HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 74 ORDINANCE #74 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING EMPLOYERS WHOSE BUSINESS IT IS TO SELL FOOD, I OR TO MANUFACTURE, PREPARE, STORE, PACK, SERVE AND SELL THE SAME WITHIN THE CITY, NOT TO EMPLOY ANY PERSON INFECTED WITH A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE AT THE PLACE OF SUCH BUSINESS, AND NOT TO EMPLOY SUCH AN EMPLOYEE WHO HAS FAILED TO DELIVER TO SAID EMPLOYER A CERTIFICATE FROM A LICENSED PHYSICIAN ATTESTING TO THE FACT THAT THE EMPLOYEE IS FREE FROM CONTAGIOUS DISEASES REQUIRING EMPLOYERS TO PROVIDE FOR EXAMINATIONS BY LICENSED PHYSICIANS OF EMPLOYEES AT TWELVE (12) MONTH INTERVALS, REQUIRING EXAMINING PHYSICIANS TO MAKE A HISTORY OF THE EMPLOYEE TO DETERMINE IF SUCH EMPLOYEE IS A CARRIER OF CERTAIN 1 DISEASES, REQUIRING CHEST X-RAYS; PROVIDING THAT DIRECTOR OF GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT SHALL ENFORCE THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT FAILURE TO DISPLAY AT THE PLACE OF BUSINESS VALID HEALTH CERTIFICATES SHALL BE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF A FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS ORDINANCE; FIXING RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SUCH VIOLATOR SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE ($5.00) NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS, DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT FOR READING THIS ORDINANCE ON THREE (3) SEPARATE DAYS, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND ADOPTION AND PUBLICATION BY CAPTION ONLY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: SECTION I Employees to be free from infections diseases; employer mist have health certificate; providing for physical examination; requiring chest x-rays. (a) No person, firm, corporation, common carrier, or associ- ation., operating or managing, or conducting any hotel or any other public sleeping or eating place, or any place or vehicle where food or drink or containers thereof, of any kind is manufactured, transferred, prepared, stored, packed, served, sold or otherwise handled in the City of Friendswood, or any manufacturer of or vendor of candies or manufactured sweets, shall work, ,employ or keep in their employ, in, on, or about any said place or vehicle, or have delivered any article there- from, any person infected with any transmissable condition of any infectious or cantagious disease, or work, or employ any person to work in, on, or about said place, or to deliver any article therefrom, who, at the time of his or her employment, failed to deliver to the employer or his agent, a certificate signed by a legally licensed physician, residing in the county where said person is to be employed or is employed, attesting to the fact that the bearer had been actually and thoroughly examined by a physician within a week prior to the time of such employment and that such examination disclosed the fact that such person to be employed was free from any transi missable condition of any infectious or contagious disease; or fail to institute and have made, at intervals of time not exceeding twelve (12) months, actual and thorough examinations, essential to 1 I the findings of freedom from communicable and infectious diseases, of all such employees, by a legally licensed physician residing in the county where said person is employed, and secure in evidence thereof a certificate signed by such physician stating that such examination had been made of such person, disclosing the fact that he or she was free from any transmissable condition of any communicable and infectious disease. (b) A careful history of Typhoid fever and Dysentery shall be taken by the physician performing the examination and If such history reveals that the person being examined has at any time in the past, had typhoid fever or dysentary, the .physician shall per- form such tests as he deems necessary, to determine that the person being examined is not a carrier of Typhoid fever or Dysentery. (c ) Such other examinations and tests as the Health Officer and/or the examining physician deems necessary to determine freedom from any communicable disease, shall be performed. (d) No person shall be eligible for a Health Certificate under the terms of this ordinance, who has not had an x-ray of his or her chest taken by a licensed physician or qualified x-ray technician, approved by the Health Officer, for the determination of presence or absence of tuberculosis and unless such x-ray shall have been determined to be negative. Such person shall furnish to the Health Officer a certificate evidencing the fact that such x-ray has been taken and the results of such x-ray examination. SECTION II - Director of Galveston County Health Unit to Enforce this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of the Director of the Galveston County Health Unit to enforce this ordinance. The Director of the Galveston County Health Unit shall have the authority to establish rules for the registration of physicians certificates and to accept the results of other examinations and tests in lieu thereof, and to issue a registration card to show that the person named thereon has complied with all of the provisions of this ordinance; providing further, that the said registration card must bear the signature of the person named thereon and shall be displayed for public inspection at the place where such person is employed. SECTION III - Failure to Display Employees Health Certificates An Offense. (a) The failure of any person, firm, corporation, common 2 carrier or association engaged in the businesses described in this ordinance to display for public inspection at the place where any of the operations of such businesses are being conducted, a valid health or registration certificate, as required by