HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2005-11 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-11
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FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005.
Kimball W. Brizendine
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Deloris McKenzie,TRMC O�,
City Secretary �IrE � ,�.+,P°'�
Attachment A
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City of Friendswoodl
Budget Amendment Summary
Fiscal Year 2004 — 2005
Budget Amendment I
1 Prior Year Encumbrances, $4,073,763. Appropriate expenditures for purchase orders
issued in fiscal year 2004 and outstanding at fiscal year end, September 30, 2004.
Goods and services for these purchase orders will be received and expensed in 2005.
2 Unexpended Prior Year Capital Budgets, $26,289. Appropriate fiscal year 2004
Capital Equipment and Improvement project budgets unexpended or unencumbered
at September 30, 2004. (2-1906)
General Fund
2001 and 2002 Sidewalk Improvement Program 8,166
3 STEP-Wave Grant, $16,540. 2005 STEP Wave Grant acceptance approved by City
Council October 18, 2004 on Resolution R2004-20, agenda item 11-E-1, in the
amount of$14,886 to cover overtime costs and special direct costs for additional
officers to work on this program. It primarily focuses on driving under the influence
and use of seat belts.. The 10% grant matching amount of$1,654.is to be funded
within the 2005 Police department Budget. Grant Project number is G00035.
Increase General Fund grant revenues by$14,886. (5-215)
4 Correct Transfer of City Administration Bud�et to FVFD, $16,924. Correct data
entry errors when transferring facility maintenance and copy machine rental budgets
from Community Services (CS) and Administrative Services (ASO) departments to
the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department(FVFD). Move facility maintenance
budget from CS to FVFD, $19,524; move plumbing repairs for Fire Station#1 from
FVFD to CS as City will be handling the repairs; and, move copy machine rental
budget from FVFD to ASO as the current rental contract is administered by the City.
At the end of the contract period in 2006 the FVFD will begin administration of the
rental contract and the funds will be moved back to FVFD budget. (6-210; 14-211;
5 Correct Police Department Adopted Budget, ($9,810�. The Police CID clothing
allowance was inadvertently budgeted twice and should have been reduced by $8,000
plus benefits of$1,896. Funding was to have come by reducing the budget for the
new peace officer position in Patrol division. The adjustment was inadvertently
overlooked during budget changes made in August prior to adoption of the final
budget. Reduce the Patrol budget by $9,810 and increase ending General Fund
balance. (10-147)
6 Sun Meadow Draina�e Improvement Additional Surveving $4 500. Surveying and
title search to determine placement of abandoned water and sewer line easements at
522 West Castle Harbour (Lot 6 and Reserve A Blk 9 Sec 2) for Sun Meadow
Drainage Improvement project. Fund with W/S Working Capital. (54-1887)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
7 Correct Centennial Park Projects Adopted Budget, $4.000. Two Centennial Park CIP
projects included maintenance and operations of the improvements. These were to
have been reduced during council budget workshops changes made by Jon Branson.
However, the reductions were made to the CIP construction budget rather than to the
operating accounts. Move $4,000 from Centennial Park facility maintenance and
electricity accounts to the storage facility and lighting projects. (12-234, 13-235)
8 Transfer Peace Officer II Additional Staffing Vehicle $32,870. The Peace Officer II
additional staffing vehicle will be purchased by the Vehicle Replacement Fund (VRF)
and added to the replacement cycle as specified in the vehicle replacment plan.
Funding for the vehicle was budgeted in General Fund. This budget amendment
transfers the vehicle budget from General Fund, Police, Patrol division, to the VRF.
9 Overtime for City Secretary Staff($2,798�. When the Records Management division
in City Secretary (CSO) department was funded several years ago, an additional staff
person was added; however, no overtime hours were funded. The CSO staff wark
load has resulted in additional overtime hours expended. A 2005 proposed budget
supplemental request for additional overtime fell below the priority funding line and
was not funded. On 10/13/04 the City Manager approved a request by the City
Secretary for 115 additional overtime hours at a cost of$2,309 plus benefits of$489,
with funding to come from General Fund balance. (18-151)
10 Citation Software and Hardware, $82,512. The City Council approved on October
20, 2004, consent agenda item 12-E, the purchase of SunGard OSSI and SunGard
HTE Citation software and hardware from the Court Technology Fund. The software
and hardware will enable officers to quickly create traffic citations and download the
data from the mobile data computers to the Court computer system. Total cost
includes hardware, $8,605, software, $42,700, implementation training and travel,
$11,400, software support, $18,632 and supplies, $1,175. (23-185/2416/2699)
11 ICMA Contribution to Citv Manager, $5,000. City Council approved an amendment
to the City Manager employment agreement on December 6, 2004, agenda item 9, to
include a performance incentive program to cover both FY04 and future fiscal years.
