HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 58 ORDINANCE N0, 58 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ERECTION OF STOP SIGNS: AND SUSPENDING THE RULE REQUIRING ORDINANCES TO BE READ ON THREE SEPARATE AND SEVERAL DAYS. WHEREAS, the safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, requires that stop signs be erected, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: SECTION ONE The street intersections hereinafter set forth be, and they are hereby designated to have stop signs, to-wit: On CORNER INTERSECTING N.W. CHOATE EDGEWOOD AVE. FM 518 S.E. CHOATE (EDGEWOOD AVEJ FM 518 S.W. PRAIRIEWILDE DRIVE FM 2351 (EDGEWOOD AVE, ) N.E. WOODLAWN DRIVE FM 2351 EDGEWOOD AVE. N.E. GARDEN DRIVE FM 2351 EDGEWOOD AVE. N.W. SHADOWBEND AVE. WOODLAWN DRIVE S.E. SHADOWBEND AVE. WOODLAWN DRIVE S.W. LAUREL DRIVE SPREADING OAKS N.E. CEDARWOOD DRIVE SPREADING OAKS N.W. ECHO AVE. CEDARWOOD DRIVE S.E. RON CIRCLE CEDARWOOD DRIVE S.E. CAREY LANE CEDARWOOD DRIVE N.W. CLEAR CREEK DRIVE WINDINGWAY DRIVE N.W. LEISURE LANE WINDINGWAY DRIVE N.E. DEEPWOOD DRIVE WHISPERING PINES N.E. MINGLEWOOD WHISPERING PINES NORTH ENTRiINCE N.E. 'MINGLEWOOD WHISPERING PINES SOUTH ENTR NCE S.E. MAGNOLIA AVE. MORNINGSIDE DRIVE 11 N.W. MAGNOLIA AVE. MORNINGSIDE DRIVE S.E. SHADOWBEND MORNINGSIDE DRIVE N.W. SHADOWBEND MORNINGSIDE DRIVE N.E. HERITAGE DRIVE SHADOWBEND i S.W. HERITAGE DRIVE SHADOWBEND S.W. QUEEN'S CROSSING SHADOWBEND N.E. QUEEN'S CROSSING IMPERIAL DRIVE N.E. IMPERIAL DRIVE CHOATE ROAD SOUTH ENTRANCE N.E. IMPERIAL DRIVE CHOATE ROAD NORTH ENTRANCE N.E. ROYAL COURT CHOATE ROAD SOUTH ENTRANCE N.E ROYAL COURT CHOATE ROAD NORTH ENTRANCE N.E. DIAMOND LANE CHOATE ROAD S.W. MELODY LANE CHOATE ROAD S.E. LOTTIE LANE FM 518 S.E. MARY ANN DRIVE of It N.W. & S.E. HERITAGE DRIVE N.W. & S.E. SHADOWBEND AVE. N.W. & S.E. WILLOWICK AVE. " N.W. & S.E. SPREADING OAKS S.E. STONES THROW S.E. ECHO AVE. N.W. & S.E. MERRIEWOOD DRIVE N.W. & S.E. WINDINGWAY WEST ENTRANCE " N.W. &. S.E. WINDINGWAAY EAST ENTRANCEIf 11 N.W. & S.E. FM 528 N.W. LEISURE LANE If JI N.W. WHISPERING PINES " if N.W. CLEARVIEW AVE. N.W. EAST ENTRANCE MEDICAL CENTER N.W. SUNNYVIEW AVE. if it N.W. MAGNOLIA AVE. " it S.W. WINDINGWAY FM"528 N.E. WINDINGWAY FM 528 SECTION TWO It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to drive any motor vehicle and fail to stop at any stop signs within the city limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas. SECTION THREE Any person, firm, corporation or association who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty. of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined inran amount not less than Ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars. SECTION FOUR If any section or part of any section of this ordinance shall be held invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not effect the validity of the remaining sections or any portions thereof, it be the intention of the City Council in passing this ordinance to give full force and effect to all other provisions of this ordinance independent of those so declared invalid. SECTION FIVE The City Council deems it advisable that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate and several days be suspended, and accordingly, the rule is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this the P-1-1p day of 'L'11, 1964,A.D. ATTEST Harry D. Wagner - Mayor Artha Wright - City Secretary I ,r- } PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Speed