HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 97-01 . . , . : �,.`� � • , ORDINANCE NO. 97-i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, AS AMENDED, ORIGINALLY PASSED AND APPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1984, AND BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A CERTAIN 3.2840 ACRE TRACT OF LAND FROM COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER (CSC) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 2, SAID 3.2840 ACRE TRACT ALSO BEING LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 1, PARKWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A CERTAIN 1.650 ACRE TRACT OF LAND FROM PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 (PUD #1) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (PUD #2), SAID PUD #1 HERETOFORE ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 86-14, PASSED AND APPROVED THE 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1986, AND BEING AN ORDINANCE CREATING SAID PUD #1 OUT OF 13.3288 ACRES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FRIENDSWOOD RETIREMENT CENTER, AND BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF SAID PUD #2 FOR "BOARD AND CARE" PURPOSES; PROVIDING LIMITATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND CONDITIONS ON SUCH SPECIFIC USE; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF. * * * * � WHEREAS, Friendswood Retirement Living Center, Ltd., is the owner of a certain 13.3288 acre tract presently contained within Planned Unit Development District No. 1 (PUD #1) pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance, as amended; and WHEREAS, Friendswood Retirement Living Center, Ltd., has acquired Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Parkwood Crossing Subdivision, as recorded at Vol. 18, page 493 of the plat records of Galveston County, Texas, said Lots 3 and 4 comprising 3.2840 acres of land, more or less, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof; and . • ° . : �,, �, . . � ; . , WHEREAS, Friendswood Retirement Living Center, Ltd., desires to remove 1.650 acres from PUD #1 and join same with the 3.2840 acre tract described above to create Planned Unit Development District No. 2 (PUD #2), the said 1.650 acre tract sought to be removed from PUD #1 and joined into a new PUD #2 being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Friendswood Retirement Living Center, Ltd., has made application to the City to 1) change the zoning classification of the 3.2840 acre tract described in Exhibit A hereto from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Planned Unit Development, 2) to amend PUD #1 as created by City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 86-14 to delete from the boundaries thereof the 1.650 acre tract described in E�ibit "B" hereto, 3) to create a new PUD #2 to include the tracts described in E�ibits "A" and "B" hereto, and 4) to grant to the applicants a Specific Use Permit authorizing the development of a "Board and Care" facility within said proposed PUD #2; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on each such request; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended and the City Council now deems it appropriate to grant each such request subject to certain regulations, restrictions, and conditions; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. 