HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 84-01 ORDINANCE N0. � � AN ORDIi3ANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINA�CE �0 . 291 , PASSED AN� A�PPROVED tiS OF NOVEMBER 7 , 1y77 , AND KNGWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CIT�, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND FROP� R-1 TO R-2 ; CHANGING THE ZONIIvG MAP ACCORDINGLY; AI�1D PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATIivG TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS , the Friendswood Cit� Council and the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a joint public hearing on Decernber 5 , 1983 , to consider the rezoning of the hereinafter described parcels of land from R-1 to R-2 ; and WHEREAS , the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Ordinance No . 291 or the City of Friendswood, and that in such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether ar not the rezoning of said property from R-1 to R-2 wou.ld affect_ the public health, safety, morale , convenien.ce or generat we7_fare of the citizens of Friendswood, and whetner or not such rezoning would violate the rights of any interested persons ; and WHEREl-�S , as a resul.t of tne said publ�_c hearing and recommenda- tion from the Friendswood 7oning Cornmission , the Ci.ty Council finds that such rezoning is not detrimental to tne com.munity ; now, therefore , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section l. City af Frieridswood, Texas , Ordinance No. 291 , passed and approved on November 7 , 1977 , and known as tiie Zonirig Ordinan ce , is hereby amended by cha.nging the zoning classifi�a- ziori of the rollowing described properties from. R-1 to R-� : (Parcel #1 as EXHIBIT "A" and Parcel #� as EXHLBIT "B" are attacned nereto and made a part nereof. ) , ' Section 2 � The official. zoning map of the City shall be revised to show the above described tracts rPZOned from R-1 to R-2 . Section 3 . This ordinance snall in no way reduce , amend , supplement , or change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood other than to accompiish the rezoning of the tracts described in Section 1 from R-1 to R-2 . APPROVED ori fir�st reacling this � day of , I9 84. ArPROVED on second reading this���day of , 1984. PASSED, APPRGVED AND ADOPTED on third reading this�_day of , 1984 . � ��� �� !�.-� � Ma or Ralph L. Lowe ATTEST: Clty Secretary EXHIBIT "A" A tract or parcel of land 25 feet in width and 135 feet in length, and being part of and out of a tract or parcel of land out of a certain tract of 306 acres of land out of the James E. Perry and Emily M. Austin League situated on the line of Brazoria and Galveston Counties, Texas, granted to said Perry and Austin by Patent No. 349, Volume 7, on May 26, 1830, by the Governor of the Republic of Mexico, and being a part of the certain 306 acre - tract deeded by Charles Fowler dc W. A. McVittie, on May 20, 1905, and recorded in Volume 212, Pages 24 & 25, of the Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas, said tract or parcel of land herein described being described by metes and bounds as follows: Cornmencing at a point on the center of the Alvin-Friendswood Road, located on the southeast line of the Perry and Austin League at a . point 2970 feet (180 rods) North 45 degrees East from the South corner of said 306 acre tract; THENCE North 45 degrees West, a - distance of 526.25 feet to the beginning corner of the tract herein described; T'HENCE North 45 degrees West, a distance of 526.25 feet to the beginning corner of the tract herein described; THENCE from said beginning point North 45 degrees. West, a distance of 158.75 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 degrees V��est, a distance of 272.5 feet to.a point for corner; THENCE South 45 degrees East, a distance of 158.75 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 45 de�rees East a distance of 272.5 feet to the place of beginning. Said 25 feet by 135 feet tract of land being adjacent to that certain tract of land out of a part of Lot 1, Block 4, FRIENDSWOOD SUBDIVISION according to the plat thereo# recorded in Volume 238, Page 14, and Volume 254, Page 237, in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, said tract being the same tract of land as described by mete,s and bounds in the Deed from Ray Allen Whitley to Elsie Ruth Whitley recorded in Book 3289, Page 526 of the Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas. ,;�'' 'o' EXHIBIT "B" All that certain tract or parcel of land out of and a part of Lot 1, Block 4, Friendswood Subdivision out of the 5arah McKissick or J.B. Williams League, according to the plat of Friendawood recorded in Volume 238, Page 14, and Volume 254, Prge 237; in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, and the tract hereby conveyed being more particularly described by'metea and bounds as follows: � COi�NCIhG at the North corner of said Lot 1, Block 4, esid corner being the intersection of the centerline of Spresding Oaks Avenue and the centerlin� of Quaker Drive in the City of Friendswood, Texas; THENCE South 45 deg. East, along the Northeast line of said Lot 1, a distance of 165 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 deg. West, parallel with the Northwest line of Lot 1, a distance of 35 feet to an iron rod for corner in the Southwest R/W line of Quaker Drive and being the North corner and PLACE OF BEGINNING of the tract hereby conveyed; T.iENCE South 45 deg. East, along said S�uthwest R/W 11ne of Quaker Drive� a distance of 135 feet to an iron rod for corner at the interaection of the Southwest R/W line of Quaker Drive and the Northwest R/iJ line of 9unnyview Drive. T4iENCE South 45 deg. West, along eaid Northwest R/W line of Sunnyview,Drive, � u distance of 100 feet to an iron rod for corner; ZHENCE North 45 deg. West, parallel with the Northeast line, of Lot l, ,a diatance of 135 feet to an iron rod for corner; TNENCE North 45 deg. East, parallel with the Northweat line of Lot l, a dietance of 100 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.