HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 98-20 ' ; " - � �``3��� ��������`� t7 r���' � � o�nrnr�vc�Na._ ��-2� � 13- 19- Q�� � AN ORDINANCE FTNAING AND D�TERMINII'�1G THAT PCT�LIC CONVENIENCE AND NEC�SSITY NQ L4NGER REQUIRE THE . CONi'INUED EXISTENCE OF A PQRTTON' OF THAT CERTAIN FORTY FOOT W�DE DEDICATED PUBLIC �t[G1�T OF WAY I,QCA.T�D �VER ANJ� ACROSS BURGE5S SIJHI7NISI�N QF SEG"TIQN SIX,B.S.&F. SURV�Y,GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS. �. � + * * 'VVHEREAS, Friendswoo4i Independ�nt Schoal District, the abutting praperry oa�mcr, has petitioned the City of Friendswaod, T�:xa�s, to vacazc, �ba�.dun, and olose thc ��eia�aftt,r dcscribed public right of way; a,n.d . WHEREAS, the City Council has detenminad tb.at such public right of w�y ak�ould bc �vacatcd, abandoncd, and closcd for the reason that the same is no longer needed by th�public or the City, and that the public convenience will not be harmed by �uch vaaatian, abanda�acn� a�d closure; now, therefore, BE I'I' pR_pAINED BY TH� CITY CqUN'CII, OF TFiE CZTX OF FRIENDSWOOD. S'�,ATE i7�' TE�S: Section 1. The facts and matters sct forth in the preamble vf this Ordi.�aslc� are hereby found ta be tsue and carract. ��,,,�. The City Council of the City of Frienc3swood, '�'exas, hereby fincf� az�d determines that public convanience and neccssit�no langer requise the existcnce of the �rty foot wide public right of way described in Exhibit"A" attached hereta aa1d mad.e a part h�ro�f fer ail pusp�ses. , ection 3. Thc Mayor ie hereby authorized to executc and thc City Saareta�y is hereby authorizesd to attast,raspectivaly,a quitclaim deod, a copy of which is attach«i h�rerm and FWD/VACATE UT[LffY SMT.OAD/06/U5/98 CITY OF�R;ENDSIMOOD ,QO� Attn:City Secretary , 910 S.Friendswood Drive �riendswood.TX 77546-�BS�a � � ; " 3- 19 - � � � � � � . � made a part hercaf, convcying th�e public ri$ht of way dascribed in Extubit "A" to FriCnds�voad Indepcndent $chool District. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 15thday of �7une , lqgg, PASS�D, APPROVED, and ADOPTEI� on second and fir�Al reAding this :6�th d#,y of July , I998. Harold j,. Whitaker Mayor ATT��T i . F Dc1or'rs McKcnzic, T C City Secrctary F'WD/VACATE PISD ROWORDIO6/OSN$ Z ClTlf 4F �!Ri�l!!���a`.°�JAp Attn: City Secretary 910 S.Friendswood Dnve �►dswood,TX �1546 �E856 . , � � � u 13- 19- 0866 THE STATE OF TEXAS } } QUITCLAIM D$ED COUN'i'Y OF GALVESTON } That the City of Fricndswaod bas rcleased and qui�claimed and by thcse pres�nts doas rclease and quitclai.m unto tho Ftiend�wood Indcpendent School District alI its ri�t, titla, interest, claim and demand in and to the propert�r which was �va,cated, closed and aban�on�d by Ordinance No.9 8-2D,passed and a�proved by the City Counci.� of the City of Fricndsvvoad and described as a portian of that certain forty f�ot (40') wide pubtiC ri�ht of way ss shpwn on�plat . of Burgess Subdivisian of Sxtian Six,B,S.$c F. Survey,recordad in Volurne 114, Pagc 14,�7eod Records Galveston County, Texas, which i� mOre particul�ly describcd in the attach�d n�et�s and bounds description iden�.�ed as Exhibit"A"and made a part hcreof by rcfercnc�. WITN�SS the following signatures sud seal this 6th dmy of July , 1998. THE C QF�'RIENDSWOOD, TEX,AS Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST . 17eloris McKenzie, T C City Secretary :- ryvory�U�tISiCIYU��`� 3 c Attn:City Secretary 910 S.Friendswood Drive Friendswood,TX 71546-4855 � � . - - u13- 19- 0867 ACKNOWLEDGBMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNI'Y 4F GALVESTON § This instnunent was acknowlcdged b$forc me on the 6th ciay af Julv , 1998,by Harold�.. VV�hitaker, Mayor of the G�ty of Friendswood,Texas, 4n bchalf of sai�1 C�ty. "140;;�. � �; <•���� �UBr��, ` 1 h� Notary Pubuc in and for thc Staxe o�'Te�as ., �� �� �: - � si;;� - "`�' My Cor�missian Exyires: 0 8/10/9 9 T c' f ; ,. � , � FWD/YACATE FI$D ROWORDA6105/48 4 CITY 0�fRl�I�DSIMOOD Atttt:City Secretary 910 S.Friendswood Drive Crinnrlcwnnf'� � 77�4�1--QR.'rl�l . � � . u13- 19- 086 � , E��IT ��A'� p����ax (�f'1.4 l OS acres or 6I,440 squarc feeat of land bein{�a portron of� 40.00 foot widc pl,�tit�ra�pd, �s shown on a pl�tt o�Burgsss Subdivisioa of S�tion Si� B. S. dc F. Sus'vey r�cordod in Vo�uu� t 19, Pagc 14, Doed Rtcords Gatve�ton Coe�nty, Texas (bearie$s bas�d on Trxas Dtpa�Em�pt p�f �'ransportarion Ma}�o#'FM 52$,Sputh 37°a��zr�wac�o�r�vrr��ty�c-of w�►�►e�� SZS} said 1.4 i OS a�rts being rno�rt partia�[ar�y descnbcd by nxtaa sad b�u�as fotZows` COMMENCYNG at a ca�crae n�o�fou�d iz�tix W�siPify�-4f V1/ay iint of k�►�!52�with tF10 SOU�Ywe�€tCf1y Rig�rt-C�-Way IiAe p��tn,�,sOfsg I..a�C{60 R00�wK�C R�ht-UF WSy�; THENCE Norib 52°i 4�o i° wes� ato�g th�So�chw�stady Ri�c-O�w�y]ioe of W�ds��rive a distancc of 507.48 f�et to a fo�d 5�inc�i�m rpd f4r ma a�gle pom�; THENCE N'octh 06°as�sN Ea�, cau���r� w�c�� �u-of�r$y ��f�cra,�o� Lane�a c�staa�x o€SQ.OQ€oet to a poi�t for tha�o�t�y�'o�e�t avr��ar'of a a� 7.�0��ac�e traci, des�c,st'bed in a d.ec�frnm Robest Clark A�on,to Frie�ds�opo�IudCpendcat Sc�op�I�7�#, from said point a ] inch irou pipe w�s fatmd 5ca�ri.ng Norib Z�°t?'52"F.asi,U.67 fecx; T.E�ENG'�Sa�thh 87°08'S4" West� aloqg t��iord�rfy Iin�o�`�c.� 7.4�58$csa t�x,�di�aruoe af 365.87 feet ta n 5/8 inch iron rod sot�s t#e PLACE OF���tII�f�IIl�iG�f'thc h�in�es��bo� tract; TH�NC� Sauth 06°13"24" Weat, uion�th�Es�,tedy Iin�e of sa�d 4Q.00 fopt widc platt�ti rpad, a distanee of I SS I.�t3 feet to a 5/8 inc� iroa rod se�t far cac��r in t�e V�es�riy Rig�t-Q€V�y�ine of Cypress Poit�t Drive; THENCE NaRh 5�°18'19" We�i, a�otig tI� No�tha�ly Right-f;�Way�e oP said Cyp�ss Poi�t I7rive, � di$tance of 46.90 foet to �poim for corner, fram sa�d �c�int n 5!8 ia�iron rod'q�as�ow�d bearing 1'�orth 20°34�00" Eas�t, 1.Z3 feet; 'F'HENCE I1orth 46°13�.4" E�.s� aiong t�e�arly fine of�ur�ne�¢ow Saction 3, �s r�a►�e�i� Valutne 15, Pag�3$ Mag Records of Cx�v�ton Coutaty,TmEas a d�o�'1520.56 f�t�.a�,l'8 inch iron rad set for�a►t�r; PAGE 1 �F� CITY OR FRI�NDSV�IOOD Attn:City Secretary 910 S.Friendswood Drive �riendswood.lX 77546-�855 , � � - U13- 19- 0869 pEsc�arr CONTINUED 'I�ENCE Nort.h 87°08'S4" East, a distance of 40.50 feot so tt�P�.ACE OF B�G�NNIAf-G o#'t� horcin dcscribed tract. WI'TNESS MY HAND AND S�A.L T�S '� 7TS DAY QF MAY, 1948. `�"�_ a� . �nv�v� ��� F�i Regiatcrtd Prnfasiom�al ia�x�d Sp.rveyar Nv. 4722 - 4 J• � , �as�R-xAnvwA��A�soc��a�su�vEnrr� � • <� -.. 4Za2 A�I,LEI�I Rl7A� � ,`, ; : �,� ' PEARLAN�p, 'Y'�CAS T1S8� '� .n PHUl�:(281)489-0189 FAX:(7,�1�9-0404 .IQB N0�.97071 UFFJCEIW PW Y�h9�F7LE�197071A.ViVPD► PAG�2 UF Z ��.,-�.�L���� ���t����l��"__ _ __ --_ __ CIFFIGIAL FUi��IC R�CORD� l�' REf�L F'FiOF`ERTY f -°_ ( ;7 ;.....ti���:.�.;.��;.w:4 1�-2�-�� od'•54 A�1 �sr��y89 ST�CI�1_T ��°e 0� ��c�tC"1Cld �1fCI118s r;aE,r�t_� ci�r� G�LVE�TGN C�+J�lTY, TFX�� CT[Y OF FRI�NDSWOOD Attn:City Secretary 910 S.Friendswood Dnve Friendswaod,TX 77546-4856