This incentive program will provide a payment of$5,000 to the ICMA Retirement
Account of the City Manager far FY04. The agreement also provides authorization
for future incentive performance payments in future fiscal years, subject to meeting
certain performance criteria outlined in the agreement. (49-1147)
12 Holidav Hustle SK Fun Run/Walk Program Revenues, $2 432. Appropriate
additional registration fees and donation revenues over the adopted 2005 budget
amount of$2,200. Total registration fees received, $2,230. Total donations received,
$3,500. Total revenues, $4,218. Total expenditures for the program, $1,512. Total
amount forwarded to Laura Recovery Center Foundation(LRCF), $3,443. Another
$540 was contributed by vendors and individuals directly to the LRCF bringing the
total contributions to $4,758. $(52-ll53)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
13 Whitcomb Force Main Project, $31,520. The City Council approved on October 18,
2004, consent agenda item 11-F, to accept a proposal and authorize the Mayor to sign
amendment#24 to the contract with SCL Engineering for engineering services for the
Whitcomb Force Main project. The proposed Whitcomb Development Project
located on FM 528 and Clear Creek is continuing to move forward in the planning
and development stage. The zoning for the property has been completed and the
developer is working on drainage and engineering studies. In preparation for the
development of the Whitcomb Property and this project, the city needs to develop a
Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). This report will determine both the size and
route of the force main. The developer can then proceed with the design of his
development to accommodate the new force main. The funding for this project is to
come from the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to be issued in 2005. Initial funding
will be from Water and Sewer working capital and repaid from the bond funds when
sold, currently scheduled for early 2005. (27-187)
14 Deepwood Lift Station Expansion, $32,150. The City Council approved on October
18, 2004, consent agenda item 11-F, to accept a proposal and authorize the Mayor to
sign amendment#25 to the contract with SCL Engineering for engineering services
for the Deepwood Lift Station Expansion. This project, to be performed in
conjunction with the Whitcomb Force Main PER, will be to conduct a PER for
expansion and rehabilitation of the Deepwood Lift Station so that all options and
opportunities can be reviewed and developed at the same time. The funding for this
project is to come from the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to be issued in 2005.
Initial funding will be from Water and Sewer working capital and repaid from the
bond funds when sold, currently scheduled for early 2005. (30-188)
15 Consultin� Services for Financin�District Agreements, $26,500. On October 18,
2004, agenda item 11-G, City Council authorized the Mayor to enter into agreements
for consulting services for development of an agreement for financing districts with
Friendswood Development Corporation. The first is an expanded agreement with
Knudson& Associates, in the amount of$17,500 plus reimbursable expenses of
$2,500 to assist the City in determining alternatives or negotiating any agreements.
The second is an agreement with Jeanne McDonald, an attorney specializing in these
negotiations, to work for the City in crafting an agreement that will meet the legal
requirements and hold the developer accountable for action items within the
agreement. Estimated cost for this second agreement is $5,000 plus reimbursable
expenses of$1,500. Fund with General Fund undesignated fund balance. (31-1007)
16 Clover Acres Desi�ngineering, $101,757. City Council approved a contract with
CivilTech Engineering, Inc. on February 7, 2005, agenda item 11-B, for preliminary,
design and construction engineering services on the FM 2351 Storm Sewer, part of
the Clover Acres Drainage Improvement project. Funding is to come from the 2003
GO Bond Fund. However, there were no 2003 bonds sold for the Clover Acres
Drainage project; therefore, funding has been moved to the 2005 GO Bond Fund.
