HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2005-10 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-10 AN ORDINANCE KNOWN AS "BUDGET AMENDMENT II", AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 2003-19, PASSED AND APPROVED SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 AND BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO SUCH BUDGET; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. * * * * * * * * * * * WAEREAS, BY ORDINANCE NO. 2003-19, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS,ADOPTED ITS GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004; WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS DETERMINED THAT REVENUES AND/OR RESERVES ARE AVAILABLE FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND/OR TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS INTERDEPARTMENTALLY IS ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE AND IN THE BEST INTEREST OF PRUDENT BUDGETING;AND WHEREAS, THE CITY COUNCIL DESIRES TO AMEND SAID GENERAL BUDGET TO REFLECT SUCH SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND/OR TRANSFER IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. THE FACTS AND MATTERS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY FOUND TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. SECTION 2. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004, IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS ON ATTACHMENTS A and B, SAME BEING ENTITLED `BUDGET AMENDMENT II" TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING THIS 4th DAY OF APRIL, 2005. C � � � Mayor Kimball .Brizendine City of Friendswood ATTEST: ��� �R'EN�`�� � O V 0 P 1 l lf r� Deloris McKenzie,T C � ��'qr + City Secretary F pF ZfG � ATTACHMENT A Page 1 of 5 City of Friendswood Budget Amendment Summary Fiscal Year 2003 — 2004 Budget Amendment II Apri14, 2005 1 2004 Emergenc�gement Performance Grant, $29,128. Additional state funding of Emergency Management Performance Grant revenues for 2004. This grant reimburses the City for salaries and benefits expended for emergency management services provided by the Fire Marshal department. The tota12004 grant received is $46,628. A supplemental operating budget request, in the amount of$17,500, was appropriated in the adopted 2004 budget; therefore, this amendment appropriates the balance of$29,128 for EOC presentation equipment,Net Labeling software and additional operating expenses. (34-5169) 2 2004 Asphalt Street Project Chan�e Order#1 to Add Mandale Road, $34,925. City Council approved to add Mandale Road to the 2004 Asphalt Street Project on 12/15/2003, agenda item 10-D. Fund with Street Operations street maintenance budget. (40, 5232) 3 2004 Bullet�roof Vest Grant, $993. U. S. Department of Justice Grant, authorized by City Council on 2/2/2004 in the amount of$2,500, to be used to purchase body armor for police officers. $993 of this 50%matching grant was expended in FY 2004. The remaining amount of$1,507 will be included on Budget Amendment I in FY 2005. The 50% grant match will come from the existing adopted budget. (53, 5190) 4 Shadowbend Sewer Line Construction, $101,115. On 3/1/2004 City Council approved a change order on the Longwood Park Water and Sewer Line construction contract with Pennstar, Inc. to replace and upgrade the sewer line on Shadowbend as a part of the Woodlawn/Shadowbend Drainage and Street construction project. Funding for this project is to come from the balance of Longwood Park budget, 2001 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. (54, 2041) 5 Harold L Whitaker Drive Construction, $185,711. For access to the new Public Safety Building a new street is to be constructed between the new public safety building and the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD.) An interlocal agreement between the City and GCCDD was approved on 4/19/2004 to jointly contribute 50% of the land and construction costs for this new street. Bid 2004-04 was also awarded by City Council on 4/19/2004 for construction of the new street. The City's 50% funding share is to come from General Fund balance. (55, 2042) 6 Kidfish Recreation Program Donations, $1,140. Donations received to offset expenditures for Kidfish recreation program at Centennial Park. Total expenditures were $1,500 less $300 donation made directly to Kidfish, or $1,200. Total City cost to fund this program is $60. (66, 5193) 2004 BA II-Attachment A#4 Revised ATTACHMENT A Page 2 of 5 FY 2003-2004 Budget Amendment II Summary Apri14, 2005 7 Holidav Hustle SK Fun Run/Walk Program