this ordinance, for each person working and/or employed in, on or about such place, shall be prima facie evidence that the firm, corporation, common carrier or association in violation of this ordinance, failed to exhibit and/or require the exhibition of the pre-employment health certificate, of such person and failed to institute and have made of such persons, actual and thorough examinations necessary to the freedom from communicable diseases at intervals not to exceed twelve (12) months. (b) The responsibility for the compliance with the pro- visions of this ordinance shall rest equally upon the employer and employee and either or both employer and employee shall be liable to the penalties of this ordinance for failure to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance, SECTION IV - Penalty for Violations. Any person, firm or corporation found violating the terms , of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction be fined not less than Five ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. PASSED and APPROVED on first reading, this 21st day of December, 1965, A.D. PASSED and APPROVED on second reading, this 17th day of January, 1966, A.D. PASSED and APPROVED on third reading, this 21st day of February, 19bb, A.D. rry agner, mayor e City \ of Friend wood, Texas -ATTEST;_ AFTEN—WrIght, City secret6S j y J& I PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT y : Logos Helices I THE STATE OF TEXAS • : COUNTY OF GALVESTON mum fine of ten($10.00)dol- enforce this_ordinance;,pro j BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day lays, vidingthatfailuretodisplayat- personally appeared A. Newborn ORDINANCE 65 the place of business valid. P y PP J. , Jr., who on his oath An ordinance prohibiting the health certificates shall be] stated: shooting of firearms,air guns prima facie evidence ofafaH=i or cannon crackers In the cor- ure to comply with this ordt.;1 porate limits. of the City of nance; ,fixing responsibility I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL, Frlendswood, Texas and pro-' for compliance with thisordi-` .viding a penalty for violations. nance;.providing that a viola- a newspaper published in Galveston County, Texas, and ORDINANCE 70 Lion of this ordinance shall be know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; An ordinance altering the- a misdemeanor and Upon con- prima facie speed limits es- victton such violator shall be, that the attached printed matter is a true and correct tablished for vehicles under punished by a fine of not less the provisions of Article than five($5.00)nor more than" copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- 6701D, Vernon's Texas Civil, two hundred($200.00)dollars,"" Statutes, upon the basis of an' dispensing with the require- ports to be a copy as the same appears in such news- engineering and traf ib'inves- ment,for reading this ordl- in the issue of tlgation, upon certain streets -nance.'an three-(3) separate paper May 7, 1970 And April 30, 1970 andhighways,orparts thereof, days, and providing that this'; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is within the corporate limits of ordinance shall becomeeffec-, $123.00 the CityofFriendswood,asset tive.from and after Its passage i out In this ordinance;.andpro- and adoptionand publication by ' viding a penalty of aline not to. caption only. , exceed $200.00 for the viola- -ORDINANCE 79 ? tion of this ordinance:* _ _ ;An ordinance .requiring, ORDINANCE 71• . weeds and grass to be cut upon '• """'� ' "'"' """" An ordinance designating.' premises and that rubbish and Laurel Drive,Spreadleg Oaks' "trash.be.'removed thersitrom; Ave. and WoodlaivnDrlve one- .fixing a penalty for a fine not way streets;between thehours� to exceed $50 for failure to SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the of 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.and - comply,.. with such ordinance;;- said J. A. Newborn, jr., this between thehoursof2:30P.M.7 and ;:declaring that allowing, 21st day of May, 1970 to 4:30 P.M.; Monday thru weeds to-grow and trash'and to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. Friday; setting the speed limit rubbish to accumulate to be of twenty (20) miles per hour _nuisance._ ... . . 1.'- - - during the above mentioned ORDINANCE 85E . .', time period and providing for - An , ordinance prohibiting g ✓ l--ivt�o .,J',,, �74 // ..•...••..•...•.•• ..•a penaltyctause. certain vehicle traffic from """"""'�ORDINAN crossing the Castlewood PUBLI GALVESTQN OUNTY TEXAS An ordinance rem Bridge 1n the City OtFrlends- My commission expires June 1,//7/ (SEAL) plovers whose business it is to wood. Providing,a severabll-. sell food, or to manufacture, ity clause and a penalty_ and, prepare, store, pack„serve declaring an emergency. and sell the same within the - . ORDINANCE 88 city, not to employ such an An • ordinance designating employee who has failed,to that emergency motor equip- deliver to said employer a ment and vehicles of the certificate from'•a• licensed Friendswood Volunteer Fire physician attesting to the fact 'Department.shall have right- that the employee is free from '.of-way;;probibiting the cross- contagious diseases requiring ing of a fire hose In use;raga . employers to provide for ex- lating.parking near the.Fire aminations by licensed physi- Station and,near fire hydrant,• -i cians of employees at,twelve-_prohibiting.following of...fire (12) month lntervkls,requiring vehicle,. responding to emer- examining physicians to make gency; prohibiting .false fire determine If such employee Is .alarm; providing for traffic i a carrier of certain diseases,' control;, prohibiting misuse,l requiring chest x-rays; pro- darnage or 'removal of-$re! . viding that Director ofGalves- 'department equipment; re- ton County Health Unit shall quirlag that operators of fire