2 . - ' • : �`� � . ' : • . . � J: Section 2. The zoning classification of the 3.2840 acre tract described in Exhibit "A" hereto is hereby changed from Community Shopping Center District to the designation of Planned Unit Development District No. 2, subject to the regulations, restrictions, and conditions hereinafter set forth. The zoning classification of the 1.650 acre tract described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto is hereby changed from Planned Unit Development District No.l to Planned Unit Development District No.2. Said tracts, described in Exhibits "A" and "B" hereto, shall comprise Planned Unit Development District No. 2. Section 3. Planned Unit Development District No. 2 ("PUD #2") shall be, and is hereby, subject to the following regulations and restrictions: A. Use Re ul� ation. In PUD #2 no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered, or enlarged, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one or more of the following uses: 1. Uses authorized in accordance with and subject to the Specific Use Permit granted herein below; and 2. Common open and/or recreational space. Section 4. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of PUD #2 on said 4.9340 acres, same being the tracts described in E�ibits "A" and "B" hereto, as provided in Section 2 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance and a brief description of the nature of the change. Section 5. Said 4.9340 acre tract of land is hereby granted a Specific Use Permit authorizing the use of said tract for "Board and Care" as authorized by City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 84-15, and subject to the conditions and limitations contained herein. 3 • ' ' ' �"�. � • � ; .' . Section 6. The Specific Use authorized and permitted hereby shall be, and is, subject to the following limitations, restrictions, and conditions: A. Access. Ingress and egress into said tract shall be limited as shown on this development plan for same as depicted on Exhibit C hereto. B. Fences, Walls, Screening, Buffering. All fences, walls, screening and buffering shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with and subject to the development plan for same as depicted and delineated on Exhibit C hereto. C. Parkin�. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the parking plan contained in E�ibit C hereto. D. Draina�e. All drainage improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the development plan contained in Exhibit C hereto. E. Si�ns. Signs shall comply with applicable sign regulations for MFR-L. F. Compliance with Site and Development Plan. The granting of the Specific Use Permit shall be, and is hereby, conditioned upon substantial compliance with the site and development plan attached hereto as Exhibit C. Section 7. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification of said 4.9340 acres to Planned Unit Development District No. 2 as described above, the granting of the Specific Use Permit therefor, and the imposition of the rules, regulations, restrictions, and conditions applicable to the Specific Use Permit specifically contained herein. Section 8. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or 4 � � - '^�, ' ! • , . ' . circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 9. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 6th day of January , 1997. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 2oth day of January , 1997. � � Evelyn . New n Mayor ATTEST � Deloris McKenzie, TRM City Secretary � 5 12i09i� 17:35 OLSO' OLSON �13341407 �G N0.368 P007i0e8 � 4�1'�� ���� FtELD t�iQ7�S , �aR A 3.28d4 ACRE TRAGT SARAH MCK�SStCK 4R J_R_Wlt_L[AMS LEAGUE, A-�t51 , QALVESTC3N CaUN'TY, TEX1�S A PA,RGEI.QF LANR COIV'TA1WhlG 32840 AGRES(1a3,051 SQUAR�FEE�4F LAND M4R�OF2 LESS, A PORTl�N SEtNG at1T OF TNE FRIENOSWQpO RETIREMEN�` LNfNG C�NTER Sl18DNi&t4tY AS REC�ROED IN VQLUME 18, PAGE 't22,GAL.VESTON CaUNTY MAP REGORDS, SAlO 32840 AGRES I.UGA7'�D [N THE SARAH MGKl3SICK OR J,R. WILLiAM,S l..EAGUE SURVEY, A.BSTf3AC:T 151, GALV�STON COUt�lTY, TEXAS,AND B�fNG MORE PAf2TICULI�RLY dESCREBED AS FOLLOV1fS: B�GINNWG AT A.FQl1ND 6�41NC�i;RON ROD iN�`1-i�h4QRTH L1NE QF 1AhNpit�G W�IY(60'R-p- Wj, SAf�[RON ROD ALSO AT THE MOST YV�STERLY GORl�lER�'T'HE SAID