HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 54 ORDINANCE N0. S� AN ORDINANCE MAKING "NEGLIGENT COLLISION" AN OFFENSE; PROVIDING THAT IF ANY DRIVER OR OPERATOR OF A VEHICLE SHALL WITH NEGLIGENCE COLLIDE WITH OR CAUSE DAMAGE TO ANY OTHER VEHICLE OR PROPERTY WHATSOEVER HE OR SHE SHALL BE GUILTY OF NEGLIGENT COLLISION; DEFINING "NEGLIGENCE" BY ADOPTING THE DEFINITION CONTAINED IN THE PENAL CODE OF THIS STATE IN THE TITLE AND CHAPTER OF NEGLIGENT HOMI- CIDE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY; DEFINING "VEHICLE"; PROVIDING THAT PROOF OF NO INTENT TO COLLIDE SHALL NOT BE A DEFENSE; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS TO FIRE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES; AND SUSPENDING THE RULE REQUIRING ORDINANCES TO BE READ ON TWO SEPARATE AND SEVERAL DAYS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD: Section One: (a) NEGLIGENT COLLISION: If, any driver or operator of a vehicle upon any public street or upon any drive in any public park, within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall with negligence, as is defined in the Penal Code of this state in the Title and Chapter on negligent homicide, collide with or cause damage to any other vehicle of any kind whatsoever, or with any other property at any place within the said corporate limits of the said City bf Friendswood, Texas, he or she shall beeheld guilty of negligent collision, and upon conviction shall be pthnished by a fine of not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars . (b) VEHICLE DEFINED: The term "vehicle" is used in this ordinance in the sense that the same is used in the uniform act regulating traffic on highways , passed by the 50th Legislature (1947) , Page 967, Ch. 421 (Article 6701, Vernon's -- Annotated Texas Statutes) and has the same meaning in this ordin- ance as in the Legislative Act. (c) PROOF OF NO INTENT: Proof of no intent on the part of any operator of any vehicle charged with an offense under this ordinance to collide with any other vehicle or with any other property shall be no defense to any charge filed under the authority of such ordinance. (d) Nothing contained in this ordinance shall authorize the prosecution of any person for the violation of the name while such person is operating any Fire Department or Police Department vehicle of the City of Friendswood in the per- formance of his duty, provided; that it shall not be necessary in any complaint, action or proceeding under this ordinance to I negative this exception, but the same shall be proved by the defendant by way of defense. Section Two: The City Council of the City of Friends- wood deems it advisable to suspend the rule requiring ordinances, to be read on two separate and several days, and accordingly, tYie rule is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall be effective from and after its final passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of fPiC/ , 1964. --.ATTEST N APPROVED: / ,L 1Z W ARTHA WRIGHT, City Secret y Y D WAGNII4, May r PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Speed Zone Ordinance No.,133j .Texas.;Providing apenaltynot.' An ordlaanee 'altering,the:, toexceed6ohundred($200.00) prima facie speed 41mits es-. 'dollars'for,violation . THE STATE OF TEXAS tablished for vehicles under - ORDINANCE 49 the provisions of Article` An_:ordinance:of the City of . COUNTY OFGALVESTON 6701D, Vernon's. Teens Civil:'_, FrlendswoalTexas,ptohiblt Statutes, upon=the baalsIof.an ing the sale;of an, typeoffire- engineering and traffic inves works within the- ci is.^; / BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day ligation, upon-,certatu"streeL7 ORDINAN !/{ personally appeared J. A. Newborn, Jr., who on his oath Ind highways,or parts there An..ordinance.ma neg. i of,within the corporatelimlti` Dgent collision!! an',offense;',I stated: of the City of Frtendswood,as'- providing Nat if;any driyeror set out in this ordinance; and ' operator,of a vehicles haliwith providing apenalty of a fine not negligence :ucollide with, or•,1 I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL,. to exceed$200 for the violation cause damage;to any other ve ` of this ordinance. hlele or property whatsoever., a newspaper published in Galveston County, Texas, andj Zoning Ordinance No.,132 he or she shall be gulitg.Of , know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; An ordinance of the, City .negligent coliision; defining Council of the City of Friends- "'negligence" by adopting the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct wood,Texas providing for and definition contained in the pen adopting comprehensive rules al'code of this,state in the title, copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- ind regulations .governing' and chapter of negligent homt- zoning; providing for building ' tide and providing a penalty; ports to be a copy as the same appears in such news- permits and fees and charges ' defining;"vehicle,t' providing paper in the issue of May 7. 1970 therefor; repealing:a1T ordi that proof�of no intent to col- ., _ Y r And April 30, 1970 nances and parts thereof in' lids shall not be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is conflict herewith; and provid- providing, for exceptions to $123.00 ing a penalty for violations Fire,Department and Police hereof In an amountofnotless bepartment vehicles;and sus- than one dollar and not more" pending'the rule requfringor- � than twohundred dollars;mak= -dinances tobe read on two sep- ,% .j ing each violation a separate', arate and several days. offense; making each day such ORDINANCE 58 violation continues separate "•„'An,.,;,ordinance authorizing I, offense; and providing for in- the erection of stop signs;and-i junetive remedies., . -" suspending the rule requiring. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the ORDINANCE 28=A, :L�'. ordinances to be,read onthree, An ordinance amending Or- separate and several,days., said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this ' dinance No. 28 of the City of Whereas;�,the safety,and`wel ! 21st day of May, 1970 Friendswood requiring ped fare of the citizens of the City to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. dlers or solicitors to register of Friendswood, Galveston I with the City Secretary; show County, Texas, requires that 1 proof of identity, requiring, stop signs,be erected, ' ' bond;prohibited between cer • ORDINANCE 60 `.1/.fi..GOJ�. ULs'F fain hours; penalty clause An, ordinance authorizing j ••NOTARY PUBLL IC, GALVESTQN •OUNTY, TEXAS ORDINANCE 37 ° the erection of yield-right-of-J My commission expires June 1;4/ji (SEAL) An ordinance requiring way signs;and suspending the 1 weeds and grass tobe cut upon rule requiring ordigances'to j premises and that rubbishand be read on three separate and trash be removed therefrom; several days. fixing a penalty for a fine not Whereas,the safety andwel-„ to exceed$60.00 for failure to fare of the citizens of the City comply with such ordinance; of Friendswood, Galveston and declaring that allowing County; Texas, requires„that weeds to grow and trash and the yield right-of-way signs rubbish to accumulate to be a' be erected,_ nuisance. _ ORDINANCE,61 `1 ORDINANCE 41 An ordinance of the.City of:' . An ordinance requiring all Friendswood,Texas requiring,, swimming pojj _b efencedaml,.'compulsory pickup,ot all.gar=--' equipped with self closing bige and trash-'- `° • .•� gates; providing.a. penalty of ORDINANCE 64 '' any sum not less than 0.00 An ordinance providing a,,� nor more than$200.00 ' curfew foiallebildrentwenty- ORDINANCE 42 ' ' one years of age and younger; An ordinance prohibiting providing a penalty of a maxi- animals running at large with- mum' 'fine of one-hundred in the City of Friendswood, ($100.00)_dollars and a mini-