HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 61 ORDINANCE NO. Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS REQUIRING COMPLUSORY PICKUP OF ALL GARBAGE AND TRASH BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS DULY ASSEMBLED: Section One: Every owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using or occupying any building, house or structure within the city for a residence, church, school, lodge, industry, or for commercial, business and other purposes , shall provide and maintain' garbage cans and receptacles of sufficient number and size, to hold the garbage and trash that will normally accumulate on the premises . Each container shall be not less than ten nor more than thirty- i one gallons and shall be constructed of substantial materials with a tight fitting lid or cover and equipped with handles sufficiently strong for workmen to empty such containers . Section Two The lids or covers of all containers shall at all times be kept secure and fastened so that flies and other insects may } not have access to the contents of the containers , and such lids ) or covers shall only be removed while the containers and recep- tacles are being filled or emptied. Section Three The receptacles for trash and garbage shall be placed at the point, found and designated by the occupant and the agent of the city. In the event trash is of such a nature that it cannot be put in the receptacle, it shall be carefully placed in bundles under fifty pounds in weight so it can be removed con- veniently, and tree limbs and' hedge cuttings shall not- exceed three feet in length. Section Four As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall 1 mean: Garbage-All animal or vegetable matter, such as waste material and refuse from kitchens , residences, grocery stores, butcher shops, restaurants , cafes, hotels , rooming and boarding- houses, such definition to include other deleterious substances . Trash-Rubbish, such as feathers, coffee grounds, ashes , tin cans,) paper boxes, glass , grass, shrubs, yard cleanings, grass clippings, leaves and tree trimmings . Section Five i No person except the duly authorized agents and employees of the city shall empty garbage cans or trash recep- tacles or convey, haul or transport garbage or trash on the streets, alleys and public thoroughfares of the city. A Any person or persons who can show proof that they have the transportation to haul their own personal garbage and trash outside the city limits and dispose of garbage, trash and all other refuse in an orderly, safe, and sanitary manner, may obtain a permit for same from the City Office ( at no charge ) SECTION SIX ' The fee for the service rendered, shall be billed monthly to the person receiving garbage service. A fair and reasonable classification of the houses, buildings, and premises in the city for fixing rates for the collection and removal of trash and garbage and the minimum rate per month for such service shall be : 1. Residents NOn the Street Pickup 2.25 Back Door Pickup 13.00 2. Business - To be negotiated with the garbage collector and the owner of the business. SECTION SEVEN In the event that any owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee using or occupying any building, house, or structure within the city for the residence, church, school, lodge, industry or for commercial business shall refuse or fail in any way shall be in violation of this Ordinance. Said person may be fined a minimum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS to a maximum of TWO-HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS. PASSED and APPROVED on first reading the 4th day of January, 1965. PASSED and APPROVED on second reading the 18th day of January, 1965. I PASSED and APPROVED on final reading the 1st day of February, 19651,. APPROVED: "4'4� D HARRY D. WAGNER - MAYOR ATTEST: ARTHA WRIGHT - CITY SECRET Y i PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Speed Zone Ordlnance:No.1331, Texxs.,Provldi6gapeialtyaot An ordinance alte.ririg`the ,-toexceedtivohundied($200.00) prima facie'spied limits es , 'dollars for violation ' THE STATE OF TEXAS tablished for vehicles +under _ ORDINANC1.E 41 the provisions of Article An ordinance of the`City.of COUNTY OF GALVESTON MOM, Vernon's Texas Civil. *-Friendswood,Texas prohibit- statutes, upon'the basin oY an