General Fund will temporarily loan funds to the 2005 Bond Fund until the bonds are
sold later this year. (70-1913)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
17 Vehicle Allowance for Capital Projects Coordinator, $4,000. Provide vehicle
allowance for Capital Projects Coordinator position, effective November 7, 2004, in
the amount of$300 per month plus benefits. Funding for this allowance will be
transferred to CIP Administration division from Construction Equipment
Maintenance account in Street Operations and vehicle CP3 will be transferred to
Drainage Operations and assigned unit number of PW33. (35-515)
18 T`NP Rate Cases, PUC Dockets 27167, 26942, and 25885, $6,915. City Council
authorized on December 6, 2004, agenda item 12-D, reimbursement to the City of
Lewisville for the City's share of costs associated with T`NP rate cases through PUC
Dockets 27167, 26942, and 25885 as recommended by the Galveston County
Coalition of Cities. Council previously authorized the Coalition of Cities intervention
in three 2002 Texas-New Mexico Power Company(TNP) proceedings at the PUC in
which the PUC ruled for the first time that the cities case expenses were not
reimbursable. Since the coalition believed this ruling was inconsistent with governing
regulations and previous commission decisions, the coalition filed an appeal in State
District Court, but was unsuccessful. Fund with General Fund undesignated fund
balance. (43-1008)
19 2004 Bulletproof Vest Grant, $1,507. 2004 U. S. Department of Justice Grant,
authorized by City Council on February 2, 2004 in the amount of$2,500, to be used
to purchase body armar for police officers. $993 of this 50% matching grant was
expended in FY 2004. Increase FY 2005 Police Patrol budget for the remaining
amount of$1,507. The 50% grant match will come from the existing adopted budget.
20 New Fire Station#4 Preliminary En ineering Report, $8,601. Preliminary
engineering study for placement of new Fire Station#4 originally funded with
General Fund budget in 2002 but paid in 2003with 2003 GO Bond Funds. To
reimburse the bond fund appropriate a transfer from General Fund to the 2003 Bond
Fund. (59-889)
21 Land Purchase Adjacent to New Fire Station#4, $175,113. A total of 3.6019 acres of
land purchased at the new Fire Station#4 site on Woodlawn between FM 2351 and
Heritage. Two acres has been allocated at the corner of Heritage and Woodlawn for
the new fire station with the remaining 1.6019 acres fronting FM 2351 to be resold.
Prorate the purchase cost to fund two acres from the 2003 GO Bond Funds, New Fire
Station#4, project FFS000, with the remaining 1.6019 acres funded with General
Fund fund balance under project LND005. (60-1890)
22 Economic Development Grant, $30,000. City council approved a grant to 99Cent
Only Store under Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code for Economic
Development on January 3, 2005, agenda item 7. The grant is to be paid upon
issuance of certificate of occupancy. Funding will come from the $120,000 set aside
for these grants in General Fund reserves. (62-1892)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
23 Cowards Creek Watershed Grant Application Consultant, $1,600. City Council
approved consultant fee with Jeffrey Ward& Associates on January 3, 2005, agenda
item 9, to prepare Cowards Creek Watershed Grant Application to Texas Water
Development Board (TWDB) for a Flood Protection Planning Grant. The grant is to
be administered by the City for the Cowards Creek Watershed Consortium sharing in
the cost of the study. In addition to the City, participants include City of Pearland,
Galveston County, Brazoria County, Galveston County Consolidated Drainage
District and Brazoria County Drainage District#4. The City's share of funding,
based on land in the watershed, is to come from the 2003 GO Bond Fund, Clover
Acres Drainage Improvement Project. However,there were no 2003 bonds sold for
the Clover Acres Drainage project; therefore, funding has been moved to the 2005
GO Bond Fund. General Fund will temporarily loan funds to the 2005 Bond Fund
until the bonds are sold later this year. (63-1894)
24 2005 Asphalt Street Improvement Program, $270,784. Allocate street project budget
to 2005 Asphalt Overlay Street Improvement Program. City Council awarded bid to
AAA Asphalt Paving, in the amount of$270,784, on January 3, 2005, agenda item
12-A. The streets to be overlaid include Pine Drive, Oak Drive, Spreading Oaks,
Melody Lane, Friendswood Link Road, and Deepwood Drive. (65-1903)
