HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2017-15 j i RESOLUTION NO.R2017-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE MAY 069 20179 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD GENERAL ELECTION FOR COUNCIL POSITIONS NO.2 AND NO. 5. j Whereas, on May 06, 2017, there was held within and throughout the territory of the City of Friendswood, Texas (the "City") an election (the "Election), for the purpose of electing the hereinafter named officials, a copy of a sample ballot being attached as Exhibit "A" and it appearing from the returns duly and legally made, there were cast at the election 3,245 ballots. i Each voter received one (1) ballot for candidates from which each of the candidates received the following number of votes: COUNCIL POSITION NO. 2 (Term expires May, 2020) I Sally Harris Branson 1,740 Omar Peck 1,434 i i r COUNCIL POSITION NO. 5 (Term expires May, 2020) David O'Farrell 1,318 John Scott 1,876 i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS: Section 1. The facts set forth in the preamble of this Resolution are true and correct. r Section 2. The Election was duly called, Notice of the Election was given in t accordance with law, the Election was held in accordance with law, and the following persons received a majority of all votes for the respective offices and were elected and are declared to be F elected to the respective offices, subject to the taking of the Oath of Office as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Article VI, Sections 6.04 and 6.05 of the City Charter: i COUNCIL POSITION NO. 2 Sally Harris Branson (Term expires May, 2020) COUNCIL POSITION NO. 5 John Scott (Term expires May, 2020) j Section 3. It is found that by virtue of all positions on the ballot receiving a majority of all votes for the respective offices, a runoff election is not required. Section 4. It is further found and determined that, in accordance with the order of the City Council, the City Secretary posted written notice of the date, time, place, and subject of this meeting on the bulletin board located in City Hall, a place convenient to the public, and said notice having been so posted preceding the date of this meeting. A copy of said posting shall be attached hereto as Exhibit`B." Section 5. All resolutions or parts of resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith i are,to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict, hereby repealed. I i PASSED,APPROVED,AND RESOLVED this the 15th day of May,2017. — i i Kevin M.H�land Mayor ATTEST: '�.,�-. � .y��r- '��., '4 • vo'" ••��Pty A Melinda Welsh, TRMC City Secretary N' ■ ■ ■ •r 82017-15 2 R2017-15 Exhibit A Vote Both Sides Vote en Ambos Lados de la Rdgina MEN= OFFICIAL BALLOT BOLETA OFICIAL son= GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION ELECCION GENERAL YESPECIAL CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS CIUDADDEFRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS May 06, 2017 - 06 de ma yo de 2017 Precinct Precinto 742 Instruction Text: CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 2 Please use a black or blue ink pen only. Completely fill in the box "Shall Section 3.01 of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to provided to the left of your choice.Make no stray marks on the ballot. update the year in which elections for each City Council position are EVA= Do not use inks that soak through the paper. scheduled to be held?" Texto de Instrucc0n.- PRoposlcl6N 2 DE ENUIENDA A LA CARTA ,Por favor use solarnente una,pluma de finta negra o azul Llene ORGAWICA completamente el espacio cuadrado a la izquierda do su selaccOn.No ,-So deberj enmendar la Seccijn 3.01 de la Carta 0'rggnica de la U-) hagamarcas extravladas. No use tintas que so pueden penetrar el Ciudad do Friends wood Para actualizar el afio en el cual se debe (C) paoel� C:) progran7ar la celebracl6n do las elections para cada puesto del C:) Consejo Municipal?' For A Favor 0 C:) correct Incorrect MAgainst En Contra C:) Q i b GENERAL ELECTION CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 3 ELECC16N GENERAL "Shall Section 3.06(c)of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to authorize the City Council to fill by appointment a vacancy on City 0 Councilmember, Position 2 Council when less than one year remains in the term of office at the swum Vote for none or one time the vacancy occurs?" Concejal, Poslci6n 2 PROPOSICION 3 DE ENRIENDA A LA CARTA (D Vote por ninguno o uno ORGAN/CA Sally Harris Branson Se deberg enmendar la Seccl6n 3,06(c)de la Calla Orgdnica de/a Ciudad do Friendswood autorizar al Consejo Municipal a ocupar CL E E Omar Peck mediante designaci6n un puesto vacante en el Consejo Municipal cuando queda menos de un afio en elperlodo del cargo al momento C0 Councilmember, Position 5 que ocufre la vacante?" U) Vote for none or one For A Favor Concejal, Posici6n 5 Vote por ninguno o uno Against En Contra o Lj David O'Farrell Ir- CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 4 °o ED John Scott "Shall Section 3.11(b)of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to C:) clearly provide that ordinances proposed for an agenda by a member of C:) City Council require approval of a majority of all members of the City C:) SPECIAL ELECTION co ELECC16N ESPECIAL Council before forwarding to the City Attorney for approval?" 