normally,
this leave will be granted for the day beforP the funeral, funPral
day and the day after. Weeker�ds or holidays do not act to extend
this funeral leave, i.e. , if the funeral is on a Saturday thp
employee wi11 be given Fr3day oPf and will be expPcted to report
for duty on the following Monday.
(C) Jury Duty:
Employ�es will be granted leave with normal pay if
summoned for �ury duty. All monies received by the employee, less
any received for travel expense, will be turnPd over to the city
treasurer. Failure to turn this money over to the city treasurer
will result in the employee not receiving any City pay for this
time off.
(D) AttendaneP at ConfArPnces, Schools, Etc.
On recommendation of department heads, the city council
may grant leave with pay, with necessary travAl and Pxpense allow-
ance if deemed proper, in o�der to pPrmit employees holding per-
manent full-time positions to attend conf'erences, schools, and
similia� events design?d �o improvP their efficiency and considered
as being benefic3al and in the best interest of th? City.
(E) Military Leave :
Members of the activP reservP who are required to train
on active duty for 15 days each year shall be granted rnilitary
leave for this purpo�P upon presentation of proper mil3tary ordPrs.
Employees in �his category will receivP City pay to make up th?
difference between his mil3.tary pay and his normal C3ty salary.
Proof of amount of military pay received must be submitted to the
City treasurer �o r?ceivP City pay for this leave.
(F) Leave for F'[all-Time Military Duty:
Employ�es who are inducted or volun�arily enlist in lieu
of induction into the armed services w3.11 be granted leave withou�
pay for the duration of the obligated s�rvice. Any voluntary
extension of active duty will relieve the Ci�y from any rPspansi-
bility in restoring the individual to the City employm?nt ro3�ls.
The Ci�y will comply with the SP..].P.C'��.VP S?rvice Act of 1g�8 and
any amendments thereto.
(G} Leave Without Pay:
Leave without pay for up to a year may bP grant?d City
employees by city council. Normally, this type of leavP will bP
granted only when the period of leavP will enhance thP City�s
posi�ion, i.e. , employee desires to receivP furth?r education or
f'or extended medical treatment.
' � • � • . . . ' .#
(A) Fiospitalization Insur�.nce:
Permanent full-time employees may be covered by hospitalization
insurance - the contract on which to be deterrnined by city council.
The City will pay one-half the cost of the standard policy on ea.ch
employee participating. �xtended coverage and coverage of inembers
of the employees family costs will be paid entirely be the emplo�Tee.
as will one-ha.l�' tre bremiu� of his own policy. P�ospitaliz�tion
insurance ifi on a, voluntary basis.
(B) Retirement:
Until such time as the C�,ty is lar�e enough to support a
retirement pro�ram, employees �Till be covered by Social Security.
Withholdin�r from emplo�ees salary and Gity contribution shall be
in accorda.nce with current le�al amounts.
{�) �ersonnel Folder:
There shall be mair_tained for each current e�ploye�, temporary
and permar.ent, and for eacr new employee and official personnel
fol�er. This folder is the property of th�; city and will be kept
up to date and in an active status for as long a.s the employee
remains in the employ of the city. Upon termination of an employee
the folder will be retained in an inactive status.
(�} C ontents of Folder:
The official personnel falder shall include the follov�Tin�:
(1) �:mployment �pplication
(2) k'ay records, sick leave and vacation record cards
(where applicable)
(3) P osition description mainta,ined on a current status
(�) F'�vorable and unfavorable commumica.tior_s
(,�) A recent photograph and fingerprints
{6) Any other meterial that may be required for future use.
(C ) �ualifica.tion Inquiries:
Qua.lification unquiries received in re�ards to an employee� s
previous record vaill not be maintained in the official personnel
folder. They Uaill be ma�_n.tainect in � sealed pQuch in a locked con-
tainer. Heference UTill be placed in the personnel folder as to
location of these inquiries.
(L) �m�loyees PevieUr of Folder:
Employees will be authorized to revie�rr their own personnel
folder, however, they will not be authorized to review com�unications
recieved from for�er e�ployers or references solicited by the City.
(A) Overtime 4dork and Fa�r for F��ourl�y Employees:
Overtime work shall be perfor�ed only on authorization of the
P�ayor or C auncil and to the extent necessary ta meet essential
operating requirements. In tY��e event of extreme emergency, depa.rt-
�ent heads may authorize overtime work. Compensation for overti�e
work v�7i11 be at straight-time rate.
(B( Overtime for Salaried Employees:
All salaried employees are expected to work without extra
compensation for wh�tever number of hours may be necessary to
properly perform their assigned duties. The salaries are determined
and established in accordance with this assumption.
(C ) Embloyees Obli�ation to Work Overtime:
In case of a major failure of City utilities, all City
employees, hourly and salaried, are subject to perform overtime
work to restore the inoperative u tility. Failure of employees to
report for assisting in re�airing these failures Urithout a valid
reason, �Till subject the employee to disciplinary action to include
possible termination from employment.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
subsection, section, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion shall be
deemed separate, and distinct; and an independent provision and
such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion
PASSED and APPRGVED on first reading this the � day of ����z��
1967.A. D.
PASSED and APPFiOVED on second reading this the ,Zo�'day of����u4 0
1967 A. D.
PASSED and APPAOVED on third and final reading this the � � day of
7?��z�c'.� 1967 A. D.
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Halph L. Lowe - N:ayor
Artha Wright - City Secretary