25 Liti�ation Jud�ment, $2,342. Litigation judgment awarded to A&R Demolition, Inc.
for demolition of FEMA buyout home, cause#2003-27968. Fund with demolition
revenues on buyout project. Since the revenues were collected in prior fiscal years,
fund with General Fund fund balance. (67-1905)
26 Sun Meadow Draina�e Project Change Order#1, $42,400. Repair existing major
outfall from Sunmeadow subdivision to Chigger Creek. The line runs between two
houses at the upper end of the line and very near a garage and has separated at the
joint in that area in several places and needs to be repaired as soon as possible. It is
creating sinkholes in the yards, and is causing slab damage to the garage. Rather than
develop a separate bid document contract for the repair, a change order to the existing
drainage construction contract in Sunmeadow was suggested. This is more
economical since the contractor is already set up for the job. City Council approved
this change order, in the amount of$42,400.04, on January 17, 2005, agenda item 12-
D, with funding to come from General Fund Reserves. (66-1904)
27 Move New Court Clerk Budget From Police to Administrative Services, $4,529. An
additional Court Clerk position was budgeted for three months in fiscal year 2005
adopted budget. Two-thirds funding was budgeted in Administrative Services,
Municipal Court and one-third budgeted in Police, Administration. Since the position
is to be supervised by Court staff, we are requesting to move the budget from Police
to Administrative Services. (34-2293)
28 High School Scholarship Donation, $2,000. IESI, the City's refuse contractor, will be
donating $2,000 to provide $500 scholarships to four Friendswood seniors, two at
Clear Brook High School and two at Friendswood High School. (46-2296)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
29 October 4, 2004 Wind Storm, $47,884. Appropriate General Fund balance towards
clean up costs of$14,740 to remove tree debris damage after the wind and hail storm
of October 4, 2004. Also appropriate $33,144 to repair andlor replace City property
damaged by the storm: replace and repair air conditioning coils at the Library and
Public Safety buildings, $24,790; replace damage sections of fencing on all fields at
Renwick Park, $3,927; replace light pole and lamps on field #4 at Renwick Park,
$4,427. Fund with insurance proceeds of$32,590 and General Fund balance, $554.
Additional labor and benefit costs to clean up after the storm were $11,629 bringing
the total storm related costs to $59,513. No additional funding for labor is necessary
as these costs were funded thru regular department budgets. Total storm related cost
less insurance reimbursement is $26,923. (16-2429)
30 Reliant Energy Rate Cases, PUC Dockets 25840 and 27956, $5,254. Appropriate the
City's share of costs associated with Reliant Energy Price-to-Beat rate cases on PUC
Dockets 25840 and 27956 as recommended by the Galveston County Coalition of
Cities. Council previously authorized the Coalition of Cities intervention in three
2002 Texas-New Mexico Power Company(TNP)proceedings at the PUC in which
the PUC ruled for the first time that the cities case expenses were not reimbursable.
Since the coalition believed this ruling was inconsistent with governing regulations
and previous commission decisions, the coalition filed an appeal in State District
Court, but was unsuccessful. Fund with General Fund undesignated fund balance.
31 Galveston County Drug Task Force Overtime and Benefits, $8,922. Appropriate
overtime for CID officer working on the Galveston County Drug Task Force and
funded with a Federal Grant thru Galveston County. Total annual estimated amount
of overtime, with benefits, the officer will work is $13,952. Reduce this amount by a
reduction in staff overtime funded with General Fund revenues in the amount of
$5,030. (73-2308; 76-2441)
32 Greenbriar and Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements, $114,126. Contract with
Lockwood Andrews &Newman for engineering services on drainage improvement
project in the Greenbriar and Glen Shannon areas. Approved by City Council
2/21/2005, agenda item 10-C. Services include preliminary engineering, $39,554,
final design, $36,050, bidding and construction administration phases, $2,802,
surveying, $33,000 and reimbursable expenses, $2,720. $69, 554 will be funded with
2003 GO Bond Construction funds allocated for this project. The remaining $44,572
will be included in the 2005 GO Bond sale later in the fiscal year. (77-2445)
33 Purchase Off Site Detention for 10 Acres at Public Safety Building Site, $100,000.
On 3/7/2005, agenda item 11-A, Council authorized the Mayor to execute an
agreement with Altair Development Company to purchase 4.5 acres off site detention
volume in Friendswood Lakes subdivision drainage system for the 10 acre site at, and
adjacent to, the new Public Safety Building (PSB) for$100,000. Funding for the 3.6
acre PSB site, or $36,000, is to come from the 2003 GO Bond funds allocated for the
PSB. The remaining $64,000 is to be funded with General Fund Balance and
allocated to the 3 acre FM 528 frontage site, $30,000, and the 3.4 acre future fire
station site, $34,000. (81-2556)
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment I Summary
34 Friendswood Police Victim Assistant Pro�ram Donation, $1,000. Appropriate
donation by The Shepherds Nook to the Friendswood Police Victim Assistant
Program for brochures and other educational literature to aid victims of crime.