Revenues, $2,432. Appropriate additional registration fees and donation revenues over the adopted 2004 budget amount of$2,200. Total registration fees received, $2,575. Total donations received, $2,057. Total revenues, $4,632. Total expenditures for the program, $1,568. Total amount forwarded to Laura Recovery Center Foundation (LRCF), $3,064. In addition, another$1,275 was contributed by vendors and individuals directly to the LRCF thru the Holiday Hustle SK Fun Run/ Walk program, bringing the total contribution to the LRCF to $4,339. $(67, 5194) 8 Additional Waterwise Conservation School Program Costs, $4,500. Increase participation in water conservation program at Bales, Wedgewood and Windsong schools. Total number of students in the 2004 school year program is 748 for a total cost of$24,497. $20,000 budgeted. Appropriate an additional $4,500 from a 2003 well permit refund of$6,482. (70-5196) 9 Additional Woodlawn/Shadowbend Drainage and Street Project Costs, $424,637. City Council awarded the bid on 5/3/2004 to Conrad Construction for drainage and street improvements on the Woodlawn and Shadowbend project, agenda item 9-B-2. A cost overrun of$509,121.50 over the bond funding for this project was to be funded from several sources. $30,500 was to be reduced thru negotiations with the contractor thereby reducing the additional amount needed to $478,622. At the time the bid was awarded this additional amount was to be funded with a $300,000 transfer from the 2004 concrete street repair budget, $120,000 from the balance of 2003 Sunset Street Reconstruction budget and the remaining balance of$58,622 from General Fund Balance. As of FYE 2004, additional change orders reduced the amount needed to $424,637. Additional costs on the 2004 Asphalt and Concrete Street Repair Programs reduced the amount available to transfer from these projects to $177,610 from $300,000; therefore, General Fund balance will provide additional funding in the amount of $68,405. In addition, the Sunset Street Reconstruction project was completed in FY 2003 and the balance of$120,000 had lapsed into General Fund balance; therefore, this amount also needs to be reappropriated from General Fund balance. To recap the revised source of funding: $177,610 from 2004 Street Repair and Improvement budgets and $247,027 from General Fund balance for a total of $424,637. (72, 5242) 10 High School Scholarship Donation, $2,000. IESI, the City's refuse contractor, donated $2,000 to provide $500 scholarships to four Friendswood seniors, two at Clearbrook High School and two at Friendswood High School. (81, 5243) 11 Sewer.Line at 503 N. Friendswood Dr., $4,180. Install tie-in to City's sewer system at Linn Eignus property in lieu of purchasing a drainage easement across the Eignus property for the Annalea/Whitehall Drainage project. Fund with Water and Sewer working capital. (90, 5201) 2004 BA ll-Attachment A#4 Revised ATTACHMENT A Page 3 of 5 FY 2003-2004 Budget Amendment II Summary Apri14, 2005 12 Centennial Park Change Order#1, $58,031. The Centennial Park project called for two concession stand/restroom facilities. One of those was bid as an alternate, without the concession stand being constructed and only the restroom facilities. This particular facility is to be constructed next to the football field. We believe it will be prudent to go ahead and construct this entire facility for an additional $58,931. The cost to retrofit the building for a concession stand later would be significantly more, and the location next to the football field requires the concession stand be available. The additional funding needed will come from a transfer of the savings incurred in the capital project for the lighting update on several fields in Renwick Park. City Council approved this change order on 6/21/2004, agenda item 10-B-1 along with awarding of the construction contract to Frost Brothers. (83, 5199) 13 Texas Forest Service Grant, $1,120. This is the second year the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department has received the Texas Forest Service Grant from Texas A&M University system thru the Rural Fire Defense Assistance program. This reimbursement grant provided fire fighter training for eight firefighters to attend the Harris County Firefighter Association Field Day training in April 2004. (91, 4443) 14 Annalea/Whitehall Draina�e Project, $65,560. The 2003 Bond Election authorized $1.331 Million for improvements to the drainage system in the Annalea, Kingspark and Whitehall Subdivisions. The bid award for this project exceeds