HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 41 ORDINANCE N0, 41
THAN $ 5.00 nor more than $ 200.00.
Whereas, it has been brought to the attention of the City Council
o ie City of Friendswood by various groups within the City of
Friendswood that an ordinance regulating swimming pools is necessary
for the protection of very young children, and, in view of the
contemplated increase in swimming pool construction within the
corporate limits of the City of Friendswood and the attendant
hazards to young children when such pools are not completely
enclosed by a wall, fence or other substantial structure with gates
opening into such enclosure being equipped with self-latching and
self-closing devices designed to keep and be capable of keeping
such doors or gates securely closed at all times when not in actual
use, and;
Whereas, the City Council of the City of Friendswood has determined
ITTFFTHe hazard to children in the City of Friendswood is increased
manifold by reason of the number of swimming pools in this city; land
that in the interest and general welfare of the people of the City
of Friendswood, and particularly young children, that an ordinance
regulating swimming pools is necessary; NOW THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. Every person in possession of land within the corporate
mom ` the City of Friendswood, either owner, purchaser under ;
contract, lessee, tenant or licensee upon which is situated a swimming
pool shall at all times maintain upon the lot or premises on which
the swimming pool is located and completely surrounding the swimming
pool, lot or premises by a fence, wall or other solid structure
designed to prevent small children from inadvertently wandering into
the pool. The said fence or other solid structure shall not be less
than Three and -one-half (3z) feet in height, with no openings therein
other than doors or gates larger than four (4) inches square. All
such doors opening directly into such enclosure shall be equipped
with self-closing and self-latching device to be attached to the
upper quarter of said gate or door; provided, however, that the
door of any dwelling occupied by human beings and forming part of
the enclosure hereinbefore required need not be so equipped.
Provided further that swimming pools in existence on the effective
date of this ordinance shall be fenced in accordance with the require-
mentshereinbefore set forth on or before the 8th day of September,
1964, and, therefore thereafter it shall be unlawful to maintain any
swimming pool in the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood
which is not fenced in accordance with the requirements of this
section; an exception to the above section 1, being; That any swimming
pool located on Five (5 ) acres or more and more or less centrall
located on such premises need not be so fenced.
SECTION 2. All plans hereafter submitted to the City of Friendswood for
swimming pools to be constructed shall show compliance with the
requirements of the proceeding section and the final inspection and
approval of all pools hereafter constructed shall be withheld until
all requirements of the proceeding section shall have been complied
with by the owner, purchaser under vontract, lessee, tenant or licensee.
1 ` —J _
SECTION 3. That any person violating any provision of this ordinance
shall be eemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction,
shall be fined any sum not less than Five ($5.00) dollars nor more
than Two hundred ($200.00) dollars.
PASSED and APPROVED, first reading the third day of August, 1964,A.D.
PASSED and APPROVED,second reading the seventeenth day of August,
1964, A.D.
PASSED and APPROVED, third and final reading the eighth day of
September, 1964, A.D.