35 2003 Homeland Security Grant, $59,455. Appropriate prior year grant revenues to
fund hazardous materials equipment and trailer purchased with this grant. (48-2575)
36 En in� eering for Sun Meadow Lift Station Replacement, $89,735. City Council
approved a contract with SCL Engineering, contract amendment# 27, on 3/21/O5,
agenda item 8-A to replace lift station#8 in Sun Meadow. The lift station is now
undersized for its current workload and its equipment has reached the end of its
expected lifespan. This project will be included on the 2005 Water and Sewer
Revenue Bond issue later this fiscal year. (85-2703)
37 En ing eering for South Friendswood Force Main Diversion, $81,480. City Council
approved a contract with SCL Engineering, contract amendment# 28, on 3/21/O5,
agenda item 8-A, to construct a new force main that will intercept wastewater flows
from the South Friendswood area consisting of Tower Estates/Windsor Estates and
areas further south and divert that to the top end (south end) of the new gravity main
in San Joaquin. This project will be included on the 2005 Water and Sewer Revenue
Bond issue later this fiscal year. (86-2704)
2005 BA I-Attachment A#5 Revised-Formatted
City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B
Budget Amendment I Detail Page 1 of 5
Fiscal Year 2004-2005
April 4,2005
No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation
1 001-0000-302.00-00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMBRANCES 384,815 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0201-411.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 2,134 PriorYear Encumbrances
1 001-0201-411.74-11 PROFESSIONAL/CODE SERVICE 10,000 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0201-411.75-10 TRAINING 1,725 PriorYearEncumbrances
1 001-0201-411.75-20 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 850 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0201-411.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES 4,240 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0201-411.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES 1,407 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0301-413.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES 7,667 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0301-413.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 6,920 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0416-419.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES 5,100 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0416-419.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES 5,300 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0416-419.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 9,440 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-0416-419.87-10 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 3,051 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-2201-422.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 3,858 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-2207-422.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 450 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-3401-431.51-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 208 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-3528-424.51-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 180 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-3528-429.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES 68 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-3610-431.63-00 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 9 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-3610-431.65-20 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE 672 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-6410-459.54-82 BOOKS 3,508 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-6419-459.54-82 BOOKS 450 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-6430-456.78-30 RENTAL 26 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-7001-431.85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 29,411 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-7001-431.85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 273,766 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 001-7001-431.85-91 CONSTRUCTION(CONTRACTED) 14,375 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-0000-302.00-00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMBRANCES 3,288,148 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-421.85-83 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 43,952 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-421.85-86 SURVEYING 1,450 PriorYearEncumbrances
1 250-7001-431.81-13 APPRAISALS 1,200 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-11 CONCRETE STREETS 234,652 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-11 CONCRETE STREETS 217,050 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 11,880 PriorYear Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1,024,579 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 3,843 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 3,796 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 2,457 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-85 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 6,100 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-85 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 19,213 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-87 SOIL/CONCRETE TESTING 1,397 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-431.85-98 MISC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 2,549 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-456.85-83 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 14,331 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-456.85-87 SOIUCONCRETE TESTING 7,099 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 250-7001-456.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 1,692,600 PriorYearEncumbrances
