HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 37 ORDINANCE NUMBER 37 . AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING WEEDS :AND GRASS TO BE CUT UPON PREMISES AND THAT RUBBISH AND TRASH BE REMOVED THEREFROM; FIXING A PENALTY FOR A 'FINE NOT TO EXCEED $50.00 FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ;SUCH ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING THAT ALLOWING WEEDS TO GROW AND TRASH AND RUBBISH TO ACCUMULATE TO BE A NUISANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee, occupant or any person in charge of any premises, of thesUity of Friendswood to allow weeds to gtow upon the premises, or trash or rubbish to accumulate upon the sa*d premises to such an extent as is reasonably calculated to create afire hazard or calculate to become injurious to the health of the citizens of Friendswood, and either act is hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance. I Section 2. Whenever weeds are allowed to grow, or trash or rubbish I-s--aTjo—WeU of accumulate upon any premises of the City of Friendswood as prohibited by this ,ordinance the City Councillshall hear evidence and determine whether or not such accumulation of rubbish and trash and the growth of weeds thereon, or both, are sufficient to constitutes nuisance as here in defined, and if so find, they shall pass a resolution declaring that the growthlof weeds or the accumulation of trash and rubbish upon such premises, lor both, constitutes a public nuisance, and shall order same removed by the owner, occupant, lessee or person in charge of such premises, within ten (10) days from the date of such notice is given. Section 3. Failure to out weeds and remove trash and rubbish or to do e er o them when notified to do so, as set out in this ordinance by any party obligated to do so by this ordinance, shall be punished by a, fine in any sum not to exceed fifty (50.00) dollars andleach day that such a nuisance shall continue after the time for abatement as herein set out shall constitute a separate offense. Passed and Approved, first reading 18th day of May, A.D. 1964. Passed and Approved, second reading 2nd day of June, A.D. 1964. Passed and Approved, third and final reading 15th day of Juni,A.D.196 \ Mayor - H14Y D. Wagner ATTEST'! Secretary - Alan Ginnis PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Speed Zone Ordinance No.,139I as.Tex .,Providingapenaltynot An ordinance.`altering the' toexceedtwohundred($200.00) prima facto speed limits es-1 dollars for violation.':p THE STATE OF TEXAS tablished for vehicles under' "ORDINANCE 49 the provisions' of Article - .An ordinance of theGity of COUNTY OF GALVESTON ' 6701D, Vernon's Texas Civil-'.Frlendswood,,Texas,prohibit- Statutes, upowthe bases of_aq, ing the,sale-ofanytggebffire- hin the city Urnits'. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day engineering and traffic lnvss-., works with tigatlon, uppn�,cettaln streets ORDINANCE 54' ".. personally appeared A. Newborn Jr who on his oath and highways,or parts there , An.ordfnance':making"nog- P y Pp J. ' of,within the corporate limits` ligent collision': an offense; I stated: of the City of Friendswood,as providing.that if any driver or set out in this ordinance,and operator ofivehicle shallwith providing apenaltyofahnenot negligence collide, with or I am publisher of THE SUBURBAN JOURNAL, to exceed$200 for the violation, cause daniage,to anyotherve- anewspaper ublished in Galveston Count , of this ordinance.;^' hicle or property whatsoeverP y, Texas and Zoning Ordinance No..132 he or she shall`be guilty of know of my own knowledge the facts herein stated; An ordinance of the City .negligent- collision; defining Council of the Cityof Friends- : "negligence'$ by adopting the that the attached printed matter is a true and correct wood,Texas providing forand definition contained in the pen adopting comprehensive rules al'code of this..state in the title copy of the publication of the notice of which it pur- ind regulations :governing' and chapter of negligent homl-` ports to be a copy as the same appears in such aews- zoning; providing for Lullding cide and:providing'a penalty; . permits and fees and charges defining divehdcle;si providing paper is the issue of May T 1970 therefor; repealing all ordi 'that proof of no intent to col- - y : And April 30, 1970 nances and parts ,thereof.1w lide shall not�be a defense; The charge by this newspaper for such publication is conflict herewith; and provid- providing for exceptions to $123.00 Ing a penalty for 'violations Fire, Department and Police hereof in an amountotnotless bepartment vehicles;and sus- than one dollar and not more pending'the rule requiringoi- 1 than two hundred dollars;mak- dinances to be read on two sop- ` ing each violation a'separate orate and several days ' j offense; making each daysuch ORDINANCE 58 .. ;j J. A. lyg RN Jq. violation continues,a separate_� An- �ordInance,authorizing offense; and providing for in- the erection Of stop signs;and junctive remedies. suspending the rule requiring he ORDINANCE 28-A ordinances to be-read on three„ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by t An ordinance amending Or- -_separate ,and several days-'-I said J. A. Newborn, Jr., this dinance No. 28 of the City of ' Whereas, the safety,and'wel- 21st day of May, 1970 Friendswood requiring. ped- fare of'the citizens,of;the"City to verify which witness my hand and seal of office. dlers or solicitors to register_ of Friendswood, Galveston with h City trequiring y: - bond prohibited between erected, requires that , prooff of identity, i g equi stop k signs be erecte , ',..- . ORDINANCE 60 .. � ....... u .... ,IC(.•�s . tain hours; penalty clause. ordinance' authorizing ••NOTARY PUBLI GALVEST4N .OUNTY TEXAS ORDINAN 97 _ the erection Of yield'right-of- My commission expires June (SEAL) An ordinance requiring way signs;and suspending the weeds and grass to be cut upon rule' requiring. ordinances to j premises and that rubbishand be read on three separate and trash be removed therefrom;" several days. fixing a penalty far a'fine not Whereas,the safetyand wel to exceed$50.110 for failure to fare of'the citizens of the City comply with such ordinance; of � Frlendswood, Galveston and declaring that allowing�.County� Texas, requires that weeds to grow and trash and the, yield. right-of-way signs. rubbish to accumulate to be a be erected, nuisance. - _ 'ORDINANCE 61 , ORDIfYANCE 4T .. An,'orddnence 'of the City Of:1i . An ordinance requiring all Friendswood,Texas requiring swimming pools be fencedancl..cOmPuls.pZ picckup of all.gan� • equipped with .self closing bage and trash ^) gates; providing a penalty of ORDINANCE 64 any sum not less than $5.00 , An ordinance providing a nor more than$200.00 '.,. curfew for all children twenty ORDINANCE 42 one years of age and younger; An ordinance prohibiting providing a penalty of a maxi- animals running at large with- mum' 'fine of one-hundred in the City of Frieadswood, .($100.00) dollars and a mind-_