HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 97-10 ORDINANCE NO. 9 7-10 AN ORDINANCE REJECTING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR BASIC SERVICE TIER CABLE PROPOSED BY TCI CENTRAL, INC., DB/A TCI CABLEVISION OF HOUSTON, INC.; ESTABLISHING THE rZA,XIMUM PERNIITTED PER SUBSCRIBER PER MONTH BASIC CABLE SERVICE RATES OF TCI CENTRAL, INC., DB/A TCI CABLEVISION OF HOUSTON, INC.;AND SETTING FORTH OTT-�R PROVISIONS RELATED TI�RETO. * * * * * * * * * * WI�REAS, the City of Friendswood, Texas, (the "Cit}�') is certified to regulate basic cable service rates pursuant to the 1992 Cable Act (the "Act") and Federal Communication Commission ("FCC")rules; and WHEREAS, on or about March 1, 1997, TCI Central, Inc., d/b/a TCI Cablevision of Houston ("TCP'), submitted to the City an FCC Form 1240 with a schedule of rates for the basic service tier and expanded basic service tier(hereinafter"Form 1240"); and VVHEREAS, the FCC rules allow the City ninety(90) days to review the proposed schedule of rates after which time the operator may implement such rates unless the City has rejected the proposed rates as unreasonable;and WHEREAS, at the City's request, C2 Consulting Services, Inc., reviewed TCPs proposed schedule of rates for the basic service tier; and WHEREAS, C2 Consulting Services, Inc., deteimined that TCI's original filing of the Form 1240 was facially incomplete and notified TCI of same within foriy-five (45) days of the original filing thereby tolling the City's dea.dline for issuing a decision and the date on which the proposed rates may go into e�ect; and WHEREAS, TCI submitted additional documentation to complete the filing on Mazch 19, 1997,thereby establishing a facially complete filing on that date; and VVF�REAS, TCI submitted an amended Form 1240 on March 27, 1997, and a second amended Form 1240 on April 10, 1997; and WI�REAS, C2 Consulting Services, Inc., has now completed its review of TCI's original proposed schedule of basic service tier rates and its first and second amended proposed schedule of basic service tier rates and submitted its report explaining its analysis, findings, and conclusions, said report is attached hereto as E�ibit"A" and is incorporated herein for all purposes;and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held to hear public comments on the proposed schedule of basic service tier rates of TCI; and Friendswood�'97-1240b.Ord , . . ,.--, ,.,,, . . WHEREAS, the City Council has now concluded its review of TCI's proposed schedule of basic service tier rates and the report and recommendations of C2 Consulting Services, Inc., and made certain determinations;NOW TF-�REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TI� CITY COUNCIL OF TT� CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts and affirms the findings and recitals set forth in the preamble to this Ordinance. Section 2. That $10.14 shall remain the maximum authorized rate per subscriber per month for basic cable service pernutted to be charged by TCI within the City until the service provided by TCI is brought into compliance with its franchise agreement. Section 3. All ordinances in force when this Ordinance becomes effective and which are inconsistent or in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed insofar as such ordinances are inconsistent or in conflict with this Ordinance. Section 4. The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, does hereby declare that if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction then, in such event, it would have passed and ordained any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance without the inclusion of that portion or portions which may be so found to be unconstitutional or invalid, and declares that its intent is to make no portion of this Ordinance dependent upon the validity of any other portion thereo� and a11 said remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect. Section 5. That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to mail a copy of this Ordinance by first class mail to TCI. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 5 th day of Mav , 1997. PASSED,APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 19 th day of May , 1997. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ���f�� � �� Harold L. Whitaker Mayor - 2 - Friendswood�'97-1240b.Ord . . • l'� /`+� , . ATTE5T: . . eloris McKenzie,TRM City Secretary - 3 - Friendswood�'9'7-1240b.Ord. EXHIBIT "A" ONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 7801 Pencross Lane (972) �26-721 G Dallas, Teaas 7524Z 1.yZ`l) ;26-721 G {Fac) Aanl ? ! , !99? Ms. Eugenia Cano Citv Altornev Ciry of Alvin 216 West Sealy Street Alvin, Texas 77S l l Mr. Ron Cox C�ty Mana�er City of Fnendswood 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546-4845 Ms. Cheryl Wilson _ Olson & Olson 3485 Three Allen Center 333 Clay Street Houston, Texas 77002 Dear C�ty Representatives C2 Consulting Services, lnc. (�`C2��) has completed its revie�v of the FCC I�orm I?40 f+lings submitted to the Cities ot Alvin and Friendswood, Te�as (the �`Cit�es��) on or about March I, l997 by TC[ Cablevis+on of Houston ("TC[" or the "Company'�) As you recall, the FCC Fonn t240 methodology is premised on an annual change in basic cable se���ce rates and must be filed with the Cities at (east ninety (90)days in advance of the proposed rate change. The following repoR provides a brief discussion of tl�e +ssues that were raised with the Company as well as additional findings and recommendations regarding TCI's treahnent of certain costs ��ithin the filin� This study does not constitute an examination of the financial condition of�TCi or its parent company. As such, C2 cannot and does not express any position ���itfi regard to the aceuracy or validity of the financial infonnation provided bY TCI durin� the course of the analyses. City Representatives April 21, 1997 Page 2 BACKGROUND The identical Form 1240 filing was submitted to each of the Cities because the services provided at TCI's designated headend H 1632A serves both j urisdictions. Subsequent to the original fi(ing, the Form 1240 for H 1632A was amended twice by the Company; once on