HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 84-12 ORDINANCE N0. �!�/-/.7„ AN ORDII�ANCE AP�iENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291 PASSED AND APPROVED AS OF iJOVEh�BER 7, 1977, AT1D KN06VPJ A5 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE C.iTY, BY CHI�NGING THE ZONITJG OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND FRO1�S R-1 TO C-1 FIRST 300 ' APdD REn1AINING 360 'I�i-l. (LOCATED 4$30 E. EDGEWOOD) T�3IiEREAS, t�ne Frienclswood City Counci:L anc� the Friendswooc� Planning and Zoning Commission conc�ucted a joint public �zearing on April 12, 1984, to consic�cr the rezoning of tl�e hereinafter describea parcels of land from R-1 to the first 300 ' to C-1, the remaining 360 ' to ii-l; and ��IHEREAS, the hearing was uuiy ca�led as providec� by the law� of the State of Texas ana Orr�inance No. 291 of the City of Friendswooe�, anc� that in such hearing all persons attending were a11o4�eu to be heard on t��e question of whether or not t�ze rezoninc� of saia property from R-1 to ttie first 300 ' to C-1, tize rernaining 360 ' to �i-I woulc� affect tl�e public health, safety, rnorale, canvenience or r�eneral welfare of ti�e citizens of Frienc�swood, ana w�iether or not such rezoning would violate tYYe rig�its nf any inter�sted �ersons; and WHEREAS, aa a result of t�ie said pubiic Y�earing and recommenciation from the Friendswooa Zoninc� Comrnission, t�ie City Council finds that such rezonYng is not aetrim�ntal to the cointnunity; now, tlzerefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF Z'EXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Te:�as, Orclinance No. 291, �assed an� approved on Plovember 7, 1977, anci known as the Zoning Ordinance, is lzereby aniendeci by changing the zoning classification of the following aescribea properties from R-1 to the first 300 ' to C-1, the remaining 360 ' �to I�7-1: (EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO Ai�dD i�IAD� A PA�tT HEREJF. ) Sectic�n 2. The off icial zoning ma�� of the City shall be revised to show the above aescribea tracts r�zoned frora R-1 to C- 1 and M-1. Section 3. T�iis ordinance sna11 in nc. ��aj reduce, arnend, su�plement, or chanc�e any provision of any orainance of the Ci�ty of Friendswood other than to accomplish the rezoning of t�Ye tracts described in Section 1 from R-1 to C-1 and M-1. APPROVED ON FIRST R�ADING THIS 21ST DAY OF r4AY, 19$4. APPROVED UN SECOIID READIPdG THIS 7TH D�Y OF JUt�TE, 19II4. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIRD READING THIS 18thDAY OF JUNE 19�4. � L''� • �C=� MAYOR ALPH L. LOWE � CITY SECRETARY .u,. ( ,. .. t . .. . . - , ._. ..,..... . ......... ....�,.....-.. ...�.. . . � ....w. w . ... . ...� . _..... �.,... . . . " ' ' : r, .. �. .�..�... . �...� ...,.. .r.• ...... _ ...�... � « �w. . , , '•�. . ,� ' � i 1 . . . , � . � ' . . , - . • ' � •• - , � .. . . .. � . ' . . .. . ' � � � ` , ' � .., � , '__"���•.'�". _...' _... _.�.."'..�.��,_""�_".��"� AJ�� '� . '�_'�._'_"'.. .�-�--�-��_"�"'�� �. ATTACHMENT ` has G RANTED, SOLD'and CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unio the said Grantee of � Harris County, Texas, all'that certsin lot,�tract or parcel of land, together with ell improvements thereon, lying and be�ng State of,Texas described as follows, to-wit: , I situated in the County of Hc+rris, �. Division A of Lot �62 , containing 10 acres , of a Resubdi�vision � o� Lots 62 , 63 , 64 and 65 of the Hoida1e & Coffman Subdivision � � of the Perry & Austin League , Abstract 55 , in Har.ris County , � Texas , according to the map thereof recorded in Volubeing the same ,� I Page 6 , of the Map Records . of Narris County , Texas . , 290 , ( property descr�i�bed in deed dated September 12 , 1976 ,Vo1 . 4171 ,pg SAVE AND EXCEPT all reservations , assignments , co�Onerts � but • ; � easements reaat� ng to the hereinabove descr� bed p p Y . only �t� the extent they �are sti11 in effect � and shown of record . � in Harris County , Texas . � r • . , . , 4 ' � . . • ' . . � r. • ' � . � , • 1 ' ' � � , , . , , I • ' ' . �� , i , r � . , � ' � . ' . ' . �..: . • ' . . � , . � ' . ' ' . . . � � � � '