HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 71 q ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING LAUREL DRIVE, SPREADING OAKS AVE. AND WOOD- LAWN DRIVE ONE-WAY STREETS; BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 : 30 A.M. TO 8:30 A.M. AND BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 2: 30 P.M. TO 4:30 P.M. ; MONDAY THRU FRIDAY; SETTING THE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR DUR- ING THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIME PERIOD AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. Laurel Drive, Spreading Oaks Avenue and Woodlawn Drive shall be one-way streets between the hours of 7:30 p.m. to 8: 30 a.m. and between the hours of 2: 30 p.m. to 4: 30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, setting the speed limit of twenty (20) miles per hour during the above mentioned time period, i (a) Laurel Drive to be one-way in a southeasterly direction from its intersection with Shadowbend Avenue extending to its intersection with Spreading Oaks Avenue. I (b) Spreading Oaks Avenue to be one-way in a southwesterly direction from its intersection with Laurel Drive extending ',to its intersection with Woodlawn Drive. (c) Woodlawn Drive to be one-way in annorthwesterly direction from its intersection with Spreading Oaks Avenue extending to its intersection with Shadowbend Avenue. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of any sec- tion of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of creating and main- taining a public nuisance and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS nor more than TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) DOLLARS. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or un- constitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion shall be deemed separate, distinct and an independent provision and sudh holding ! shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Passed and Approved on first reading day of Passed and Approved on second reading LLday of I/9���✓�. di �1 Passed and Approved on final reading ;2j day of APPROVED: t . 1 HARRY D. WAGNER, May ATTEST; i K16 ARTHA WRIGHT U City Secretary 1 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT yb �& i�A'H2 �`�XJJ�Lrsi�� - ` THE STATE OF TEXAS d<. COUNTY OFGALVESTON mum fine of ten($30.00)dal- enforce this ordinance;.pro-� BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, oa thin day lars. 4 vidbia that fsilure-todlsplayat ORDINANCE 65 � the place of business valldl Personally appeared J. A. Newborn, Jr., who on his oath An ordinance prohibiting the health certificates shall be" stated: shooting of firearms,airguns prima facie evidence ofafail- or cannon crackers In the cor- ure to comply with this ord1='i porate limits of the City of nance; ,fixing responsibility' I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL, Frlendswood, Texas and pro- for compliance with thisordi viding a penalty for violations. nance; providing that a viola a newspaper published in Galveston County, Texas, and ORDINANCE 70 . tion of this ordinance shall be An ordinance altering the' a misdemeanor and upon con know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; ' prima facie speed limits es- viction such violator shall be that the attached printed matter is a true and correct tablished for vehicles under punished by a fine of not less, the provisions of .Article than five($5.00)nor more than copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- 6701D, Vernon's Texas Civil two hundred($200.00)doUars;•' ' Statutes, upon the basls.of an. dispensing with the requlre-," ports to be a copy as the same appears is such news- engineering and traffie Ihves- ment for reading this ordi- tigation, upon certain streets nance 'on three.(3) separate Paper is the issue of May 7�, 1970 And April 30, 1970 and highways,or parts thereof, days, and providing that this, The charge by this newspaper for such publication is ` within the corporate limits of ' ordinance shall become effee- the City ofFrlendswood,asset tive•irom and after its passage- $123.00 out in this ordinance;.andpro- and adoption and publication by, viding a penalty of a fine notto cap on only. i exceed $200.00 for the viola- ORDINANCE 79 Lion of this ordinanc ;An -ORDINANCE requiringf" �. ORDINAN Vkknating . -. weeds and grass to be cut upon, An ordinance , premises and that rubbish and Laurel Drive,Spreading Oaks 'trasli be•removed therefrom; . Ave. and Woodlawn Drive one- .fixing a penalty for a fine not way streets;between the hours' to exceed $60 for failure to ' SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the of 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A_.M.and comply;with such ordinance;; said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this ' between the hours of2:30P.M. , and declaring that allowing 21st day of May, 1970 to 4:30 P.M.; Monday-thru weeds;to.grow and trash end, to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. Friday; setting the speed limit rubbish to accumulate to be a, of twenty (20) miles per hour nuisance. t •',,- - during the above mentioned ORDINANCE 85E ... time period and providing for .. An ordinance prohibitingZ.......... ....... ... Y a penalty clause. - certain vehicle traffic from NOTARY FUBLI GALVESTON COUNTY TEXAS ORDINANCE 74 crossing the Castlewood' My commission expires June l;i`f�1 � (SEAL) An ordinance requlringem- Bridge In the City of Friends-,� players whose business it is to wood. Providing a severabil-. sell food, or to manufacture, ity clause.and a.penalty and; prepare, store, pack, serve declaring ari emergency. and sell the same within the ORDINANCE 88 city, not to employ such an, An ordinance, designating employee who has tailed to that emergency niotor equip- deliver to said employer a ment and vehicles- of, the certificate from a licensed Friendswood Volunteer Fire physician attesting to the fact Department shall have right- that the employee is free from of-way;,problbiting the cross- contagious diseases requiring ing of fire hose In use;regu-. employers to provide for ex-. lating-parking near the.Fire aminations by licensed physi- Station and-near fire hydrant; .i cians of employees at twelve prohlbiting following of fire (12) month Intervals,requiring vehicle respondmg to emer- examining physicians to make gency,. prohibiting false fire;;, determine if such employeeis alarm;;providing for traffic f a carrier of certain diseases, 'control; prohibiting misuse,, requiring chest x-rays; pro- damage or removal of fire ' vlding that Director ofGalves- department equipment; re- ton County Health Unit shall quiring that operators of Are