HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 95-18 pR➢I�ANCE NO. 95-18 AN ORDIN'r�lv�� �;�'A�LI�H.ING THE MA7�IMUM PE�:M�TED FEx SUBSCIZiBF.R FER MONTH �ASIC f`,AI3LE S�VICB RA.TES OF TCI TKR QF HOU�TO�d, JNC., DIBlA TCT CABLE'�ISION �F HQUSTQN, C�Yvi�iF.�T�'CXNG QN"AP�II,Zb, 1995; ORDERiiv`G A BASIC SEI�ViCE R�►T'E RF.FLT�]D Tt7 CA�LE SUBS�R.IBERS, SU�TECT TO APPROVBD FCC OFFSET]�SE'i'F-T�ODOL,bGY, $ACk'f0 TH(E DATE TGi IMP I'I'S P�bFdSED �ASIC CAB�.� S�.FtViCE CHA�RGE.S TO THE DA'I'� TCI P�iYSTCALLY CHANGES THE BASIC SF.RVICE RATE; AND S�'TTINCi FORTH t�THER PROVIS�JNS RF.�.ATF.D THERETO. �, ,� * * � WHEREA�, the City of Friendswoc�d (the "City"� is cer�.fied to regulaiz basi� cable s�rvice rates pursua�t ta the 19�2 Ga�le Act (the "Act") and Feaeral Commanicatio�s Cammission {"FCC') fiules; a,t�d WIiERE�5, by Resolutio�► I�o. R93-4�� (�.h� "Resolution") the City adopfied gr�cedur�s � for rate regulat�an coz�sistcnt with the Act and FCC Rules, and is rcgularing basiG c�bie rates; � and I WHERE/�S, on or abaut �ec�mber 27, 1994, TCI TKR of Houston, In�., d/bla TCI Cablevision of Houston ("T�I"), subtr►itted to the City an FCC Fnrm 1210 pursu$nt to FCC Rules adopte� Febru.ary 22, 1994, with a schcdule af rates for t�C �asiG s�rviCe tier at]d e�pa.nded basic �ecvice tier {hcrei�after "Farr� 1210"); and WHER.EAS, by previous Resolution No. R9S-3 the City extet�ded the review period for Form 1210 for an addiuonal ninety (9U) r:�ay periad beyond the initial ;hirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, by previ�u5 R�so�uiion No. R95-I3 thc City ar►txruf its accauntin� order autlyorizing TCT to charge the basic se�ice rates grogosed in its rate feling gaeka�e submittad to the �iry on ar about DecemiQer 27, 1994, effecdve 120 da�►s from the submissian of such I filing, subject ta refund artd prasp�c:kive reduction if an� to the e�ctent the City lat�r iss�e� a written decision disapproving any poreon af sueh rates; and WHEREAS, a public hearir�g was held ta hear public comments on the basic s�rvice �able rates pf TCI; and WH�tEAS, the City Councit has concluded its review of TCI's rate package and mado c�rtai.n dcterminatit�ns; NQVV, THF�.EFQRE, 1 i IFrie�dw�oedll110.ed I i�� � � . � . . . $E I1 CaRDA�i3ED �Y'THE CTTi Y CC3UN�IL OP T'Y-�� CITY OF FFZII�NDS�VOOI), STA'I'E �F TBXtOS: Scctian �,o That th� C:ity Counci�l of the �City hereby adopts and affirnts the �ndings and recitals se�t forth �� the pt�eamble io this Ordinartce. Section 2. That�8.42 shall canstitute ch�m�xiraum autheri�eaf rate�r stibscriher ger ertonth fvr basic cable service perr,utted to b� charged �y 'I'�I witlYin th� City. This basic service cable �ate was deriv� by using the farmula c�e��elaped by the FGC adjusteti for error in the TCI rat� p�,c�a;ge fiied on or abaat December 27, 1�94. TCI is heret�y ordexed to r�duc� its rat� per subscritfer in aC�co"s�8t1Ce VtJI�}t �Il4S S�Ct1Qtt. Sectian 3, 7'CI.is hereby ord�re�to refi:nd t�s.�.h�e su�scribass the diffcr�r►�between the m�nthly ba.sic service ehazge af �$.4S arzd the approved ��a42 mon:hly ba�ic sr.�vicx ra�e. Within thir�y (3Q� days of the effectiv�date �f ihis Ord'rn�nce, TGI shali submit �glan for such refund. In s�ach plan TCI rr�ay usc the offset methodology approved k�y thc FCC. The refur�d5 if ar�y, shall be �mplet�d r,o lat�r than ninety {9�) day� after tha effective dat� of this brdinance. 'I'hc ref�n� shall be computed frar;� t��le d�te T�I implcmented th� S8.aS manthly basi� serviee charge tt, th� date TE;I physically changcs th� �asic seivice r��te (withir the required ninet� [90� day period}. Section 4. Section 5 of Or�inance No. 95-2 shall rem�i�n in effec:t with r�t to the insid� wiring ma:ntenana pragrim. Se�tion S, In adoptir.g this Ordinar�ce the City Council of thc City is n�t approving or acquiescing in any way whatsoev�r to c�st da:a and�ur method�logies not s�cifically addresse� in this Ordiaance. Furtr:ermarex t��e Gity Cauncil is not waivi�g any raghts ro w�tich it is eatitlod. S�ciion �. Al� ardinances in �orc� when this Clydi�ance beeome� effe�tive and which are inconsistent or in�flic#with tt�is C7rdinance�re herehy re�ed in�far as sueh ordinances ar� inconsistent or in conflict with this �rdinance. Section 7. 'I'he City Caunci! of th� City dc�s hereby de�la�re that if any secti�ati, subsecti�n, paragraph, sen�ence, clause, �hrase, word ar porti�n of this Ordinance is do�lareci invalid ar uncanstitutional�y a coart of competen�jurisdiction then,in such event, it r�vould have passed and arc�ain�d any an� aI� remainin� portinns af this Ordiriance withaut the inclusion �f thac portion or portians which may b� sa found to be uncanstitutional vr invalid, and dccl�s that its iritent is to make �o gortian of t�is C)rdinance dependent ugan the val�diry af arxy other pa�ata�n t�ereof, and al� s�aid remain�ng portic�ns shall can�nue in full fa�ce an� cffect. �e�tian $. Tho City 5ecre�ry i.s hereby �uChari�zx�6 a�nc3 d'uectcd to mail a cop}�af this Ordinance to TCr. ea.�e�arisEO,o.a —�— � • � � P�S��D AI�U APPRQ��D an first reading this � �thday of r�ay , t995. PASSED, Ap��C3V�, AND ADflPTFD o� ser�nd and final reading this 5 th da� of ,7une_______, ��S• G� , ' , � E��elyn . 1`�Tew Mayor ATTFST: . � Deloris McKenzie, City S�ctetary P�i�daroai!l1lU.ad -3-