March 27, 1997 and again on Apri I 10, l 997. The amendments were a result of discrepancies discovered during C2's review process�. Based on the amended filing submitted on April 10, 1997, TCI proposes to increase the maximum permitted monthly basic service rate from $10.14 to $1 1.88, or a l7% increase.2 Unlike the 1996 filing, in which TCI chose an operator selected rate that was approximately $.25 less than the maximum permitted rate, TCI's proposed maximum permitted rate and operator selected rate within the 1997 filings are equal. Using the Form 1240 methodology, the proposed rate increase includes a true-up of costs for the period December 1995 through November 1996, with additiona( projected cost changes for the penod June 1997 through May 1998. However, due to the 1996 filing requirements waiver,3 the treatment of the true-up period within this filing requires a somewhat different approach than that provided by the instructions to the Form 1240. The waiver was only for the 1996 filing, with subsequent treatment in the true-up of the instant filing. Therefore, it is not anticipated that any additional annual filings will require special treatment outside of the established Form 1240 formulae. The significant increase in the basic service rate is pnmanly due to the movement of two channels from the expanded basic service to basic service during the projected period. The basic service rate increase of approximately $I.37 to incorporate the programming costs and the channel residual costs for these two channels is somewhat offset by what appears to be a proposed decline of approximately �1.09 in the expanded basic service rate related to the channel change.4 �TCI originally filed for a maximum permitted monthly basic service rate of$l 1.97. The amended filings include a proposed rate of�11.88. ZThe current maximum permitted rate of�I0.l4 was approved dunng the review of the 1996 Form 1240. However, based on a comparison with the operator selected rate of $9.89, the proposed rate of$11.88 is a 20% inerease over the rate cucTently being charged to the subscriber. 3FCC Order DA 96-220, released February 22, 1996 ("waiver"), provided TCI with a one-time waiver to the spacific Form 1240 instructions that require all true-up computations to be based"on actual costs. TC[ was allowed the opportunity to include estimated costs for the period December 1995 through May 1996 as an additional "true-up" period within the 1996 filings. 4Based on the April ]0, 1997 amended filing, TCI shows an expanded basic service rate that is $1.14 less than the current rate being charged. Approximately $1.09 of the decline City Representatives Aprii 21, 1997 Page 3 PROJECT ACTNITIES The primary focus of C2's analyses was to ensure that the "first" true-up of previously projected costs was calculated appropriately. The FCC, in its Order DA 96-220, provided certain guidelines under which to perform the true-up calculations within the 1997 filings. In order to determine TCI's compliance with these guidelines, as well as with all other estab(ished computations and regulations regarding the Form 1240 methodology, C2 � Reviewed the onginal Form 1240 filings. • Developed detailed requests for information based on the completeness of the filings and other noted issues. • Communicated with City representatives regarding actions to be taken dunng the review due to information not provided within the filings. • Analyzed responses to requests for information and amendments to the filings resulting from certain requests. • Developed alternative treatment of certain costs in the calculation of the maximum permitted monthly basic service rate. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS During the course of the review, C2 identified four main issues that have either resulted in amendments to the filings by TCI or should be addressed by the Cities in determining the appropriate maximum permitted monthly basic service rate. The issues are as fol lows, with the first two issues being resolved during the course of the review: 1. The March l, 1997 filing was facially incomplete pursuant to FCC Order 95-397, at paragraph 95.5 2. The Company "double counted"an adjustment to the basic service rate under Worksheet 3 - Markup Method. TCI agreed, and amended the filing on March 27th, taking the proposed rate from $11_97 to $1 1.88. in the rate is due to the channel movement. SOn March 19, Ms. Cheryl Wilson, with Olson& Olson, notifted TCI on behalf of the Cities that the filings wer�facially incomplete. TCI proposed increases to the basic service rate pursuant to computations on Worksheet 5 without providing the necessary residual and subscriber information related to the tier from which the channels ��ere being moved. In its response on March 19, 1997, TCI disagreed that the fi 1 i ngs were facially incomplete, but attached the required information for review. � �. • - • . City Representatives Apri I 21, 1997 Page 4 3. TCI's computation of true-up related to the waiver in the 1996 ftling does not appear to adhere to the general guidelines provided by FCC Order DA 96-220_ 4 TCI's computation of interest on cost under-recovery during the true-up period may inappropriately include interest on the Company's business decision to "hold-out" approximately $.25 from the maximum permitted rate computed in the 1996 filings. Treatment of 1996 Form 1240 Waiver Critical to the evaluation of this filing is a detai(ed review of the ECC's 1996 waiver, its intent and the general guidelines provided for treatment of the costs in the 1997 filings. Within the waiver, the FCC referred to an"Estimated True-Up Period" being allowed in order to take into account the increases for the period December 1995 through May 1996 due to actual data not being available prior to the filing of the 1996 forms�. As a condition to the waiver, the FCC instructed the operators to treat the additional costs for the "Estimated True-Up Period" in the 1997 filing in such a way as to ensure that such costs were recovered only for the period June l, 1996 through May 31, 1997. TCI inc(uded its computation of the "Estimated True-Up Period" in its 1996 filings in an alternative method