the amount of bond funds available by$65,000. Staff proposed to supplement a portion of this work from water and sewer working capital for the utility improvements ($57,459) and a supplemental amount ($8,100)budgeted in the FY2004-OS City Budget to cover these additional costs. Since approval by City Council on 8/2/2004, agenda item 10-A, it was determined the $8,100 could be funded with interest earned on the bond funds thereby freeing up this amount to use on the Sun Meadow Drainage project. This change was authorized by City Council on 10/18/2004, item 12-A. (95, 5202) 15 Consulting Services on Special Financin�District Proposals, $20,000. Friendswood Development Company has a request for a Municipal Utility District (MUD) and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) for special district funding consideration far the proposed West Ranch development in Friendswood. Because of the size of the project and the complexity of the financing, staff recommends an agreement with Knudson &Associates in the amount of$20,000. Knudson & Associates specializes in advising both local governments and developers in the intricacies of this type of special financing districts. City Council approved this contract on 8/2/2004, agenda item 10-C. (98, 4444) 16 Texas Forest Service Grant, $4,530. This is the second year the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department has received the Texas Forest Service Grant from Texas A&M University system thru the Cost Share Assistance program. This grant reimbursed the City for Personal Protective Equipment (bunker gear) for ten firefighters. (102, 4760, 103, 4761) 2004 BA li-Attachment A#4 Revised ATTACHMENT A Page 4 of 5 FI' 2003-2004 Budget Amendment II Summary Apri14, 2005 17 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Drainage Project Chan�e Order#2, $11,415. In an effort to take advantage of the work of this project to incorporate the resolution of several small drainage issues in the immediate area of the Shadowbend Woodlawn intersection some changes to the work have become necessary. The total proposed changes are $16,445. At the same time several items were discovered to be unnecessary for the performance of the new system. The total deductions are $5,030. Funding for this Change Order can be taken from the surplus in the 2003 Bond Construction Fund that totals slightly over$12,000. This amount is what was left over from the estimated bond costs that was re-allocated back to the construction areas for use there. (99-5204) 18 Laserfiche Indexing Software, $9,506. This is primarily an accounting amendment to adjust the payment for Laserfiche Indexing software from City Secretary's office (CSO) to Administrative Services (ASO.) The software was budgeted in 2004 by the CSO and added to the CSO department budget. A purchase order was processed by CSO to begin implementation and a down payment was made for one-half the cost. However, all hardware and software purchases should be budgeted in ASO, IT (Information Technology) division; therefore, the payment was moved from CSO to ASO. This budget amendment transfers the budget for that payment from CSO to ASO. The budget and payment for the remaining half of this project will be carried forward into 2005 in the CSO budget and another amendment made after the project is completed to move the remaining budget and expenditure to ASO. (105, 5238) 19 Reduce Longwood Park and San Joaquin Sewer Line Budget and Correct Funding Source, ($296,882�. This amendment recognizes a reduction of$296,882 in total cost of the Longwood Park and San Joaquin Sewer Line projects. In addition, this amendment also corrects the original funding source from 1999 and 2001 Water and Sewer Bond Construction Fund interest earnings. These projects should have been funded with savings from the Beamer Road Waterline, $402,000, and 1.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank, $554,480, projects. This amendment reduces the interest budget by$1,252,362 and transfers $955,480 from the Beamer Road Waterline and 1.