HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 96-18 , . � ' ,,� � • ' . , ' , . . � . : . �JRDINANCE NO. 96-18 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING Tf� CITY OF FRIENDS�OOD, TEXAS, c'�'RAT. BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1996/97; MARING APPROPRIATIONS FOR Tf� CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLEC'i'ED IN SAID BUD�ET, AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS REI�ATING TO TFIE SUBJECT. * * * * * * * * * * WFIEREAS, on August 1, 1996, the City Manager presented to the City Council a proposed Budget of the expenditures of the City of Friendswood for the fiscal year 1996/1997, a SUMMARY copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and Wf�REAS, pursuant to notice as required by, public hearing on such Budget was held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at which hearings all citizens and taxpayers of the City had the right to be present and to be heard and those who requested to be heard were heard; and, WI�REAS, the City Council has considered the proposed budget and had made such changes therein as in the City Council's judgement were warranted by law and were in the best interests of the citizens and taxpayers of the City; and WHF.RRAS, a copy of the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary and the City Council desires to adopt the same; and WHF.RF.AS� in accordance with Section 8.03 (A) of the City Charter, the City Council has reviewed estimates of revenue to be derived by the City during the 1996/1997 fiscal year, including the most up-to-date preliminary tax evaluation figures as have been made available to the City by the Galveston County Appraisal District, the City Council finds and determines that as of the date of this Ordinance, and in order to meet the requirements as set out in by Section 8.03 (E) of the City Charter, the proposed Budget referred to here-in is based on the best information available to the City to assure that budgeted expenditures do not exceed total estimated income; now, therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY Tf� CITY COUNCII, OF TF� CITY OF FRIENDS1100D, STATB OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. 096.18/LST03 . • . •� '. � � • Section 2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 689a-15, V.T.C.S. , the City Council hereby approves and adopts the Budget described above, the same being on file with the City Secretary. The City Secretary is hereby directed to place on said budget and to sign an endorsement reading as follows "The Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the fiscal year 1996/1997 and to keep such Budget on file in the City Secretary's Office as a public record. Section 3. In support of said Budget and by virtue of the adoption thereof, there are hereby appropriated out of available cash funds and out of the general and special revenue of the City which will be received in the treasury during the fiscal year 1996/1997 the amount set forth in said approved Budget for the various purposes stated therein. The total amount now thus appropriated and the funds from which the same are derived are as follows; Beginning Fund Balance, 10/O1/96 $ 965,458 Total Revenues $15,484,090 Total Resources Available for Appropriation $16,449,548 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses $16,344,601 Ending Fund Balance, 9/30/97 $ 104,947 SUMMARY OF 1996/1997 PROPOSED BUDGET AND AMENDNIENTS IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF AS "EXHIBIT A" AND "EXHIBIT B". PASSED. APPROVSD, AND ADOPTED this 30th day of September, 1996. � �t•t7L�J Evelyn . Newm n Mayor ATTEST: . C D loris McKenzie, C City Secretary 096.18/LST03 , . . � ' � . ^ • . ,• . , . REVISED 09/27/96 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 1996-1997 PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY 95-96 PROPOSED BUDGET REVENUES Taxes 8,056,530 Charges for Services 5,914,675 Permits and Fees 622,031 Fines and Forefeitures 309,590 Intergovernmental Revenues 49,714 Other Grants p Alternate Funding Proceeds 53,200 Interest 261,699 Donations 155,801 Other 60,850 TOTAL REVENUES 15,484,090 EXPENDITURES General Government 1,670,694 Community Development 412,554 Public Safety 3,756,235 Public Works 4,748,588 Community Services 1,641,165 Capital Improvements 1,165,050 Debt Service 2,875,315 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,269,601 BESERVES 75,000 75,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES 16,344,601 -------------__ REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES (860,511) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, 10/1 965,458 ENDING FUND BALANCE, 9/30 * M 104,947 "' Restricted funds at September 30, 1997 are$101,810. ' c:\123r5w\work\�yn n\budget\bud971pb\cc\bsr.wk4 EXHIBIT "B" STATE OF TEXAS ) ( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ) ( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 MINUTES OF A SP�CIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON.•MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 AT THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR EVELYN B. �TEWMAN NLAYOR PBO TEM �ANIS LOWE COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN HAJECATE COUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER TOM MANISON COUNCILMEMBER MEL AUSTIN COUNCILMEMBER ALINE DICKEY FINANCE OFFICER LYNN BUCHER DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ROGER ROECKER CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE NiAYOR NEWMAN CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER. **COUNCILMEMBER MANISON MOVED TO APPROVE ORDINANCE T96-18, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1996/97; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET, AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAJECATE. DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE BUDGET AND THE REVISIONS PRESENTED. COUNCILMEMBER AUSTIN REQUESTED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM CITY MANAGER COX AND CLARIFICATION OF THE INCREASES AND DECREASES PRESENTED IN TI-IE BUDGET. CITY MANAGER COX EXPLAINED THE CHANGES THAT WERE MADE TO THE BJDGET REGARDING THE SEWER RATE, THE TAX RATE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, COUNSELING SERVICE, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AND DEPARTMENT BUDGETS. FURTHER DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING FIRE STATION #2 RENOVATIONS, BUNKER GEAR WASHER, T-BALL FIELDS, MANHOLE REHABILITATION, SIDEWALKS, VEHICLES FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, THE AUTOMOBILE POLICE, STREET LIGHTS, MOWING CONTRACTS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES, AMBULANCE CHASSIS, OVERTIME, AN INTERNAL MANAGEMENT REVIEW, AND THE CAR ALI,OWANCE POLICY. COUNCILMEMBER AUSTIN PRESENTED TWELVE SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS TO THE 1996/97 BUDGET WITH DISCUSSION FOLLOWING. ***COUNCILMEMBER LOWE MADE A MOTION TO AMEND THE MAIN MOTION TO IN�I,UDE THE SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS OF COUNCILMEMBER AUSTIN WHICH ARE 1. ACCEPT THE SALARY PLAN IN THE BUDGET WITH A FREEZE ON WAGES AND HIRING UNTIL A SALARY PI:AN IS RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 2. ACCEPT BUDGETED OVERTIME AMOUNTS AND HOURS WITH A FREEZE ON ALL OVERTIME PAI'N�ENTS UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 3. ACCEPT MIN96930/KSS03 1 BUDGETED FUNDS FOR COUNSELING CENTER WITH A FREEZE ON EXPENDITURES OVER $8,000 UNTIL FUNDS RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 4. ACCEPT PURCHASE OF ALL RECOMMENDED VEHICLES IN BUDGET WITH A FREEZE ON PURCHASING THE VEHICLES UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 5. ACCEPT THE BUDGET INCLUDING APPROPRIATIONS FOR LIBRA.RY FINES IMPROVEMENTS WITH A FREEZE ON ALI, EXPENDITURES FOR IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 6. ACCEPT THE BUDGET WITH $5,000 • APPROPRIATED FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, FREEZING EXPENDITURES AND CONTRACTING UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 7. ACCEPT BUDGET WITH $1,000 APPROPRIATED FOR RENOVATIONS TO FIRE STATION #2 NOT TO BE CONTRACTED UNTIL FUNDS RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 8. ACCEPT THE BUDGET WITH $9,000 ALLOCATED TO THE PURCHASE OF A BUNKER GEAR WASHER, FROZEN AND NOT TO BE PURCHASED UNTIL FUNDS RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 9. ACCEPT THE BUDGET WITH FUNDING FOR 2 ADDITIONAL PATROL OFFICERS, NOT TO BE HIRED UNTIL AUTHORIZATION IS GIVEN BY COUNCIL. 10. ACCEPT THE BUDGET INCLUDING ALL CAR ALLOWANCES FREEZING CAR ALLOWANCE PAYMENTS UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 11. ACCEPT THE BUDGET WITH FULL PROPOSED FUNDING FOR EACH DEPAR'I�NIENT, FREEZING EXPENDITURES AFTER DECEMBER l, 1996 UNTIL OR UNLESS RELEASED BY COUNCIL. 12. ACCEPT THE BUDGET WITH $5,000 FUNDING FOR A i�1ANAGEMENT REVIEW OF THE CITY, NOT TO BE CONTRACTED UNTIL RELEASED BY COUNCIL. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DICKEY. THE MOTION PASSED 6-1 WITH COUNCILMEMBER MANISON OPPOSED. 7:35 - TOWN MEETING MAYOR NEWMAN CALLED THE TOWN MEETING TO ORDER AT 7:35 P.M. A PRESENTATION WAS MADE BY ERNIE CONNER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, GALVESTON PORT AUTHORITY, REGARDING THE IMPACT OF THE GALVESTON PORT ON GALVESTON COUNfiY INCLUDING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AND THE "HARBOR FEST" PLANNED FOR OCTOBER 19, 1996. MR. CONNER PRESENTED SLIDES ON THE PORT FACILITIES. DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING FRIENDSWOOD SPORTS PARK LOCATED ON F.M. 528 AND CENTENNIAL PARK TO BE LOCATED ON F.M. 518. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES JON BRANSON GAVE A PRESENTATION WITH SLIDES OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR CENTENNIAL PARK AND DISCUSSED OPTIONS ALSO. CONlNIENTS IN FAVOR AND IN OPPOSITION WERE HEAI2D FROM RESIDENTS REGARDING THE CENTENNIAL PARK. MIN96930/KSS03 2