HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 85-17 ORDINANCE N0. OJ�17 � • AN ORDINANCE AMENDIr�G THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE BY STR.IKING THEREFROM ALL OF SECTION �-3R AND 8-41 AND SUBSTITUTING A NEW SEGTION 8-39; PROVIDING A MINIMUM CHARGE QF $50.00 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES INCURRED IN THE ABATEMENT OF nTUISAPdGES PURSUANT TO ARTICLF III OF CHAPTER 8 OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJEGT; AND PROVIL�ING FOP. SEVERABILITY. � � �r � � BE IT ORDAINEB RY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF F1�IEr1DS�J00D, STATE OF TEXAS : Section 1 . The Frienc?swood Ci.ty Code is hereby amer�ded by striking all of_ Section S-3Q, which provides as follows : [Sec. 8-39. Abatement by city �enerally, mir.imum charge ; institution of lien. In the event of the failure, refusal or neglect of the owner or occupant of any premises or property to cause such nuisance to be removed or abated in the manner and within the time provided in section 8-38 of this article, it sha1Z tae the duty of the city manager to cause the weeds, brush, rubbish or other i_nsanitary matter or condition constituting a nuisance, to be promptly and similarly abated, in a reasonable and prudent m.anner, at the expense of the city. The city manager or his duly authorized representative shall carefully compile the cost of such work done and improvements made in abating such nuisance and shall char�e the same against the owner of the premises. The city council hereby finds and declares that general overhead of administrative expense of inspec- tion, locating owner, issuing notice, reinspection and ordering work done, together with all necessary inci- dents of_ same, rec�uire the reasonable charge of twenty- five ($2S.G�Q) for each lot, series of two (2) or more ac�jacent anc� contiguous lots, or tract or parcel of acreage, anc? suc}� mini.mum charge is hereby estaUlished anci c�ecla.rec� to he an expense of such work and improvement . Notwithstanc�in� , theref.ore , any tabu- Zation of recorded cost, a minimum charge of twenty- five ($25.Q0) i_s hereby expressly stated to be a mini.- mum only anc� shall have no applicati_on when the tabu- latec� cost of the work �1one shall exceed such minimum charge. After receiving from the city mana�er a compilAtion o£ the cost of the work an.d after charging the same against the owner of tr,e premises, the mayor shall certify a statement of such expenses and shall file the same with the county clerk of the county in which such property is located . Upon filing such statement with. the county clerk, th:e city shall have a privileged lien upon th.e land described therein and upon whi.ch the inprovements ha.ve been made, second only to tax liens and liens for street improvements, to secure the expenditure so made, and ten per cent (10%) interest on the amount from the date of such payment . For any such expenditures and interest, as aforesaid , suit may l�e instituted by the city attorney and recovery and foreclosure had in the name of the municipal corporation of the city; and the statement so made, as aforesaid, or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended in any such �aork or improvements. Upon payment of the full charge assessec� against any property, pursuant to the procedure hereinabove set forth, the mayor shall ' be authorized to execute, £or and in behalf of the city, a written release of th.e lien heretofore r�en- tioned, such written release to tae on a form prepared and approved in each case by the city attorney. ] and �ubstituting therefor the £ollowing : Sec . $-39. Abatement by city generally; m.inimu�n char�e ; institution of �ien. In the event of the failure, refusal or ne lect of th� owner or occu ant o an prem�ses or ro ert to cause suc nuisance to e removed or a ate �.n t e manner and wit in the t�_�e provic]ec? in seetion �- of this arti.cle, it shall be the dut of the cit mana er to cause t e wee s, n�s , ru is or ot er insanita matter o r conc�ition constitutin a nuisance, to be promptly anc� si_milarly a ated, in a reasonable and prudent manne r, at the expense of the city. The city m�a_�na��e_r or is duly authorized representative shall care�l�ompile the cost o suc wor��done and improvements made in abating such nuisance and shall charge tY�e same against the owner of the premises . The city council hereby finds and declares that general overhead of administrative expense of inspec- tion, locating owner, issuing notice, reinspection and orderin wor done, to ,ether with all necessa inci- dents o same, re uire the reasonable c ar e o fift or eac lot , series of two or mare adjacent and�� ��_c�_o_ nti_�uous lots , or tract or parcel of acrea e, and suc�minzmum c ar e is ere esta�lis ed and declared to be an exr�ense o suc work and improvement . Notwith.standing, therefore, any tabu- I.ation of recorded cost , a mznimum c r e o i -t is .ere ex ress stated to e a m.�nimum an y an s a _ave no app lcation w en t e ta u ated cost of tre wor� done shall exceed such minimum c a rge . ter receiving rom t .e c ity raana e r a. com ilati_on of the cost of the work and afte r cha r in tt�e same a ainst th.e owner o the remises, t e ma or s a certi y a statement o suc expenses an s a file the same with t�;e count clerk of the count in w .ic suc property is ocated . Upon ilin suc statement with the count clerk, the cit shall have a privile ed l�en upon the land descri ed therein and upon w��i the improvements have been made, second only to tax liens and liens for street irnprovements, to secure the ex enditure so made, and ten er cent 1 o interest on the amount from the date of sucYa payment . For any such expenditures and interest, as aforesaid , suit may be instituted by the city attorney and recove and foreclosure ha.d in the name of the munici al co oration of t e cit ; and t e statement so ma e , as a oresaid , or a certi ied co t ereo , shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended in an such work or improvemens. Upon ayment of the �u�l c arge assessed against any property, ursuant to the rocedure hereinataove set forth the ma or shall e aut orize to execute, or an in e a o t e cit , a written release of the lien heretofore men- tioned , such written release to e on a f_orm re ared an approve . �n eac case y t e ci.ty attorney. Section 2. The Fri.ends��ood City Code is hereby amended by striking th�refrom. all of Section �-41 , which. provides as follows : -2- [Sec . �-41 . Removal of weeds by city at request • of. property owner; fee . Any owner of vacant property in the city shall have the ri�ht to contract with th.e city to remove all such weed.s and vegetation as may grow on such real estate by requesting in writing the city manager so to do, and by agreeing to the charge to �e paid therefor, not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to be paid therefor per lot, series of two (2) or mor•e adjacent and contiguous lots, or tract or parcel of acreage, to be char�ed against such property for each such removal of weeds and vegatation. Section 3. In the event any section, paragraph, sutadivi- sion, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordiraance or. the application of the same to any person or c�rcumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not a.ff.ect , impair, or invali�?ate this G�rdinance as a whole or a.ny part or provision her�of other than th.e part declared to be invalic? or unconstitutional ; and the City Counci.l o£ the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional , or whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on the first reading this �Rn day of �n�; , 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED on the second reading this �_day of � , 1985. PASSFD, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on the �hird and final reading this 15�day of �Ly , 1Q85. , �„� �rt -�:�.� �--�-'�� l�ayo r ATT T: 5 � Cit Secreta -3-