HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 97-02 axnuvArtcE rro. 9�-a AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWO�OD, TEXAS, 4RAINANCE NO. 85-19, AS AMENDED, Q�tTGINALLY ADOp'I'ED THE 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1985, BEING APPEN'pIX B OF TI-�E FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE, AND BEING AN ORDINANC� P�t(3'VTDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GaVERNING PLATS ANb THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND VVITHIN THE CX'I`Y, BY STRIKING ALL OF PARAGrRAPH (5) OF SUBSECTT4N (h) OF SECTION II THF.R.EOF AN'D SUBSTTTLTTING 'THEREFOit A NEW PARAGRAPH (S), BY STRIKING ALL OF PAR.AGRAPHS (3} ANp (7) OF SU$S�C'TION {c) OF SECTION II THEREOF AND SUBSTITUTTNG THEREFOR NBW P�RAGRAPHS (3) AND (7}, AND HY STRIKING ALL OF PARAGRAPI-T (S) QF SLIBSECTION (d) OF SECTIpN II THEREQF AND SUBSTIT�JTING THEREFOI2 A NEW PARAGRAPH (5); PROVIDING TI-�AT EXTENTIONS OF PRELIMINAR'Y AND/OR FINAI., PT.,AT APPROVALS MAY BE APPROVED ONI.Y BY THE PI.ANNING AND ZONIlVG CQMMISSION UPON TH� SHpWTNG OF GOOD CAUS�; PROVIDING A PENALTY 4F AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXC�ED $2,Q(}0 FOR EACI� DAY OF VIOLATIOI�T QF AN'Y FR4VISION HEREOF; ANrI� PRaVIDING F�R SEV'ER.ABILITY. * + * � * BE IT ORDAINE� $Y THE CITY COUNCIL �F THE CITY OF FRIENDSWQOD, STATE OF TEXAS; ��i�n 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, drdinance No. 85-I9, as arr�nd�d, originally adopted the 25th day of September, 2985, same being Appendix B af tt�e l�riendswovd Ciry Code, same aiso being an ordinance providing rules and reguiations go�verning plats and the subdivision af land, is hercby amend�d by s�iking all of paragraph (5} of Subsection (b) of Section II thereof, which paragragh (S) provides as follows: [(S) Prcliminary approval will expire six months aPtor the approval b� the planning and zoning commission of the preliminary plat or of fu�al sectinns of a prelim.inary general plan, except that if the subdivider shall apply in writing prior to the, end of such six-manth period, scadng reasans for needi.ng the extension, an extension rnay be granted for another six manths but nat beyond a tata! of one year.j FWDIPLAT.ORPW!219) and substituting therefor a c�ew paragraph (5} ta provide as follows: j,,,,�5 Preliminarv�pYpv� wi11 expire si� �}q�tt�s after the �p.,praval by the plann' g,,,�n¢ zo�ning commiss;q� of the preliminarv p�at or of �nat secti�ns f� relemina I x t ' th su iv' l in wri ' p.�g,� w the end of such six- a�period. stating�,.�hc reasans ther��' r an extensia� r�y be �ranted by the p��n�g and zonin� comm.ission unon a sh in u f r n s t n t tal f r y�ar. Section . Said City af Friendswood, Te�cas, Ordinance No. 85-19 is hereby felrther amended by striking all of paragraph (3) of Subsectian {c} of Scction II, which paragrgph (3) provides as follows: [{3) '1'he subdi�vider may, at his dis�retioA, after approval or conditional approval af a preliminary plat, fi1e a final plat ar plats cavering a portion of the preliminary plat. The retnainder of the preliminary pl�t shall be deemed as approved or eonditionally approved as in section IT (c) {4) acxi (S} hereof; provi�ed, however, that such approval or conditional approval of the remainder af the preliminary plat be limited to a twa-year period; provided further, howevcr, that rhe planning and zAning conunissian may, at its discretion, extend such period of validity.] and substituting therefor a new paragragh (3) to provide as foilows: (3) �e subdivider mav, at hi�,,,�i�ret�on, after anp�;q��l ar conditianal an�roval af__a p�eli�ii plat file a finai p��t or plats covGrin� a �I�iQ� �f tt}�prelimina.rv nlat. The �g�nainder of the arGlimina�plat