ing-the,sale'ofany type of fire-`, BEFORE ME the undersigned authori oa this da engineering and traffic Inver works within the city limits:,I authority, I y tigatfon, upon-certain.streets ,ORDINANCE 54� ':' personally appeared A. Newborn Jr., ho on his oath and highways,or parts.there h An.ordinance.making"neg-. P y PP J. ' ' of,within the corporate limits ISgent collision" an offeasg;;1 stated: of the City of Friendswood,as " providing that if any driver 'r set out In this ordinance, and 'operator;ofavehicleshallwith`I providing apenaltyofafinenot negligence "'collide with: or I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL, to exceed$200 for theviolatfon` cause damageto anyother"ve- anewspaper ublished in Galveston Count , of this ordinance. _hick orproperty whatsoever:,, P y, Texas and _ Zoning Ordinance No.132 he or she shall be,gutlty,of i know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; i An ordinance"°of the City - negligent collision; defining Council of the City of Friends "negligence" by adopting the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct wood,Texas providing forand definition contained in the pen adopting comprehensive rules al"code of this,state in the title" copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- ind regulations, .governing" antichapter:ofaegligenthomi-,'- Ports to be a copy as the same appears is such news- zoning; providing for building -cide,and providing a penalty;,; permits and fees and charges. defining;"vehicle;'pr`oviding paper in the issue of May T, 1970 I therefor; repealing-all ordl- that proof oY no Intent to col-,. , And April 30, 1970 nances and parts thereof In ' lido shall not be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is conflict herewith;andprovid- "providing for exceptions to 1 $123.00 ing a penalty for violations Fire,�bepaitment and Police,, hereof Inan amountofnotless bepai+tment vehicles and sue- than one dollar and not more -1 pending'the rule requiring or than two hundred dollars;mak dinances tobe read on two sep- , ing each violation,a Separate arate and several days. .:..,... _.. .... . offense; making each day such ,ORDINANCE 58 - : ' J, A, NEWB RBI, JR. violation contbmes.a separate t An :ordinance authorizing offense; and providing for in- the erection of stop signs;and'. - Junctive remedies. suspending the rule requiring. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by he ORDINANCE"28'4. -" + ordinances to be readonthree- An ordinance amending Or separate,.and several_:days-1 said J. A. Newborn Jr., this -dlnance No. 28.of the Cityof Whereas, the -safety and'wel 21st day of May, 1970 Friendswood requiring ped- fare of the citizens of the City to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. dlers or solicitors to'iegister Of -Friendswood, Galveston - with the City Secretary; show County, Texas, requires that. proof of identity, requiring, stop signs be erected, 1 j bond;prohibited between car ,: - ORDINANCE 80 . ..... �.. .'f .tain hours; penalty clause An ordinance authorizing ••NOTARY PUBLI , GALVESTQN COUNTY, TEXAS ORDINANCE 37 - �' the erection of yield right,of+ My commission expires June 1 (SEAL) An ordinance requiring way signs;and suspending the 1 weeds and grass.to be cut upon" rule requiring ordinances to premises and that rubbishand' be read on three separate and' trash be removed;therefrom; several days.', fixing a penalty fora fine not .Whereas,thesafetyandwel-j to exceed$50.00 for failure to fare of the citizens of the City comply with such ordinance; "of Friendswood, Galveston and declaring that allowing .County, Texas, requires that weeds to grow and trash and , the yield right-of-way signs rubbish to,accumulate to be a be erected, nuisance. - -. ' ,,ORDINANC 61, ORDINANCE 41`" An ordinance oY a ty of?.•' An ordinance requiring all Frlecdswood,`Tekas requiring " c_ or icku of a 1gar=�,i swimming pools be fencedand;.A' �+P�S..�YwP_.d,. P � - equipped with self closing bage and trash `:;•al gates; providing a penalty of ORDINANCE 64 any sum not less than $5.00 An ordinance providing"a: nor more than$200.00 ' curfev'iorallchildreotwenfy- ORDINANCE 42 one years of age and younger;L An ordinance prohibiting providing apenalty of amaal- ; ' animals running,at large with- ' mum' fine of one-hundred In the City of Friendswood, ,($100.00),dollars and a mint ' I I