0 C:) CD PRoposlcl6N 4 DE ENWIENDA A LA CARTA CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION I oRGANIcA 00 "Shall Section 3.01 of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to "-Se Se deberd enmendar la SecclJn 3.1 1(b)do la Calla Orginica de la C:) el . SEEK= clearly provide that no person shall be elected to serve in any capacity Ciudad de Friendswood Para disponer claramente que las ordenanzas WON on City Council for more than a total of four three-year terms?" propuestas para una orden del dia por un rulembro del Consejo PROPOSIC16N I DE ENUIENDA A LA CARTA Municipal requJoren la aorobaci6n de una mayoria de todos los oRGANIcA miembros del Consejo Municipal antes de presentalse alAbogado oe, Se deberi enmendar la Seccidr,3.01 de la Carta OrgiOnica de la la Ciudad para su aprobacOn?" Ciudad de Friendswood para disponer claramente que ninguna E:3 For A Favor persona puede ser electa pala,servir en un puesto del Consejo Municipal por mJs do un total de cuatro t6nninos de tres afios?" Against En Contra ED or A Favor Against En Contra MEN= Vote Both Sides Vote en Ambos Lados de la Rdgina Vote Both Sides Vote en Ambos Lados de la Rdgina [OFFICIAL BALLOT BOLETA OFICIAL GENE L AND SPECIAL ELECTION ELEccON GENERAL YESPECIAL CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS .CIUDAD DEFRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS May 06, 2017- 06 de maw de 2017 Precinct Precinto 742 EMEM CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 5 CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 8 i MEOW "Shall Section 3.11(b)of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to "Shall Section 4.01,subsections(a)and(c),of the Friendswood City law= eliminate the requirement that a proposed ordinance be posted at City Charter be amended to clarify that the appointment or removal of the MEN= Hall at least 72 hours before first reading while maintaining the City Manager shall require an affirmative vote of five or more members worms= requirement that it be posted in at least one public place at least 72 of City Council?" hours before first reading?" PRoposlcl6N 8 DE ENMIENDA A LA CARTA PRoposicl6iv 5 DE ENMIENDA A LA CARTA oRGANIcA c\J oRGANicA Se deberi enmendar la Secci6n 4.0 1,subsections(a)y(C),de la p 116.Se deberg enmendar la Secci6n 3.1 1(b)de la Carta Orgjnica de la Carta 0TgJn1ca de la Ciudad de Friendswood Para aclarar que la C) Ciudad do Friendswood Para ellmInar el requisito que indica que una designaci6n o rarnocl6n del Administrador de la Ciudad debe requedr ordenanza propuesta se debe publicar on el City Hall por lo menos 72 un voto aArmativo de cinco n7lembros o ings del Consejo Municipal?" N C:) horas antes de su primera lectura,Pero manteniendo el tequisito de O que se debe publicar on por 16 menos un lugar p6blico por lo menos 72 M For A Favor 0 horas antes de suprifnera lectura?" ® r—..m L—J Against En Contra 0 L—J For A Favor ff----I Against En Contra 0 0 CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 6 M M I "Shall Section 3.11(b)of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to provide that the reading of an ordinance which requires two readings may take place at either a regular or special Council meeting?" Or PROPOS106N 6 DE ENMIENDA A LA CARTA E oRGANIcA E M ".Se cfeberj enmendar la Seccl6n 3.11(b)de la Carta Orgilnica de la Cr) e 0) Ciudad de Friendswood Para disponer quo la lectura de una ordenanza que requiere dos lecturas se d6 lugar en una asamblea regular o especial del Consejo?" 00 For A Favor cr)- Against En Contra CD C) c) CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 7 C:) "Shall Section 3.11(b)of the Friendswood City Charter be amended to C) C) clarify that an ordinance requiring two readings is considered rejected if C) approval on final reading is not obtained within 90 days of the first reading?" 00 PROPOSICION 7 DE ENMIENDA A LA CARTA C) ORGANICA "-Se debenj enmendar la Secal6n 3.11(b)de/a Carta Orgilnica de la e Ciudad do Friendswood Para aclarar que una ordenanza que requIere mom= ME= dos lecturas se considera rechazada si no se obtiene)a aprobacl6n en NEE= la lectura Anal en un plazo de 90 dfas de la primera lectura?" HIM= For A Favor USE= Against En Contra NEE= SUN= Vote Both Sides Vote en Ambos Lados de la Pdgina R2017-15 Exhibit B Z.IDSVP At'ojlq6'E N D 'Am STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS MAY 151 2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD AT 6:00 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017, AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, REGARDING THE ITEMS OF BUSINESS ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA LISTED BELOW: 6:00 PM— REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to order 2. Invocation — Pastor Lynn Colby, Calvary Chapel Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance — United States and Texas (HONOR THE TEXAS FLAG; I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THEE, TEXAS, ONE STATE UNDER GOD, ONE AND INDIVISIBLE) 4. Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. PowerPoint presentations are not conducted during the citizen comment period) 5. Comments from Candidates and Incoming Councilmembers 6. Resolutions Consideration and possible action regarding the following: A. Resolution R2017-15: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, canvassing the returns of the May 06, 20179 City of Friendswood General Election for Council Positions No. 2 and No. 5. B. Resolution 82017-16: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, canvassing the returns of the May 6, 2017, City of Friendswood Special Election and instructing the Mayor to certify the results of the election to the appropriate State officials. 7. Presentation of Certificates of Election 8. Oaths of Office The Honorable Judge Woltz will administer the Oath of Office for Council Position No. 2 and Position No. 5. 9. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers 10. Adiournment *******A RECEPTION WILL FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COUNCIL MEETING IN THE FOYER OF CITY HALL. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive service must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's Office at (281) 996-3270 for further information. 1, MELINDA WELSH, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL WAS POSTED IN A PLACE CONVENIENT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, ON MAY 11, 2017, AT 4:00 PM. MELINDA WELSH, TRMC CITY SECRETARY "All meetings of City Council are open to the public, except when there is a necessity to meet in an Executive Session (closed to the public) under the provisions of Section 551, Texas Government Code. The City Council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session to hear any of the above described agenda items that qualify for an executive session by publicly announcing the applicable section number of the Open Meetings Act.