shall be deem o c�nditi t as in tion hereof: nrovided, however. that such anpeoval a�conditional apprnval Q�the remaind r lat 1' - � a�proval of the rtne inent �i�l plat ar plats hy„�� plannin� aad zoni.ng �omnnission. Prior to the �tt� of such two ,+�,ear riod the subdivider mav �v�v. in writin�, for a one year e �sion af the prelirnin�r� �lat stati.n� r�asons or t_e extension. The pla.nnin� �d zanim� cammission m��tpon a showinQ of�ood cause, g����in�1e extension of up�Q a�,� ti n . Said City of Friendswood, Texas drdinancc No. 85-19 is hereby furthcr amended b� striking all of paragraph (7) of Subseccion (c) af Section II thoreof, which paragraph (7)provides as fallows: FWDiFf„/1T.ORGW12147 � C(7) Fina1 approval will expire ane year after planning commission actic,n granting approval af any plat unless the plat has been filed of record, ex�cept that if the subdividcr shall apply in writing prior to tt� end of such one year period stating reasans for needing the extensions, this period may, at the discretion af the city, be exiended for anather year but not beyond that periad.] and substituting therefor a new paragraph (7} to pr�vide as follows: � Fina1 a x ire I commissian actiori granting ap�roval of an�plat unless the �jat �s been filed of cor with th e t s i�►' er ri ' to th end o f e s�t�t�sian, this rae iod rnav. upon a shawing of g�gd cause be extended_�v ihe plannin� and zanint�commission for another year but not b Yond that period tion 4. Said City of Fricndswood, Texas Ordinance No, 85-19 is hereby furthcr amended by striki.ng aI1 of paragraph (S) of Subsection (d) of Section II thereof, whech paragraph (5) provides as fpliaws: [(S) Fina! appror+al wi11 expire one year after planning cammissian action gr�nting approval of such plat unless the plat has be�en filed of recard; except, that if th� subdivider shall apply in wciting prior to the end of such ane year periad siating reasons far needing the extension, this peried may, at the discretian of the plaAning and zoning com�nission, be cxtended for another ycar but not beyotxi that period.] anci substituting therefor a new paragraph (5) ta pravide as follows: � Final avnroval wil! �p�e one vear a.fter nl nn; g and zoning COmmission aCiioit ��n�in� 8pproval of SUCh pla[ Lin1C3S t�C D,lat h�s been filed of record with the ca nrv �lerk excec►t that 'f the subdivider shal apply in tin n r t d af sueh one year ��r;od statir� reasons for needin t e i0n this ri u n Sh w� CS r another ve�t� but not bexond that txriad ec 'on 5. Any person wha sha11 violate any pro�visian of this Ordinance sha11 be cleemed guilty of a misdemeaswr and, upon conviction, shall be f�ned in an amount nat ta exceed $2�Q0. Each dgy of vealation shall constitute a separate oi�ense. Fwn�t.�r,oanw�z►�, 3 t'on . In the event any clause phrase, pravision, sentence, ar part of cqes Ordinance or the application af the same to any person or circurnstances shaI! for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of cornpet�nt jurisdiction, it shall aot ai�"xt, impair, or inva�idate tltis Ordinance as a whole or an� gart ar provision hereaf other than the p�art declared to be invalid or unconsCitutianal; �xi the City Caunci! of the Ciiy of Fricndswood, Te�cas, declares that it would ha,ve passed each and every part of khe same r�atwithstandi.ng the amissian of any such part thus deciared to be invatid or unconstitutional� whether tt�re be on� or more parts, PASSED AND AppROVED on first rcading this 2 0 th �y op ,January , 1997. PASSED, AppRpVED, and ApOpT�b an secvnd and final reading this 3 rd �y of February 1gg�. / / �J 1.i /� / C'"/yt«-rU/ �Evel . Newman �Viayor ATTEST .,I �_, �� � � Deloris McKenzie, City Secretary �+a�uT.oRnw�st� q,