to that outlined within the waiver, and termed the computations as "Gap". Although the FCC provided instructions on how to treat such costs in both the 1996 and 1997 filings, these instructions were to be used if the operator elected to calculate the "Estimated True-Up Period" within the Form 1240 fonnulae. Specifically, Appendix A to the waiver provides the following: ". . .In order to use the cost estimations permitted by the waiver in the first annual Form 1240 filing, the operator may incorporate the calculations directly into its Form 1240, or the calculations may be reflected in an alternative manner. . ." "The following instructions are to be used by the operators that choose to take advantage of the waiver by using Form 1240 instead of an alternative method." [emphasis added] General guidelines were provided by the FCC instructing the operator to prepare calculations that would enable the effects of any estimated true-up costs to be accounted for in the "Estimated Tru�-Up Period" of the first filing as well as the true-up period of the second filing (i.e., the�1997 filing). �-Iowever these guidelines should be interpreted 6FCC Order DA 96-220, released February 22, 1996, Appendix A. City Representatives April 21, 1997 Page S by the operator in conjunction with its choice of computations. This is clear based on the following directive within Appendix A to the waiver: "Below are a set of instructions describing how to use the existing Form 1240 in conjunction with this waiver. [f a system is using an altemative method for performing a true-up on the Estimated True-Up Period, it should make sure that it follows the same eneral procedures." [emphasis added] Within the instant filing, TCI followed the FCC instructions that were provided in the event that TCI used the Form 1240 formulae, even though it chose to employ the alternative "Gap" methodology. By following these instructions, the entire effects of the 1996 "Gap"calculations have not been taken into account appropriately when determining the rate for the projected penod beginning June l, 1997�. This is true not only for the basic service rate, but also for the expanded basic service rate. Based on the 1997 filing and the costs related to "Gap" in the 1996 filing, the correction for TCI's treatment of"Gap" reduces the proposed basic service rate from $11.88 to $1 l.66. In addition, based on the amended filing of April 10, 1997, which inc(udes the expanded basic service rate of$12.53, the impact of this adjustment on the expanded basic service rate is estimated to reduce this rate to $12.28. However, such a change to the expanded basic rate can only be ordered by the FCC.8 �Due to the anticipated use of Module G to compute the "Estimated True-Up Period", the instructions pcovided for the deduction on Line D7 of the "Estimated True-Up Period" intlation, that would have been included in 1996 on Line G5. In addition, the instructions provided for the e(imination of the "Gap" period total costs from the 1997 result on E-{13. Implicit within the instructions is the reduction on Line D6 of the entire true-up amount from 1996, which would have been the total of Modu(e F and Module G true-up if TCI had used the formulae. However, due to the use of the alternative "Gap" calculation, the inflation from GS was not included in the 1996 rate and the "Gap" period true-up was not a component of the total true-up noted on Line I8 of the 1996 filing. Therefore, a more appropriate computation pursuant to the general guidelines provided within the waiver is to include the "Gap"true-up adjustment within Line D6, and not include the additional inflation for"Gap" in Line D7. (The first adjustment is also incorporated into the computations on Line F8.) The adjustment to Line H 13 is relevant under either approach. gIn order for the FCC to re�iew the changes in costs for the expanded basic service rates, a complaint would have tb be filed by the franchising authority. Such a complaint can only be filed subsequent to the rate being placed into effect and after receipt of multiple complaints from subscribers. The FCC must rule on such a compliant within ninety (90) of receipt. ,/� /"► ' _ • . City Representatives April 21, 1997 Page 6 [nterest on Tru�Up The Form 1240 methodology provides for the inclusion of interest on any over/under-recovery determined by means of the true-up of previously projected costs. Interest is computed at the FCC approved assumed cost of capital rate of l I.25°/o, which, due to the formulae, yields an effective interest rate of 11.57%. In the case of� under-recovery, the interest inures to the benefit of"the Company; in the event of over-recovery, the interest becomes an additional reduction to the rates. [n this particu(ar case, the true-up period is from December 1, 1995 through November 30, 1996, which includes the "Estimated True-Up Period" or"Gap" period from the 1996 filing. For the Cities, a significant component of the 1997 Form 1240 true-up period calculation is based on the fact that TCI chose not to charge its maximum permitted rate approved from the 1996 filing. As discussed above, TCI chose to reduce the 1996 maxi►num permitted rate to an operator selected rate that was $.25 lower. Within the 1997 filing, the Company now desires to recover the $.25 per subscriber per month "hold-out", plus the interest on the total amount not previously recovered. The regulations provide that an operator may delay the implementation of certain cost increases, plus any interest that has accrued up to the time the operator was entitled to put the increase into effect. If the operator chooses to delay the increase, the operator can recover this amount at a latter time, but any additional interest on these costs ceases to accrue. As stated by the FCC in its Order:9 ". . . this policy ensures that where an operator makes a business decision to delay a rate increase, subscribers are not required to pay�for the cost of the delay." With regard to the 1997 filing, TCI's proposed interest calculation is based on the total under-recovery during the true-up period of December 1995 through November 1996. In large part, the under-recovery is due to the Company's choice not to charge $.2S per month per subscriber during the period June 1996 through November 1996; an amount that is significantly below the total of the two true-ups per subscriber in the 1996 computations. The question is whether the Company was entitled to put the increase into effect in June 1996, and whether the Company had already accrued interest on the amount up to the time the new 1996 rate went into effect. A review of the Company's 1996 computations demonstrates that TCI was entitled to put the increase into effect and had accrued interest on both true-up periods through May 31, 1996. Based on a review of the waiver instructions, it appears that the FCC also considered that the "Estimated True-Up I�eriod" would be treated as an "actual" true-up period for 9FCC Order 95-397, paragraph 80. � ;�a ���„r � �.