1 401-0000-302.00-00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMBRANCES 400,800 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3601-434.51-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 162 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3642-434.51-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 69 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3642-434.54-78 FIRE HYDRANT PROGRAM 4,198 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3642-434.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 325 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3642-434.65-43 WATER PLANT MAINTENANCE 820 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3642-434.65-47 WATER METER MAINTENANCE 550 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-3647-433.65-51 COLLECTION LINE MAINTANCE 400 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-7001-433.65-51 COLLECTION LINE MAINTANCE 300,000 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-7001-433.85-51 COLLECTION LINES 5,568 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-7001-433.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 3,160 Prior Year Encumbrances
ORD 2005-11 2004-2005 Budget Amend I-Attach B#5 Revised
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Fiscal Year 2004-2005
April 4,2005
1 401-7001-434.82-50 CARPORT/GARAGE 34,593 Prior Year Encumbrances
1 401-7001-434.85-41 DISTRIBUTION LINES 50,955 Prior Year Encumbrances
2 001-0000-303.00-00 PRIOR YEAR CAPITAL BUDGETS 8,166 Unexpended Prior Year Capital Bud ets
2 001-7001-431.85-21 SIDEWALKS 8,166 Unexpended Prior Year Capital Bud ets
3 001-0000-334.30-50 TXDOT GRANTS 14,886 Step Wave Grant
3 001-2120-421.41-30 OVERTIME PAY 12,226 Step Wave Grant
3 001-2120-421.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 935 Step Wave Grant
3 001-2120-421.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND 1,662 Step Wave Grant
3 001-2120-421.48-40 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 63 Step Wave Grant
4 001-2201-422.66-00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE (5,000) Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-6460-422.66-00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 5,000 Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-0416-419.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES (2,400) Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-0416-419.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES (2,400) Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-0416-419.78-30 RENTAL 2,400 Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-2201-422.66-00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 2,400 Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-2201-422.66-00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 19,524 Correct Transfer to FVFD
4 001-6460-422.66-00 FACILITY MAINTENANCE (19,524) Correct Transfer to FVFD
5 001-2120-421.41-10 FULLTIME SALARIES&WAGES (8,000) Correct PD Adopted Bud et
5 001-2120-421.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE (610) Correct PD Adopted Bud et
5 001-2120-421.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND (1,080) Correct PD Adopted Bud et
5 001-2120-421.48-40 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE (120) Correct PD Adopted Budget
6 401-0000-306.00-00 WORKING CAPITAL 4,500 Sun Meadow Drainage Surveyin
6 401-7001-434.85-96 SURVEYING 4,500 Sun Meadow Draina e Surve in
7 001-6436-453.64-00 OPERATING MAINTENANCE (200) Correct Centennial Park Adopted Bud et
7 001-6436-453.76-11 ELECTRICITY (200) Correct Centennial Park Adopted Budget
7 001-7001-453.81-20 BUILDINGS 400 Correct Centennial Park Adopted Bud et
7 001-6436-453.76-11 ELECTRICITY (3,600) Correct Centennial Park Adopted Budget
7 001-7001-453.82-20 LIGHTING 3,600 Correct Centennial Park Adopted Bud et
8 001-2120-421.78-31 VEHICLE LEASE-INTERNAL 32,870 Transfer PD Vehicle to Vehicle Replacement Fund
8 001-2120-421.83-00 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT (32,870) Transfer PD Vehicle to Vehicle Replacement Fund
8 301-0000-371.10-00 LEASE REVENUE 32,870 Transfer PD Vehicle to Vehicle Replacement Fund
8 301-0501-421.83-00 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 32,870 Transfer PD Vehicle to Vehicle Replacement Fund
9 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 2,798 Cit Secretary Staff Overtime
9 001-0201-411.41-30 OVERTIME PAY 2,309 Cit Secretary Staff Overtime
9 001-0201-411.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 177 Cit Secretary Staff Overtime
9 001-0201-411.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND 309 Cit Secretary Staff Overtime
9 001-0201-411.48-40 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 3 Cit Secretar Staff Overtime
10 001-0000-304.00-00 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 76,337 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 7,320 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 1,260 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 25 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.75-10 TRAINING 6,400 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES 42,700 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES 11,800 Court Citation Software
10 001-0416-419.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES 6,832 Court Citation Software
10 001-0000-304.00-00 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 1,175 Court Citation Software Printer Paper
10 001-0416-419.54-00 OPERATING SERVICES 1,175 Court Citation Software Printer Paper
10 001-0000-304.00-00 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 5,000 Court Citation Software Trainin Travel Expense
10 001-0416-419.75-20 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 5,000 Court Citation Software Trainin Travel Expense
11 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 5,000 ICMA Contribution to City Mana er
11 001-0301-413.47-31 ANNUAL 457 CONTRIBUTION 5,000 ICMA Contribution to Cit Mana er
12 001-0000-347.50-30 FUN RUN RECEIPTS/DONATION 30 Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
12 001-0000-347.50-30 FUN RUN RECEIPTS/DONATION 3,500 Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
12 001-6420-452.54-00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 87 Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
12 001-6420-452.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES 3,443 Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
12 001-6420-452.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES (3,530) Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
12 001-6420-452.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 3,530 Holida Hustle/Fun Run Revenues
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Fiscal Year 2004-2005
