HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 96-06 o�unv�vcE No. 96-6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE FRIEN'DSWOO� CITY CODE, SAID APFENDY�C C BEIN'G TH� Z�NING ORDINANCE �F TiiE CITY� B'Y X3E�.ETXNG SUASECTIQN B QF SECTION 8 THEREOF AND SUBSTTTUTING THF.R��OR A T�E'W SUBSECTIpN B, AND BY ADUING T� SECTiON 20 THP.�tEC?F A NER► SUBSECTION II; PROVIDING THAT F.ENCPS, HEDCFS, ANA WALI.S MAY BE LOCATED WI'I'HIN FRONT AND SIDE YARDS ON LOTS ADJAGENT T4 F.M. 528, F.M. 2351, THAT PORTI4N OF F.M. 518 NO�LTH d� F.M. 2351 ANA 80iTTH OF F.M. 528, AND ON LOTS L,ARGFR TH�N TWQ (2} ACR�S aR MORE, IF N(� HAZARU�CJS VISLTAI, OBSTRUCTION IS CREATED; PROVIDING A DEFINITIGN FQR THE WQRD "FENCE"; PROVIDING A PENALTY OP AN AMO'CJNT NOT TO EXCEED $200(}FOR EACH DAY 4F VIO�,,ATIpN OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PR��IDYNG F�R SEVF.RABILITY. * * * * � BE IT �RDA7NEI7 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE �IT'Y OF �T�NDSWOOD, 5TATE OF TFXAS; �Qjl,l. TZIC CO(�C Of UC(�111�I�C�B OP C� Cl�+ Of FtiCnf�SWO�, Texas, is hereby amended by deleting from Apper�dix C ther�f, said Appendi�c C bei� the Zoning Ordinance of the City, all of subsectian B of Section 8, which pravidcs as �'ollows: [B. Fences, walls, and hedges. Natwithstanding any ather pravision of tbis Ordinance, fences, walls, and h�dgcs arc permitted in or ala�g the edge of any require� yard other khan a front yazd or a side yard cQntiguaus to a side street line.] artd substituting therofar the follawin�g: B. Frnc�s� wal c� a��es. �xcent a� �rovided below. fenc.es. walls_ and hedg�,�r�.j�TiLI�G� ]I1STr a1a31��1���f s'ttl�' TG$lltrgi yard. However, no fenGe. vv�1. or ge shall �he constructed an anv exteriar side y�rc� s� as td �o s it�� P a a�ar[I6�C vlaiiAl bt]C �c ian n tr-�ffi_ in an,y dirPrtion, ��cl sar_r�r mLSt �.onforrn to subsecdon A of this Section. Additionally, fenccs� walls,�,�s� mgx�X � C9ri�ttsl in fL�nl�+�ds on lo� atti�nt t4F-�F�1._2�51_ anc� F.M. 51$ norLh of F„"M. 2�S��nc� &�t1j of F�.�B_, Qr ���tr �r,�rcr hAn FWDIFENGEB.ORDWBI�86 two (� acrec� or�vided that �,o haTarcious vic��al dbstructQn l� ��(,��- ��. The Code of 4rdina.nces af the City of Friendswood� Texa�, is hereby fi�rther amended by adding to Section 20 of said Apper�ix C a new subsection IT to p�rovide �s fallaws: "n Fence A ctruc�u device fornun¢ a nhvsi�al b�r_ricr w�ich oba�ue� ���. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ord'u� shall be deemeci guilty of a misdemeanar and, upon conviction, shaYl be fined in an amount not to exc�ed $2,000. Each day af vialatian shal! canstitute a separate offeuse. Section 4. Tn th� event any clause, phrase, pro�vision, scntence, ar part �f this Ordinance or the applic�tian of the same ta any person ar circumstance shall far an� reason be adjudged in�valid or held unconstitutianal by a court of competent jtrrisdiction, it shall nnt affeet, unpair, ar inv�lidate this ardinance as a whule or any part or prnvisian hereof other ttyan khe part declared ta be irwvalid or uncanstitutianal; affil the City Gauncil of tt�e Ciry of Frierxiswooci, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanciing the omissian of any such part thus declared to be invalid ar u�constitutional, whether there be ons or rnore parts. PASSED AND APPROVED an first readirxg this l�t� day of ����� , �99b. PASSED, APPROVED, AND AD4PTFA an second and �inal reading this 2otn day of May , 1��. � ,� � U LLIi v' Evelyri r ewmall _ Mayar Fwn�ence3.oaoias,�a 2 . � . , -- .,,,_ . ' . • . . ATTEST: �, � � z , . -� l- c` Delaris McKenzie� ' C City Se�r�taty FWDVFlNCEB.ORD�OG�3ae �