HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 85-08 ORDINANCE N0. 85-8 AN ORDINANCE GRANTIIVG A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF EXXON'S R.D. HADEN WELL N0. 'S 2I, AND �2 IN THE G7T'Y OF' F'RI�NDSWUOD, TEXAS, AS SPECIFIC USE-OIL AND GAS EXTRACTIONS; PROVIDING GONDI'�.t'TGi�S �'C)R Z°HE GRANTING OF SUCH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT; AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 84-15, PASSED AND APPROV ED ON NO�VEMBER 19, 1984; CONTAINING OTHER PRaVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, Exxon Company, U.S.A. (A division of Exxon Corp) authorized agent:, fap. R�l'�� f��c'En Well No. '� 21 arc? ?2 situated within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas; and t�'HEREAS, said tracts of land ��resently have a zoning classification of A-1 under Ordinance No. 84-15, the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Exxon Company, U.S.A, has made application to the City of Friendswood for a specific use perrnit authorizing the use of said tracts of land as Specif.ic tTSe-Gil and Gas Fxtraction os avthorized by the City's Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planninq and Zoning Commission and the City Council of tlae City af Friendswood have conducted, in the time and manner and after the notice rec�uired by law and the Zoning Ordinanr.e af the City, a publi.c hear.ing on such rec;uest for a sgecific use permit; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Friendswood now deems it appropriate to grant such rec,uested specific use permit, subject to certain limitations, restrictions, and conditions; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT� COUNCIL OF THE CSTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitatiora� set fortr, in the �reamb7e of tr�i� �rdinanc� are hereby founa to be true and correct. Section 2. The tracts of land described in �xhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of hereof are hereby granted a specific use permit authorizing the use of said tracts of land as Specific Use-Oil and Gas Extraction, as authorized by the City of 1 Friendswood Zoning Ordinance and subject to the to the limitati_ons, restrictions ana con�atior�. cantair�ea an Section 4 herein. Section 3. The Specific use of sucra t_ract-s c?f ] ana authorized and permitted by this Ordinance are for Oil and Gas Extractions . Section 4. In addition to the regulation.s coi�tai.neG ir� City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 84-15, the Specific Use authorized and permitted by this Ordinance shall be and is hereby, granted subject to the limitations, r.estri.ctions, and conditions set forth below: Wells #21 and #22 1. The Specific Use granted hereby for Wells #21 and #22 shall be for the five (5) acre tract indicated on Exhibit "A" and identified by metes and bounds Exhibit "E" , provided however, at the expiration of six montYa� fo�.l.�wing issuance by the City of Drilling Permits for said Wells #21 and #22, the Specific Use granted hereby shall be reduced to to a three (3) acre tract out of said five (5) acre tract, said three (3) acre tract being indicated on Exhibit "A" hereto and as described by metes and bounds on Fxhibit "F" hereto. 2. Applicant to restore the surface surrouncainc� Wells #21 and #22 f.ollowing completion o� ox�i.11ing ar.tivity. 3 . Applicant shall not erect perrnanent storage tanks upon the five (5) acre surface site indicated Ori Exhlblt "A" . Section 5. The Zoning District hjap of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amer�dec� �o :�t�aw tl�e s�ecific use permitted on said tracts of land as provided i.n Section 2 and 3 hereof, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Grdinance and brief description of the nature of the change. Section 6. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, su��lement, or revise a.ny provisa.on of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the ���ecific use �ermit yranted to the tracts of land described in Section 2 hereof 2 authorizing the Specific LZSe-Oil and Gas Extractions and the imposition of the findings, limitations, restrictions, and conditions contained herein. APPROV ED ON FIRST READING THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH, 1985. APPROVED ON SECOND READING THIS 18TH DAY OF MARCH, 1985. PASSED, APPRdVED AND ADOPTF�D ON THIRD READING THIS 15TH DAY OF APRIL, 1985. MAYOR LPH L. LOWE , D L RIS MCKE ZI CITY SECRETARY 3 '� � , . ', , � � . , �� ��� REING FIVE (5.00) ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE ROBERT HOPPEL SURVEY, A-83, AND BEING A PART OF THAT CERTIN 640 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN DEED ' DATED TO RICHARD D. HADEN, ' � RECORDED IN VOLUME , PAGE , GALVESTON COUNTY • DEED RECORDS, SAID FIVE ACRES BEING MORE PARTICU- LARLY DESCRIBED AS F'OLLOWS: ('CIMMENCING at the northwest corner of the Robert Hoppel Survey, A-83 and intersecting the south line of the B.B.B.&C.R.R. Co. Survey, A-46; TNENCE S48°18'29"E alonq the west line of the Hoppel Survey, 1655.70 feet to a point; � THENCE N41 °41 '31"E, 349.02 feet to a 5/8-inch iron set for the west corner and Lhe PLACE OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described five (5.00) acre surface �ite , said iron rod also bears N87°24 'S2"E, 327.29 feet from Exxon Corpora- tion's Richard Haden Well 21 ; � IHENCE N42°25 '06"E alonq the northwest line of said surface site, 466.69 feet l.o a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the north corner; ' THENCE S47°-6 '.34"E along the northeast line of said surface site, 466.69 feet Lo a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the east corner, said rod also being t��68°48'00"E, 259.41 feet from Exxon Corporation's Richard Haden Well 22; THFNCE S42°25'06"W alonq the southeast line of said surface site, 466.69 feet � t:o a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the south corner; 7HENCE N47°06'34"W along the southwest line of seid surface site, 466.69 feet Lo the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing five (5.00) acres of land, more or ]ess. ��earings are referenced to north on the Lambert Grid Coordinate System, South Central Zone of Texas. C , William W. Lamb , Registered Public Surveyor No. 1516, State of Texas, ��ertify that the above description is based on a survey on the ground under my iirection, and that the corners are as called herein. � � � G � � L��l� � illiam W. Lamb RPS ��1516 � ,��.�.� ��. •� ,�,���,, �.• �f . ,�, I�)��fIIVIC� �'�'+ + r ewyr�' !N Ref: ST-2828/23 ••••••••••..•.•••^•••:•�,�'� VlIL!1,1�9 W. Ulf�P3 �� . .:c�. Ref: STB-5098 •.•;•.............. . ,� �, . J �1J0 K?', 1516 ;�x., . �9�'9�c a�o �y. �s T� �-a, /C•• �j..�.� StbRr , � . � �� � U � � � BEING A 30 FOOT WIDE UNOBSTRUCTED MULTI-PURPOSE EASEMENT BETWEEN A FIVE (5.00) ACRE SURFACE SITE AND A SALTWATER DISPOSAL SITE, OUT OF THE ROBERT . HOPPEL SURVEY, A-83, AND BEING ACROSS A PART OF . - THAT CERTIN 640 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN DEED DATED � TO RICHARD D. HADEN, RECORDED IN VOLUME � , PAGE , GALVESTON COUNTY DEED RECORDS , THE CFNTER LIN� OF SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: f3EGINNING at a point in the northeast line of said five (5.00) acre surface site, said point beinq N47°06'34"W, 59.93 feet from a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the east corner of said surface site; THENCE N41 °47 '07"E along the center line of said easement, 869.51 feet to a point in the most easterly southwest line of said disposal site, said point - being S46°39 ' 15"E, 76.02 feet from a 5/8-inch iron rod set for an interior corner of said disposal site. Bearings are referenced to north on the Lambert Grid Coordinate System, South Central Zone of Texas. I , William W. Lamb, Registered Public Surveyor No. 1516, State of Texas, certify that the above description is based on a survey on the ground under my direction, and that the same is true and correct. ( � ^ , � � � �� i iam W. Lamb . RPS �'�1516 JBO/mwg � �t�•���� ���,�, � Z F/N Ref: ST-2828/24 �•'� ',� •oFJ,9, I�wg. Ref: STB-5098 Y����a�/������O���O��oJtl�•y ' 4�lLll,��;i �l. L..k�?J9� 4s� �H�J��or..r..