Zone Ordinance No,..1931. Texas. :ProvldingapenaltynoE An ordinancealtering%-th-e toexceedtw6hundred($200.00) prima facie speed limits-es.i 'dollars for violation THE STATE OF TEXAS tablished for vehicles_under' . _ ORDINANCE 49 : ' the provisions of i` ttcle' An.ordinance„of the'City of COUNTY OFGALVESTON 670ID Vernon's,Texas Givll "-Frlendswood;,Texas prohibit- Statutes, upoe the basis of sn,' ing the sale;ofanytypi.oifire- I BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day engineering and traffic invss-: .works within the city limits.. , tigation, upon-,certain streets „- ORDINANCE 54 appeared A. Newborn Jr., who on his oath and highways,orpartstriere �An:ordinanco`:'making eg '� personally PP 01,withinthecorporatelimiCs�"ligent. aollision!T'an�offense; I stated: of the City ofFriendsivood,as providing that ff any driveror set out in this ordinance;and operator oYavehicIs shallwith`,I I blisher of THE SUBURBAN URNAL providing apenaltyofa fine not negligence; coll am ide with, or publisher , to exceed$200 for the violation cause dainage'to anyotherve anewspaper published in Galveston County, Texa; and of this ordinance.- ,hicle or property whatsoever,, Zoning Ordinance No.132 he or she .shall be, guilty of know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; An ordinance`of ;the City negligent collision; defining Council of the City of Friends- "negligence" by adopting the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct wood,Texas providing forand definition contained in the pen- adopting comprehensive rules• - al code of this;state in the title copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- ind regulations governing and chapter,.of,negligenthoml- ports to be a copy as the same appear is such news- zoning; providing,for building - tide and;providing,a penalty; :, permits and fees and charges deflning --vehlcle;-'providing paper in the issue of May 7- 1970 therefor; repealing call ordi-, that proof of no intent to col- - Y And April 30, 1970 nances and parts thereof in ' lide shall not be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is conflict herewith; and provld- - Providing._ for exceptions to I $123.00 ing a penalty'for violations Fire Department and Police hereof in an amountotnotless bepartment vehicles;and sus-. .� than one dollar and not more pending the rule requiringor, than two hundred dollars;mak- " dinances to be read on two sep - ing each violation a-separate- orate and several da g •• •••••••• •••,; :••`� , offense; making each daysuch_ :ORDINAN 58 J, p, NEWB RN J4. violation continues a separate-: •An ordinance , rizin offense; and providing for in- the erection Of stop signs;and iunative remedies. suspending the rule requiring, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the ORDINpNCE'28lp�- ordinances to be read on three,.' k An ordinance amending Or- separate and .'several; days.�A said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this 21st day of May, 1970 dinanee No. 28 of the Cftgof" Whereas, the safety and wel- Friendswood requiring ped- , fare of the citizens of the,City to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. dlers or solicitors to register. -of Frlendswood, Galveston. with the City Secretary; show. County, Texas;requires that 1 proof of identity,. requiring., stop signs be erected'' bond; prohibited between cer- c//v` .... `ORDINANCE 60 . 