-z+�-��`r', City Representatives Apri1 21, I997 Page 7 purposes of computing interest in the 1996 filing. In the instructions, the FCC provided that the entire period for both the actual true-up and the "Estimated True-Up" was eligib(e for interest in establishing the rates for June 1996 through May 1997.to Therefore, interest was computed by TCI for each true-up period through May 31, 1996. Since TC[ treated the estimated costs for the "Gap" as if they were actual with the computation of interest up to the time the rate went into effect, and since the $.2S "hold-out" is less that the total amount of the two true-ups in the 1996 filing, it appears that TCI made a business decision to delay a"trued-up" cost when it set its 1996 rate. Based on what appears to be the original intent of the true-up methodology, the interest should cease on any portion of the two true-up amounts that TC[ chose not to include in the actual rates being charged. [n the case of the Cities, the 1996 filing showed a Module F true-up of an additional $. 18 per subscriber per month, while the "Gap" period showed an additional cost of $.46 per subscriber per month. The $.25 "ho(dout" from the 1996-97 rate is less than the total of the two true-up amounts. Therefore, the implementation of the $.25 per subscriber per month recovery in the now proposed rates should not include any additional cost (i.e., interest) to the subscriber subsequent to June 1, 1996, as the delay in the implementation of these costs is based on the business decision of TCI. The overafl impact of reducing TCI's proposed interest on under-recovery to reflect the Company's business decision is to reduce the basic service rate by approximately $.03 per subscriber per month. Unlike the adjustment related to the "Gap" treatment, the interest adj ustment does not impact the expanded basic service rate because TCI implemented the maximum permitted rate from the 1996 filing. SUMMARY OE RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above findings and conclusions, C2 recommends the following adjustments be considered by the Cities in determining the maximum permitted monthly basic service rate: I. The treatment of the prior filing's "Gap"computations should be revised to reflect the complete removal of"Gap" from the rates that are to become effective on June l, 1997. ��FCC Order DA 96-220, released February 22, 1996, Appendix A provides in its instructions for Module E that all of the "Estimated True-Up Period" is eligible for interest. . . � � � City Representatives � April 21, 1997 Page 8 2. The computation of interest in this filing's true-up period should exclude interest on the $.25 "hold-out" in the actual rates charged to subscribers due to such delay in cost recovery being based on a business decision by TCI. (Note that the basic rate does appropriately include the costs related to the $.25 hold-out. The adjustment is only to the interest computation.) 3. The Cities should order a maximum permitted monthly basic service rate of$11.63 for the period June 1, 1997 through May 31, l 998. 4. In the event that the Cities receive the required subscriber complaints regarding the monthly expanded basic service rate, the Cities should consider filing the appropriate Form 329 complaint with the FCC in order to have TCI's treatment of"Gap" within this tier thoroughly evaluated. C2 greatly appreciates having the opportunity to work with the Cities of Alvin and Friendswood. If you have any questions regarding this report, the project activities, or any of the recommendations presented, please contact Ms. Connie Cannady at (972) 726-7216. Very truly yours, C� (;�,,, �` y �,,.._.�� ,�,�•r�-, �� 4 C2 Consulting Services, Inc. � . . . . ..v>' . . � �C..?5� _ �v�. .� - , . . � .. . � - �. . . . ,.. . . . , .... .. ."�t �_ _ . . , .. , �'7i• , �'f ' .. ,. . � , . , _� . .,.. � .. I� e. � . :: . .. . � , . . , � ... i" .1. ...i, .. •;✓ :'4 /'_ . . ii') • ._ . � ,. . , . . � - ' , . . . , � .. , . , � . � � ..ii:. . � .: ... � . . .. , �:t`;� . . . . • � '"~ . . Fcdcr�l Communiutiotn Cannuaio� APproved bv 0\18 3066-0G�15 R'a+hingtoq D('20554 _.° �Prtvio�F�iob of FCC FoR 1210(mtv ao�c'in tbe appropriate boz) 1L•ti NO a. �CC Form 1210 been previoucly f�7ed with thc FCC? II ya.enter thc da[e ot tha mort rocent f�ling: (mmldd�yy) YES NO b.Has en FCC Form 1210 bern prcviously fded with the Fcanrhising Authority? If ycs,entcr the datc o(the moat recent f�ing: (mm/dcUyy) 9.Sta[ia o[FCC Fot� 1200 Filinb(cnter an'z"in the appropnate bot! YFS AO a Has an FCC Form 1200 bern prevaialy F�7ed with the FCC? ll ycs,entcrthe date f�led (mmldd/yy) yES !�0 b.H��FCC Form 1200 becn previoudy tded witfi the Fianchactg Atalfiority? lf yes,ent�rthe date fded�� (mmlddlyY) lU.Cable Prograa�iog Secvices Coaplaint Scada(cater an'z"in the appropriate boz� Yf5 XO i Lc tha torm beuig tled c�rnpo�ssa W an FCC Frnm 329 complaa�t? If yes,enter the date of tht complamt (mmldd/yy) ��rs �o 11.Is FCC For� 1205 Bcing Included With T6is Filing 12.Sdcdioa of'Gomy Fon+ad'C6amd Add�ioa Methodoloby (wtcr an'i"m thc appropriate boz) �Chect hve d you ere�amg the arigcial niles [MARKUP METHOD{. �Ctkct ha�c 6 you are�amg the new,altunative ruies(CAPS METHODJ. I(�aing tfie CAPS METHOD,hevc you elcctcd to rcvse rocovery for 1'[5 !:0 cha�u�ds added duruig the period May 15,l994 to Dec.3 t,199!? 