HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 98-05 . . � � . . • ^*, , . , , . � ' � ' ORDINANCE NO. 98-5 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR 0.2893 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 200 BLOCK OF EAST EDGEWOOD LOT 2, BLOCK 1, (SOUTHEAST PORTION) , MELODY PLAZA SECTION TWO SUBDIVISION, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, PLANNED UNIT DISTRICT (PUD) , FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT-PRINT SHOP (SUP-PRINT SHOP) , AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 84-15; AND CONTAINING OTHFR PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION FiEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, record owner, Cervelle Custom Homes, LTP, has requested a SPECIFIC USE PERMIT for property located in the 200 Block of East Edgewood, 0 .2893 acres, Lot 2, Block 1, (Southeast portion) , Melody Plaza Section Two Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood,Texas; and WHEREAS, said tract of land known presently has a zoning classification of PLANNED UNIT DISTRICT (PUD) pursuant to Ordinance No. 84-15, passed and and approved the 19th day of November 1984, same being the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Record Owner/Agent for said property, has made application to the City of Friendswood to request a SPECIFIC USE PERMIT-PRINT SHOP (SUP-PRINT SHOP) , as authorized by the City's Zoning Ordinance; and WIiEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Friendswood have conducted, in the time and manner and after the notice required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on such request for change in zoning classification; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended APPROVAL and the City Council now deems it appropriate to APPROVE such requested change in classification; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The zoning classification of that certain property located in the 200 Block of East Edgewood, 0 .2893 acres, Lot 2, Block l, (Southeast Portion) Melody Plaza Section Two Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, is hereby changed to SPECIFIC USE PERMIT-PRINT SHOP (SUP-PRINT SHOP) . 1 �. � � � �� • �. . -, . • . � y � '. � . F Section 3. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the zoning classification of the above described property, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas as provided in Section 2 hereof, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of the ordinance and brief description of the nature of the change. Section 4. This ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification on property located in the 200 BLOCK OF EAST EDGEWOOD, 0.2893 ACRES, ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 2, BLOCK 1, (SOUTHEAST PORTION) MELODY PLAZA SECTION TWO SUBDIVISION, Galveston County, Texas as described by the metes and bounds in attached Exhibit "A" . Section 5. This Specific Use Permit shall become null and void after a period of two (2) years after the date of issuance unless construction or use is substantially underway during said two-year period, or unless an extension of time is approved by City Council. Section 6. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2, 000 . Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Section 7. In the event any clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the city of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS 2nd DAY OF March , 1998. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING THIS ZCt�l DAY OF March , 1998. Mayor Harold L. Whitake �, City of Friendswood Attest: , F Deloris McKenzi , T MC City Secretary �o�i�0/1J,` �fn `��X�'/�SoitJ APPR VED TO FORM: ���: l�/�TT�� N��E�T� ,��'��0 vcq° � GfNs�ti'%,��ys�% City Attorney 2 ^ � , � , . . , ` • ; • EXHIBIT "A" FlELD NOTES Fpf2 A 0.289.3 ACRE TRACT SARAN F�CKISSiqC :LE/ICUE . qTY OF FRIEN�SMY000 CALVE'STON COIINTY, TEXAS _ A P.ARCEL OF UWO CQNTAIKtNG 0.2893 ACRES (12.600 SOUARE FFE1� 1AORE �� �T � �OT 4, IN BLOCK 9, FWQ10SK1"?