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank projects resulting in the net budget reduction of $296,882. (107, 5213, 108, 5210) 20 Purchase Additional Properv on FM528 at Public Safetv Buildin� Site $708 836. The City purchased a 10 acre parcel for the Public Safety Building (PSB) site. The 10 acre parcel was then divided into three separate parcels. The middle parcel of 3.6 acres ($399,399) is to be the PSB site. The back parcel of 3.4 acres ($375,586)will be retained as a possible site for a future fire station. The FM 528 frontage parcel of 3 acres ($333,250) will be sold. The PSB site is to be funded with 2003 general obligation bonds. The other two parcels will be funded with General Fund balance. When the FM 528 frontage parcel is sold, the proceeds will be used to reimburse General Fund balance. (109, 5233) 2004 BA II-Attachment A#4 Revised ATTACHMENT A Page 5 of 5 FY 2003-2004 Budget Amendment II Summary Apri14, 2005 21 2004 Asphalt Street Program, $22,390. Transfer additional funding needed for 2004 Asphalt Street project change order#3 from balance of San Joaquin Street Improvement budget. Change order approved by City Council on 9/20/2004. San Joaquin Street Reconstruction project will need to be re-budgeted in a future fiscal year. (110, 5247) 22 Friendswood Link Road/Whispering Pines Preliminarv Engineering Study and Environmental Assessment Supplemental Agreement#1, $6,600. A modification to original scope of the contract concerning surveying for the project. Additional on the ground surveying of Clear Creek was required to determine road alignment where Harris and Galveston Counties meet. Fund project change order with unappropriated Brittany Bay project budget. (113-5312) 2004 BA II-Attachment A#4 Revised City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B Budget Amendment II Detail Page 1 of 2 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 April 4,2005 No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation 1 001-0000-334.30-40 Emergency Management Grant 29,128 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-0416-419.57-00 Computer Supplies 109 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-0416-419.77-10 Software License Fees 1,500 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.68-00 Equipment Maintenance 1,000 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.74-00 Operating Services 440 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.75-10 Training 2,600 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.75-20 Travel Reimbursements 1,401 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.75-30 Memberships 268 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.76-12 Telephone/Communications 450 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.78-00 Contract Services 350 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-2510-422.78-30 Rental 450 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 1 001-7001-421.88-00 Capital Equipment 20,560 Allocate Additional EM Grant Funds 2 001-3610-431.65-10 Street Maintenance (6,925) 2004 Asphalt Street Project-CO#1-Mandale Rd 2 001-3610-431.65-12 Asphalt Street Maint (28,000) 2004 Asphalt Street Project-CO#1-Mandale Rd 2 001-7001-431.85-12 Asphalt Streets 34,925 2004 Asphalt Street Project-CO#1-Mandale Rd 3 001-0000-331.30-30 Bureau Of Justice Grants 993 Bulletproof Vest Federal Grant 3 001-2120-421.52-00 Personnel Supplies 993 Bulletproof Vest Federal Grant 4 415-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines (101,115) Shadowbend Sewer Line Project 4 415-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines 101,115 Shadowbend Sewer Line Project 5 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 92,856 Harold L Whitaker Drive 5 001-0000-337.40-00 Galveston Co Consol Dd 92,855 Harold L Whitaker Drive 5 001-7001-431.85-91 Construction (Contracted) 185,711 Harold L Whitaker Drive 6 001-0000-386.00-00 Donations 1,140 Kidfish Program 6 001-6420-452.54-00 Operating Supplies 1,140 Kidfish Program 7 001-0000-347.50-30 Fun Run Receipts/Donation 2,057 Holiday Hustle/5K Fun Run 7 001-0000-347.50-30 Fun Run Receipts/Donation 375 Holiday Hustle/5K Fun Run 7 001-6420-452.54-00 Operating Supplies 143 Holiday Hustle/5K Fun Run 7 001-6420-452.78-00 Contract Services 232 Holida Hustle/5K Fun Run 7 001-6420-452.78-00 Contract Services 2,057 Holiday Hustle/5K Fun Run 8 401-0000-380.00-00 Miscellaneous Receipts 4,500 Waterwise Conservation School Program 8 401-3601-434.79-12 Water Conservation Progrm 4,500 Waterwise Conservation School Program 9 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 120,000 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets 120,000 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets 120,000 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets (120,000) Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 58,622 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets 58,622 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 49,738 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets 49,738 