13_Headead Up�rade M�tLodoloby !�1 i' �r�crs musr certi(r m rbe Commrssnuv t6ereL�ibilNy�o usr�'s uQgnaF axv�a/wb�v aa/awrd�a equr��mrn16i�iade(rpzrrXiuo rcdr.nfuk. ck hare i(you are a qualitying small rystem ising�he ztreamlined heedend upgredc methodology. Part I: Preliminary Information Module A: Maximum Permitted Rate From Previous Filing a b c d � .ine Linc Descri io� Dasic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tiet� Ti<r 5 ,l Cu�ni!.tazimum Petmiued Rate 510.1363 513.6661 Modulc B: Subscribcrshi ■ b c d � ,� Liac Dexri lioe Basic Tier Z Titr 3 l'ier� Tier 5 q Avenge Subsnibers6ip F«T�ve-tlp Penod f 11 490 11.225 :2 Average Subscribecship Fa lrue-Up Penoef 2 '�3 Fstimated Average$ubscribenhip For Projec�ed Pefiod I I 910 11.6IS Modulc C: Inflation [nformation .ine Line Descri tion t Uoclaimcd la[luio¢Operrta Swaching From 1210 To 1240 I. 2 Uodairoed Infla�ioo:Unregulaicd Openior ResponJing w Rmc Complaini I.00KIp 3 (oflation Factar Eor True-Up Period 1[Wks I� I.0_'?b � lofluion Fanor For Tn,e-C�p Penod 2�Wki I� i Curtea FCC Iofluiou Fu�« �.022i Modulc D: Calculating lhc Basc Ratc a b c d � ne Lix Dcscri lioo " Basic Tier Z Ticr 3 't'ier� Ticr S i (�urteni HeaJcncf Upgnde ticgmcm S(1.0[Mq SO.IX70(1 >. C••�ea�Ex�ernal Cos�s Segmeai � �50.249A S4.t35l42 S Caps�fe�hal Segmem SO IIOtX) 50.0000 .ii I.tul:up Methal Cegmem S0.(Wfxl S(1.(1(�fY1 � .urem Channtl No�•emeu�and Dek�ion Segmem 50.3669 (50.775i3) � Currem Trix-Up SeQmeo� 50.63+iR 50.6655 FCC F«m t240 p��2 Mitrozofi F:cel�.0 Versioa lulv 199G � Fcder.l Co��ic.tian Commi.sion nPpro�ed bv ODiB 3066-0G85 VVa+hingta�OC 20351 D7 Cimem lofluion Segmeui 50.2352 50.2071 � �DA Bue Ra�e�AI-DI-D2-D}D4D5-D6-D71 f8.6056 SA.3111 Part II: True-Up Period Module E:Timing Information Line Line Deuri ios E I Wha�T�'pe of True-Up Is[3eiug Perfamed?(Answer'1'.'2".or"3'. tiee InsWCtioat(or a dexriplion of l6csc Iypes.) i If'I',go lo Moduk 1_ (f"2",answ�er E2 aod E3. l("3",answ�er E2,E3.E�,and E5. 'E2 Vumber of!lfonths in t6e True-Up Pcriod I 12 E) \umbec o(I�loulhs be�wceu ihe eud of Ttue-Up 1'etiod 1 and ihe end o(i6e mov rccent 1'roj«�uJ Penod b E4 \umber of Mont6s in True-Up Pen«i 2 Eligibk for Inlereu � ES \umber of Mon�hs True-Up Period 2 Ineligibk for Inierest � Module F: Maximum Pcrmittcd Rate For TrurUp Pcriod 1 a b c d e Liac Liae Deuri ioe Hasic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier� Tier 5 F l Caps Method Segmea For True-UP Pen°d�(Wks 2I 50.0000 FZ Atarkup MeWod SegmeW Eor Tnie-Up Penod I[Wks 3� 50.0400 50.0000 F3 Chan Mvmnt Debm Segmem For T(ue-Up Paiod I[Wks'U5� S0.q0 (sp.qpqq) F4 True-Up Period 1 Rale Eligibk Fo(Ioflation�DB+FI+Fl+F3� 59.0456 $7.9017 FS In(WionSegm�a(aTruo-Upi'eriod I�(F4'C31-F41 50.2043 50.17ti4 fb Headeod Upgiade Segmeni Fa Truc-Up Period I�Wks 6) sp.p0 �� Exwnil Cous Segmem For Tn,e-Up Period 1�Wks 7� 502326 y4.7417 FB True-Up Segment ForTrue-L'p Penod I SOb566 S0.6R21 F9 !�iu Ferm Rate forTrue-Up Penod 1�F4+FS+F6rF�+FH� S10.1391 513.5039 Module G: Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 2 a b c d e �� Lioe Line Dcuri ion Buic Tier 2 Tier 3 7ier� Tier 5 il Caps Vethod Segmea�For Trix-L'p Period 2(Wks 2� ;2 Morkup Me�hod Segmea�For True-Up Period 2(Wks 3� �3 Chan\femm Dektn Segmeu�For True-Up Period 2[Wks'4/5� ;4 TU Period 2 Rate Eligibk Fa►otlatioa�DB+FS+G I+G2+G3� ;5 lo(lation Segmeut fa True-Up Peri«12�(G4'C4)-G41 ;6 Headeod Upgrade Segmem For True-Up Period 2(Wks 6� ;7 Exiunal Cous Segmem Fa Tnx-Up Period 2�Wks 7� ;8 T`ve-Up Segmenl For Ttue-Up Period 2 A Max Perm Ra�e(orTrue-Up Period 2[G4+GS+G6+G7+G8J � � . . ._ . .. . .... ... - .���. FCC Form 1240 Page 3 Microsof�Exce14.0 Vusioa Jul��1996 Fedc�l Commu�intiom Como�iasion Appro�'ed bv O�fB 3060-0685 Wa�hingloq I?C 20351 Modulc H:Truc-Op Adjustmcat Calculatioa a b c d e 1 Li�e Descri ioa Buic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier� Tier S !j d�N For Troe-Up Pviod t Revepue From Period I 51,714.057.50 ! Reveoue From Mu l4rmiued R�e for Puiod 1 51.397.977.2306 SI.R18.9B1.6839 I Tn,e-UpPeriad I Adjusimem(N2-H1� 5132.928.230G 5104.924.1839 I fotuest on Puiod 1 AdjusUxm 511337.6R54 SI2.135.9574 lju��e�t For True-Up Period 2 i Re.coue From Puiod 2 EJigible fot IWUesi i Kevenuc!-�rom Maz Ptrm Ri1c(or!'�ena12 C•ligibk I�w IWerest � PcriaJ 2 Adjuslmed FJigible For Imucsl�Iib}I5� { lauest oa Petiod 2 Adju�mem(See:nn.,..+�oos for farmula) 1 Revenue From Periad 2[ncligibk(or Imeres� 0 Revenue From Mu Rrm R�ae(or 1lrtiod 2 lod'egibk for IWeresl t Pcriod 2 Adjuamem Ircligible F«Imerev[HIO�H9J Mal Trve-Up Adjuzt�ed Z 1'revious Remainiug True-Up Adjustmem J TdalTnr-UpA.djustmeat[N}�H4rH7+H8+{111rH12� 579.756.6392 555.008.4042 4 Amoua a(True-Up Glaimed Foc 7Lis Projec�ed Period 179,756.6392 SSS,OOR.�042 5 Remaining Tnr-Up wdjurimeM(H13-H 11� SO_000� SO'•0000 Parl III: Projected Period Module [: Ncw Maximnm Permitted Ratc � b c d e x Li�e Dcuri ioe Buic Tier 2 Tier 3 Ticr 1 Tier 5 Caps Me�hod Segmeol Far Rojected Period�Wks 2) SO-000� �1a.tup MeWod Segmem For Proj«ied Pviod�Wts 3� 50.04�0 50.0000 vmnt Dekm Segmen�Fa t'rojated Paiod(VJks 4!5) S1.4262 (54.4634) ' eciod[�e Elijgible Eor In[latio¢�D8rF5+G5rllrL2tl3� 510.2761 57-02b1 nion Segmenl(a Projected Puiod�(14'CS)-14� 50.2271 SO.t553 - Headeod UpgFade Segmea Fa Proja�ed Period�Wls 6� Ex�crnal Cost:Segmew Fa Projecud Period�Wks 7� 50.5732 54.7065 (ruc-Up SegmeN F«Proj«ud('aiod f0.5571 50.3947 Mu Permiued Raie for Proja4d PerioJ�14+I5+16+17.18� SI 1.6335 512.2ti26 Eslima�cJ l Operaior Sekcfed Raa Far Rojec�ed Period fl I.Bt328 512.5287 aar:7�rmuimum�mri'Itdn/e/�grorsdand/a.leia/vxrouo/iavir/uad/ubiG'/vyoumi�'d�Yr. U�oridarrprviavsli-dreaa�eFirdbv�drCamatission criac/ardlno�-6isia°�u[bnrin�inmt�(eir/unrJs av�rr na irLr�rd d�«v obligxioo to ml.fr serb iefuods ecen ilibe/arm�/ed n�r is 6igher�b�rhe ronies�eJn/e d.r'oev cuna n/e. CMifiution Stateaeal WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S.CODE TITLE 18,SECTION 10011,ANDIOR FORFEITURE(U.S.CODE,TITLE 47,SECTION SU3). I certif that the rtatemen�made m tfiis fo�m are true and correct to thc bat of m knowle e and belief and are made in ood faith. $�naturc - Date Name and Tide of Pcrson Compleiing thit Fo�m: Telephone mimba Fax Numb�r FCC Farm 12<0 Page 4 Microzofi E+cel�.0 Versioo j�!