� S118�IV1S10N �lS R£COROED IN '�54?�. :� ..� �.;-`:� � o�x� oF � courc�r c�+< oF c�u.�sTOH coc�nr, ������c:�:'�t'f,eor� . =�� OF �1�1T (�R T�Il N T R/l C T I l S D E S C R t B E D p�l /l D E F� F F 2 0 4�1 I.E S T�R 1(. .g 4�(L f_'S, ET �1X.��7�' . :' LWISE SILJART /�S RECOE20ED iN VOU1GlE 2869. PAC� 872. DEED R�COEZDS OF C�4�S�N� ... COUNTY. TEXAS. S�UD 0.2893 IICRE TRAC7 BQt1C S11UJlT�D IN 1HE $�IR�W F�CK1S51CK . LEAGUE, GIILVESTON COUNTY. TEX/lS. AN� BQNC I�IORE PARMXJL/I�LY D�SCRIB�D �S , , FOI.LOYfS: _ . COMMENpNC �lT 7}{E 14EST CORNER Of SAI� LOT 4, SAI.(E BQP1C THE IN7E.�RSECTION OF � THE CENTFRUNE Of AN Il8I�N00N£0 60 FOOT RIGHT-OF-MI�IY. �.S RECOi20ED IN BOOK 1203, P/l(� 177, �EfD RECOROS, CA(:.VESTON COl1NTY. TEX/lS. M�TH T� � CENTERUNE OF F:Id. 2331; THENCE, S 45' 00' OQ" E, Wc7H THE SOUTH Lk1E OF SA10 LOT 4. SM�(E Bf7NG TtiE..S� C�NiER UNE OF M1 IIBMlDONED 60 FOOT RICN7-OF-MY/lY. A DIST/WC� Of 50.b0 fE�T, TO A PO(NT fN THE SOUTH UNE OF S�llO F.Id. 2351; THENCE, N 45' 00" 00" E. Wi1H 11tE S�UO SOUTH UhfE OF F.Id: 2351, IlT �l �(STIW� QF 30.00 FEET P�ISS A FOUN� 1/2 INCN IRON`R00 IN TNE E�IST UkE'OF 1?i�:S�llO. 1l�!�N,OONE� 60 FOOT RIGNT-OF-M(AY, S�(E BEIt�lC T}tE b(OST N£ST CORKER OF THAT T�l!.Gr•0�...'�N'� CONVEYEO FRO�.1 LESIER Y. B01kL.ES, E7 UX. TO 1r14WA6( 7l. STU/IRT. A$ f��.�. V'OLUME 2869. P�lCE 876. OEE� RECOf20S. GALVESTON COUNIY�. TEXIIS. �ND �lt��_ . . DISTANCE OF 135.00 FEET. PASS A PO(NT, FROM 1FM1qi �l FO(1�t0 1/� MCN 1ROK-a0� BEARS, N 19' 36' ifl� Ml, 0.41.. fEET. SN� PO(�(T BE1NG 7HE �lOST,KaR�{ �Rt�E�.�F .. T}iE SAfO K1W/11A. /l. STUAR7 TR/.CT, sama BQNQ TF{� MOST W�ST OOf2t�.AF.�Si�D LOUISE STU�.f2T TRIlC7. Ml0 �, 70IAL OtS_TMlC� IN N1 OF.240.00�f�ET'TO•.�l F�2D S'r8 INCN IROh1 R00 FOR TtiE bIOST Ik�ST CORPI�R Of' � �R1lCT.�.:l�Nfl CONVEYF�.'•8Y , IlUC11ST �l. SCNIl1Z. ET UX. TO MiGQ.b CAYIlCLO: IlS REDOEtUE� !N YCXl11.(E'�26��. P� � , 812. DEED RECORDS. CIIL.YESTON CWNTY. TEXIIS. SAIr(E B�INC 1}iE IdOSY NCfft1H �` ` . CORNER Of THE SA10 LOUISE STU�lR7 1R/ICT; � � T?{ENCE. S 45' 00' 00' E, 1MTH 1NE 15£S7 UNE Qf' 71iE SAtO C/lVE1L0 112ACT, S�E, BE�HG THE EAST UNE Of THE S�lIO LOUISE S1LlART TRIlC7, /l UISTMlCE OF 160.00 FEET TO !� SET 5/8 INCN IRON R00 FOR TNE POiNT OF BEqNNtNG; 111ENCE. S 45' 00� 00" E, CONT1NUtNG M�lll-1 TNE SAt� Sk�ST (,INE OF 7NE S�UO CIlYEl10 TRACT. S�l1AE BEINC T}iE SA10 E�IST UNE OF THE LOUtSE ST11�lRY 7RIlCT. �l OlSTM10E OF' 120.00 FEET TO 1l fOUH� 5/8 INC�1 IRON R00 tN TNE�HORTF��UHE � TM�T ��� � �D CONVE1f�0 fROM CEOf2CE W. UVlNGS70N. ET /lL. TO THE CLE/lR CREFK DR/Ut�i�l(� - DISIRICT, AS RECOf20fD IN FlLE NO. 9337694, k! Tl-{E OFFlCE Of TNE COl1NLY,:�K. CALYESTON COUNTY. TE�CAS. FOR 1NE t�tOST SOU1H COf2NER QF_.,�E S�ltO:CAYIII� TRACT, Sll�(E BEIHG 1NE MOST E�IST COE2rlER Of TNE S�W C:OUIS�� STUART�TR/I�CT:.� 7HENCE. S 45' 00' 00" Y�1� IktTH 7NE :$NO NORTN UNE Of 'R{� CL.E�IR �.OR�1!.lG� . �ISTRICT TR�ICT. Il OIST�INCE 0� 105.d0 f'EET TO Il SET S/� tt�}I �lRON R04;..fRd�_�i1� `�. /l FWNO t/2 fNCN IRON R00 BEAf2S � 80' 44' Ot" E. 0.63 .f.EET.'SA10 S�fi (R4�1:.ROQ: BEINC THE IAOST El�S7 CORNER OF THE S�lfO MALLIAld /l.,S��T 1�ACT, SAME'B�1NC THE I.tOST SOUTH CORNER Of THE SAIO LOUISE. STU�IRT TR�ICT; THENCE. N 45' 00' 00' 1K. Iki7H TNE E�lST UNE Of 'THE 5�,10 IMW/V.l A. STUART TR�ICT, SAME BEINC 1NE �kEST UNE OF i}iE SA10 lOUISE STUART TRACT. Il OIST/1NCE �O� 120-00 FEET TO A SET 5/8 ING-1 IRON ROO: THENCE. N 45' 00' 00' E, CROSSINC THE S/.ID LOUISE STUART TRIICT, �l O(STANC£ OF 105.00 FEFT TO THE PO(NT OF" HECINNING, ANO CONTAININC 0.2893 ACRES (12,600 SWARE FEET) OF LMlO �(ORE OR I.ESS. ! � � '�'��'���� �� � � '�� ��� �'� �'�I .,, .,, `�, . �. o,s•�, � � ►� � . '3� . �� �� ♦ ���i��'�►; . � � �!, , ` `�� , .�.,., � .? � • �� � .. ,�o,� .,.� �I� r'�� � _ �� / � , .1�;�1�:�. �`. t,* • . , ``� c.�,:;•` (/► �`•, ►I�. �� I.�- � :► . � � � � - . :. � � . ♦ . •� ` ► ♦ :s . 1 • � . . � . � • '• . , �� .► ♦ '`� ` • ��' �� � ' , � � • � : . � �, � ` � � � ,.� � . � �''• �' � � � .• . e �� �'� � `• ' . � . . 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