April 4,2005
13 418-7001-433-8551 COLLECTION LINES 31,520) Whitcomb Force Main En ineering
13 418-7001-433,85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 31,520 Whitcomb Force Main Engineering
14 418-7001-433-8551 COLLECTION LINES (32,150) Deepwood Lift Station Engineering
14 418-7001-433.85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 32,150 Deepwood Lift Station Engineering
15 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 26,500 Financin Districts Consulting
15 001-0301-413.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 17,500 Financin Districts Consulting
15 001-0301-413.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 2,500 Financin Districts Consulting
15 001-0301-413.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,000 Financing Districts Consulting
15 001-0301-413.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,500 Financing Districts Consulting
16 251-7001-431.85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 25,380 CloverAcres Design Engineerin
16 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (100,757) CloverAcres Design Engineerin
16 251-7001-431.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 46,848 CloverAcres Desi n En ineering
16 251-7001-431.85-84 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 28,529 CloverAcres Desi n Engineering
17 001-3610-431.68-71 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP MAINT (4,000) Vehicle Allowance for CIP Coordinator
17 001-3770-431.41-44 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE 3,300 Vehicle Allowance for CIP Coordinator
17 001-3770-431.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 252 Vehicle Allowance for CIP Coordinator
17 001-3770-431.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND 443 Vehicle Allowance for CIP Coordinator
17 001-3770-431.48-40 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 5 Vehicle Allowance for CIP Coordinator
18 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 6,915 TNP PUC Rate Cases
18 001-0302-415.71-19 OTHER LEGAL SERVICES 6,915 TNP PUC Rate Cases
19 001-0000-331.30-30 BUREAU OF JUSTICE GRANTS 1,507 2004 Bulietproof Vest Grant
19 001-2120-421.52-00 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 1,507 2004 Bulletproof Vest Grant
20 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 8,601 New Fire Station#4 Preliminar En r
20 001-9002-491.91-25 2003 BOND CONSTR FUND 8,601 New Fire Station#4 Preliminar Engr
20 250-0000-391.91-10 TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 8,601 New Fire Station#4 Preliminar En r
20 250-7001-422.85-81 PRELIMINARY STUDY 8,601 New Fire Station#4 Preliminar Engr
21 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 175,113 Land Adjacent to New Fire Station#4
21 001-7001-422.81-10 LAND 175,113 Land Ad�acent to New Fire Station#4
22 001-0000-305.00-00 PRIOR YEAR RESERVES 30,000 99Cent Onl Store Economic Development Grant
22 001-0303-419.79-21 PRGM 380 ECON DEV GRANTS 30,000 99Cent Onl Store Economic Development Grant
23 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (1,600) Cowards Creek Grant Application Consultant
23 251-7001-431.85-98 MISC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1,600 Cowards Creek Grant Application Consultant
24 001-7001-431.65-10 STREET MAINTENANCE (270,784) 2004 Asphalt Street Program
24 001-7001-431.85-12 ASPHALT STREETS 270,784 2004 Asphalt Street Pro ram
25 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 2,342 Litigation Jud ment
25 001-3532-428.74-98 JUDGMENTS&DAMAGE CLAIM 2,342 Liti ation Jud ment
26 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 42,400 Sun Meadow Draina e Chan e Order#1
26 001-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 42,400 Sun Meadow Draina e Chan e Order#1
27 001-2101-421-4110 BASE SALARIES&WAGES (2,059) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4143 LONGEVITY PAY (5) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4130 OVERTIME PAY (116) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4720 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND (292) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4710 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE (166) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4820 LIFE INSURANCE (7) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4830 DISABILITY INSURANCE (9) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4850 EAP SERVICES (5) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4190 ACCRUED PAYROLL (20) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4890 FLEX PLAN ADMINISTRATION (34) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4810 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE (710) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-4840 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE (3) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES (16) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-5800 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 (4) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-7497 RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING (33) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-7510 TRAINING (250) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-7520 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS (500) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-2101-421-5800 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 (300) Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4110 BASE SALARIES&WAGES 2,059 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
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Fiscal Year 2004-2005
April 4,2005
27 001-0409-412-4143 LONGEVITY PAY 5 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4130 OVERTIME PAY 116 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4720 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND 292 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4710 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 166 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4820 LIFE INSURANCE 7 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4830 DISABILITY INSURANCE 9 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4850 EAP SERVICES 5 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4190 ACCRUED PAYROLL 20 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4890 FLEX PLAN ADMINISTRATION 34 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4810 HEALTH/DENTAL INSURANCE 710 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-4840 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 3 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-5800 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 4 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-7497 RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING 33 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-7510 TRAINING 250 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-7520 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 500 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