FR(END3WOQQ RET7REM�NT LMt�G CENT�R; TH�NCE, N.d3' �5 a8� �, ALdNQ TN� 1N�S'C�aLY LINE aF THE SAID Ff�IENDSWQpD RETIREMEHT I�IVING CEfVTEFZ, A D(ST,4NCE OF 558.6'i FE�'TO A POtNT;� THENG�, S 4fi• 15'53" �,A QfSTANC� Q� �52_17 FEET 1"O A PQINT; 7"HENCE, S 43" 48' i5"W, q piSTANC�O� 1fi9.t7 FEET TO A P�INT; THfiNCE, S 46• 10' 32" E, A DiSTANGE OF 88.78 FEET TO A POIPl7; THENCE, S 43°4a'07'W, A DISTANGE C7F 75_33 FEET TO A POiM`1N A SOUTHERLY LtNE OF THE SAfp FRIENDSWOOD RETlR�MEt�i7 LIVING GEtJT�R, SA(D PpINT ALSO 8�4NG IN TNE MOST NORTHERLY �tNE TH� PARKWOOD CROSStNG SUBbMSION AS ftEGORD�D !N VQLUME t6, PAGE 493, MAP RECORpS, GqLVESTpN COUNIY,T�XAS; THENC�, N 48• 1'f` 28" E, ALONG A SOU7NERLY UNE QF TME SA�D �f2f�ND$W40D RETIRF..f�1EiVT Llvt[VG CEAlTER AND A N4RTHERLY f�W� QF TNE S�4lD pARKWOOp CROSSING SUBDMSfON,A DISTANCE O�75.B4 FEET Tt)A POtNT AT 1�E N�ST FASTt�(.Y CORNER�F LOT 3, pF TH�SAIO PARKWppp CROSStNG: �'F�fENC�, S�3°a8' 12"W,AC.p1�fC TH� EASTERLY L(N��F LO�"3 At�D THE WESTER�.Y UNE Q�LOT 2 OF'i�i�SA10 AARfCV1R7pp CRpgS1NG SURDMS[C3N,A OISTANCE bF 512.00 FE�T Tb A PQINT lN THE NORTHEf�LY L(NE OF TN�&A!O iMNblt�(G WAY (60' R-0=V1�: THENCE,J�f d6' 36' 12"W, qLONCC 7'NE NOftTH�RLY LfNE O�'THE SAIQ IMNDING WAY(60'R- O-V1tj AN� THE S4iJl�E-1ER�.Y LIf��S OF THE SA1D PARKWppp GRC?SS1NG ANp l"T-tE SA1D FR1Et�DSWQpD RETIREMF�t�iT UV1NG CEM�R,AT 227.47 PASS A Fd�lNQ�fNCH IRON ROL7, 1N Al.�. A DfSTAIVCE OF 3T6.47 F�ET T� TH� AQEt�tT OF B�GtNPiiNG AHD CQNTA[NtKG A COMPUTEd 3.2840 ACfZES(143,051 SQUARE FEE'f� QF!_AND. � 1 1J 1 JJ VJ�G ' � 12/09i� 17:3F OLSO� OLSON � 33414e7 N0.368 P008i008 M/�� ���� - - EXt:L.lif�t] i�F2EA �,�SQ� ACRES SaRAH MCKtSStcK OR J_R_ wiLLtAll�s LEr4�UE, A-1s� �aLVESTa� coUNT�r, r�XAS BEING A PARCEL b� 7-850p ACRES (71,875 SQUARE FEETj O� l-AND MORE t�R �ESS, OUT THE FRIENt78VVpOb RETIREMEN�"E.MNC CENTER SU�PIVISION A5 RECbRp�p lN VOLUME 18. PaGE 122,GALYESTON COUN7Y f�4AP RECaRDS,3AlD 1.5500 ACR�S Lf�GAYE�ft`1 Tl-I�SARAH l4�KiSSECK ORJ.R.WfLLIAMS i.FAGUE SUR�Y,AgSFRACT 1Si.FR(END$WOOD,GALVE�70N COtJMY,TEXAS, AND B�iNG MOR� PARTICUlARLY O�SGRtBED AS FC?L��WS: BEGtNtZtNQ AT A FCIUND S�s INGN iR�t R4{�!N THE N�OR7f�i ►�NE OF WINDING WAY(8�' R-�- V1�, SAip fRON ft00 AL50 AT THE N[QST WES7'ERLY CURNER OF THE SA1D FRiEND�Wdqp RETlREMENI"LtVlNG CEN7ER; TN�NGE, N 43° 46' 48" E, ALQNG THE WESTEftLY LIhiE OF TNE 5A�D FR1Eh[DSW�Ot) RETIREMEt�1T LIVINQ CENTEf2, A D1STAt�CE O� 558.61 �EE�'TO A POIh1T: TH�NCE, S a6° ��'S3" E, A DIS7aNGE O� �52-77 FEET TO a pOINT: TH�hfGE, S 43° 4$' �5"V11,A DISTANCE O� 169.17 FEET Tp R POiNT: THENCE, S 46° 10'32"E, A a1STANC�QF 66-7`g FE�T�b A POINT; 7HENGE,S 43° a4�a7"W,A D�STANCF d�75.33 FEET'rp A c�aNT iN A SoUYMERtY Uf�F pF THE SAtp FRIENOSWOaD Ft�TIREI�NT LMNG GEh1T�R, SAip ROINT ALSO B�lNG tt�THE M4ST N�R'fi-t�f�LY LlN� 7'HE PARKYNOOD CROS3INQ SUBDriflSfON AS RECOROFD iN VOLt1M� 18. PAGE 493, MAF RECORDS, GALVESTON COUAfTY, T�XAS; Y�IENCE, N ab• .11' 28" W, ALONG A SDUil�iERIY LtN� OF TH� SA1D �RIEND.�N40D R�YIREMENT LtVtNG CEN'�ER AND °ft�tE NORTH�RLY �tNE OF T�E SA�� PARKWOOD GROSSIt�G SUSdIViS(4t1. A 0lSTANCE dF 'l51 75 �EET Tp A�OUNp 5�, INGH iRQN RpD; THEP[C�, S 43° 46'Q8"W,ALC?NG A WESTERLY LIN� OF THE 5A►O PARKW40R CROSSfWG SUBDIV1SIOt�ANt7 AN EASTERLY �1N�OF TH� SAID FRI�NDSVY000 RETIf2EM�N7 UVtNG CENTER. a p�5'fANCE O�313.64 �EET TO A FQUN��ft�CH IRan� ROD iN 7r�E r�K7R'(�iERLY UNE OF THE SAIp WiNDING WAY (6Cl' R-O-V�; TH�NCE,N 46' 30' 10"W,ALONG l�fE i�OS7 SC�UTH�RLY LiNE QF TNE SAIO�RiENQSWOC�D RETIREM�Nr UViNG C�NTER l�l�fp A N4RTH�RLY LiNE(3F THE SAfD WtN01NG WAY(6d'R�J• V�, A pIS�'ANCE OF 89.00 FEET TO THE PO�NT OF BEGt�tNtNG AND CONTAEN{NG A GC)MPUT�� 1.65QQ ACRES(71,875 SQUARE F�ET)aF LAND. / i ; , , i ' , �o ��u�� ��� � /� ' . (60'fl.O.W.) 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