HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 91-33 ORDINANCE NO. 91-33 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 91-3, PASSED AND APPROVED THE 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1991, BY STRIKING ALL OF SECTZONS 1 AND 2 TH R OF AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR NEW SEGTIONS 1 ANb 2 TO PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY A DEALER WHOSE PLAC aF BUSINESS IS WITHIN 300 FEET O A RESIDENCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PRQ DING FOR SEVERABI ITYj AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE susJ cT. * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STAT OF T XAS: Sectian . l. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 91-3, passed and approved an the 4th day of February, 1991, is hereby amended by striking all of Section 1 thereof, which provides as follows: (Section 1. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any alcoholic bevarage from a place of business which is located within three hundred feet (300') of a church, public school, or public hospital.) and substituting therefor the following: Section 1. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any alcoholic beverage from a place of business which is located within three hundred feet (300') of a church, public school, public hospital, or residence. Section.2 . City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 91-03, passed and approved on the 4th day of February, 1991, is hereby amended by striking all of Section 2 thereof, wh:lch provides as fo .low : (Section 3. For the purposes hereof the measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sald and the church or public hospital sha].1 be along th property Iines of the street fronts and from front door to fron � door, and in direct line acro�s in�ersectians. The measurement of the distance between tha plac� of bueinesS where alcoholic beverages are sald and the public schools shall be from the nearest property line of the public school to the neares� doarway by which �he public may enter the place of business, along street lines and in direct line across intargections. For any business where alcoholic beverages are sold holding a parmi� or license covering a premise where minors are prohibited from enterinq the premise� under Section 109.�3, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, the measur�men� of th� distance between the prem�ses and a public $chaol shall be along the property lines of �he �tireet frontis and from fron� door ta front doar, and in a direct line across intersections. ] and substituting therefor the followinq: Seat�4n 3. F4�_ t�e pu�pOSeS he�eQ� th� m�asurebent of th� distance b�tween th� �lace of l�u�iness ����e a�coho��c beve�aaes are sold and th� chur�h or public hospit�l__ sh�� be along ��e p�operty lznes o� the street fronts and from fron� �oor Go front �,oQrs a�d �„n a direct line across intersecti.ons� Th m�asursm�n� of th� dis�ance b tween t�e place o� busines� where alcoholic beverage� ax'� 8old and the 1�ublic �chools sha��� be from the nearest p�p�r�y ine o� �h� public school to �h� ne�r�s doorway by which ., �J'Lpub�i� may enter the place of b�s�.ness, �lqllc� street �,ines and in a direct line a�ross i1l�ersections �'4�' any business where alcoholic beveraqe� ar� old ho].ding a permi� or l,i�ens� verina a p���n�se where }n nors are prohibited from entering the premi es under ���t,f on ].09, 5�, TeX � AlGOholl:c $eve�ge Code, th� measurement of the distance between �he pr�mi�es and a pub�iG school s1��i1 b� alonct the property lines of th� street �ronts and from front do9r tv f 4rlt door, and in � �1r��G lille � ross inte�sections The meas�r�m�n� Qf the distance between the place 4� b�sine�� wheXe ��c9ho��G beverages are �old and a residence shall b from th� nearest�roperty line of the re�fc��nce to the ne�x��� dooxway by wh��h �he public may �nte� the plac� oP businessf along street lines and in a dlrect ].i.n_g across int$rsec�i.4ns. ��.,��. Any person who sha12 violate any provi�ion of this Ordinance shall be deemed gui.lty of a misdemeanor and, upon convic�ion, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2, 000. �ach vialatian and each day of vfalation shall cons�itute a separate offense. -�2- Sec�ion 4. Zn the event any section, paraqraph, subd�vision, clausa, phrase, provision, sentenca, or par� of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall far any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutiana� by � court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not aff�c�, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or pravisions hereof orher than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional and the City Council af the City of Friendawood, Texas,. d�clares �ha� i� would have passed each and every part of the sam� no�withstanding the omissfon of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutfonal, or whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 18th day of November 199 1. , s PASSED, APPROV�D, ANO ADOPTED on second and final reading th�s 2nd dc�x Of December � 1991. � aul W. Schrader, Mayox ATTEST: Del.or s Archer, CMC Gity Secratary �3