27 001-0409-412-5800 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 300 Move Court Clerk From Police to Admin Services
28 001-0000-380-0000 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS 2,000 IESI Hi h School Scholarships
28 001-0401-415-7400 OPERATING SERVICES 2,000 IESI Hi h School Scholarships
29 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 15,294 October 4, 2004 Windstorm Dama e&Clean Up
29 001-0000-383.10-00 INSURANCE 32,590 October 4, 2004 Windstorm Damage&Clean Up
29 001-2512-422.55-01 EMERGENCY-MATERIALS 273 October 4, 2004 Windstorm Dama e&Clean Up
29 001-2512-422.58-01 EMERGENCY-EQUIPMENT 34,089 October 4,2004 Windstorm Dama e&Clean Up
29 001-2512-422.79-71 EMERGENCY-SERVICES 13,522 October 4, 2004 Windstorm Damage&Clean Up
30 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 5,254 Reliant Energ PUC Rate Cases
30 001-0302-415.7119 OTHER LEGAL SERVICES 5,254 Reliant Ener PUC Rate Cases
31 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 5,030 Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.41-30 OVERTIME PAY (4,118) Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY (315) Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT (554) Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.48-40 WORKERS COMP (43) Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-0000-337.10-28 GALVESTON CTY DRUG TASK FRC (13,952) Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.41-30 OVERTIME PAY 11,425 Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY 874 Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT 1,535 Galveston Ct Dru Task Force Overtime
31 001-2130-421.48-40 WORKERS COMP 118 Galveston Ct Drug Task Force Overtime
32 250-7001-431-8530 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (69,554) Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 250-7001-431-8581 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 39,554 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 250-7001-431-8596 SURVEYING 30,000 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8530 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (44,572) Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8596 SURVEYING 3,000 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8582 DESIGN ENGINEERING 36,050 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Draina e Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8584 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 1,334 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8584 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 1,468 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Draina e Improvements
32 251-7001-431-8582 DESIGN ENGINEERING 2,720 Greenbriar/Glen Shannon Drainage Improvements
33 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (30,000) Purchase Offsite Detention for FM 528 Fronta e
33 001-7001-460.81-15 STORM WATER DETENTION 30,000 Purchase Offsite Detention for FM 528 Fronta e
33 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (34,000) Purchase Offsite Detention for Future Fire Station
33 001-7001-460.81-15 STORM WATER DETENTION 34,000 Purchase Offsite Detention for Future Fire Station
33 250-7001-421.81-00 BUILDINGS (36,000) Purchase Offsite Detention for PSB
33 250-7001-421.81-15 STORM WATER DETENTION 36,000 Purchase Offsite Detention for PSB
34 001-0000-386.00-00 DONATIONS 1,000 Donation b Shepherd's Nook for Victim Assistance
34 001-2130-421.54-00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,000 Donation b Shepherd's Nook for Victim Assistance
35 001-0000-331.30-60 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS 60,104 2003 Homeland Securit Equipment Grant
35 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 60,104 2003 Homeland Securit Equipment Grant
35 001-2510-422.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 38,566 2003 Homeland Securit Equipment Grant
35 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (38,566) 2003 Homeland Securit Equipment Grant
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Fiscal Year 2004-2005
April 4,2005
35 001-0000-331.30-60 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS (649) 2003 Homeland Security Equipment Grant
35 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (649) 2003 Homeland Securit Equipment Grant
36 418-7001-433.85-52 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENT (89,735) Sun Meadow LS#8 Engineerin -SCL Amend#27
36 418-7001-433.85-81 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 21,650 Sun Meadow LS#8 En ineerin -SCL Amend#27
36 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 51,650 Sun Meadow LS#8 En ineerin -SCL Amend#27
36 418-7001-433.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 2,500 Sun Meadow LS#8 Engineerin -SCL Amend#27
36 418-7001-433.85-96 SURVEYING 10,835 Sun Meadow LS#8 Engineering-SCL Amend#27
36 418-7001-433.85-99 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 3,100 Sun Meadow LS#8 En ineering-SCL Amend#27
37 418-7001-433.85-51 COLLECTION LINES (81,480) Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
37 418-7001-433.85-81 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 12,200 Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
37 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 23,750 Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
37 418-7001-433.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 2,500 Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
37 418-7001-433.85-96 SURVEYING 39,930 Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
37 418-7001-433.85-99 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 3,100 Sun Meadow Force Main Diversion-SCL Amend#28
ORD 2005-11 2004-2005 Budget Amend I-Attach B#5 Revised