§ �,�i`~•• °e,�='` Mayor - Har y D, Wagner
Secretary - Artha Wright
Speed Zone Ordinance No.133'„ Texas. Providing a penalty not
An ordinance.alterlhg thil,, ,toexceed two hundred($200.00)
prima facie speed'limits=es.;.'dollars for violation � THE STATE OF TEXAS �
tablished for vehicles under' _ ORDINANCE 4 ,f�
the provisions of Article_„'; An ordtnance.of;the•'City aP COUNTY OF GALVESTON I
' 6101D, Vernon's Texas Civil Friendswe.od,,Texa§.prohibit-
Statutes.,upon-the basl6 of.an.-!ng the sale of any type offiI i BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day
engineering and trac'inves works within the city limits.J
tigatlon, upon-certain streets ORDINANCE fi4 -- personally a A. Newborn Jr who on his of th
and highways,'or parts there dina An:ornce.,making"neg- P y appeared J. '
of,within the corporate ilmits..''iigent •collision", an offense; stated:
of the City of-Friendswood,as-` providing that if any driveror
set out in this ordinance;and operator of avehicle shallwith;,l
providing apenaltyefa fine not negligence ,collide with. or I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL,
to exceed$200 for the violation cause damage to anyother,ve- er anews a published in Galveston Count Texas, and
of this ordinance. hicle or propeity whotooe1ver; newspaper P 1'+ 4
Zoning Ordinance No.132 he or, she shall be-guilty of , know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated;
An ordinance of the City negligent collision; defining
Council of the City of Friends- 1 "negligence" by adopting1the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct
wood,Texas providing forand definition contained inthepen-�I
adopting comprehensive rules- - al code of this;state in the title, copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur-
ind regulations 'governing' and chapter,of negligent homt Porto to be a copy as the name appears in such news-
zoning; providing forbuilding tide and providing a penalty; .;
permits and fees and charges defining'"vehicle;" providing paper in the issue of May 7, 1970
therefor; repealing;all ordi that proof of no Intent.to col-- And April 30, 1970
nances and parts thereof in fide shall not be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is:
conflict herewith;and'provid- Providing_ for exceptions to $123.00
ing a penalty forviolations Fire,,Department and Police'
hereof in an amount ofnotless ' bepartment vehicles;and sus-
than one dollar and not more.", pending'the rule requiringor
than two hundred dollars;mak-" dinances to be read on two sep-
in each violation a'se arate orate and several days. .; - .. ...... ... ; :.
g p
offense; making each daysuch ORDINANCE 68 J. A, ;,7EVyB IU4 JR.
violation continues a separate .c.,*An :eordinance authortI tog
offense; and providing for in- the erection of stop signs;and .I
unctive remedies. suspending the rule.requiring.
ORDINANCE28-A+>•,.', ordinances{obereadonthree.
An ordinance amending Or- separate,,,and_ several days.,.,5 said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this 21st day of May,
dinance No. 28 of the City of' Where'as, the"safety and-wel- ., y y, 1970
Friendswood requiring ped fare of,the citizens ofthe.City to verify which witness my hand and seal of office.
dlers or solicitors to register of Friends'wood, Galveston I _
with the City Secretary; show County "' be.e NCE , s,that
proof of identity, requiring stop sSgns,be.ereeted, :'�
bond; prohibited between ter- : ' ' ,.,!./,;;°....... ✓ A.
-taln hours; penalty- clause. An .ordinance authorizing I NOTARY PUBL ALVESTON COUNTY TEXAS
ORDINANCE 37 the erection of yield'right-of-.I My commission expires June 1;i%y/ (SEAL)
An ordinance requiring' way signs;and suspending the
weeds and grass to be cut upon rule requiring ordinances to
premises and that rubbishand be read on three separate and
trash be removed therefrom; several days.'- , -
fixing a penaltyafor a flue not Whereas,thesafetyandwei- I
to exceed$50.00 forfeiture to fare of the citizens of the City
comply with such ordinance; of 'Friendswood, Galveston
and declaring that allowing ' County, Texas, requires that
weeds to grow and trash and, the. yield right-of-way signs'
rubbish to accumulate to be a be erected,
nuisance. _ ORDINANCE 61
ORDINANC .9T" An ordinance of the City of;i .
An ordinancerequiring all Friendswood 'Teims requiring
swimming pools beencedand,—compuisoryickup of,all,gar=`
equipped with,e self closing bage and trash
gates; providing a penalty of ORDINANCE 64
any sum not less than $5.00 An ordinance providing a,
nor more than$200.00 ' curfew for allchildrentwenty-
ORDINANCE 42 ' , one years of age and younger;
An ordinance.prohibiting - providing a penalty of a maxi-
animals running at large with- mum 'fine 'of one-hundred
in the City of Frlendswood, ($100.00) dollars and a mini_