�ti�' ' ,� ,.� • . . Pcdcral CommanicaRion:Cammi::ion Approvcd By Ok[S 3060-0685 Washinqton,DC 20554 Worksheet 1 - True-Up Period Inflation x�nsuucUOns,see Appendix A of[nswctions For FCC Form 1240 Line Period FCC Inflxtion F�►ctor 101 Month I 2.22% 102 Month 2 2.39% 103 Month 3 2.39% 104 Month4 z.i9°/a 105 Month 5 2.22°/ 106 Month 6 2.22% 107 Month 7 2.22% 108 Month 8 2.21% 109 Month 9 2.2 I% 1 10 Month 10 2.2 I% 1 I I Mon[h I I 2.21% I I 2 Month 12 2.21°/a ��3 Average lnflation Factor for True-Up I.022G Period I 114 Mcx�th 13 1 I S Month 14 I I 6 Month I� 117 Month 16 I l8 Month 17 I I 9 Month 1 R , I ZO Month I 9 l21 Month 20 122 Month 21 123 Month 22 124 Month 23 l25 Month 24 �Z6 Averagc Inflation Faclor Cor True-Up Penod 2 YCC Yorm 1240 Pagc 1 k[icro:oh Exccl 4.0 Vcrsion Jaly 1996 . . • ,^` ^ , . Fcckrd Commuo:a�ioac Commis:ioa Approved By OAB 306406BS Washing�oa.DC 20551 Worksheet 3- Markup Method True-Up Period, Basic Tier For imtructian,xc�pcndic A of Ir�wruct�au Fw FCC I�orm I 240 TrurUp P«iod Projectcd Pmod QiKStion I.Indicete ihc ptnod(or which this woricahcd i�bcing uscd.(Put sn'\-in thc sppropriue 6or.) \ (�ucstion 2.lndicatc lhc licr for which ltu�work�hal is bcing uvcd.(Pul an'\'in�he a�ropnatc box) s,sr r�� r�«3 i;�a r�s x Cheation 3.How long ia the fini pmod.�n manh.Y.(or which ntc�a'e being an with�hie workxhectl l2 (.hK..tio�4.I law bng ia�hc xxo�d{r.ti«l,in mcxitM_lor whi�:h ratu�rn;h�:ing!�.:t wilh thi.wixt:.fwa,17 � 2 ; � 5 6 7 t-� �� Sua o(Prcvious Su�ot Grre�l Avuage Pef Cia�ael Cku�els TaW Cuaulaiivc Rcgulaled C�u�els Reeulaled C►�axl CYauels Adjuslseol Added Adjustae�l Adjustae�l 301 f4e.•ious MoWh �'� 702 lfouih 1 3S 37 36.0 50.02 �(l.a SO.a 303 �tonW 2 37 37 37A 50.02 0 50.00 5�-04 304 �1ont6 3 37 37 37.0 5�.02 0 50.00 SD.a JQS Mou�L� 37 37 37.0 f0_02 0 50.00 Sa.a J06 Momh 5 37 37 ]7_0 50.02 0 �(1•� �•a 307 Moath 6 3� 37 17.0 50.02 0 50.00 SO.W 30t3 Moa�h 7 37 37 17.0 50.02 0 50.00 SO.a 309 Mowh 8 37 37 37.0 50.02 0 SO-00 SO-W 310 Moat6 9 37 37 37.0 S�•02 0 SO-00 S�•a 31 I �toah 10 37 37 37.0 50.62 0 SO_00 SO.W 3t2 I�toaW tt 37 17 37_0 50.02 o f0.00 5�.4� 313 Mooth t2 37 37 37.0 f0_02 0 SO•00 SO•a 314 A�era6e Period 1 Msrtup MNrod Adjusl�e�l �.a� 3Ii \foo�h 13 316 �touW 14 317 Mom6IS - 318 Alon�616 319 Momh 17 320 �loat618 321 A(on�h l9 322 �1omh 20 323 �lomh 21 324 Moulh 22 325 \touih 23 326 \looih 24 327 Avenge Period 2 Capz Me16od Adjuslmeul FCC Form 1240 p��� Microso(i Excel�.0 Veryou Julv 1996 Federal Commuaications Commisvoa ppproved By Ot�fB 306606g5 Washiagion.DC 20i54 Worksheet 3- Markup Method Projected Period, Basic Tier Fa irotn+uio�q acc Py�pcndix q o(I�atrodiau For FC(:Fam I 240 Tnu-l�p Prnod F'rojcc�ed Pcriod Qucstion 1.Indicatc�hc period fw which�hia w«kaLcd is hcing uxd.(Put sn'X"in thc a�xo�rietc Iwx.) \ (�uation 2.Indicalc the�icr(or which this woricshccl iy being used.(1'ul en"?("in Ihe approprielc bu:c.) Huft 'rier 2 Tier 3 T�cr 4 Tiet 5 X Qucztia�3.I low long is thc first period,in mqitlu,for w�hich ntes uc bcing sct with lhis wori;.�hect? � 12 Qucstion 4.How long is thc sccond period,in months,tor which rata vc being�ct with this workJ�cc�'? p � 2 3 � 5 6 7 �:� �ri� SY�af Pre�iouz Su�o(Gurrc�l Aven6e Pcr G�aa�el Cka�aels '1'oW Cu�ulative RegulHed CYauels Regulalcd CYa�xl Chaa�elz Adjuztmeal Addcd Adjuzlmest Adjustme�t 301 Previais MoMh jp.p.� 302 41ouW 1 37 37 37.0 s(1_02 0 50.00 SO.W 303 Mouth 2 37 37 37.0 f0A2 0 50.00 SO.W 304 MoaW 3 37 37 37.0 j0A2 0 50.00 SO.UI 3Q5 Moo�h 4 J7 37 37.0 s0_02 0 fQ.00 50.61 306 MonW 5 37 37 37_0 s0_02 0 50.00 SO.W 307 Mon�L 6 37 37 37.0 j0A2 0 SO_00 10_W 308 Mouth 7 37 37 37.0 j0.02 0 50.00 SO_6/ 309 MoaW 8 37 37 37.0 s0.02 0 SO_00 50.01 310 MooW 9 37 37 37_0 j0.02 0 f0_00 SO.W 311 Mouih 10 37 37 37.0 s0.02 0 SO_00 SO_61 3l2 MonW I I 37 37 37.0 f0_02 0 SO_00 SO.W - 313 MooW 12 37 37 37.0 s0_02 0 50.00 50.04 314 Average Period 1 Martup 1�[el6od Adjuslmeot f0.0400 _ _ °,�; : �_•��1`.��,.. .a.v . �r�. :;1 '. _ Y� ,a�, -. . . ' ' . ' ... . _. .�. __:. .,_ . FCC Form 1240 Page 1 Microso(I Exce14.0 Version Juh'I�6 Feda�al Comm�micatiaa Commcsion Approvcd By OMB 3060-0685 Wathictgton,DC 2�554 Worksheet 4 - Residuai True-Up Period For inswclions,sec Appa�dix A of Instructions For FCC form 1240 Que�ticx�I.Indicatt the period for which this worksheel i�being used.(Pul an"X"in�hc appmrna�e box) T�voUp Period Projected Penod X a b c d o Line Line Des ' tion Bacic Tior 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Pcriod Onc 401 Avvage PamittedCharge 59.1750 S12.7250 102 Averagt Eztema�Casts 50.2326 S.t_7.117 403 Average Total P�r Cheeutd Adj�atme�aher 5/11/94 foc 50.0000 S0.0000 Chmmds Addcd Using Caps Method 101 Average Tia�Resi�ud[lO1-102-103J Stt.942� 57.9833 105 Average Chmmels pv Regulated Tier 16.5000 19.5000 106 Avcrage Caps Method C1�mmels per Ticr 0.0000 0.0000 107 Averegc Remart�uig Chmmds[405-406� 16.5000 19.5oU0 � 108 Avaage Paiod 1 PvCFmnnd R�sithial[404/107J Sa.5.�2o So.�o9� Pcriod Two Average Permiaed Charge UO Average Extemal Caatc 111 A°�e Total Per Chmutel Adjin�ents aher 5/1!/94(or Channels Added Using Caps Method 112 Avc�age Tier Residual[�09-t10-411j 113 Avetagc Charmels pu Regulated Ticr 114 Avcragc Caps Method Channek por Tier I15 Average Remaining Chmmels[/13-�1/] 4i6 Avcrage Period 2 Pv Chmmd ftcsidual{{12J415J FCC Form 1240 F'age 1 Microsoh Excd�A Ve�sion luly 1996 Fcdval Comm�aticatim�c Commitsion Approved By OMB 3060-0685 Wachmgtoq DC 2055� Worksheet 4 - Residual Projected Period (Jucstion 1.Indicate thc penod for which Ihis worlcshctl is bcing usod.(Put an"X"in�hc aprropna�c box.) 'I'ruc-Up Pcnod Proja:ted Pcncd \ a b c d c Liao Lme Des � tion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Ticr� Ticr 5 Period One 101 AveragePamittcdCharge S10_1363 S13.6661 402 Averagc Ertemal Cos� 50.5732 SI.7065 403 Avuage Total Pv Chann�l Adjmtmrnts eher 5/1V91 for So.0000 50.0000 Chmmels Added Usuig Caps Method �01 Average Tier R�si�al[10(-402-403] S9_5631 S1t.9596 �OS Average Cl�mels per Regulated Tiu 20.0000 II.0000 406 Average Caps Method Charmels per Tiu 0.0000 0.0000 407 Average Remauiu�g Cham�els[405-406] 20.0000 17.0000 108 Avetage Period 1 Pv Cham�d Residual[404/407] 50.4782 50.5270 . _. _ - __• - . . . _. _ . ._. . .... __ . ,.. _.. . . , . ...