HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 42 ORDINANCE N0. 42 . AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: SECTION ONE It shall not be lawful for the owner or controller of any animal of the cow kind, horse, mule, jack or jenny, hog, sheep, or goat to allow, permit the same to run at large, or be at large within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas. SECTION TWO Whoever shall without proper authority allow animals, as described above, to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas shall be subject to a fine of not more than Two hundred ($200.00) dollars. PASSED AND APPROVED FIRST READING, day of 1964,A.D. PASSED AND APPROVED SECOND READING, 7' day of � �� 1964,AID. Passed and approved the third and final reading, the day of , 1964,A.D. C���.�-v-e,e � • �uzs .J�e��<«�.ems,�.����m`e.�a�-�- I Mayor - Hairy D. Wagner ATTEST: City Secretary - Artha Wright i PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT .Speed Zane Ordinance No.A3'. 'Texas. isrovldingapeuaitynot An ordinance altering thel.,, toexceedtwohondred($200.00) • _ prima facie speed limits es C dollars for violation. - THE STATE OF TEXAS tablished for vehicles.underi ORDINANCE 49, the provisions of Article""-. An ordinance of the•City of COUNTY OFGALVESTON 67011), Vernon's Texas•Civil Friendswood„Texas prohibit Statutes, upow the basis of fmu- _Ind the'sale olanytype of fire- engineering and traffic IMP03- works within the city limits, BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this I ay tigation, upon certain,streets ORDINANCE 54 , ,. -f personally appeared A. Newborn ho on his oath • and highways;or'parts.there An ordinance._making s'neg- P Y PP J. , Jr.,•, _ of,within the corporate limits 'ligent`collision" an offense; 1 meted, of the City,of Frfendswood,as� providing that if any driveror � set out in this ordinance;and- ' operator;ofavehicle shallwith providing a penalty of a fine not negligence::6nide with..or I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL, to exceed$200 for the violation cause'damage to anyother"- anewspaper ublished in Galveston Count Texas and - of this ordinance., _ __.hicle or property whatsoever ` P Y, , • Zoning Ordinance No.192 he or she shall tie',-guilty'of, know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; An ordinance'of the City negligent 'collision; defining; Council of the City of Friends- 'tnegllgence'! by adopting the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct wood,Texas providing forand definition contained in the pan- adopting comprehensive rules al'code;of this.state In the title• copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- 1nd regulations -''governing' and chapter ofnegligenthomt- p�to be a copy as the same appears in such news- zoning; providing.for butlding ' tide and'providing a penalty,,, permits and fees and charges defining'"vehicle;"providing paper in the issue of May 7, 1970 therefor; repealing all ordt `that proof of no intent to col-.; - And April 30, 1970 nances and parts thereof in llde shall not be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is conflict herewith; and provld- - providing:,for exceptions to ,I $123.00 ing a penalty for 'violations Fire,,,IDepartment and Police hereof in an amount ofnotless bepartment vehicles;and sus- than one dollar and not more;" pending'the rule requiringor ,' than two hundred dollars;mak .dinances to be read on two sep ing each violation a separate crate and several days. •• .:.....• .. offense; making each day such ORDINANCE 68 J AWB RN Jq violation continues:a separate_. „•.Any- ordinance ;authorizing.j ' offense; and providing for in- the erection of stop signs;and,i unctive remedies. 28- suspending,the rule requiring ORDINANCE rA:�•-;•;`, ordinances tobi read on'three,, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the An ordinance amending Or- separate 'and.•several days. said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this dinance No. 28 of th Cfty,of Whereas„the,safety and wel-..q. 21st day of May, 1970 Friendswood requiring ped fare of the`citizens of'the,Cfty-, to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. dlers or solicitors to register 'of Rriendswaod, Galveston with the City Secretary; show County, Texas,'requires;that I i proof of identity; requiring stop signs be'erected , bond;prohibited between car ,,,,,,,, {f; ORDINANCE 80 ' Ali authorizing � �•` •••�� �� .taro hours; penalty clause ••NOTARY I'iJBLI , GALVES'LQN OUNTY, TEXAS ORDINANCE 97 the erection of yleld'right-of- My commission expires June 1,'/ �� (SEAL) An ordinance requiring way signs;and suspendingthe weeds and grass tube cutupon rule 'requiring.ordinances to j premises and that rubbish:and be read on three separate and trash be removed therefrom; several`,days:.,, `I fixing a penalty fora fide not- Whereas,thesafetyandwel to exceed$60.00 for failure to fare of the;citizens of the dity comply with such ordinance; of Friendswood; ' Galveston and declaring that allowing ' County, Texae, requires,that weeds to grow and trash and the yield`right-of-way elfin• rubbish to accumulate to be a be erected, ,. nuisance. _ ORDINANCE 61 "�. .,• ORDINANCE 41' An ordinance of the City of i . An ordinance requiring all F riendswood 'Texasrequiring swimming pools be fencedandi.;.-congmflAgrl,pickup of allpar equipped with self closing bage and trash gates; providing,a penalty of ORDINANCE 64 any sum not less than $5.00 An ordinance.providing EL- nor more than$200.00 rfew'for allchildren twenty- ORDIN, 4 one years of age and younger; An ordinance pro Sting providing a penalty of a maxi-4, animals running atlarge with- ;,mum fine 'of one-hundred in the City of Friendswood, ($100.00) dollars and a mint-