�•..�cJ,Y pv/ . � ' yo•. 151�6 �.�.. ,r Gt9��f�►5 T EAd.'�•�C;i � ��C•,'�l.l���"� r �, • , � . � � ��. � i��y ��_�_..._a_ _ -."�--'� � �r<:F- � � � � ;��� y • ,� p �- � r f _ __ .l — . .�tr � ' . . _ a �� � i�1. _ . • — '; �� '`< .. RRCf 1i`.. �.:: :;�i�IC)?:�� ��,'1��vvt•rrv.�:.' � - • �� �� � .tiK m*r.�/� •• -- — p M E D -G�y _ _ _ \ ......� • � ��y����� L�� � � O � � 'i�i'�"��_"��rhr.`" . . . � �� � • � •� � _ ' • ..*i1 � � • •������.ur��.. . �� — � `� a � ----, :\� _ o� � �� i �^4« f_ -�--, -- . � — � c ' I, ' '� ,t. � .� � y� � V� � i �W •:�. • � _--_- � }� . ��� Ltt` �E O „ I R F. 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Z Site Arour�d Haden Wells 21 & 22 & 3� ��.,,t�: � �, � "' � Unobstructed Multipurpose Easanent. �� t , ,., ., _ .. �:�, a �� . ; . � - _ �. C �. .. 1 . . .- j .• .'i. . . . �. _.. �� �1_. _ .� '. ..,,_.__._.._,._.. _ � _........_.. . . - (.-�� . . � . . . BEING THREE ( 3 . 00 ) ACRES OF I,AND , MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE ROBERT HOPPEL SIJRVEY , A- 83 , AND BEING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN 640-ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN DEED DATED TO RICHARD D . HADEN , RECORDED IN VOLUME , PAGE , GALVESTON COUNTY DEED RECORDS , ' SAID THREE ACRES BEING MORE PARTICULARLY ` ' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : COMMENCING at the northwest corner of the Robert Hoppel Survey , A-83 , and intersecting the south line of the B . B . B . & C . R . R . Co. Survey , A-46 : TI-IENCE S 48 ° 18 ' 29" E along the west line of the Hoppel Survey , 278Q . 31 feet to a point; THENCE N 41 ° 41 ' 31 " E , 565 . 18 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the west corner and the PLACE OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described three ( 3 . 00 ) acre surface site , said iron rod bears S 78° 27 ' 41" W , 222 . 21 feet from Exxon Corporation ' s Richard " Haden Well 15 , said Well 15 bears N 47° 06 ' 34" W , 50 feet from Cxxon Corporation ' s Richard Haden Well 20 ; THENCE N 42° 25 ' 06" E along the northwest line of said surface, � 361 . 50 feet to a 5/B-inch iron rod set for the north corner ; . THENCE S 47 ° 06 ' 34" E along the northeast line of said surface site , 361 . 50` feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set for the east corner ; THENCE S. 42 ° 25 ' 06" W along the southeast line of said surface site , 361 . 50 feet to a 5/8 -inch iron rod set for the south ' corner• I THENCE N 47 ° 06 ' 34" W along the southwest line of said surface site , 361 . 50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing three ( 3 . 00 ) acres of land , more or less . , f�earings are referenced to north on the Lambert Grid Coordinate �ystem , South Central Zone of Texas. � , William W . Lamb , Registered Public Surveyor No . 1516 , State of Cexas, certify that the above description is based on a survey on �. ne ground under my direction , and that the corners are as called ��t;rein. , , / / . ^ / C , / �,��f �• ��/` ,� � 7 �; ! il iam W . Lamb RPS ��1516 ,J80 : bw ���?..;,, �"/N Ref. : ST-2828/28 ,�p�.,•....''�:,:.;•�a ,�ug . Ref. . STB-5107 �� '�'.^. ��� . �: , e .��. ...:..........�....�.::. � �]/8/8 4 WILL!I�Jrt i�. Uk�� �-� •���11����.•�r�.��•►Iy��1�.A � . 1516 � ` �p'•. .tC t , (���Af�1StE�����C1 �C� St1Rv