'j .................. .... ' .fain hours; penalty clause. An. ordinance au�horizing NOTARY PUBLI GALVEST,ON COUNTY TEXAS ORDINANCE 97 - the erection of yield right-of. My commission expires June 1 (SEAL) An ordinance requiring way signs;and suspending`the � weeds and grass tobecutupon rule requiring,ordinances to premises and that rubbish and be read on three separate and trash be removed therefrom; several days. fixing a penalty for a fine not Whereas,the safetyand wel to exceed$50.00 for failure to fare of the citizens of the City comply with such ordinance; of Friendswood, Galveston and declaring that allowing. 'County, Texas, requires that weeds to grovi'and trash and the yield'right-Of-way signs, rubbish to accumulate to be a' be erected,. , nuisance.-. - . .,'i ORDINANCE 61 ORDINANCE�41` � An ordinance of the City of'�dl . An ordinance requiring all Friendswood,Texas requiring ' swimming pools t e encedand:u:uamP�49-may,pickup of pll.Fak -! .. equipped with self closing bage and trash '�` gates; providing,a penalty of ORDINANCE 64 any sum not less than $5.00 An ordinance providing,a nor more than$200.00 ' curfew foiallchRdientwenty- ORDINANCE 42 one years of age and younger;;1 An ordinance prohibiting Providing a penalty of a maxi- animals running at large with- mum fine of one-hundred in the City of Friendswood, ($100.00) dollars and a mini- v STOP SIGN LOCATIONS ON . CORNER. INTERSECTING HOW. -CROATS (I rVplOOD AVE, ) -FH 51$ SOS. " it n Fm 518. S.W. PRAIRtowiLDE DRIVE FM 2351 (EDGEWOOD AVE, ) NIB. WOODLAWN DRIVE n n it ,t _H.S, GARDEN DRIVE 71 It it it NoWo SfL71DOWBRRID AV.E, WOODLAWh1 DRIVE SOS, SIIADDlIB214D AVSo WOODLAWN DFaVS S.W. 'LATMEL DRIVE SPREADIFG OATS No So CEDARWOOD DRIVE SPREOING OAKS NOW, ECHO AVE, CEDARWOOD DRIVE Soso RON CIRCLE CEDAR410030 DRIVE Soso CARRY LANE CSDARWOOD DRIVE NoWo CLEAR CREEK DRIVE WINDINGWAY DRIVE NoWo LEISURE LANE WINDINOWAY DRIVE H.S. DYMPTW00D DRIVE viHISPERINO PINES Noll, MINGLEWOOD WHISPERING PINES NORTH ENTRANCE NIB, MINGL�IOOD 14HISPSRIIG PENES SOUTH ENTRANCE Soso MAGNOLIA AVE. MORNXNGSIDS DRIVE NoWo MAGNOLIA AVE. MORNXHOSIDR'DRIVS S,B, SHADOVMND MORIdINGSIDE DRIVE NOW, SHADOWBE.aND HORNINGSIDE DRIVE N,S, HERITAGE DRIVE SHADOWBEND SoWo HERITAGE DRIVE SHADOWBEND SOW, QUEENIS CROSSING SHADOWBEND HIE, QUEEN'S CROSSING I'I,IPERIAL DRIVE N,S, IMPERIAL DRIVE CHOATE ROAD SOUTH ENTRANCE N,Eo IMPERIAL DRIVE CHfidEfE ROAD 14ORTH ENTRANCE NOS, ROYAL COURT CHOATE ROAD SOUTH ENTRANCE NIB, ROYAL COURT CHOATE ROAD NORTH ENTRANCE No So DIAMOND LAND; CHOATE READ SOW, FIELODY LANE CHOATE ROAD SOB. LOTTIR LANE S$' S,E,NAARY ANN DRIVE NoWo& S.E. HERITAGE DRIVE it to NW,& SSE, SHADOWBEkM AV%, to n a NO& SoE. WILLOVIWICK AVE. tt is N,Wo& So So SPREADING OAFS n itS.Z. STIOPES THROW to ie SOS, ECHO AVE, 17 to NoWo& S,R NERRIEWOOD DRIVE ti to N,W,&, - 4ig WINDYNGWAY WEST ENTRANCE Ifto S,Z, 1414DDINGWAY EAST ENTRANCE :' n No We& SOS, PH 528 N it No Wo LEISURE LANE 17 fe � Now, WHISPERING FINES " It NOW, C.LEARVIRld AVE, tt It NOWo EAST EXTRAINCR D03DICAL CENTER ti re N,W, SUNNYVIEW AVE, n n NoWo MAGNOLIA AVE, it If Soil, WINDINGWAY PA 528 —Noll, WINDINGWAY IM 52$ -�Fs YISY,3) RIGHT_OF_WAY d , NOW. SHADOWBEND(WEST ENTRANCE) 1-:01TAGE DRIVE 11.9, PECAN DRIVE CHOATE ROAD SOW, GLENLr$,A SPREADING OAKS NOS, CEDARWOOD DRIVE STON&I eS THROW SOW, CEDARWOOD DRIVE kyRRIEWOOD DRIVE S.W. FALLING LEAF MERRIEWOOD DRIVE SSW, FAIRDALE VERRIEWOOD DRIVE SoW, MERRIEWOOD EURIAR D14DADOW AVE. N,W, CLEAR GREEK DRIVE IZISURE LA'N3 SHELL PARK S MYRANCH WINDINffWAY