-. , -Yr��. �c� . -,.,... ..... � . - .. ... . . __ .._. ._ .. _ . . .._ . . . .. . . . _ . . . _ ___..._ . . . _. _... , i + y . , � . __ .iw�«-�.. � . ... .. _ . _ -. . ..,.._ _�-._ - .._ _. . .. _.. __... . . . . . . _ ._ . .._ . . . . . i ' ' . _.... �, .... . . . . � � "_'._ . . . ._. . . . .. , , t� ;t'.... ._ . _ . — .,, . . i ' _._ . _ _. . ._ ._. ..__ _ ___ _ _ . . . . . . . . .A"S:'f;.I-tu:: .. . ',¢t�l:c ._, . . � i FCC Focm 1240 Pagc 2 Microsoh Excd 1.0 Vusion July 1996 . . • .+� /1 , . Faferal Commuaitatioos Coamission Approvcd B��OFi6 30660685 Washingioo,DC 20554 Worksheet 5-Chaanei Movement and Deletion True-Up Period, Basic Tier For instruc�iom,scc.4ppcndi<A of Inuruc�iom For FCC Form 1240 Qw.�at�on 1.Indice�c�he period for which�his woriciiuxt ia 6eing u�ed(Pw an"X"in�bc apprvpnslt kror.) Truc-Up Pmod Projoc�cd Pmod \ O�+a+2 Indica�c We lirr for whicA this wwlcahctt n bcing a�od(Pd an'X'in the yyropialt box) 13asic 7 rr 2 7 ier 3 l�icr< �1-ier i � �uCStwn 3.How loag u the fu+t paiod,in moa6ti f«which�tcs arc bcing�et with Wis waYihcu? 12 Qucstion 1.How long is Ihc ucood pmoQ in montM,for whicL raln arc bev�g�ct with thi�workalwM? 0 1 2 3 � Lix Period Rezidual o(C�wels Dek�eA Residual o!C6usels Moved Hel Per-Chaanel Cosl Adjustmea� Cuiuulalive Nel PerC6aax1 From'1�er (�dded)to'1'icr �Column 2-Column 1� Cosl Adjusimcn� i01 Pte�•ious Period �-�0 �fi2 \foo�h 1 S(1.0000 5�1-4000 5�.4000 5�.�� iO3 \foo�h 2 50.0000 S�-OODO SO-0000 SO-�000 iO4 \4oai�3 SO.OQ40 50.000� SU-O�DO 5�1.'�� �(15 �1oa�64 S0.(l000 SO.OU00 50.0000 10.400(1 j06 \tooi6 5 S(1.0000 50.0000 SU.O�00 50.4000 i07 �toaih6 SO.00DO 50.0000 50.0000 511.�000 jp8 Alonth 7 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 K1.4000 509 \fouth 8 50.0000 50.0000 SU.��00 5�.4000 "'0 \loo�h 9 50.0000 SO-0000 50.0000 50.4000 \tooth!0 50.0000 50.0000 SO.U000 50.4000 \fon�h I I 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 fb.�000 .3 \touth 12 50.0000 50.0000 50.�000 50.4000 514 Avenge Period!Chaaeel ldoveoed ud DckGo�Adjuslee�l S�•4000 515 AfooW 13 i16 Moo�L 14 517 MoaW 15 518 Moolh 16 519 \foalh 17 520 MoaW 18 � S21 MoWh 19 522 Modh 20 523 Modh 21 524 MoWh 22 S25 MootL 23 S26 Month 24 527 A�erage Pcriod 2 C�auel I�fo�e�ed a�d Deklio�Adjnslocd FCC Form 1240 Page 1 Microsofi Exce14.0 Venion �O�)���' . . - ,� ^ . . . feckral Comm••�ruioos Commission Approved By O\18 30660685 Washingtoo,DC 20554 Worksheet 5-Channel Movement and Deletion True-Up Period,Tier 2 1-«insvuction,acc Appadix A of Im�n�ctian For FCC Fwm 1240 Qucxtion I.(ndicatc Ihc period(or which Utis wotkil�cct if bcing uxd(Put an"X'in�hc appro�uiate box.) "frue-1�p Pcriod 1'rojcUCd Pcrial \ (lucstion 2.Indicalc thc ticr for which this worinhcN ia bcing used.(Put an"X"in Ihc�ppro�matc Mx.) Buic Tier 2 �1'ier 3 'fier 4 Tier� C Qucstion 3.How long ia the fust paiod in monlhs,for whicM rato arc bcing sct wilh this work�hcet? 12 Qucstion 4.How long is the rtcond paiod in maitln,(or which ntn vc hcing aa with thi�workd�cd? 1 2 3 � Line Period Residual of C�aaaels Dekled Residual o(Chaaxls Moved Nel Per{6auuel Cosl Adjuslmeol Cumulalive Nel PerChaaxl Froo Tier (added)�o Tier �Columa 2-Coluoa 1� Cost Adjustmenl i01 Previous Puiocl 50.0000 ioz \loath 1 So.4o9a So.0000 (So.�� (So.so�) �3 �foom 2 So.0000 so.a000 so.0000 �so.+ov+> iO4 Month 3 50.0000 50.0000 5�1.0000 (SO_409�) 505 \lonth 4 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 (50.4094) iW �tomh 5 50.0000 50.0000 5�.0000 (50.409{) i07 \foat66 50.0000 50.0000 $0_0000 (S(1-�094) �OS \foo�h 7 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 ' (50.�094) i09 Mooth 8 50.0000 50.0000 S�_0000 (SO_4094) 510 �lonth 9 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 (f0.�4) 511 MoWh IO 50.0000 50.0000 S(1-0000 (SO.�W4�) s i z �toow i� fo-0000 so.0000 fo.a000 (so-+o�+) s�3 �foomiz So.0000 so.0000 So.0000 (So.�ov+) i14 Average Period 1 Chaaoel Move�e�t a�d Deklios Ad"ustmeat (SO•409�) - �I� �fonthl3 516 Month 14 �17 \looth IS �IH Moah 16 519 \4out617 �20 �Ioa�L 18 �21 Afonth 19 522 Atooth 20 523 �foo�h 21 S24 Monlh 22 �2i \loath 23 526 ��omh 24 �27 Avenge Period 2 CAannel Movemeal�nd Deletioa Adjuttmeol fCCF«mINO Page 2 Microso(�Eue14.0 Venioa 1ulY�99� � ^ . EedenlCommunicuionsCommisuon � Approved By OMB 306a0685 Washiugioo.DC 20551 Worksheet 5-C6annel Movement and Deletion Projected Period, Basic Tier For instruc�iom,scc.4ppcndic A o(IfWructiau For FCC form 1240 Qucstion 1.3ndicatc tM period(or which�his worinhcd'u being u�cd.(Put an"X'in thc�ppco}xiuc hox.) Truc-Up Pcriod Projcctcd Paiod \ Qucstion:.Indicetc thc ticr(or which this worinhecl i�bcing u�cd.(Put m"X'in Ihc�prropriatc Iwx) Uasic �fier 2 '1'�er 3 �I�Kr 4 Ticr S \ (�uation 3.Hou�long is thc firrt Qaiod,in monUn,(or wiuch ratcs are bcing ae!wilh 1hu work+h�xa? I S Qucs�ion 3.I low Iong i�thc Rocond reriod in nwntln,for which rata ue 6cing�el wilh�hn worksho�.1'? � 1 2 3 � r�.� P*iiod Residral a(�'►•��•��pekled Residwl d C�aa�els Yo�ed NN Per�Ckauel Cosl Adjuslaed Cwul�i�e Ncl Pvl�aa�el G Fro�Tier (added)to Tier {Cotum 2-Colum�1� Adjustacat 501 PYevious Period �.�� 502 \(oa�h I 50.0000 51.0262 11.0262 51.�262 503 �SonW2 50.0000 50.0000 s0•0000 S1_4262 504 Mouth 3 50.0000 50.0000 t0.0000 51.4262 505 Moath 4 50.0000 50.0000 50.0000 SI.�262 506 Mooth 5 50.0000 SO-0000 t0.0000 51.�262 i07 Mon�L6 50.0000 Si1.0000 50.0000 51.4262 SOR Noulh 7 j0.0000 f0.0000 f0.0000 51.�262 509 MoWhR 50.0000 50.0000 f(l-0000 51.4262 `�0 �footh 9 50.0000 50.0000 f0-0000 SI.�262 Moo�h 10 50.0000 SO-0000 SO_U000 11_4262 Modh I l S(L0000 SO-0000 j0-0000 51.4262 J Moa�h 12 f0.0000 50.0000 SO.0000 51.4262 �14 A�enge Period 1 C\auel 6loreeeat ud Dek4o�Adjuslaed St.�262 FCC Form 1240 Page 1 Microsof�F,xcel 4A Venioa lulc I�6 , . � .+�, federal CommuuitaUOns Commission Approved Bv OMB 30�60�068$ Was6ingloa.DC 20554 Worksheet 5-Channel Movement and Deletion Projected Period,Tier 2 Foc umruct;onc,�cc Appc.dix p of Instrucl;ons For FCC F«m 124ll Qucstion 1-lndiu�c�hc period for which thia worksf�ect ia bcing uvd(Put an'S'in thc arpro�iatc bo�c) Truc-Up Pcriod Rojmtcd Pcriod r Qucstion 2.Ind�catc thc�icr fw which lhi�work�hcct is bein uxd.