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 18,667 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-30 Drainage Improvements 18,667 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-11 Concrete Streets (177,610) Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 9 001-7001-431.85-30 Drainage Improvements 177,610 Woodlawn/Shadowbend Cost Overrun 10 001-0000-380.00-00 Miscellaneous Receipts 2,000 Four$500 IESI Highschool Scholarships 10 001-0401-415.74-00 Operating Services 2,000 Four$500 IESI Highschool Scholarships 11 401-0000-306.00-00 Working Capital 4,180 Sewer Line at 503 N Friendswood Dr 11 401-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines 4,180 Sewer Line at 503 N Friendswood Dr 12 001-7001-453.81-20 Buildings 58,031 Centennial Park CO#1 12 001-7001-453.82-20 Lighting (58,031) Centennial Park CO#1 2004 BA II-Attachment B#5 Revised City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B Budget Amendment II Detail Page 2 of 2 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 April 4,2005 No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation 13 001-0000-334.30-00 Grants 1,120 Texas Forest Service Training Grant 13 001-2202-422.75-10 Training 1,120 Texas Forest Service Training Grant 14 250-0000-361.10-00 Investments 8,100 Annalea/Whitehall Cost Overrun 14 250-7001-431.85-30 Drainage Improvements 8,100 Annalea/Whitehall Cost Overrun 14 401-0000-306.00-00 Working Capital 50,955 Annalea/Whitehall Utility Relocation 14 401-0000-306.00-00 Working Capital 6,504 Annalea/Whitehall Utility Relocation 14 401-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines 6,504 Annalea/Whitehall Utility Relocation 14 401-7001-434.85-41 Distribution Lines 50,955 Annalea/Whitehall Utility Relocation 15 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 20,000 Special Financing District Consultant 15 001-0301-413.78-00 Contract Services 20,000 Special Financing District Consultant 16 250-7001-431.85-30 Drainage Improvements (11,415) Woodlawn/Shadowbend CO#2 16 250-7001-431.85-30 Drainage Improvements 11,415 Woodlawn/Shadowbend CO#2 17 001-0000-334.30-00 State Grant 1,510 Texas Forest Service Bunker Gear Grant 17 001-2202-422.52-00 Personnel Supplies 1,510 Texas Forest Service Bunker Gear Grant 17 001-0000-334.30-00 State Grant 3,020 Texas Forest Service Bunker Gear Grant 17 001-2202-422.52-00 Personnel Supplies 3,020 Texas Forest Service Bunker Gear Grant 18 001-0201-411.58-00 Operating Equipment<$5000 (2,133) Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0201-411.75-10 Training (1,725) Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0201-411.77-10 Software License Fees (4,241) Lase�che Indexing Software 18 001-0201-411.77-20 Sofiware Support Services (1,407) Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0416-419.58-00 Operating Equipment<$5000 2,133 Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0416-419.75-10 Training 1,725 Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0416-419.77-10 Software License Fees 4,241 Laserfiche Indexing Software 18 001-0416-419.77-20 Software Support Services 1,407 Laserfiche Indexing Software 19 417-0000-361.20-50 Mbia (58,534) San Joaquin Sewer Line 19 417-0000-361.20-50 Mbia (401,000) San Joaquin Sewer Line 19 417-0000-361.20-50 Mbia (554,480) San Joaquin Sewer Line 19 417-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines (58,534) San Joaquin Sewer Line 19 417-7001-434.85-41 Distribution Lines (401,000) San Joayuin Sewer Line 19 417-7001-434.85-91 Construction (Contracted) (554,480) San Joaquin Sewer Line 19 415-0000-361.20-51 Mbia 1999 Bond Fund Int (117,448) Longwood Park Sewer Line 19 415-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines (117,448) Longwood Park Sewer Line 19 417-0000-361.20-50 Mbia (120,900) Longwood Park Sewer Line 19 417-7001-433.85-51 Collection Lines (120,900) Longwood Park Sewer Line 20 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 333,250 FM 528 Frontage Land Parcel 20 001-7001-460.81-10 Land 333,250 FM 528 Frontage Land Parcel 20 001-0000-301.00-00 Undesignated Fund Balance 375,586 Future Fire Station Land Parcel 20 001-7001-460.81-10 Land 375,586 Future Fire Station Land Parcel 21 001-7001-431.85-12 Asphalt Streets (22,390) 2004 Asphalt Street Program Cost Overrun 21 001-7001-431.85-12 Asphalt Streets (22,390) 2004 Asphalt Street Program Cost Overrun 22 001-7001-431.85-81 Prelimina Study 6,600 Friendswood Link Rd PE&EA Suppl Agr#1 22 001-7001-431.85-81 Prelimina Study (6,600) Transfer to Frwd Link Rd from Brittany Bay 2004 BA II-Attachment B#5 Revised