HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 98-22 - _� � � ORDINANCE 1'�TO. 98-2 2 AN O1tbXNANCE OF THE CIT'Y OF FRIENDSWOOD AMEIVDING �RDINANCE NO. 221, WHICH AMENDED ORDTNANCE NO. 84-15, �ASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 19, I984, ANT� KNOWN AS THE ZONII�IG ORDINAI�TCE C)F THE CITY, BY AMENDING THE CHANGE OF ZONING OF CERTAIN 1'ARCELS OF LAND LOCATED AT 742 C'.rR��N�KIAR TO SPECIFIC USE - SCHOaL TO ALLOW ADDTTTONA.L EDUCATIONAI, FACILITiES TO BE CONSTI2IJCTED, REQUIRTNCr LANDSCAPING;AND PR4VIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMpUNT N�T T4 LXC�ED $2,000 F4R EACH DA'Y bF VIOLATION OF ANY P�20VISIO�Ii1 HEREOF. � * * * * * « �r WHEREAS, the Friendswood City Council and the Friendswood planning azxi Zoning �ommissian conducted a joint public he�ring on June 4, 1998, to consider an amaruimcnt t� 4rdina�ce No. 221 coverin� described parcels af land, in order tti ailow an expansian of the use �.uthari��d to amended SPECIFIC USE - SCT�OOL by allorving the construction of additional �:rj�acational facilities an the site; and WHEREAS, the hearing was duly called as pravided by the laws af the State of Texas �id Ordinance No. 8�-15 of the City of Friendswood, and that in such hearing �1 pexsons uttending wore allor�ved to be heard on the quesdon of whether or not the expansion af the use ��ltawed on said property by allowing the consttuction of additional educational f$ciliti�s on the �i�e would affeet the public health, safety, moralo, cot�venience, or general welfare of the citizens , � �f Friendswood, and whether os' not rezoning would violato the rights of any interested porson; and ?'ti�?��FISI?5UP406/Y18/98 -1- �1 �� , WHEREAS, as a result of thc said public hearing and racommendation from the Priendswood Zoning Commission, the City Council finds that such expansion of the use is not d�t7'imental tb the community; now, thereforc, 3�E I7' 4R.DAINED BY THE CI7'Y CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIEND5WOQD, STATE t��F TEXAS: ecti n 1, Ctty of Friendswood, 'Y'exas, Clydinance No. $4-15, passed and approved c>n Navembar 19, 1984� and l�own as the Zoning Ordinance, and Qrdin�nce 221, passed and ���proved on June 17, 1974, are hereby amended by am�ndiag the zoning classificatian aF cd�tain �9roperty described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and mad� a part herwf, snd which is k:�lown as 702 Greenbriar, to a�nendc;d SPECIFiC USE —SCF-�QQL b� all�wing the constnbctiou c�f additional educadona� faeilitics on the site. The Council further finds that, as an appropriau ��s�nditian of this amcnded use, the applicant shall glaee additionaI landsca.pe screening between t'7e new parking lot towards the rcar af the prop�rty and Nlustan,g Drive so as to si�ield the %4•:ljacent residential neighborhood from noise. Section 2. T'hc official zoning map of' the City shail bc revised ta show the above c�escribed tracts rezoned to amended SPECIFIC US�— SCHQOL by ailowing the constsuction of S�dditional educational facilities on the site S_�c�iQ,�,3. This Ordi.nance sha11 in no way reduc�, amend, supplement, ar changa any �rovision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, othcr than to accomplish thc reaoning of the tracts described in Seetion 1 to amended SPECIFIC USE — SCHOQL by allowing the c�nstiuetion af additianal educadonal facilities and landscaping on the site. t�/FISD SUPf0�6/OB/98 -Z- - t'� 't, . . ection 4. Any person who shall vialate any provision of this Ordinancc sb�l! be deemed guilty af a misdcmeanor and, upon convictian, sha1l be fined in an amount not to cscceed $2,000. �ach day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSEI7 ANI]APPROVED on fust reading this 15 th day of June � 199$. PASSET�, APPROVED, and ADQI�T�D on secand and final re$aing this 6th day Of July 1998. , , . HaroId L. Whitaker 1Viay0r AT'TEST: . � 1�elaris McKenzi�, C City Secretary D�otion: Councilmember Kim Brizendir_e 2nd: Councilmember Jerry Ericsson Approved: Unanimously l�WD/FISD SUPl06/US�DB -3- . . � 1�.. S .�� • • � � O \\��;�. �. �` ° P H E E REEK��;o� ° ��' E A T �W F�� - `, ,��C� Q, . , . \\�\� ��� � . �`O� � � �� C� o°° 1Q�� � G ��� � <�� o G A o s ° ti � 9 � �` � . A 'C� Q•�� �� �r� . . O F�°O Q'� q s� � O � J� tir � 13 •� scti �ti �`1� p� °o� jcy '� ILDERNESS PINES C L FOREST DR . � FE NWOOD N J�' ° N � � � m \ \ � O o ^ O � \ � ` � O � � Q / � � � - A C 1 �` � � � � OJ C G O � � � � � Q� � �