(Pu(an^X"in Ihe a �a1c bo[.) �� r�2 r�3 rK�a r�s x C�.:tion i.Ho�a�long is thc first periot�in months.fa which ratd arc bcing�ct wilh this workihcc[? I2 (Jucstion 3.How long is lhc sccpd period in marths,for which ralcs arc being acl wi[h Ihis work.J�ect? 0 1 2 3 4 L� �� Residaal of Gka�aels Deleled Residw!o(C�...'1�Noved Nel PerC�u�el Cosl Adjusl�ed CuaaWi�e Nel PvL�u�el Go Fro�Tier (added)to Tier (Coluda 2-Colana 1� Adjusl�esl 501 Previous Period (fp.�pq�) sa2 �fomn i Si.os4o So.0000 (S�.osw� (Si.�3+) iO3 �too�h2 50.0000 50.0000 SO.0000 (SI_4634) iO4 Mooth 3 $0.0000 f0.0000 s0.0000 (S1.4634) i05 Afoo�h 4 50.0000 50.000p j0.0000 (51.�634) sob Moo�n s So.0000 Sa.0000 So_a000 (S�.�w�a� i07 Month6 50.0000 50.0000 f0.0000 (Sl_�634) SOR Month 7 50.0000 50.0000 S(1.0000 (51.�634) 509 Month 9 50.0000 50.0000 SO_0000 (51.1634) sio MonW9 So.0000 So.0000 So.0000 (5�.�3+) sii Moom io So.0000 So.a000 fo_0000 (f�-��) si� Moomii so.a000 So.0000 fo.0000 (fi.+b�) 513 Mooih 12 50.0000 50.0000 fp.pppp (S1_4634) 514 A�ense Pviod I C►auel Mo�e«d aad Deklio�Adjustse�l (SL�63�) - FCC Form 1240 ' Page 2 Microsoh F,cce14.0 Versioo Jul�'IQ9b . . • � � . . Federal Co�*m•��:ruions Commisuoa ApProved By OMB 30G0-OG85 Wuhiogioa DC 20551 Worksheet 7- External Costs True-Up Period a�nAruaio�+oc Appoodi<A of Inun�ctian For FCC Form 1240 �fruc-l�p Pmaf Projectc.l Pniod �ucu�o�i.Fo.wmicA umc p«ioa a�e you fitling ouc Nu wort�hca? [PW an"X'in Iha appropriatc box.� X luestion?.How long is�he fust period,in monlha,for which rala arc being sct wilh Ihi+wor4�hect? 12 �,csiia,3.Ho.c long i�the.ccad p«iod.in mondn.tor which ratc uc bcing act with th;�wo�hca? 0 • c � Jne [�ne peacrlption Batk 7ier 3 71er 3 Tier 1 77er S Period l :ctrnwl C�sti Eli ibk tor Mxrku �� Coa o(Programming For Cfwmels Addcd Prior W 5/I S/94 or SS,022.36 SSGB.?42.13 .4Aa S/1 S/9d lhing!VLrkup Mcthod For Pmod )? Rdrwmision Coturnt Fees F«Paiod 50.00 50.00 )i Cop�Ti�t Fuw For Paiod 519.357.21 525.749.31 H Eacr�l Cow Eligibk For 7.SY.Mrk�qr 521,379.37 5394,111 45 )S �farkcd L%p Ectc.ul CoAi 526,208.0378 5638_702.0588 iternal Costs Not E' 'bk for Marku �6 Cablc Spailic Tuw For Paiod 50.00 50.00 �7 Franchix Rctatcd CoaU Fa Paiod 50.00 50.00 �8 Comrniuion Rcgulatory Foa F«Paiod 53,863.03 50.00 �9 ioul Eacmal Cous For Paiod 532.073.U678 S6?8,'702.0588 0 �lonthly.Pa•Subscnbcr Ewcrnsl Cow For Period 1 SO.ZZ26 Sa.7417 Pcriod 2 sts E' 'bk for Marku .t of Pro�ammvig Fa Chmrcla Addcd Prior W S/1 S/94 or . � Mcr Srl S�9a Uaing M,ric�Ma6od F«Paiod 1 Rcvanvniasiai Caucnt Fecs For Pcriod � �PY��F«s For Pmod t t�ctclnal Cams Eligiblc For 7.5'/.M�a1c� S A1erlccd Up F�cnul Co�s :ternal Costs Not E' 'ble for Mxrku Gblc Spcc�c Taxc:For Pciod � Fr�nch,ac Rdatod Co�la For Paiod t Commission Rtgulatory Focs For Pcriod � + Toul Edand C«u Eo�Pmod � \4o�tlily.Pa-Subsctibcr E�arnu1 CosU Fof Puiod 2 • FCC F«m 1240 Page 1 Mfcrmof�Ftce14.0 Version ���`��� . , � � Federal Commuo:ca�ioas Co�+m:«:�n Approved Bv O\i6 30660685 Wuhingiou.DC 20554 Worksheet 7- External Costs Projected Period For imtnnlian,sx Appadix A of 4�Gn�ctiarc For FCC F«m 12d0 Tru.;-l�p Pcriod F'roja:tad Pmod Quctioa 1.Fa w�hich timc paiod cc you filling aa�hia worlatu;cl? [Rc an'X'in thc appropna�c box I X Qutctiw�2.How la�g u�hc fvsl perio�in ma�th�for wltich ra�n arc bcing sd with this wortak�oct7 l2 QucQion 3.How long is thc�ccood pciod in mwHh�fa wfiich rala oc bcing�cf wi�h this wwkshcci7 0 a t e L3ne IJM pescr{ lon &ufc "lier 2 7ier 3 liK J Tier 5 Period l Ezternal Costs Eli 'ble for Marku �O� Cost of Programming Fa CF�w�cic Addcd Prior l0 5/1 SN4 or SSO,OJ I.IG 5583,593.53 Afler S/1 S/94 Lking Mirkup MeMd Fa Paiod 702 Rdrarnmiaion Conscat Foa F«Paiod 50.00 50.00 703 Copyripf�t Fca For Pviod 520,085.77 i26,63714 70S Etlrnul Cocls Eligiblc For 7.3'/.Markup 570.116.93 5610,230.77 705 Wr1ccA Up F�dcmal Cosix 575}756991t 5���9'97i.077A E:ternal Costs Not E' 'ble for Marku 706 Gblc Spoc�c Taxa F«Paiod � 50.00 50.00 707 Frmchiz Rda�cd Co4s Fa Pmod 50.00 50.00 708 Commission Rcgulaiory Foa For Period 56.685.73 50.00 7119 ToW F�aa�l Coats For Pciod 582,060.9298 5655,998077H � 710 Mont}dy.Pa-Subscriber F�nernal C.osts For Pcnod I 50.5732 54.7065 FCC Form I240 Page 2 MicrosoG Fzcc14.0 Veniw lul�•1996 . . • /1 ^� . . Fufecal comm�,aic,tious cam�*:«w• �ppra��d ey oMa�oeaobas wuhiog�on.DC 20554 Worksheet 8-True-Up Rate Charged For i�V�r.tia�t+oc Appcndix A o(lroLuuiau Fot FCC Form I 240 Qucstion 1.f 1ow long n thc Truo-Up Paiod 1.in mo�Un? 12 Qucstion 2.How long is thc Truc-Up Paiod�in month+? ■ b c d � �:.� Li�e Descri 'o� Buic Ticr 2 Tier 3 Ticr� Tier S AUl '�ton�h 1 StS-46(Xl SI1.7F9011 B42 Mooth 2 58.4G00 S11.7RW &13 Momh 3 S8•4600 S����80(l 804 Moah 4 S8.4G00 511.7800 805 Moot6 5 S8-4G00 511.7800 806 �touth6 58.4600 511.7800 &17 Mooih 7 59.8900 SI3.6700 808 Moaih 8 59.8900 f I 3.6700 H09 Mon�h 9 59-8900 f 13.6700 BIO Moa�610 59.8900 513.6700 81I Mowh I I 59.8900 513.6700 BI2 MonW 12 59.8900 513.6700 Rl3 Penod 1 Avuagc Ra�c S9.t750 Sf2.1250 BI4 \looih 13 815 Afouth 14 816 \lomh I� '/ Moulh 16 1 \1oo�A 17 19 A1ooi618 820 \foo�h 19 821 Momh 20 822 �lomh 21 823 �fom6 22 824 »oaL 23 £S25 �1omh 24 826 Peri«I 2 A��erage Raie FCC F«m 12a0 p��� Microso(t Exce14.0 Version �W!��� . F � � • ° - .. ANALYSIS OF INTEREST DCPENSE ADJUSTMENT H1632A True-Up Per Subscriber for 1996 0.1836 Gap True-Up Per Subscriber for 1996 0.4552 Total True-Up Amounts for 1996 0.6388 Maximum Permitted Rate 10.1363 Operator Selected Ftate �.8900 Holdout (02463) 1997 True-Up Before interest 132.9282306 Aduai True-Up Period Subs 11.490 Annual amount per sub 11.5690 Divided by 12 ]2 Monthly amount per sub 0.9641 Holdout (0.2463) Times 1996 Projected Subs 11.810 Monthly Amount due to Holdout (2.908.8030) 1997 True-Up Period Subs 11.490 Adjusted Holdout for True-Up Period Subs (02532) Monthly amount of true-Up per Sub 0.9641 Less Adjusted Holdout for True-Up Period Subs �52.2�21 Actual per subscriber monthly amount subject to interest 0.7109 True-Up Period Subs 11.490 Monthly amount 8.168.5495 Times 12 ]2 Annual amount 98,022.5946 Times effective interest rate 0"1157 Allowable interest 11,337.6854 Page 1